Tuesday, September 03, 2024

  • Tuesday, September 03, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
"The Academic Question of Palestine", by Walaa Alqaisiya, was published as an introduction to a special edition of the Middle East Critique journal in August.

Here is its abstract:

Building on the work of Edward Said, we maintain that Palestine constitutes a unique question with special status in international academic spaces, particularly in the West, because of its entanglement with other imperial and settler colonial forms of dispossession. We argue that the special place that Zionism and its defence has occupied for decades in academia has rendered Palestine one of the thorniest and most divisive issues of our time. In the new millennium, the birth of the BDS movement; the emergence of new solidarities with global anti-racist movements; the scholarly and human rights consensus that Israel constitutes a regime settler colonial apartheid; the acceleration of Zionist violence, until the Gaza genocide, have generated new forms of repression and resistance in the academic space. This Special Issue offers the tools for understanding these recent transformations of the question of Palestine.
Notice how academia has created a completely fake version of Israel that is supported by its own false articles to create an edifice built out of playing cards. 

The author writes, as fact, that Israel is guilty of settler colonialism, of apartheid, of genocide - all lies and all easily disproven, but the desire to pretend that these are true outweigh any counter-arguments to these pseudo-scholars. 

The only thing unique about "Palestine" is Jews. If an identical "nation" had been created anywhere else in the world, it would not get one percent of the publicity or interest. If it wasn't for antisemitism, the word "Palestine" would mean today what it meant in 1948: the English translation of Eretz Yisrael, nothing more. 

The actual paper starts off with a quote that is a lie:

“We call upon our colleagues in the homeland and internationally to support our steadfast attempts to defend and preserve our universities for the sake of the future of our people, and our ability to remain on our Palestinian land in Gaza. We built these universities from tents. And from tents, with the support of our friends, we will rebuild them once again.”

(Gaza Academics and Administrators)
Really? The universities in Gaza were built from tents?

Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) was founded in 1978.
Al-Azhar University-Gaza was esstablished in 1991.
Gaza University was founded in 2000.
Palestine Polytechnic University, which has a Gaza branch, was established in 1978 in Hebron, with the Gaza branch more recent.

Notice that every one of these major universities in Gaza were established under Israeli "occupation."

So when the paper says Israel is engaging in "scholasticide" against Gazans, it doesn't want you to know that Israel approved and allowed each Gaza university to be built to begin with. If Israel intended to destroy all academia in the territories, why did no university exist under Jordanian and Egyptian rule, and only under Israeli rule?

Every paragraph in the article includes lies and deceit. Nothing negative is said about Hamas, and every Israeli strike in Gaza is framed as a deliberate act of extermination of civilians instead of an attack on a terror group for whom civilians only exist to protect it. It even frames the Simchat Torah massacre of civilians in heroic military terms, as "the military operation launched by Hamas and Palestinian militant groups on October 7."

That is just one example of the sloppiness and falsehood that we see in academic papers about Israel, multiple times every month. And I hope to show other examples just from August 2024.

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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