Saul Singer and Dan Senor: Israel’s Blueprint for a Revival of the West
Israelis are not lonely, and this probably goes far in explaining an extraordinary anomaly: according to the last UN World Happiness Report, Israel is the fourth happiest country in the world.Yisrael Medad: Jews supporting the ideology of elimination
In perhaps the greatest sign of confidence in the future, Israelis have by far more children than any other wealthy democracy. It is an iron law of demography that as countries become more economically productive, they become less reproductive. There are no exceptions. Every other wealthy democracy is well below the replacement fertility rate of 2.1—the OECD average is 1.6 children per woman.
But Israel has been at about 3.0 for the last 25 years. And it is not just because of the ultra-orthodox. Having three children is about the norm in secular Tel Aviv, and having four is not uncommon. One television report even claimed that “four is the new three.” (Compare this to Japan, the world’s oldest country, where more adult diapers than baby diapers are sold each year.)
Israelis not only have larger families but closer ones. While short distances help—you can drive all of Israel, top to bottom, in seven hours—it is not the only reason that three generations of families get together nearly every week on Shabbat. While the world is plagued with a loneliness epidemic and “deaths of despair”—that is, deaths from suicide, alcohol, and drug abuse—Israel has one of the lowest levels of such deaths in the OECD.
Meaning over Materialism
“The incredible thing is that the tech CEOs—if they were not drafted themselves— not only personally dropped everything to join the war effort, but also encouraged all their employees to do so,” said Adi Soffer Teeni, the head of Facebook’s Israel development center.
Over 24 hours, beginning the morning of October 7, a team of 20 people from different tech companies built a system using AI and facial recognition to identify missing people—many of them kidnapped—from videos posted by Hamas on social media. It would have been impossible for the military or the government to have built such a system so quickly.
Tech volunteers also built an app with a “rescue me” button, following the national trauma of thousands of people trapped in safe rooms or hiding in fields waiting for 18 hours or more to be saved. They created the equivalent of an Airbnb system to keep track of empty hotel rooms around the country that could be used by evacuees in need, and a volunteer-powered personalized delivery service to get people across the country their meals and medicines.
Some of the top tech CEOs in Israel joined the effort full time. Eynat Guez, the founder and CEO of the hot start-up Papaya Global, was put in charge of creating an airlift of military supplies, such as ceramic flak jackets. Michal Beinisch, another founder, headed up procurement, sourcing supplies from various countries. “Our people were ten times overqualified for what they were doing. If you asked me if it were possible to build a start-up this fast, I would have said no way,” Israeli venture capitalist Gigi Levy-Weiss told us. Imagine if America went to war. Would Silicon Valley’s start-up founders offer themselves up in this way?
Israel is a changed country after October 7. But one of the changes is in the way that these values now permeate even parts of society that had seemed immune to them.
As the Israeli public intellectual Micah Goodman put it, “We’re not supporting the government. We’re not waiting for the government. We’re not waiting for Israel. We are Israel.”
The war reporter Sebastian Junger writes that “Modern society has perfected the art of making people not feel necessary.” The exception to this is modern Israel, where Israelis feel necessary. They take ownership of their fate. They feel they have a personal responsibility in building—and now rebuilding—their country.
While Israel may at this moment look like the last place other countries should emulate, look closer. In Israel’s hidden societal strength lie not only the seeds of Israel’s revival, but a possible blueprint for the revival of the West.
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee published a position paper on Aug. 15, 1967 in reaction to the Six-Day War, in which they wrote of the “Zionists … illegal takeover of Palestine” and that “the United Nations partition plan … was not legal under the Charter of the United Nations and was never approved by any African, Asian or Middle-Eastern country.” In fact, already in the June-July 1967 issue of the SNCC newsletter, one can find a semblance of the current theme of intersectionality in the explanation of the editors that African-Americans must know and understand what “our brothers are doing in their homelands” in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.Victor Davis Hanson: The Mindset of Our Anti-Semites
Furthermore, the SNCC asserted in August that “Israel is and always has been the tool and foot-hold for American and British exploitation.” In addition to referring to a conspiracy theory about the Rothschilds, the statement ends:
“America has worked with and used powerful organized Zionist movement to take over another people’s home and to replace these people with a partner who has well served America’s purpose … to exploit and control the nations of Africa, the Middle East and Africa.”
By 1973, as a result of Maxime Rodinson’s treatise that originally appeared in French in 1967 (having been written in 1966) titled “Israel: A Colonial-Settler State?”, the portrayal of Zionism and Israel as illegitimate and representing the worst example of what the New Left opposed was well entrenched. The foundations for today’s thought framework were being constructed already then.
Thus, in 2018, one could read at the OpenDemocracy website, in total falsification, that: “The first European Jews landed on the shores of Palestine and established early settlements in the 19th century. In 1948, Zionist forces systematically took over land. … The foundations of Israel are rooted in a colonial project that has modernized its face but continues to subject Palestinians … .” And slowly, but surely, this framework of the conflict settled into the minds of academics and then into university teaching staff and then into the minds of the students.
But what was required was a specific Jewish twist to this process, an obversion of the simple truth. This was provided by the neo-Marxist progressive camp that was developing.
Its eventual formulation was provided by journalist Peter Beinart, writing in The New York Times on Oct. 23 that “Jews in the United States, and even Israel, were beginning to see Palestinian liberation as a form of Jewish liberation as well.” An earlier version of this catchphrase was that of sociologist Na’ama Carlin, dual Israeli-Australian citizen, who penned “No liberation until Palestinian liberation” in Eureka Street on April 16, 2018. In July of that year, marchers of IfNotNow carried a banner, seen in New York magazine, which read “The Jewish Future Demands Palestinian Freedom.” The fates of the two peoples were being intertwined, although there was no value equivalency—historical, cultural, literary, religious or legal in any way.
Civilian casualtiesYale Law Students for Hamas
Campus activists scream that Israel has slaughtered “civilians” and is careless about “collateral damage.” They equate retaliating against mass murderers who use civilians to shield them from injury, while warning any Gazans in the region of the targeted response to leave, as the moral equivalent of deliberately butchering civilians in a surprise attack.
So did protestors mass in the second term of Barrack Obama when he focused on Predator drone missions inside Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen to go after Islamic terrorists who deliberately target civilians?
At the time, the hard-left New York Times found the ensuing “collateral damage” in civilian deaths merely “troubling.” No matter—Obama persisted, insisting as he put it, “Let’s kill the people who are trying to kill us.” Note Obama did not expressly say the terrorists in Pakistan or Yemen were killing Americans, but “trying” to kill Americans. For him, that was, quite properly, enough reason “to kill” the potential assassins of Americans.
What would the Harvard President today say of Benjamin Netanyahu saying just that about Hamas?
We have no idea how many women, children, and elderly were in the general vicinity of a targeted terrorist in Pakistan or Yemen when an American drone missile struck. Then CIA Director John Brennan later admitted that he had lied under oath (with zero repercussions), when he testified to Congress that there was no collateral damage in drone targeted assassinations.
Obama was proud of his preemptive assassination program. Indeed, in lighthearted fashion he joked at the White House Correspondence Dinner about his preference for lethal drone missions, when he “warned” celebrities not to date his daughters: “But boys, don’t get any ideas. I have two words for you, ‘predator drones.’ You will never see it coming. You think I’m joking.”
Did the campuses erupt and scream “Not in my name” when their president laughed about his assassination program? After all, Obama had also admitted, “There is no doubt that civilians were killed who shouldn’t have been.” Did he then stop the targeted killings due to collateral damage—as critics now demand a cease fire from Israel?
Genocide is now the most popular charge in the general damnation of Israel, a false smear aimed at calling off the Israeli response to Hamas, burrowed beneath civilians in Gaza City.
But how strange a charge! Pro-Hamas demonstrators the world over chant “From the River to the Sea,” unambiguously calling for the utter destruction of Israel and its 9 million population. Are the Hamas supporters then “genocidal?”
Is genocide the aim of Hamas that launched over 7,000 rockets into Israeli cities without warning? What is the purpose of the purportedly 120,000 rockets in the hands of Hezbollah if not to target Israeli noncombatants? Is all that a genocidal impulse?
Do Hamas and Hezbollah drop leaflets to civilians, as does Israel, to flee the area of a planned missile attack—or is that against their respective charters?
Hamas leaders in Qatar and Beirut continue to give interviews bragging about their October 7 surprise mass murdering of civilians. They even promise more such missions that likewise will be aimed at beheading, torturing, executing, incinerating, and desecrating the bodies of hundreds of Jewish civilians, perhaps again in the early morning during a holiday and a time of peace.
Is that planned continuation of mass killing genocidal? Does the amoral UN recall any other mass murdering spree when the killers beheaded infants, cooked them in ovens, and raped the dead?
Perhaps students at Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and Stanford will protest the real genocide in Darfur where some half-million black African Sudanese have been slaughtered by mostly Muslim Arab Sudanese. Did the Cornell professor who claimed he was “exhilarated” on news of beheaded Jewish babies protest the slaughter of the Sudanese? Did the current campus protestors ever assemble to scream about the Islamists who slaughtered the indigenous Africans of Sudan?
Are professors at Stanford organizing to refuse all grants and donations that originate from communist China? Remember, the Chinese communist Party has never apologized for the party’s genocidal murder of some 60-80 millions of its own during the Maoist Cultural Revolution, much less its systematic efforts to eliminate the Uyghur Muslim population?
These examples could easily be expanded. But they suffice to remind us that the Middle-East and Western leftist attacks on Israel for responding to the October 7 mass murdering are neither based on any consistent moral logic nor similarly extended to other nations who really do practice apartheid, genocide, and kill without much worry about collateral damage.
So why does the world apply a special standard to Israel?
To the leftist and Islamist, Israel is guilty of being:
1) Jewish;
2) Too prosperous, secure, and free;
3) Sufficiently Western to meet the boilerplate smears of colonialist, imperialist, and blah, blah, blah.
In its own telling, Yale Law School's Schell Center for International Human Rights seeks to "equip lawyers and other professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to advance the cause of international human rights."
It has educated students and human rights professionals on atrocities large and small, issuing a detailed report last year on ethnic cleansing in Myanmar and proposing a framework in mid-September to moderate "indirect hate speech online"—whatever that means.
But six days after Hamas's Oct. 7 massacre and kidnapping of over 1,600 Israelis, the center was silent.
On Oct. 13, a Jewish law student implored the center to speak out.
"Don't stay silent in the face of this genocide," the student wrote in an email—reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon and the Free Press—to James Silk, a Yale Law School professor and the co-director of the Schell Center. "Be a leader for human rights."
Silk replied that the center was still deciding whether to address the massacre. The situation, he said, was "complex."
"We at the Schell Center are trying very hard and earnestly to do what is … in some calculation, best for our responsibilities and our community," Silk wrote. "That is more complex than people hurt so directly by last week's atrocities in Israel might feel."
The need to appreciate the complexity of human rights atrocities—and the idea that those experiencing them secondhand can't see the larger picture—seems to be a recent development. Last year, the Schell Center sponsored an event on Israeli "apartheid" with Omar Shakir, a pro-Palestinian activist, as its sole speaker. "There is consensus today in the global human rights movement, spanning the major Israeli, Palestinian and international organizations, that Israeli authorities are committing the crime against humanity of apartheid against millions of Palestinians," materials advertising the event read.
In fact, the relationship between Israel and the West Bank is considerably more "complex" than the Oct. 7 massacre, which has been condemned as a war crime by all major human rights groups, including those critical of Israel. The Schell Center's willingness to address one issue but not the other rankled some Jewish students, who slammed the double standard in an open letter to alumni of Yale Law School.
"What kind of 'Center for International Human Rights' would refuse to host an event condemning the largest pogrom since the Holocaust," the students wrote on Oct. 20. "Does the Schell Center not think that Israelis are entitled to human rights, too? Or is it perhaps because they were Jewish?"
Bret Stephens: Lessons Israelis Learn from the Hamas Attack
Not the least of Hamas' aims was to kill Jews for its own sake, to instill a sense of terror so visceral and vivid that it would imprint itself on Israel's psyche for generations. In that, it has succeeded. Israelis are under no illusions that had the Hamas terrorists been able to kill 100 or 1,000 times as many of them as they did on Oct. 7, they would have done so without hesitation.Col. Richard Kemp: If anyone can rescue the hostages, it's the IDF
Hamas' goal is fundamentally homicidal: to end Israel as a state by slaughtering every Jew within it. How can critics of Israeli policy insist on a unilateral ceasefire if they can't offer a credible answer to a reasonable Israeli question: How can we go on like this?
The issue of Israel's internally displaced people gets short shrift in most news accounts. But it's central to the way in which Israelis perceive the war. There are now more than 150,000 Israelis - proportionately the equivalent of 5.3 million Americans - who were forced out of their homes by the attacks of Oct. 7. Small cities like Sderot, near Gaza, and Kiryat Shmona, near Lebanon, are now mostly ghost towns.
Israeli military planners have been war-gaming an invasion of Gaza for decades and have tools and tactics that can flush Hamas fighters out of their maze of tunnels. The Israeli public is not likely to be swayed by civilian casualties into supporting any kind of ceasefire in the military campaign until Hamas is defeated and the hostages are returned. Israelis spent 18 years watching Hamas turn to its military advantage every Israeli concession - including free electricity, cash transfers of Qatari funds, work permits for Gazans, thousands of truckloads of humanitarian goods. Israelis won't get fooled again.
I went to see Amir Tibon, a correspondent for the left-leaning Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz. Tibon became internationally famous last month after his family's rescue by his 62-year-old father, Noam (a retired general), when his kibbutz was overrun by Hamas terrorists. I asked Amir what needed to change going forward. His first answer: More people would need permits to carry personal sidearms.
Douglas Murray: Oct. 7 got quickly knocked down the news agenda, the world must know more about it
Prominent British author Douglas K. Murray is in i24NEWS studios to discuss the global spike in antisemitism and its link with the mass immigration from Muslim-majority counties, and the tragedy of the October 7 massacre.
Israeli doctor recounts 'apocalyptic' October 7
On October 7, Dr. Ori Galante was saving lives in a southern Israeli hospital while his family were fighting for theirs. At one point he was sent a video of his elderly aunt on a motorcycle, sandwiched between two gunmen. He speaks to i24NEWS' Guy Azriel.
Editor's Notes: Why they tear down hostage posters
Bereft mother 'stunned' after grinning Londoner tears down posters of kidnapped daughters
Too many policy makers want to just feel good, but to actually do good they must do and say things that do not feel so good, like telling Palestinians that they are not refugees and possess no “right of return”.
— Dr. Einat Wilf (@EinatWilf) November 9, 2023
Full talk (start at minute 18)
This Islamist picked on the wrong Jew 😇
— Israel Advocacy Movement (@israel_advocacy) November 9, 2023
EVEN MORE: John Fetterman tells pro-terrorist protester “I think you should be protesting Hamas.”
— Matthew Foldi (@MatthewFoldi) November 10, 2023
Does NOT support Hamas’s demands for a fake “ceasefire”
BEASTMODE: Fetterman Waves Israeli Flag at Hamas Supporters Getting Arrested Outside Capitol
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) November 10, 2023
Detroit police REFUSE to name suspect arrested for murder of Jewish synagogue leader Samantha Woll - but say they're at 'critical juncture' in the case
JPost Editorial: Journalists embedded with Hamas on Oct. 7 violated all media redlines
Cotton: Investigate news outlets over freelancers ‘embedded with Hamas’
AP Was Warned in 2018 About its Hamas ‘Journalist’
5 years ago, @CAMERAorg sent a senior @AP editor evidence that Hassan Eslaiah "openly identifies with Hamas' political platform and is a rabid anti-Semite who praises terrorists and expresses joy over the murder of innocent and unarmed Israelis." They knew. See 12/13/18 email
— Tamar Sternthal (@TamarSternthal) November 9, 2023
Ben Shaprio: These “Journalists” Work for Hamas
Hamas supporters in the press are now claiming that Israel is intentionally targeting Palestinian journalists. Who in their right mind thinks that Israel would actually do this?
Line between ‘terrorist militant and journalist’ was blurred in Hamas attack
There are revelations about the media’s role in covering the October 7 Hamas terror attack with an investigation lifting the lid on the line between terrorist militant and journalist being blurred.
The investigation by Honest Reporting found photo journalists used by the AP, CNN the New York Times and Reuters positioned themselves in the middle of the terror attack so they could take photos and collect video.
Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton said this is like knowing a plane is about to be hijacked but instead of reporting that and saving lives, you let it happen.
“Either to get a good photo or because you agree with the motives,” he said.
Mr Houghton said the findings also raise questions about advanced knowledge.
“For journalists with camera gear to find themselves embedded with a terror cell, they must have had advanced notice of the attack.
“You don't just teleport into a situation like this. It would have taken sources, planning and time.”
Another thing: if you thought you hated the media enough, you do not.
— Lilly Wilson (@RealLillyWilson) November 10, 2023
Hey @nytimes, do you have an explanation as to how Yousef Masoud was woken by rockets "shortly after 5:30 a.m. on Saturday morning" when they hadn't been fired yet? The first rockets were fired around an hour later at 6:30 a.m.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 10, 2023
"We condemn Israel's killing of journalists in Gaza and urge integrity in Western media coverage of Israel's atrocities against Palestinians."
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) November 10, 2023
Holy cow, folks. Not even a pretense of objectivity. Israel is the enemy. Only mention of Hamas: "Since the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas..."
There are journalists on this letter using their institutional U.S. government @USAGMgov affiliation.
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) November 10, 2023
The guy in the photo kissing him -- Yahya Sinwar -- is head of Hamas and an internationally-designated terrorist who oversaw the torture, murder, and mutilation of his own countryman for being gay.
— Sunny (@sunnyright) November 10, 2023
Wow only took one google search.
— Yoshiyahu (@yoshiyahureform) November 10, 2023
(That’s not what happened, and it’s not a coincidence that this is the same Evan who took flack weeks ago for Hamas talking points)
— Sunny (@sunnyright) November 10, 2023
AP’s statement is…something else. Journalists have a role to play gathering events as embeds *in war.* Its very different to embed with a terror cell, ride with them while holding a grenade, then manage, somehow, not to get usable footage of your besties murdering babies.
— Emily Zanotti 🦝 (@emzanotti) November 9, 2023
Noticing things is extremely dangerous again.
— Jarvis (@jarvis_best) November 10, 2023
Of course all of this explains why AP was renting office space from Hamas in the first place.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 8, 2023
AP is sending out a template response to media inquiries:
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 9, 2023
"AP uses images taken by freelancers around the world, including in Gaza. Hassan Eslaiah has been an occasional freelancer for AP and other news organizations.
The Associated Press had no knowledge of the Oct. 7 attacks…
Unlike CNN, the New York Times — which hires former Al Jazeera reporters — decided to defend their “Palestine photographer.” The NYTs Israel reporter, a former Al Jazeera reporter, accused the public of “dangerous and unsupported accusation.”
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 9, 2023
Yet another video of Hassan Eslaiah, the photojournalist who worked for CNN and the AP. Here he is (pre-10/7) with terrorists launching incendiary balloons at Israel.
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) November 9, 2023
The big media news today was an AP, Reuters & CNN 'stringer' riding with Hamas brandishing a grenade and literally taking a kissing selfie with the guy behind the Oct. 7 slaughter, and some ppl's response is "too pro-Israel!"
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) November 10, 2023
Was it that he was only holding one grenade? My lord.
Columbia University suspends SJP, JVP chapters
What’s really at the root of anti-Jewish hate on college campuses
California Legislative Jewish Caucus outraged at antisemitism ‘explosion’ at state universities
Jewish billionaire resigns from Board of Columbia Business School over 'blatantly anti-Jewish student groups' on campus
Another reminder to Jewish university students. "Hate speech" in general is not illegal. However, other students blocking your way to class, harassing you individually, physically intimidating you, or otherwise engaging in actions that are illegal are in fact illegal, even if…
— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) November 10, 2023
‘Holocaust 2.0’ graffitied on the University of Maryland by pro-Palestinian student activists
“A lot of people have expressed their shock about what’s happened on college campuses… but I wasn’t shocked. And I want to tell you why.”
— The Free Press (@TheFP) November 9, 2023
Watch Free Press intern @juliaonatroika’s testimony in front of Congress this morning on the rise of antisemitism on college campuses.
“The answer is not for Jews to try and fit into the DEI caste system, to beg for a higher rank in the new ladder of victimhood.”
— The Free Press (@TheFP) November 9, 2023
Watch Free Press intern @juliaonatroika testify in front of Congress on the rise of antisemitism on college campuses.
It’s looking like the @Harvard response to antisemitism will involve more DEI.
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) November 9, 2023
In a new massage on combating antisemitism, President Claudine Gay says they are exploring “how we can build on the initial steps taken by the Office for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging to…
Telling that it wasn’t already.
— Adam Rubenstein (@RubensteinAdam) November 9, 2023
LA charter school housed at synagogue tells 1st-graders about ‘genocide of Palestine’
Anti-Semitic Slogans Projected on UPenn Buildings
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) November 9, 2023
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) November 9, 2023
.@pal_legal. Who exactly are you representing? Hamas supporters? Hostage poster rippers? Professors who justify murder, rape and kidnapping? We'd like to know.
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) November 10, 2023
Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Cornell Jewish Student and Others Testifying About Campus Anti-Semitism
Jewish MIT Students Warn Campus ‘Not Safe for Jews,’ Describe Hostile Environment Amid Anti-Israel Protests
This is the reality that MIT President wants to hide. A letter from Israeli & Jewish MIT students:
— Retsef Levi (@RetsefL) November 10, 2023
To all students at MIT,
Today, Jewish and Israeli MIT students were physically prevented from attending class by a hostile group of pro-Hamas and anti-Israel MIT students that…
The young man on the left is a Tulane student who had his nose broken when dueling Pro Palestinian and Israeli protests turned violent. It’s one of countless stories since 10/7 about a tsunami of Jew hate. What’s happening and why? Please tune in 9p Sunday @CNN
— Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN) November 9, 2023
The administration at @Tulane is apparently washing off pro-Israel students' chalk, but pro-Palestinian students' chalk can stay...and the administration is reportedly taking down hostage posters too.
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) November 10, 2023
Apparently it's not just the students who support Hamas at Tulane...
Today, in my capacity as a reporter for @PrincetonTory, I covered a Pro-Palestinian Walkout on Princeton's campus. I stood at a distance, gathering footage and audio of the protestors, but protesters continued to stalk and harass me.
— Alexandra Orbuch (@OrbuchA) November 10, 2023
Outside NYU's Stern School of business on Greene and W 4th street.
— Eli Steinberg (@HaMeturgeman) November 10, 2023
Evil looking to erase the inconvenient fact that Hamas is holding Jews hostage in Gaza.
Such pathetic people, fighting their battles against papers which can't fight
Today at McGill University, the pro-Hamas students held a rally where they cheered over “terrifying” Jewish students and pledged to continue to harass Jews “until they give up.”
— Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر (@emilykschrader) November 9, 2023
Bad news for her? We don’t give in to bullying and terrorist threats.
Don’t believe us? F*** around…
The pro-murder, pro-rape, pro-kidnap mob descended on @Tulane University to proclaim they are tools of a terrorist
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 9, 2023
The pro-murder, pro-rape, pro-kidnap mob has descended on @TuftsUniversity to chant the chant of terrorists (and @RashidaTlaib): “From the River to the Sea”
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 9, 2023
⬇️ they support atrocity
It’s crazy how they say Oct 7 was just “Palestine defending themselves” but also claim Hamas isn’t Palestine
— Ahmed Al Asliken 🕋☪️✈️ (@assliken) November 9, 2023
Was this letter drafted by Hamas?
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 10, 2023
Seriously, not a word to condemn their massacre and slaughter of 1,400 people on Oct 7 or demand the immediate release of the 240+ hostages, including many children and elderly, they are holding captive in Gaza?@jeremycorbyn @corbyn_project
Because returning your coffee will #FreePalestine.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 9, 2023
Honestly, are these mouthpieces of Hamas trying to pester us to death?
Do Allahu Akbar next
— Bad antizionist takes (@antiantizionist) November 10, 2023
In retrospect, I think it's possible that this person's employer was on to something
— Yair Rosenberg (@Yair_Rosenberg) November 10, 2023
Every single time I see some dipshit say something with a Palestinian flag in their profile, all I have to do is go back to October 7th to see what they really think.
— Destiny (@TheOmniLiberal) November 9, 2023
Ironically, this protest received a perfect ESG score
— Joel Berry (@JoelWBerry) November 9, 2023
Know your enemies
— Five Lucky Fingers (@5luckyfingers) November 10, 2023
Palestinian women cannot wait to show these outfits off in the streets of Gaza City, right!?
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 10, 2023
The Sheytan Body Chain on the left and Diamond Chest Chain on the right retail for 200 and 600 USD respectively.
Do you know the GDP per capita of Gaza and the West Bank, @miakhalifa?
Today is the anniversary of Kristallnacht 1938.
— Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁ (@COLRICHARDKEMP) November 9, 2023
Hi everybody I'm the owner of Harvey’s Mart, I just want you to know that there was a protest in Swanston street outside of my store and they are the ones who put this poster on my store's door but we removed this poster once we realized it and that's how it looks like now
— Gendy (@gendymoe9) November 10, 2023
BBC executive admits flawed Israel war coverage could endanger British Jews
A senior BBC executive has admitted that errors in its news coverage of the Israel could endanger British Jews - but insisted such mistakes were inevitable because of the “fog of war”.Outrage as BBC journalist who called Israel ‘terrorists’ returns to cover war
Rhodri Talfan Davies, the BBC executive in charge of local and regional outlets, made the admission while addressing an audience of around 300 community members at South Hampstead United Synagogue on Wednesday evening.
The event, organised by the Campaign Against Antisemitism and intended to address community fears, saw Davies and David Jordan, the head of the BBC editorial policy department that issues reporting guidelines, respond to questions put to them by the group's CEO, Gideon Falter.
At times, the atmosphere grew heated, with members of the audience claiming that the BBC was “institutionally antisemitic” - a claim that the two executives vehemently denied.
“I can accept the criticisms that have been made about our news coverage,” Jordan said.
“But the idea that the BBC anyway endorses or has antisemitism at its core? I just can’t agree.”
Davies’s acknowledgement that inaccurate reports might have “real world” consequences for British Jews came after Falter asked him about the BBC’s reporting of the blast at the Al-Ahli hospital on 14 October, when correspondent Jon Donnison stated he believed it could not have been caused by anything other than an Israeli airstrike - a claim that has since been undermined by evidence that it was the result of a rocket fired from inside Gaza that fell short.
In the wake of the report, Falter said, the CAA was notified of physical threats to Jews being posted on social media, including one threatening that “no Jew in London” should be left alive.
Davies said he realised that since the October 7 atrocities, “the fear factor for the Jewish community is significant”, citing police figures suggesting that antisemitic incidents have soared.
Hey @BBCNews @nytimes @SkyNews @CNN
— David Collier (@mishtal) November 10, 2023
A single Islamic Jihad rocket fell on a hospital killing approx 40-50 people.
We know 1000! Hamas rockets likely fell on Gaza.
The death toll certainly high
Can you point me to the articles where you discuss this?
Asking for a friend.
BBC’s Gritten airbrushes Ahed Tamimi’s record of incitement
This evening at 6pm, @AaronBastani will broadcast a formal apology to me on the @novaramedia YouTube channel for a video entitled “Journalist LIES about Islamophobic tweet”. I look forward to this apology confirming that I did *not* lie on #BBCQuestionTime and recognising my…
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) November 10, 2023
Yeah, Hamas digging out pipes to build rockets can complicate things lmao
— Ahmed Al Asliken 🕋☪️✈️ (@assliken) November 9, 2023
This little exchange is so telling.
— Anshel Pfeffer אנשיל פפר (@AnshelPfeffer) November 10, 2023
The gentleman admired Haaretz when it reported stuff he agreed with. When the news was less to his liking Haaretz became fascists without a conscience.
The lady now thinks that we were fascists all along but deviously hiding our true colors.
🥤 Hamas Gaza is a world leader in water innovation:
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) November 10, 2023
1) Dig up water pipes
2) Turn them into rockets
3) Shoot them at the pipes supplying water from Israel
4) Complain you don't have water, when Israel still supplies water and 90% is locally sourced anyway
Having a nice “chat” with a Palestinian journalist.
— GnasherJew®גנאשר #IStandWithIsrael (@GnasherJew) November 9, 2023
And some more.
— GnasherJew®גנאשר #IStandWithIsrael (@GnasherJew) November 9, 2023
Apparently “sensible Jews don’t support Israel”
“Another bitch from Israel”
Hey @_camillacosta got anything to say you rancid racist?
Washington Post is forced to remove 'racist' cartoon depicting 'grossly mischaracterized' Hamas terrorist with women and children tied to his body
The @washingtonpost took down this @ramirezcartoons cartoon mocking #Hamas (not Palestinians writ large) after readers and staffers complained that it was offensive, racist, unfair, inaccurate, etc (see linked story). The editor of the opinion page, David Shipley, explained his…
— Nick Gillespie (@nickgillespie) November 9, 2023
The @nytimes can't help itself.
— David Collier (@mishtal) November 9, 2023
Just one hour ago they put out a piece with Hind Khoudary.
Khoudary is a known extremist - a self confessed propagandist who has glorified terrorism and called Islamic Jihad terrorists 'heroes'..
The NYT are literally promoting Hamas propaganda
A couple more of her retweets. One talking about entering heaven with a machine gun on your shoulder.
— David Collier (@mishtal) November 9, 2023
The other openly admitting that they self censor for the 'resistance'...
A terrorist supporting liar..
Brought to you by the NYT
Want to know what's still available on the Washington Post's YouTube page?
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) November 9, 2023
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) November 9, 2023
Additionally, there are a number of videos showing Hamas killing Israeli civilians and the aftermath at the festival.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) November 9, 2023
I really don’t understand how this continues, the event was probably one of the most well documented atrocities in recent history.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) November 9, 2023
Issa Slams Unprecedented Anti-Semitism in Democratic Party
To those who tried to censure me: get your facts straight. Don’t rely on Hamas to write your talking points.
— Rep. Brian Mast (@RepBrianMast) November 10, 2023
EXCLUSIVE @RepRashida co-founded a pro-terror hate group, Black4Palestine, in Detroit in 2015. The group worked publicly with terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) no less than 7 times from 2016 to 2020. READ MORE:
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) November 9, 2023
— Seth Frantzman (@sfrantzman) November 10, 2023
From the video Bowman posted about the missile: “it makes no damage to anything other than the target”
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 10, 2023
The reports from Palestinian sources are there were 2 injuries from this incident. Looks like a specific car was targeted.
So it’s bad when Israel uses bombs that have…
Of course, Cori, we know that you don’t care about humanitarian— anything.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) November 10, 2023
That’s why you’re advocating to let Hamas regroup and murder the 240+ hostages they hold underground in Gaza.
We know that when you say “ceasefire” you mean: kill the hostages.
She called him a war criminal. Seems like it’s not a mystery why she got left on read
— Emily Zanotti 🦝 (@emzanotti) November 10, 2023
Wow someone vandalized @RepMonicaDLC’s office in #TX15 with pro-terrorist graffiti
— Matthew Foldi (@MatthewFoldi) November 10, 2023
The threat of Jew hatred that we are seeing today in America is a national security threat...including in the halls of Congress with pro-Hamas legislators. If Rashida Tlaib thinks that removing Palestinians from the USA who are pro Hamas is racist, what then is her call to remove…
— Brooke Goldstein (@GoldsteinBrooke) November 9, 2023
At the Lawfare Project we are leading the charge to #EndJewHatred that’s rapidity spiralling out of control on American campuses. My comments on the popular Italian TV show, Quarta Repubblica:
— Brooke Goldstein (@GoldsteinBrooke) November 9, 2023
Dáil will vote next week on expelling Israeli Ambassador to Ireland Dana Elrich
— Irish Independent (@Independent_ie) November 10, 2023
Mostly we noticed that you are incapable of spelling the word “weak”
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 10, 2023
Oh, well if Wales says so.
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) November 9, 2023
Pacifism isn't compatible with fighting Nazis, but Corbyn's pacifism is fake anyway.
— David Hirsh (@DavidHirsh) November 9, 2023
He thinks Hamas is dedicated to peace and justice. He's against defeating Hamas. He's been hosted by his Hamas friends during a number of visits to Gaza.
He supports its war against Israel.
George Galloway, a prominent Assad apologist, just reposted this video falsely purported to be from Gaza, but is actually a documentary about Syria’s White Helmets saving victims of Assad.
— Kareem Rifai 🌐 (@KareemRifai) November 9, 2023
The kicker? Galloway has spent years smearing the White Helmets as terrorists.
"Come to Parliament, my friend!"
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 10, 2023
He is very fond of glorifying terrorism. 2/4
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 9, 2023
Another picture from the "Palestine Solidarity Campaign" Israel hatred rally on 21 October. Surprise! 4/4
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 9, 2023
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 10, 2023
Spanish police arrest 14 Pakistani citizens suspected of preparing a terrorist attack.
The authorities say they have links to Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan, an Islamist party in Pakistan.
Via @DaveAtherton20
9,500 Rockets Fired on Israel since War Started
IDF has struck 15,000-plus terror targets in first month of war
Poll: Nearly 70% of voters reject calls for ceasefire ‘surrender to Hamas’
The kamikaze UAV which hit a school in Eilat (Nov 9) was launched from Syria, where the IDF conducted an airstrike on a terrorist group in response. The debris indicates the drone was most likely a Morad-5, which couldn't reach Eilat from Yemen (1700 km away) but could from…
— Israel-Alma (@Israel_Alma_org) November 10, 2023
A little heartwarming story among all the heartbreak.
— Imshin (@imshin) November 10, 2023
During the horrific #October7massacre,
the #HamasMonsters and their accomplices stole the mobility scooter of an Israeli lady. These IDF soldiers found it in Gaza and brought it back to her 😭😭😭❤️🇮🇱#HamasisISIS
"U.S. Office of Condoning Palestinian Terrorism" seems a more appropriate name.
— GnasherJew®גנאשר #IStandWithIsrael (@GnasherJew) November 10, 2023
The "child" is teen terrorist Mohammad Zalbani. In February 2023, he stabbed border police officer Staff Sgt. Asil Suaed, who died as a result of this attack.
The High Court of Justice approved the…
13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, was stabbed to death while sleeping her bed.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 10, 2023
The Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’ party posted the terrorist’s picture on its official Facebook page, declaring him a martyr/hero (Shahid)
MEMRI: Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi: Hamas Is An Idea And Ideas Do Not Die
Hamas ‘is an idea’ Israel can’t destroy, PA prime minister says
Palestinian-American Author Emad U. Deen: Kibbutzim Are Really Military Outposts, There Are No Civilians There; The Zionists Carried Out 9/11 #antisemitism #Hamas
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 9, 2023
PMW: PA: Israel’s “attack” on Gaza is part of greater “satanic plan” against entire Arab world
MEMRI: Senior Hamas Official Sami Abu Zuhri: Israelis Are A Bunch Of Bloodsuckers Who Derive Pleasure From Killing; Their Military Is Mentally Defeated And No Match For People Who Eagerly Pursue Martyrdom
Senior Hamas Official Sami Abu Zuhri: Israelis Are a Bunch of Bloodsuckers Who Derive Pleasure from Killing; They Are Not Receptive of Death, Consider It a Tragedy; Their Military Is Mentally-Defeated, No Match to People Who Eagerly Chase Martyrdom #Hamas #Palestinians #Gaza
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 10, 2023
MEMRI: New York Shi'ite Imam Fadhel Al-Sahlani: Hamas Has Made A Big Difference For The Whole World – Maybe It Will Wake Up The Very Sleepy Arab World
New York Shiite Imam Fadhel al-Sahlani: Hamas Has Made a Big Difference for the Whole World - Maybe It Will Wake Up the Very Sleepy Arab World #Hamas
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 10, 2023
MEMRI: Virulent Incitement By Al-Azhar: Praise For Palestinian Jihad Fighters; Israel Is Destined To Perish; U.S. Is The Greatest Satan; Jews Are Descendants Of Apes And Pigs
Al-Azhar University Islamic Scholar Sheikh Ibrahim Rida: The Jews are Quarrelsome, Corrupt; They Killed the Prophets, So It Is Not Surprising They Are Annihilating Children, Homes, and Schools #Egypt #antisemitism @AlAzharUniv
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 10, 2023
Ismail Hanniyeh killed his own granddaughter today by starting this war.
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) November 10, 2023
His brother was a terrorist. Look at his reaction to his death. This is what Israel has to deal with. Death
— raz_sauber (@raz_sauber) November 10, 2023
Gaza Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony: Kids Stage Mock Military Attack and Hostage-Taking (Archival) #Hamas #Gaza #Palestinians #child_indoctrination
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 9, 2023
I do find it interesting that one of the gunmen killed in Jenin has the flag and the headband commonly used by salafi-jihadist groups such as the Islamic State. It might be a generic flag with the Shahada on it, but still a noteworthy observation since you don't hear much about…
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) November 10, 2023
Quotation of the day
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 10, 2023
Puppet Show on Hamas TV: Boy Kills President George W. Bush, after Transforming the White House into a Mosque (Archival) #Hamas #child_indoctrination #Gaza #Palestinians
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 10, 2023
Hezbollah announces the deaths of seven members. The group did not provide details, though they were likely killed in combat at the Lebanon-Israel border OR perhaps somewhere else...
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) November 10, 2023
The man responsible for the torture and killing of Palestinians in Syria during the civil war attends a summit to *checks notes* condemn the killing of Palestinians.
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) November 10, 2023
Retired Lebanese General Georges Saghir: The Int’l Community Should Save Lebanon from Hizbullah, not from Israel; Netanyahu, Nasrallah, and Khamenei Have Failed and Should Kill Themselves #Hamas #Hizbullah #Lebanon #Israel #Iran
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 9, 2023
Lebanese Journalist Fadi Boudayya: Instead of Using Its Religious Scholars, Mosques to Support Palestine, Saudi Arabia Has Led a Western-Islamic Campaign against Iran and Hizbullah #Lebanon #Hamas #Hizbullah #KSA #Iran @Fadi_Boudaya
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 10, 2023
MEMRI: The Iranian Regime's Doubletalk About The October 7 Hamas Invasion Of Israel: To The Muslims – '"Death To America" Is Not Only A Motto But A Policy'; To The West – Iran Has No Part In The Israel-Hamas War
MEMRI: Head Of Iran-Backed Shi'ite Cultural Center Sayed Esa Hussaini Mazari, Tells Conference In Kabul: 'The Zionist Regime Is Affected By America's Defeat In Afghanistan,' Notes That October 7 Attack Happened On 22nd Anniversary Of U.S. Invasion Of Afghanistan
Pentagon says there have been 56 injuries total to U.S. service members since October 17th from the attacks in Iraq and Syria. This includes 25 cases of TBI. All have returned to duty...
— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) November 9, 2023
Telegram channels associated with the IRGC are posting never before seen clips of Sheikh Yassin, a founder of Hamas, with the Ayatollah Khomeini.
— Mike (@Doranimated) November 10, 2023
Something that does not get enough attention when it comes to the Islamic Republic’s malign behavior is how much effort it puts into attempting to silence Iranians in the diaspora who have been declared enemies of the regime.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 10, 2023
From assassinations to surveillance to hacking, the…
The Houthis have claimed responsibility for launching missiles at Eilat.
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) November 9, 2023
They have now released a music video for their new hit single, "Springtime for Houthi".
Melbourne man, 24, is charged after allegedly performing a Nazi salute outside court
Yikes. I guess we’re not acknowledging any of the advances that people of color have made in the field
— sockdem (@sock_dem) November 10, 2023
The NYC police have released their data on confirmed hate crimes for October…
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 10, 2023
Jews were the targets in 69/101 of the recorded hate crimes for the month. You can see the comparison to 2022 in the table below.
85 Years After Infamous Nazi Pogrom, Holocaust Survivors Say They Once Again Feel ‘Terrified’
Thank you to @MiRosenstein @Aras_Nathan @NAFFOeV @theliberalfrank @gitta_connemann @SebRoloff @max_lucks for making this important event happen. 🙏
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) November 10, 2023
Poignant testimonies by Holocaust survivors released for the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht about their fear of today's rising antisemitism. Note that the identities of the survivors have been withheld due to concern for their safety. Today, not 1938
— Raoul Wootliff (@RaoulWootliff) November 10, 2023
Dallas Morning News Headline
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 9, 2023
“Hysterical Nazis Wreck Thousands of Jewish Shops, Burn Synagogues in Wild Orgy of Looting and Terror.”
“Policemen Refuse to Halt Organized Riots in Germany”
“Many Non-Aryans Commit Suicide; Goebbels Calls Violence Justifiable As Revenge For…
The Bangor Daily News Headline
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 9, 2023
“German Jews Facing Ruin Are in Panic”
“Huge Fine Imposed As Murder Tribute”
“Nazi Government Exacts Penalty of $400,000,000”
“Leaders of Berlin Community in All Night Session in Frantic Effort To Devise Plan to Meet Payment”
Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph Headline: “Nazis Warn Jews in U.S. To ‘Shut Up’”
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 9, 2023
Washington Herald Headline: “Nazis Warn U.S. Jews to ‘Shut Up’; Threaten Reprisal”
Today marks the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 9, 2023
At the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin tonight: “Never Again Is Now!”
Like many others in Germany on this November 9th, Chancellor Scholz cleaned so-called "stumbling stones", in this case in memory of Hans and Ruth Goslar. You find them in Berlin and many cities outside the former homes of Jewish citizens persecuted by the Nazis.
— Steffen Seibert (@GerAmbTLV) November 9, 2023
*On the 85th Anniversary of Kristallnacht – Jew Hatred Rears Its Ugly Head Once Again*
— AmbrosineShitrit 🇮🇱🇬🇧 (@AmbrosineShitr2) November 10, 2023
King Charles meets refugees who fled Nazis as children during the Second World War at London synagogue Commemorating rescue mission's anniversary
His Majesty the King is an exemplar of Chesed, of loving kindness, and it was so moving to welcome him today at the @TheAJR_ commemoration of the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, where he met with those inspiring individuals who came to this country on the Kindertransport.
— Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis (@chiefrabbi) November 9, 2023
A peaceful vigil to oppose antisemitism in Copenhagen 🇩🇰❤️
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 9, 2023
Nir Levi, a flight instructor from the United States, painted the words "BRING THEM HOME" in the sky to raise awareness for the release of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas.
— Consul General Idit Shamir (@ShamirIdit) November 10, 2023
The Jewish community in Australia's Bondi Beach stands tall 🇮🇱💙
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 10, 2023
Support shows no sign of slowing for NY cafe after pro-Hamas walkoutTOMORROW IS REMEMBRANCE DAY, 11 November, Lest We Forget
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) November 10, 2023
Perhaps Australia's greatest military man General Sir John Monash, was a proud Jew.
We can only wonder what he would say that despite the Jewish values of loyal service, we see mass display of open ugly antisemitism in…
Amid all the horrible news, the story of Cafe Aronne in New York really made me feel good, for a change.
— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) November 9, 2023
Gonna post and write more soon, but I attended an incredible ongoing initiative created by the organisers of the Nova festival for those who survived the Hamas massacre. They’ve created a beautiful environment with therapeutic resources to help the survivors.
— leekern (@leekern13) November 9, 2023
#OTD 1975, Israel's Amb. to UN, Chaim Herzog, defiantly ripped up the infamous UN 'Zionism is Racism' resolution.
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 10, 2023
Today, @UN cont's to relentlessly attack the Jewish state. And with every resolution they fail to condemn Hamas, it should receive same treatment Herzog gave 1975.
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