Michal Herzog - First Lady of the State of Israel: The Silence From International Bodies Over Hamas' Mass Rapes Is a Betrayal of All Women
In the 1990s, international agencies and legal experts finally began to see violence against women as a particular category of war crime. Organizations like UN Women exist to protect women from such crimes, while Israeli experts and activists have been involved in these international efforts. Thus, our second shock: The inconceivable and unforgiveable silence of these organizations when faced with the rape and murder of Israeli women.Melanie Phillips: The inconvenient truth about the Middle East conflict
It is not that condemnations of gender-based violence by Hamas have been weak or insufficient – there have been none at all. Statement after statement by organizations like UN Women, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) have failed to condemn these crimes. They failed us, and all women, at this critical moment.
As a woman and a mother, my heart goes out to women and children in Gaza suffering the consequences of the war started by Hamas. I believe they deserve aid and support. But this does not mean the erasure of the atrocities committed by Palestinian terrorists on October 7. The silence of international human rights organizations, and the unwillingness to believe Israeli women in the face of overwhelming evidence has been devastating.
For the Israelis who have always been on the forefront of the fight for women's rights worldwide, this was a moment of crushing disappointment. A disappointment shared with me by one of our most prominent women's rights advocates, Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, a former CEDAW vice-chair.
"I knew it would be difficult to get them to issue a reasonable statement," she said of the UN committee in a Harvard Medical School video conference., "but never did I imagine that when faced with such undeniable atrocities – given the very purpose for which they have been established,– - that they would actually resort to not acknowledging it at all."
Ignoring the "unprecedented, premeditated and extreme cruelty of the sexual violence committed by Hamas," Prof. Halperin-Kaddari added, meant not only failing Israeli women but failing the entire international human rights system. "I still am a believer in this system. But this was a huge blow to this belief."
I agree with every word.
To mark this year's International Day for the Prevention of Violence against Women, Israeli women – Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Druze – will gather at the President's Residence in Jerusalem. We will meet in the lingering shock of the violation of our rights, and with the profound sense that all of us who believe in those rights have been betrayed.
Yet we will persist in presenting the truth to the world and to every human rights organization. We owe it not only to our own victims, but to all women who will face these crimes in the future and must know that they are not alone.
Michal Herzog is First Lady of the State of Israel.
There may well be Palestinians who want to live in peace alongside Israel. However, the evidence suggests that these are sadly in a minority. Opinion polling among Palestinians in the disputed territories and Gaza, conducted during the fourth week of the war by the Arab World for Research and Development, has revealed that 75 per cent support the Hamas atrocities of October 7 — with support among those living under rule by the supposedly moderate PA notably even higher, at 83 per cent, than in Gaza.Hamas and its perversion of the UN and international law
How indeed could these dismaying figures be otherwise, given that even the “moderate” PA unceasingly pumps out Nazi-style demonisation of the Jews, incitement to Islamic holy war to wipe them all out, and the brainwashing of Palestinian children to believe that their highest calling is to murder Jews and destroy Israel.
Who can be surprised therefore that, as PMW reports, videos of students in the disputed territories show their support for Hamas, the massacre of Israelis and slaughter of Jews, and the continuation of the war.
The dismal reality is that there is no Palestinian leader nor a majority of Palestinians who are prepared to live in peace with Israel.
Whatever PA leaders may say in English for naive western consumption, their real agenda — as has been stated by Palestinian activists themselves — is the “strategy of stages” in which a Palestinian state will be the means to destroy Israel altogether.
If only “two states” were indeed the solution. A Palestine state has been offered multiple times over the past century, most recently in 2008 when Israel offered a state on 93 per cent of the disputed territories.
On every occasion, the Palestinians have not only refused but stepped up their war of extermination against the Jewish homeland.
Yet not only is the Biden administration insisting that the PA rule Gaza once again but it is continuing to fund the PA — despite the fact that it handsomely rewards terrorists and their families.
The inconvenient truth is that the century-old Arab war against the Jewish state has been kept going by the west. Ever since the 1930s, when the UK tore up its legal obligation to settle the Jews throughout what is now Israel, the “West Bank” and Gaza to recreate their homeland and offered instead to divide the land between the Jews and the Arabs, the western powers have rewarded, sanitised and incentivised the Palestinian war against that homeland while pressurising Israel to compromise its security.
With the exception of Qatar, which created and heavily funds Hamas (but to which the west grovels on account of extensive Qatari holdings in western institutions) the Palestinians have virtually zero support among the leaders of the Arab world. The Palestinians’ principal weapon is the liberal west, which can be relied upon to disseminate their propaganda and demonisation of Israel.
The fact that this has become the cause of causes for progressives helps explain the shocking support for or indifference towards the genocidal chanting against Israel and the Jews on the streets of London and other western cities.
If the west were to wake up and tell Palestinian leaders that until they stop their incitement to destroy Israel and wipe out the Jews they will receive no funding, recognition or support of any kind, this terrible conflict would end.
And so too would the intellectual corruption that has knocked the west off its moral compass and brought it to the edge of the civilisational precipice.
The floodgates of Jew-hatred have now opened, courtesy of the United Nations, the same body created in the wake of the Holocaust, which has still been unable to condemn Hamas even once. This perversion of international law has now become official policy of the UN.
What soon followed, when Israelis were burying their dead, the twisted minds of the UN Human Rights Commissions released an update to their Commission of Inquiry led by renowned anti-Israel figure, Navi Pillay. Israel, its allies, the Western and civilized world remained in shock at the gravity of the disaster of October 7, but the UN unashamedly released a report that mentions Israel 269 times and Hamas only 4 times, twisting every norm of international law to excuse Palestinian terror.
Taking hostages, seeking to wipe Jews off the map, eradicating the only Jewish state in the world, murder, rape, savagery, using their own civilians as shields, using mosques, schools, hospitals, and residential buildings as bases for attacks and munition storage, violating every single norm of IHL, are but a few of the crimes committed by Hamas against Israel and against its own citizens in Gaza. But has the UN made a single proclamation calling out Hamas as terrorists? Sadly, they have not.
Hamas and its depraved allies (Iran, Hezbollah, and others) pervert the concepts of international law, they speak the language and make declarations as though they adhere to the principles of law. They twist the words, their logic is inverted, they commit every crime imaginable, and they are not held accountable. Yet, those voices are being heard and worse, their utterances are used as ammunition against the State of Israel.
85 years ago, the world witnessed a sickening pogrom in Nazi Germany. Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass. Jews were demonized, and the world was indifferent. What followed was a war that saw millions of deaths and the near decimation of European Jews.
International Law grew from the depths of the horrors of WWII, but today, the weaponization of these laws has real-life consequences and manifests into violence against Jews and their institutions. Streets around the world are witnessing a surge in antisemitic attacks and reports are showing a surge in antisemitic incidents in the US.
If logic would prevail then the twisted manipulation of international law and the perversion of legal concepts would be eradicated from this conflict. When clear minds are willing to accept the evil that is Hamas and not allow the UN to succeed in enabling terrorist organizations and allied state actors to create a bully platform on the world stage, then perhaps we could free little Ariel Bibas and the hundreds of other hostages from the clutches of a vile terrorist group.
Hamas Wants Its Monsters Freed
ith Israel under severe pressure to make a deal with Hamas to free some of the 240 hostages in Gaza, a counterterrorism expert warned the United Nations yesterday that Hamas had great hopes of using the situation to spring one of its most murderous leaders from an Israel prison: Ibrahim Hamid, a man serving multiple life sentences.Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids
“They want him. He’s on top of their list to be released,’’ said Mosab Hassan Yousef. Known as the Green Prince, Yousef is the eldest son of a founder of Hamas, but he came to renounce his father’s work and take a different path. Yousef has spent 10 years in Israeli counterterrorism as part of his own mission to see Hamas defeated and dismantled in his lifetime.
“If Hamas is not eradicated in Gaza, it will inspire many groups around the globe,’’ Yousef said. “They will see that a few thousand savages can blackmail the international community, the superpowers and bring them to their knees.”
In yesterday’s remarks, Yousef recalled the eight years he and Israeli authorities labored to capture Ibrahim Hamid, a senior military commander of Hamas who orchestrated a spree of suicide bombings during the second intifada in Israel that killed 46 Israelis and wounded others. These plots included attacks on Zion Square, Café Moment, and Café Hillel in Jerusalem; Sheffield Club in Rishon Lezion; and one at Hebrew University.
Israel finally apprehended him in May 2006. “It took us eight years to capture him, while he was sending suicide bombers every other day,’’ Yousef said. “It was a big nightmare to capture him and you know now what they are doing, why (we have) the hostage situation we have in Gaza. They want him. He’s on the top of their list to be released….They want mass murderers to go back on the street.”
The issue of exchanging prisoners-for-hostages is a delicate but highly charged one in Israel. There’s been an enormous outpouring of support for the families of the hostages and any steps Israeli authorities and their allies might take to free those Hamas dragged back to Gaza on October 7. Forty of the hostages are thought to be children and many of the others are frail, injured, or in need of medical help.
At the same time, Israel is aware that any deal that releases terrorists may undermine Israeli security and feed further violence. Yousef pointed out that Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind of the October 7 atrocities, was himself part of an exchange of more than a thousand prisoners in 2011. Israel acquiesced to that deal for the return of one captive soldier, Gilad Shalit.
The son of a co-founder of Hamas blasted the terror organization in a blistering half-hour speech at the United Nations on Monday.
Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, defected from the terrorist group in the late '90s and secretly worked with Israel's security services to expose and prevent several Hamas terrorist attacks. He later gave his life to Christ and wrote a 2010 autobiography titled Son of Hamas.
Yousef, 45, now endeavors to expose the true face of Hamas' genocidal death cult.
I thought I had seen the worst of Hamas until yesterday when I watched their self-made filming of the genocide they had committed. My father's organization has developed into pure evil. Killing during war is something, genocide is something else. The savages moved from door to…
— Mosab Hassan Yousef (@MosabHasanYOSEF) November 21, 2023
Alan Dershowitz: Palestinians Share Hamas Guilt
When Hamas deliberately attacked Israeli civilians, they knew full well that Israel would have to respond, that Hamas would use civilians as human shields, and that despite Israeli efforts to avoid civilian casualties, some Palestinians would become "collateral" damage — that is, be killed or wounded when Israel took military action necessary to prevent a recurrence of the massacres of Oct. 7.
Hamas is thus responsible — morally, legally, and politically — for the civilian deaths that were the predictable and indeed intended result of the Oct. 7 attack.
These civilian deaths were intended to shift the focus away from the Hamas barbarities and toward the collateral damage resulting from Israeli self-defense measures.
The adult civilians of Gaza who encouraged, supported, rewarded and cheered on the massacres of Israelis also bear some moral and political, if not strictly legal, responsibility.
This leaves the children.
It must first be determined what constitutes a "child" in the enumeration of Hamas?
That depends of course on the way children are used.
When it comes to recruiting child soldiers, Hamas considers 13, 14- and 15-year-olds as sufficiently mature to become terrorists.
But when it comes to publishing inflated figures about the dead, suddenly every 17-and-a-half-year-old mass murdering terrorist is counted among the poor "children" mercilessly killed by the bloodthirsty Israelis.
Also, every mass murdering woman, regardless of age, is separately listed, as if that suggest that their sex automatically makes them innocent civilians.
And the media and others willingly fall for these cynical bait-and-switches.
Let the Hamas authorities at least separate the terrorist combatants — including women and children — from the total numbers allegedly killed.
They should also separate out the Gazans who were killed by errant terrorist rockets, as well as civilians who were killed by Hamas trying to go south pursuant to Israeli safety instructions.
It is highly likely that a list of purely innocent civilians who deserve our sympathy —babies, very young children, non-supporters of Hamas — would be a fraction of the inflated numbers uncritically and often provocatively regurgitated by the media.
🔊 Silence is complicity. In the October 7 massacre by Hamas, women and girls in Israel were brutally raped, mutilated, and murdered.
— Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر (@emilykschrader) November 22, 2023
This is not a political issue: sexual crimes as a method of war are never justified and protecting women and girls is beyond political debates.… pic.twitter.com/1KtcXroUAq
MEMRI: How To Rescue All The Hostages Quickly – And Protect The West From The Islamic Terrorism Of The Crime Family That Rules Qatar
The main argument of Netanyahu and his henchmen is that inaction against Qatar is necessary because it helps the negotiations for saving the hostages, and that Netanyahu is doing everything in his power to save them. Both of these claims are outright lies. Qatar is not assisting in the negotiations – it is hindering them, representing Hamas's demands. It has no interest in helping Israel – only in helping Hamas.Daniel Greenfield: 7 Reasons Why the Hostage Deal is a Mistake
Netanyahu's depiction of Qatar as helping Israel is aimed at saving his skin from his heavy culpability in allowing Qatar to build up Hamas's military force and bring the October 7 catastrophe upon Israel. The blood is on his hands – and if he stands up against Qatar in any way, he will incriminate himself as having allowed it to build up Hamas's military force.
It is also unclear why Qatar is even involved in the negotiations, and who brought it in. Why isn't Egypt enough? Egypt was astonished that Israel and the U.S. are talking with the Qatari enemy and involving it in the negotiations, instead of dealing only with Egypt. Indeed, Qatar has nothing to offer that Egypt cannot offer – and, unlike Qatar, Egypt doesn't care about the interests of Hamas, as it is in conflict with both Hamas and with Hamas's parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, and has itself imprisoned Al-Jazeera journalists.
Who, then, brought Qatar into the negotiation process, and why? This clearly serves Netanyahu – i.e. presenting Qatar as a positive and helpful element, even though the reality is just the opposite. The U.S. might want Qatar's participation for its own reasons – but Israel is under no obligation to accept this, because it is at war with a Qatar-established terrorist organization that is holding Israeli hostages (let alone the fact that Hamas murdered 32 American nationals and is holding 12 among the hostages). While it isn't easy to stand up to the U.S. under such difficult circumstances, the U.S. must be told that any cooperation with Qatar is against Israeli existential interests. Netanyahu is, as noted, doing the opposite in order to save his own skin.
Is there another way for Qatar to help?
The answer is yes – not by begging and pleading, but by applying massive pressure that will undermine its existence as a state. Only if it feels threatened will Qatar truly help – if its existence is in question and chances are that it will cease to exist. Only then will it mobilize to help the U.S. and Israel. Right now, it is cheating them both while trying with all its might to help Hamas.
Qatar will not, however, commit suicide for Hamas, and when it sees that it must choose between Hamas and ceasing to exist, it will choose existence, and Hamas will comply with its demands because Qatar is its lifeline without which Hamas will not exist – especially during and after a war.
Thus, there is no way but to start down this other path – the path of massively pressuring Qatar.
How can Qatar be persuaded to use its power and influence over Hamas to free the hostages?
This can be done by implementing the following:
1. Political pressure – declaring Qatar a state sponsor of terrorism, which it is, and implementing the accompanying legal sanctions.
2. Legal pressure – filing international lawsuits over Qatari assistance to terrorist organizations, not just Hamas but also Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, and Hizbullah. Instead of accepting Qatar's sheltering of the Hamas commanders, their extradition must be demanded.
3. Economic pressure – by directly impacting, by various means, Qatari economic institutions that attract foreign investment.
4. Security pressure – by striking Hamas commanders who have sheltered in Doha for years.
By failing to take these measures to pressure Qatar, Prime Minister Netanyahu is sacrificing the hostages and soldiers. He is continuing to protect Qatar's image in order to protect himself from questions about why he allowed Qatari funds to build Hamas's military power.
In light of the growing danger to the hostages, and the fact that over the past six weeks no deal has been reached – and even if there is one it will be a limited deal serving the interests of Hamas and Qatar – the time has come to try the other path, the path of massive pressure.
With regard to the hostages, it is also important to note that in addition to pressuring Qatar on all levels noted above, Israel should add to the mix its willingness to accept a comprehensive deal for all the hostages in exchange for all the terrorists in Israeli prisons. I proposed this on the very first day of the war. This is a moral imperative. We owe this to the families of the hostages. This situation is an historic exception, involving babies and children whose parents were slaughtered. No past criteria for releasing prisoners apply here.
If Hamas rejects this proposal, we can look to the families and say we have offered it all that we possibly can. If Hamas accepts it, and tries to depict it as a victory, let it do so, while half of the Gaza Strip is already destroyed, and the longer the war continues, the more will be destroyed. A great victory indeed.
It may be stating the obvious, but here’s why the hostage deal is a terrible idea.
1. After Oct 7, the new rule was that Hamas would no longer be treated like a normal entity, but like an abominable evil that had to be destroyed. The negotiations kill that. Once you negotiate with evil, it stops being unacceptable. That’s why we had rules against negotiating with terrorists. When the taboo is broken, it’s a lot harder to put back into place.
Oct 7 should have restored an absolute taboo. No more.
2. Hamas has been losing. Its defense strategy has failed. Its best hope for staying in power is to boost morale and make its forces and Arab Muslims in Gaza think that this was all for something.
In today’s article, I delved into why the poll numbers for Hamas and the war were worse in Gaza than in the West Bank. Now Hamas will claim to have delivered a win.
3. The deal endangers other hostages. Hamas wants time to relocate its forces and the hostages. This deal gives it that. Beyond the temporary cessation of attacks, Israel will ‘blind’ itself to its movements. This not only sets back the war effort, but it allows Hamas to make off with and then kill more hostages.
4. The deal means that Israel is falling back into the same bad habits of believing in negotiated deterrence that led to the Oct 7 attack. Delusions of diplomacy are a bad idea. Especially when it comes to terrorists. Hamas can’t be negotiated with or deterred. No Islamic terrorist group can. The moment anyone thinks that way, they’ve lost.
5. Negotiating for hostages leads to the taking of hostages. Period.
6. Israel had a clear moral case for taking out Hamas. Negotiating with it muddies it and undermines Israel’s supporters.
7. After Oct 7, there was a conflict within the Biden administration over diplomacy vs. force. The ‘diplomacy’ crowd will now claim to have won and be in the driver’s seat for setting policy. That means people who are basically agents of Qatar and Iran are back in charge of foreign policy. This will have terrible implications for American support for Israel’s war effort.
Israeli news reads the names of hostages on the list for release from Hamas captivity. pic.twitter.com/enAyJQPIag
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 22, 2023
Dangerous honey-trap: What is Hamas's Sinwar plan for IDF after ceasefire?
There is a growing estimation amongst Israeli authorities that Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, intends to exploit a humanitarian crisis in the southern Gaza Strip. The outcome of this strategy would be substantial international pressure that could deter the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) from intensifying its operations in the Khan Yunis area, which serves as Sinwar's main command center. The concern is that the Israeli forces might settle for a relatively limited operation, one that would not significantly harm Hamas's vital assets.
Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, is believed to be planning to delay the resumption of ground operations after the ceasefire, according to current assessments in Israel.
Within the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) and the Foreign Ministry, there is a belief that several Arab and European countries are planning to bolster the southern Gaza Strip with humanitarian aid. Their aim is to assist more than a million refugees residing in the region.
Officials from both of these bodies share the view that Hamas will wait for the arrival of the French field hospital, and the entry of international aid organizations and logistics forces from various countries. They anticipate that these events will trigger a campaign highlighting a humanitarian crisis in the region. "Sinwar isn't merely biding his time," explained a knowledgeable source. "He's actively seeking momentum. This is the trap he's setting. The longer time passes, the more he will publicize images of a tent city to depict the southern Gaza Strip as an area experiencing an international humanitarian crisis. In this way, he intends to exert pressure on the IDF and thwart its attempts to intensify operations in the south."
A four-day pause in fighting is not a static affair. At least, it may be for the IDF, but it isn’t for Hamas. They will spend the time resupplying, including seizing as much aid as they need from humanitarian convoys entering the territory. Moreover, as part of the deal, Israel…
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) November 22, 2023
>>Each of the family’s of the hostages, sits by the phone, praying and hoping against hope, that the phone will ring tonight. That they will be among the lucky few whose children will get to come home.
— Rachel Gur (@RachelGur) November 22, 2023
Make no mistake: this agony is intentional. It is part of Hamas’s terror.
Pro-tip to journalists: Fathers & brothers of these hostages, will remain in captivity. Don't expect details ofHamas atrocities. Indeed, they may have clear instructions to praise Hamas for the safety of their families. Hamas is still holding the released hostages hostage. https://t.co/AnqNE1ZjuG
— Eugene Kontorovich (@EVKontorovich) November 22, 2023
Some things to keep in mind about the hostages:
— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) November 22, 2023
1. Some are returning, but their fathers or other family members remain. They will likely have to speak carefully to not endanger them.
2. Many lost a parent, both partners, or other family members. Some may not even know that…
One of the hostages many are hoping to be released in this deal is American-Israeli 3-year-old Abigail Mor Idan. She reportedly was in her father's arms when he and Abigail's mother were murdered. She crawled out from under his body, covered in his blood. https://t.co/j3r0IISBKY
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) November 22, 2023
Rachel Goldberg, whose son, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, had his arm blown off and was then taken hostage on Oct. 7, shows a video of the attack to @Pontifex during a meeting he had with families of hostages in the Vatican this morning.
— Judah Ari Gross (@JudahAriGross) November 22, 2023
"This is my son. No arm — his arm was cut off." pic.twitter.com/J0pbBtFaOH
This is Eden Khalifa, she is an Israeli Muslim Bedouin who is fighting for the release of her friend of Aisha, who was kidnapped by Hamas together with her father and two brothers:
— Documenting Israel (@DocumentIsrael) November 21, 2023
Read below what she said pic.twitter.com/c0xSM7NnKm
It’s important to note that Palestinian Islamic Jihad is blaming Hanna’s death on the Israeli governments “procrastination,” rather than them forcibly removing her from her home and taking her into Gaza and holding her and her son against their will. https://t.co/kk6sJehUo3
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 21, 2023
They thought she was missing this whole time. On the eve of a hostage release deal including women, they find out she’s been dead this whole time. 💔 https://t.co/nkJdclMdxl
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) November 22, 2023
Can’t find all the children they kidnapped, but can identify the number of people killed in airstrikes and who they are immediately. Pretty amazing.
— Zach (@zcr86) November 22, 2023
A tough morning here in Israel, thinking about the need for the country to do everything it can to release the hostages but the price it will pay by giving Hamas a few days of a ceasefire that it will use to regroup, rearm and redeploy. It is an argument between the Israeli heart… https://t.co/MujVYvtdnM
— Yaakov Katz (@yaakovkatz) November 22, 2023
Top photo: Father and son sitting outside their kibbutz home before Oct 7.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 22, 2023
Bottom photo: Only the son remains. The father is a hostage of Hamas in Gaza 💔 pic.twitter.com/U5bx2J5ZOQ
Holocaust survivors hold photos of the hostages and ask to #BringThemHomeNow pic.twitter.com/j1OE9My9l7
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 22, 2023
When you’re a kid, your dreams are unlimited…but ‘I want to go home’ shouldn’t have to be one of them. It’s time to #BringThemHomeNOW. pic.twitter.com/cDPtu9ljyF
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) November 22, 2023
Israel to be ‘relentless’ in its pursuit of Hamas
Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus says Israel will continue to be “relentless” in its pursuit of Hamas.
He said civilians in Gaza are not Israel’s enemy, Hamas is.
“We will continue to distinguish between them and the civilian population,” Lieutenant Colonel Conricus told Sky News Australia.
“At the end of this war, I think that we will free (the) Gaza Strip from Hamas.
“And at the end of it, the people of Gaza will be in a much better place than they have been for the last 17 years under the oppressive rule of Hamas.”
The list of 150 Palestinian prisoners to be released. The women guilty mainly of stabbing or shooting attacks; the young men generally aged 17-19 and in terror groups. The phrase “woman and children” doesn’t quite cover it… And certainly there are no 10-month-old babies. pic.twitter.com/cXZGAheTmz
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) November 22, 2023
The hostage deal will include the release of the following:
— Mor Hogeg (@SHMSBS7) November 22, 2023
Israeli Hostages:
Babies, toddlers, children and their mothers - all civilians kidnapped from their homes by a terror group.
Some of the Palestine Prisoners:
1. Shruk Dawaith, 25-years-old, convicted for attempted…
It’s either convicted criminals or detainees awaiting sentencing. 17 of them are attempted suicide bombers. This delusional moral equivalency will be studied in the future. https://t.co/EsbdyMcKGD
— Erielle Davidson (@politicalelle) November 22, 2023
The equivalency drawn here between people, including babies, who did nothing wrong and were abducted by terrorists from their homes, with people who were arrested for acts of violence ranging from throwing rocks at moving cars to actual shootings is morally bankrupt even for INN https://t.co/rMUkztL197 pic.twitter.com/Xd8e5p08qe
— Lahav Harkov (@LahavHarkov) November 22, 2023
2014: Gaza reporters’ tweets: Hamas using human shields
Several journalists from around the world reported seeing rockets fired from civilian areas in Gaza in recent days, and received threatening tweets in return accusing them of “informing” the IDF.
On Wednesday, Peter Stefanovic of Australia’s Channel Nine News tweeted: “Hamas rockets just launched over our hotel from a site about two hundred metres away. So a missile launch site is basically next door.”
An account called @ThisIsGaza said this was Stefanovic’s fourth time “passing and fabricating information to Israel... from GAZA” and threatened to sue him. Another account, @longitude0 wrote: “You are a cretin. Are you working for the IDF” and “in WWII spies got shot.”
Financial Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief John Reed reported seeing “two rockets fired toward Israel from near al-Shifa hospital, even as more bombing victims were brought in.” Shifa, in Gaza City, is the main medical facility in the Strip.
In response, @Saritah_91 tweeted: “We’ll hold you responsible if Israel uses your tweet to bomb the hospital & then justify it.”
Another twitter user, @ Faysal_FreeGaza, said he’s “subtly justifying and encouraging IDF attacks on hospitals,” and @Maysara_ ara wrote: “Get out of Gaza u informant.”
Wall Street Journal correspondent Nick Casey tweeted on Tuesday a photo of a Hamas official using Shifa hospital for media interviews, writing: “You have to wonder w the shelling how patients at Shifa hospital feel as Hamas uses it as a safe place to see interviews.”
By Wednesday, the tweet was deleted, but pro-Palestinian Twitter accounts continued to include him on lists of “journos in Gaza [who] lie/fabricate info for Israel” and “must be sued for crimes.”
Q: Did you see evidence Shifa hospital is used as a military HQ?@WHO: Our focus when we went to Shifa Hospital was on patients, our focus was on doctors, so that's we focused on. We only saw civilians. And that's all we were focused on. So that was our focus, that's all we saw. pic.twitter.com/BkiIdAmRmp
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) November 22, 2023
A first look into Hamas’ underground city, underneath the Shifa Hospital complex: pic.twitter.com/O8gEQHAfJ6
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 22, 2023
'Post' joins Israeli forces in Hamas's Gaza tunnel underworld
A first look into Hamas’ underground city, underneath the Shifa Hospital complex: pic.twitter.com/O8gEQHAfJ6
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 22, 2023
Just through this door, underneath the Shifa Hospital, are Hamas’ terrorists tunnels.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 21, 2023
Here’s the PROOF of Hamas’ terrorism festering underneath hospitals: pic.twitter.com/ezrcOfOMCd
— Yam Peleg (@Yampeleg) November 22, 2023
Al-Shifa underground terror tunnels exposed!
Here is the first video from Al-Shifa underground tunnel complex: pic.twitter.com/GlCwzWMSCm
— Yam Peleg (@Yampeleg) November 22, 2023
Suspected Hamas terrorists emerge from a tunnel near Al-Shati in Gaza and surrender to the IDF. Unlike the innocents of the kibbutzim, they were given a chance to surrender. pic.twitter.com/QkdRwXeIRr
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) November 22, 2023
Hamas victims oppose hostage deal that includes release of terrorists
Bereaved families and survivors of Hamas's October 7 attack have issued a statement on Tuesday stating their opposition to a hostage deal that would include the release of terrorists in a prisoner exchange.Sharon Stone meets with families 'who have children held as hostages by Hamas' as she urges followers not to 'support violence' amid Israel's war with Hamas
"We know and warn that any terrorist who is released now will return and cause harm in the future. In the Gilad Shalit deal, the perpetrators of the October 7 massacre were released, and there is no reason why the release of the terrorists should be any different this time."
The families and survivors also stated that they are waiting to hear the details of the transaction before any appeal is submitted.
Tell that anecdote about “the highest price” to the butchered, burned and murdered Israeli children. Tell that to the baby hostages being held in Gaza.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 21, 2023
F*cking terror apologists. https://t.co/emubtJmpZL
Dear @unicefireland, where is your outcry for Israeli children? pic.twitter.com/v03bkEUHHV
— Israel in Ireland (@IsraelinIreland) November 21, 2023
New images released from the aftermath of the Nova music festival massacre in Israel on October 7.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 22, 2023
⚠️ Warning Graphic pic.twitter.com/3P7jlWZ3e8
The Commentary Magazine Podcast: Bring One-Fifth of Them Home
Dan Senor joins the pre-Thanksgiving podcast to discuss the contours of the deal to release hostages from Gaza, along with some of the horrifying details of how the soldiers in Israel who will take custody of the children are being instructed to deal with them and the questions they ask, like “Where are Mommy and Daddy?”
CNN, Oct 25: The Biden admin is pressuring Israel against invading the Gaza Strip in response Hamas's attack.https://t.co/qCU1Janq6c, a month later: Ted Cruz says the Biden admin pressured Israel not to attack Hamas. FALSE!
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) November 22, 2023
They really think they can just flip a switch. pic.twitter.com/06w5fJolFO
This fact check admits I was right that Biden immediately called on Israel not to retaliate against Hamas, because they have to, because it's true. But, so they can defend Biden, they quote "experts" anyway saying he's been 100% supportive of Israel.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 21, 2023
Even that is a lie. In… https://t.co/oc0ewMzIBd
You folks should feel lucky you're on Twitter X. Back in the mid-2010s if you wanted to read this detached hysteria blaming Netanyahu for genocidal Palestinian terrorism, you either needed to know Hebrew or wait for intvs to get translated. Even then it was from "a US official." https://t.co/9SaC38RJQF
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) November 22, 2023
I was reading through this Washington Post article and thought "oh come on this is all just warmed over Walt and Mearsheimer drivel." Then in the very next paragraph she literally quoted Walt.
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) November 22, 2023
This is a theory from 20 years ago that goes "all countries follow their interests… pic.twitter.com/xBj2pK30z3
From a speech in 1989. It used to be a fairly basic part of international relations that taking hostages put you outside civilization.
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) November 22, 2023
After a few decades of Palestinian and Iranian terrorists mainstreaming it - and being rewarded for it - we're now on the other side, where… https://t.co/AOqUv4V78P
Hamas is a corrupt and deceitful organization. We will have to be extremely vigilant on the ground when implementing any temporary pause in operations for the release of Israeli hostages. @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/RTSdhWaFSj
— Jonathan Conricus (@jconricus) November 21, 2023
Important conversation with @LelandVittert @bungarsargon about the release of hostages by Hamas.
— Jason D. Greenblatt (@GreenblattJD) November 22, 2023
Watch here @NewsNation https://t.co/cVR7IOnOzY pic.twitter.com/oczzLRM3aN
“From the river to the sea - all hostages must be free!”
— David Lega (@DavidLega) November 22, 2023
The heinous terrorist organization Hamas is holding BOTH Israelis and Palestinians hostage. Hamas must be defeated. All hostages must be released! My speech in the European Parliament ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/EU1p3IAJ10
Hamas is an imminent danger to 🇮🇱. Hamas is an imminent danger to 🇵🇸 living in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, we cannot establish sustainable peace between 🇮🇱 and 🇵🇸, if the terrorist organization #Hamas remains. Today, being pro-peace means being pro-elimination of Hamas.
— Tomáš Zdechovský (@TomasZdechovsky) November 21, 2023
I said… pic.twitter.com/jzS08WErkx
Today, I have a question. A pressing question. For some Western feminists.
— Assita Kanko MEP (@Assita_Kanko) November 22, 2023
How can you remain silent, when women and girls are raped, tortured, their bodies carried around naked and spat on by bearded men shouting Allah Akbar?
Then you can never call yourself a feminist again.… pic.twitter.com/JNalcrobAq
Michel Houellebecq: “The IDF must win” https://t.co/U16h4mOVoI
— Neil Rogachevsky (@NeilRogachevsky) November 21, 2023
"Incredibly Complex Operation" Douglas Murray Talks Israeli Hostage Deal With Hamas
Journalist Douglas Murray talks President Netanyahu saying progress was made on hostages as 50 hostages will be freed by Hamas during a four-day ceasefire under a new deal with Israel which was brokered by the Qatar and the United States after weeks of negotiations.
Douglas says: "Nobody knows how many of the hostages are still alive or what condition they're in"
Israel releasing ‘convicted terrorists’ for hostages: IDF Lieutenant Colonel
IDF Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner says Israel will be releasing “convicted terrorists” in exchange for 53 women and children Hamas have been holding hostage since October 7.
The deal will the 53 hostages held by Hamas to be released in exchange for 150 Palestinian women and teenage prisoners, as well as a four-day ceasefire with Hamas to allow the exchange to occur.
Israel will also allow more food and fuel into Gaza as part of the deal.
“The situation is one that is going to be determined by the government of Israel and, I guess, the terrorist government of Hamas,” Mr Lerner told Sky News Australia host Andrew Bolt.
“From our position, of course, we need to look at the disparity, we need to keep in mind that those being released by Hamas … are innocent civilians, women and children … where we will be releasing convicted terrorists.
“This war effort from our perspective has always had two goals … dismantling and destroying Hamas as a terrorist government of the Gaza Strip so they can never have the power to govern the Gaza Strip as a terrorist organisation … and the release and the rescue of the hostages.”
‘Anxious time’ for families of Israeli hostages after deal with Hamas struck
It will be an “extremely anxious time” for families of Israeli hostages as they hope their child, parent or sibling will be among those released by Hamas, says Sky News host Sharri Markson.
Israel has agreed to a deal that will see 50 Israeli hostages freed in return for a five-day ceasefire and the release of 150 Palestinian prisoners.
The deal was reached during a late-night seven-hour emergency sitting of the Israeli cabinet.
Ms Markson said she has spoken to sources and her understanding is that each night Israel will be handed a list with the names of around 12 hostages who will be freed the next day.
“Israel doesn't know ahead of time who they'll be,” she said.
'Dangerous moment' for Israel after ceasefire deal made with Hamas
The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says it’s currently a “dangerous moment” for Israel after it made a deal with Hamas to pause fighting for four days in exchange for the release of hostages.
“I think they had to agree to something like this because the sense of solidarity in Israel with the innocent hostages is overwhelming – but these hostages deals actually have been very bad for Israel in the past,” he told Sky News host Peta Credlin.
“There’s going to be a four-day pause in the fighting, and Hamas will release 12 or 13 prisoners every day, at this stage, only women and children.
“Israel is determined that, for the moment, it won’t be releasing any Palestinian with blood on their hands directly but will be releasing female prisoners.
“Israel has said though that it will extend the pause in fighting for a day every time Hamas releases another ten prisoners.”
Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal the 'only option' for some hostages
Bar-llan University Professor of Politics Gerald Steinberg says nobody thinks of the Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal as fair “at all”.
“No one’s using the term ‘fair’ at all – it’s the only option we have to get at least 50 of our people back, mainly women and children or particularly women and children,” he told Sky News host Chris Kenny.
“It’s been 45 I think, 46 days since they were kidnapped, many of them went through terrible trauma watching the brutal killing and torture of their patents, their loved ones.
“They’ve been held in some tunnel somewhere by Hamas for now over now six weeks.
"I think the Israeli public wants them back but nobody thinks of it as fair at all – it’s pure blackmail – terrorist blackmail – and of course it’s worked again.”
Israeli hostage deal a ‘tremendous relief’ for kidnapped victims: Dave Sharma
Australia’s former ambassador to Israel Dave Sharma says the Israeli hostage release deal with Hamas is a tremendous relief for the kidnapped victims and their family members.
The Israeli cabinet has agreed to a hostage deal with Hamas that will see 50 Israeli hostages be released during a four-day ceasefire in exchange for 150 Palestinian women and children held in Israeli prisons.
“It’s very welcomed news for the families, we’re talking here about 30 children, 12 mothers, a number of women, some children as young as 10 months old," Mr Sharma told Sky News host Sharri Markson.
“Bear in mind they were kidnapped and taken hostage, a clear war crime and they’ve now been held for 46 days.
“It’s a tremendous relief for them and their family.”
While discussing the hostage deal on @ABCaustralia, I was asked this question about defeating an idea. We are fighting to make sure that Jihadi extremism in Gaza won't have the means to implement their hateful ideology against Israelis. pic.twitter.com/97Pe5KZVSU
— Jonathan Conricus (@jconricus) November 22, 2023
listen to the full episode here: https://t.co/mgJOCDdkTG
— The Jewish Chronicle (@JewishChron) November 21, 2023
Israel Advocacy Movement: Palestinian and Jew don't hold back on Gaza
Andrew Klavan: There's No Two-State Solution with People Who Want to EXTERMINATE Your State
The ongoing Israel-Hamas War has elicited a cascade of idiotic leftists calling for a cease-fire and a two-state solution. What these morons don't seem to understand is that Hamas is a terrorist organization whose sole purpose is the extermination of the Israeli state. There can be no cease-fire, no two-state solution, and no mercy. This is war.
Joel Pollak: Israelis no longer want a two-state solution after Oct 7 | JNS TV
JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman sits down with Breitbart Senior Editor-At-Large Joel Pollak to discuss what he is doing here in Israel, what he feels Americans aren't hearing about and how US Jews can fight back against rising antisemitism.
Pollak's opinion is that although the American public stands with Israel, the political class in Washington is steeped in an "unreality" of the Middle East, in an "impractical" ideology of a two-state solution, and a refusal to understand what the October 7th attacks mean for the region.
West ‘plagued by self-doubt’ as they fail to condemn Hamas ‘death cult’: Tony Abbott
Former prime minister Tony Abbott says the Western world is “plagued by self-doubt” as they fail to condemn the actions of the Hamas “terrorist death cult” after Opposition leader Peter Dutton called for clarity in condemning anti-Semitism.
Mr Dutton and Prime Minster Anthony Albanese attended the re-opening of the Melbourne Holocaust Museum on Wednesday in a display of bipartisan support against anti-Semitic hate speech.
Mr Dutton said there was a need for “moral courage and moral clarity” in unequivocally condemning ugly scenes of anti-Semitism as Mr Albanese moved to reassure the Jewish community that he would protect social cohesion.
“There’s a real crisis of self-confidence in countries such as ours,” Mr Abbott told Sky News host Peta Credlin.
“The Anglosphere, which has done so much to lead the world into a better place, is plagued by this self-doubt, and this is why so many people in countries like Australia seem to prefer Hamas, a terrorist death cult, to a liberal democracy such as Israel.
“We should be doing everything we humanely can to redeem ourselves by making it absolutely crystal clear that in this existential struggle between the Hamas death cult and the only liberal democracy in the Middle East … we are unequivocally on Israel’s side.”
Security concerns as Anthony Albanese secretly hands out 860 visas to Palestinian refugees fleeing war-torn Gaza Sky News host slams Labor for granting temporary visas to Palestinians
‘Galling’: Labor slammed over decision to grant 860 temporary visas to Palestinians
This is an important clip for several reasons.
— Erielle Davidson (@politicalelle) November 22, 2023
1. This woman lives in the West Bank under the PA. Very much sees Hamas as “freedom fighters.” Hamas support extends outside Gaza (polling shows this too).
2. This woman doesn’t believe that the rape of civilians qualifies as… https://t.co/JkgQbhRFwA
They were found with instructions on how to deploy nerve agents, ffs. You're judging intent based on level of success. "They didn't manage to kill ALL the Jews, so calling them genocidal is unfair." Sheesh. https://t.co/kTHwyUX7bd
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) November 22, 2023
Elon Musk announces he will donate X advertising revenue to hospitals in Israel and the Red Cross in Gaza after backlash over his anti-Semitic tweet
Hamas uses Red Crescent for terrorism. https://t.co/BuzKJSvD2n
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 21, 2023
Why the Candace Owens-Ben Shapiro Feud Matters The Israel Guys: This is Why Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens are Wrong About Israel & Hamas There’s a popular new trend. It is for conservative commentators to go to great pains to maintain “moral equivalence” regarding the current war between Israel and Hamas. If they’re not talking about moral equivalence, then they’re touting the fact that America should not be involved in any foreign wars, including intervening in the Middle East, or getting involved in stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear capability.
On a surface level, these issues may seem morally and sensibly correct. As you know however, I am an unapologetic Christian Zionists who stands unconditionally with Israel,
especially now. I’m also an American citizen who ironically, has no problem with the “America first” stance.
That being said, I have two specific reasons why it is absolutely vital for America and Christians all over the world to stand unconditionally with Israel. The second reason however, may surprise you.
Anti-Semitic activist screams 'free Palestine' as he's sentenced to seven years in prison for beating Jewish man in Times Square mob attack in 2021: Family accuse judge of being 'racist'
Antisemitic attacker Mahmoud Musa, 23, who was part of a gang that violently assaulted Joey Borgen at an anti-Israel rally in NYC in May 2021, was given a 7 years in prison. While being taken back to a holding cell, Musa yelled in the courtroom, “Free Palestine, Free Palestine!”… pic.twitter.com/WUJbNFaEyZ
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) November 22, 2023
Muslim street cart vendor, 24, reveals Obama's Islamaphobic Middle East advisor has been stalking his NYC food cart and calling him a terrorist for TWO WEEKS
Rahm Emmanuel’s home defaced with anti-Jewish graffiti. When the Nazis march we call it what it is. Hatred. When the pro-Hamas marches happen, we must also call it what it is!
— Brooke Goldstein (@GoldsteinBrooke) November 21, 2023
My comments on @FoxNews with @marthamaccallum: pic.twitter.com/SOZRCDWBMq
Pensioner who admitted throwing red paint over the Israeli embassy on Armistice Day faces jail
'Bubbling undercurrent of hatred': Patrick Christys swarmed and berated at pro-Palestine rally
GB News host Patrick Christys has spoken about going to a pro-Palestine protest in the UK to see what was “making them tick”.
Mr Christys went to Tower Hamlets, where he was surrounded by pro-Palestinian protesters who were shouting “shame on you” at him.
“We have had now a series of pro-Palestine demonstrations here,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
Mr Christys said the narrative being put out was that pro-Palestine rallies in the UK are peaceful – to which he went out to investigate if this was true.
“I just wanted to go and see why people were there and what was making them tick,” he said.
“And what you can see there is clearly the bubbling undercurrent of hatred.”
BBC's Gary Lineker sparks fresh impartiality row by sharing video which accuses Israel of committing 'textbook genocide' in Gaza
Susan Sarandon is DUMPED by her agent after saying Jews are now 'getting a taste of how it feels to be Muslim in the US'
If you think these words are "pro-Palestinian," you are a racist—thank you for standing up and making yourself known: “There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country.”
— Batya Ungar-Sargon (@bungarsargon) November 22, 2023
Glenn is confusing his algorithmic social media echo chamber for reality.
— Haviv Rettig Gur (@havivrettiggur) November 22, 2023
Susan Sarandon wasn't dropped for being an "Israel critic."
And what if there are objectively fewer American Jews calling for genocide in one direction than pro-Hamas people calling for it in the other? https://t.co/1ZcSxXZBPp
Last night @LelandVittert asked me why the @nytimes and so many others in our profession are carrying water for Hamas. It comes back to woke mind virus from elite universities: They see Hamas as less powerful than Israel and thus inherently more virtuous. It's really that simple pic.twitter.com/KXhTftxUJp
— Batya Ungar-Sargon (@bungarsargon) November 22, 2023
Susan Sarandon dumped by Hollywood agency over anti-Jewish rant
Actress Susan Sarandon has been dropped from talent agency UTA after she claimed Jewish people have been getting a “taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim”.
The Thelma and Louise actress made the comments during a speech at a pro-Palestine rally in New York City on Friday, November 17.
“There are a lot of people that are afraid, that are afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence,” Ms Sarandon said.
There has been fierce backlash to the comments, including from Muslim American writer Asra Nomani.
"Don’t minimize the experience of Jewish Americans by sanitizing the hell that it is for Muslims living in Muslim countries,” she wrote on X.
Other users on social media said Sarandon should “stick to acting” and “stop the divisive rhetoric”.
Yesterday’s lie was so blatant that even the guy who is essentially a lobbyist for the Iranian regime was shamed into deleting it, but Ball left hers up. pic.twitter.com/Flus7Hux3A
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 22, 2023
Melissa Barrera is fired from Scream VII over social media posts critical of Israel amid ongoing war with Hamas
Woke UPenn vows to identify group responsible for hanging hundreds of horrific 'Missing Cow' posters that appear to mock murdered and kidnapped Hamas terror attack victims
The trend of blocking train stations for “peace in Palestine” has now spread from the U.K. to Spain.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 22, 2023
These people are blocking the Sol station in Madrid.
Via @gaceta_es pic.twitter.com/Hur7X3b6os
Vile moment pro-Palestine activist declares she's 'cleaning the s*** off the street' as she tears down posters of kidnapped Israeli children in North London - before 'making antisemitic remark at passerby'
The north London woman who was recorded tearing down the photos of the missing civilians kidnapped by Hamas is artist Anna Laurini. She is a pro-Palestine activist and has been going to the protests. pic.twitter.com/7zupKIFPv9
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) November 22, 2023
We are thrilled to introduce our latest initiative, 'StopDontShop' - an interactive website empowering consumers to make informed and thoughtful spending decisions.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 21, 2023
STOP supporting businesses that hate Jews!
START spending wisely!
Visit https://t.co/5lSc5U0S1w for MORE. pic.twitter.com/ut7eahtb3i
Megan Liddy's Tik Tok account as well as a screen record of the her atrocious antisemitic comment. pic.twitter.com/aCMInmVEzq
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 22, 2023
A tiny sampling of Haider Tawakali’s Facebook posts. pic.twitter.com/tqRLRqZVNG
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 22, 2023
UPDATE: Ishan Daya, the male in this video caught ripping down posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas, has been FIRED from Crafty, the company he helped co-found. https://t.co/nRKX9umy2D pic.twitter.com/tgcZD08QWG
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 22, 2023
According to online public records, the NPI Number for Dr. Abdelrhman Maher Abo-Zed is 1952965675 and he holds NJ License No. 25MA11720500.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 22, 2023
Cleveland, OH - we are appalled to witness individuals disrupting a panel with Congresswoman Shontel Brown and Congressman Max Miller.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 21, 2023
During the disturbance, agitators shouted inflammatory statements such as "Israel is a terrorist state” and echoed the Hamas call for the… pic.twitter.com/drqh3okxSv
Elderly man runs into an anti-Israel protest march in Switzerland.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 21, 2023
Two worlds colliding
🇨🇭🇮🇱 pic.twitter.com/7YAj5xfI2w
Palestine football fans stage protest during men's team's World Cup qualifier against Australia amid Israel conflict
Wild scenes as a BABY is caught up in pro-Palestinian protest as it descends into violence with demonstrators trying to block an Israeli ship: 23 arrested
All their rallies are 'ugly' but it's great to see that there are finally some charges. pic.twitter.com/votaqO95pF
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) November 21, 2023
Chris Minns ‘courageous’ for comments on school strike for Palestine
Psychiatrist Dr Tanveer Ahmed says it was “courageous” of NSW Premier Chris Minns to take a strong stance against the school strike for Palestine protest tomorrow.
“We’ve just set a precedent around the climate strikes where you’ve just got groups saying oh, if we care about an issue enough, we think there’s a religious zeal around an issue, oh yeah it supersedes school,” he told Sky News host Chris Kenny.
“I think it’s absolutely terrible and it’s kids being exploited by their elders.
“It’s interesting Minns is taking such a strong position.
“He may well upset some figures in his party – this is where there’s a real tension on the left and there’s a lot of Labor MPs with big sort of Muslim communities who will have strong issues probably against what Minns is saying.”
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) November 22, 2023
A group of hateful NSW teachers are promoting violence.
The teachers post slogans such as 'Viva Viva Intifada', a clear reference to the violent 'Intifada' which was a wave of suicide bombings of buses and other civilian targets that killed hundreds of… pic.twitter.com/hjFhZjy82f
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) November 22, 2023
Powerful speech from one of the Brighton Secondary School boys, Matt Kaplan.
The boys suffered from years of antisemitic bullying.
Matt Kaplan and his brother Joel say it is a disgrace the school's former principal is still employed by the state.
Matt… pic.twitter.com/xpFtxb8df5
One day you're getting an Inspirational Teen puff piece in the New York Times, the next you're firebombing the Jews https://t.co/VO9ITh9XUG
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2023
What the hell does this even mean? pic.twitter.com/XOFdi3m0wT
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 22, 2023
Twitter antisemitism for beginners: pic.twitter.com/cuXlf79xoV
— Yagdil Isn't Brisk (@Briskerov) November 21, 2023
The person who made these F#%CK HAMAS @fk_hamas stickers is an utter genius. Not least because it smokes out those who object to the sentiment. You can buy your own stash here: https://t.co/DppyJCR67p pic.twitter.com/SIkfprsZXo
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) November 21, 2023
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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