Fayyad, who is linking to lots of anti-Israel videos from Shehab News Agency and others, is clearly advocating that Arabs stab Jews.
His main profile image shows rock throwing as well, associating it with the colors of the PLO flagm happily proclaiming that "the intifada has begun":
Sounds like he is right in the mainstream of other UNRWA employees that we have been uncovering for months now - gleefully supporting violence against Jews.
Yesterday I reported on two other apparent UNRWA employees, both teachers, who also chose romantic allusions to violence as their Facebook profiles pictures. By any sane measure, given UNRWA's stated neutrality aims, people who literally define themselves by violence - as seen by their choice of profile pictures on Facebook - must be fired. It is the cyberspace equivalent of a teacher in the US deciding to place a tattoo of a notorious violent gang on his or her face.
But UNRWA will do nothing besides asking the workers to remove the images, because it could jeopardize their funding. Which, after all the high and mighty rhetoric about upholding the UN's ideals, is all they really care about.
(h/t Ibn Boutros)