Monday, September 02, 2024

  • Monday, September 02, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas has admitted that they murdered the six Israeli hostages. They made videos of each of them in the hours before they executed them by gunshot, and are starting to use those videos to further split Israeli society and put political pressure on the government to allow Hamas to survive.

Hamas said they will continue to murder the hostages as long as the IDF attempts to rescue them.

Here's a poster they made with that disgusting promise.

It says, in Hebrew and Arabic, "Military pressure equals death and failure... an exchange deal equals freedom and life." Yet even Hamas posters show that they are happy to execute hostages.

As the Nazis often did in death camps, Hamas is pretending that their choice to murder Jews is a natural outcome of the choices Jews make. If Jews in death camps tried to escape, or to attack guards, the Nazis would murder more Jews and pretend that the Jews who tried to save their lives or fight back were responsible for the innocents murdered afterwards. 

It is a level of sadism that Hamas shares with Hitler's henchmen. 

I don't want to minimize the impossible position that the government of Israel is in, simultaneously trying to save the hostages but trying not to allow Hamas to be in a position to do the exact same thing again. 

But make no mistake: Hamas has admitted that do not care about morality, or international humanitarian law, or the laws of armed conflict. They are cold blooded executioners who blame their own murderous ways on innocents.

When Hamas and its Western defenders claim that the terror group has "no choice," they are claiming that Hamas has no free will. Only animals have no choice when they attack humans or others, and only animals cannot be blamed for those deaths. Hamas and its defenders are justifying murders by saying Hamas has no choice but to murder and rape Israelis. They are admitting that, at a minimum, Hamas are animals - by their own logic.

One cannot negotiate with animals.

But in reality, Hamas terrorists are biologically human. They do make the choice of whether to murder or not, whether to rape or not, whether to put the families of the hostages through hell or not. 

Which means they aren't animals. They are Nazis.

Anyone who gives credence to Hamas' claims is helping Hamas.  They are buying into the logic that Hamas has no choice but to murder. Doing so plays into Hamas' hands, and that is exactly the reason Hamas spends so much time torturing the families of the hostages with highly edited and coerced videos. 

Blaming Bibi for trying to save hostages is doing exactly what Hamas wants the world to do. 

This week's events prove (as if October 7 already didn't) that Hamas and its allies are today's Nazis. My heart goes out to the families of the remaining hostages but the world cannot treat Hamas as anything other than what they are. By giving them respect, by blaming Israel for failed negotiations, by protesting against Israel instead of Hamas, people are doing exactly what these modern day Nazis want them to do. 

But if the world truly internalized how evil Hamas is and treated Hamas like the Nazis they are, Hamas would have no leverage. 

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