‘They Forgot to Be Afraid’
Inquiries into the Yom Kippur War failures led to major changes in Israel’s military structure and political leadership—including the end of Prime Minister Golda Meir’s storied career. And yet here we are, 50 years later, grappling with another catastrophic failure of sensemaking on the part of Israel’s political, intelligence, and military elites. And this could be the hardest lesson of the post–October 7 reckoning: Identifying and even punishing these failed leaders might be necessary, and indeed, cathartic. But it won’t be sufficient. The problems lie deeper than any group of individuals. “Locating blame in individuals perpetuates the problem,” Vaughan writes. The people thought to be at fault can be fired or even jailed, “but unless the organizational causes of the problems are fixed, the next person to occupy the same position will experience the same pressures and the harmful outcomes will repeat.”Noah Rothman: The Anti-Jewish Violence Is Happening
It’s natural to be outraged at the leaders who failed to anticipate this horrific assault. But, unlike in a disaster, we should reserve our deepest anger for the people who ordered and carried out this exercise in primitive barbarity. Emily Harding, an analyst with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, writes that intelligence collapses like 9/11 and October 7 “are often failures of imagination.” They occur when leaders and analysts “neglect to think as big and as ruthlessly as their enemy.” Maybe we shouldn’t be shocked that Israel’s military and intelligence leaders failed to imagine the depths of Hamas’s depravity. Perhaps—and I know this is asking a lot—we should try to summon a bit of empathy for officials whose notions of military threats didn’t include mass rape and babies in ovens.
No doubt all these questions will be hashed out in the coming years of inquiry and attempts at reform. But that will have to wait. As Israeli forces were still engaging the last Hamas terrorists, a reporter asked IDF military spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, about the status of the investigation into military and intelligence failures. His response: “First, we fight, then we investigate.”
The academic theories that buttress anti-Semitism were made operational in 2019 in the effort to compel House Democratic leaders to back down from their effort to censure Representative Ilhan Omar for her flagrant anti-Semitism. The backlash from the left was wildly successful. Because she wanted the censure, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was dubbed by Linda Sarsour a “typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men.” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agreed. “No one seeks this level of reprimand when members make statements about Latinx + other communities,” she insisted. “We all have a responsibility to speak out against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and all forms of hatred and bigotry,” then senator Kamala Harris wrote. And yet, “the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk.”Meir Y. Soloveichik: Scalia’s Prophecy
A united front emerged, and Democratic leadership was convinced to subordinate its better instincts to the social justice solidarity movement that formed around Omar. In the end, the caucus produced not a censure of Omar’s prejudice but a watery statement of general opposition to bigotry in whatever form it takes. Sound familiar?
The least charitable interpretation of the Democratic establishment’s internal turmoil in the weeks that passed since the 10/7 attack is that its leading lights are inveighing against the scourge of Islamophobia to give cover to anti-Semitic elements within their coalition. And it is not without evidence—the evidence of years of cowardice, caviling, and making deals with the devil.
Progressives and liberals alike abetted decades of policy preferences, campaigns to coerce and cajole donors, indefensible tenure-track recommendations, efforts to debase humanities departments, and the creation of a media-academic industrial complex designed to house the products of this ill-considered education. They built an elaborate new lie—the threat of “Islamophobia”—that hijacked the enduring reality of the world’s oldest lie. It should be a source of profound unease to all people of good will, and to all people who fear the consequences of these apologia for anti-Semitism, that the White House’s first instinct when confronted with the rotten fruits of their coalition’s labors is to throw yet another lie on the pile.
On May 8, 1997, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia delivered what may have been the most important speech of his life. Strikingly, the address had nothing to do with jurisprudence; it made no mention of the Constitution or of the originalism that had marked his career. Delivered in the Capitol Rotunda, the justice’s remarks focused on the horrors of history, yet Scalia looked to not only the past but also the future. His words, now printed in the vital volume Scalia Speaks, have proved terrifyingly prescient.The Inside Story of How Palestinians Took Over the World
The occasion of the address was a ceremony marking Holocaust Memorial Day. The justice reflected that, as honored as he was to participate, he found the invitation difficult to undertake as a non-Jew: “I am an outsider speaking to an ancient people about a tragedy of unimaginable proportions that is intensely personal to them.” Scalia further reflected, “I am not only not a Jew, I am a Christian,” and said he believed that the anti-Semitism in Christendom had “helped set the stage for the mad tragedy that the National Socialists produced.” He stressed, however, that for him, the ceremony of the day was personal: “When I was a young man in college, spending my junior year abroad, I saw Dachau. Later, in the year after I graduated from law school, I saw Auschwitz. I will of course never forget the impression they made upon me.”
These remarks were interesting enough, but the most important part of the speech was yet to come. Scalia stressed that it was not enough to remember the Holocaust. Rather, he said, one must mark the sort of society in which it occurred: “The one message I want to convey today is that you will have missed the most frightening aspect of it all, if you do not appreciate that it happened in one of the most educated, most progressive, most cultured countries in the world.” The Germany of the early-20th century, he noted, “was a world leader in most fields of art, science, and intellect.” Its universities were some of the most celebrated on earth. Yet this did not prevent Nazism from suffusing society; in fact, German education and Nazism went hand in hand.
Then, suddenly, Scalia switched from past to present and focused on his own family: “This aspect of the matter is perhaps so prominent in my mind because I am undergoing, currently, the task of selecting a college for the youngest of my children—or perhaps more accurately, trying to help her select it.” American parents, Scalia reflected, place so much value today on what is taught in academic institutions, yet the opportunities afforded there, he argued, are “of only secondary importance—to our children, and to the society that their generation will create.” The Holocaust, Scalia argued, is a reminder of the importance of imparting moral wisdom above all else, and it is this, he was implicitly saying, that parents must bear in mind as they ponder the intellectual future of their progeny.
The brilliant Palestinian plan to capture the pliable minds of American college students was laid out in front of me 25 years ago, during a very sinister business meeting in Israel.
It was around the time of the Oslo Accords. I had been hired by the Ford Foundation to create a marketing institute for their grantees in the country. Ford was funding the operations of both Jewish and Arab organizations within the Israeli green line, in an effort to help build a vibrant liberal civil society.
Ford put me in partnership with a young Israeli woman, Debra London. (Debra, now one of my closest friends, has just been selected to head up fundraising for the rebuilding of Kibbutz Be’eri.) She and I drew up a plan to interview each of the grantees, as well as Israeli ad agencies and media firms. While we wanted to learn about the grantees, we also planned to secure free marketing work and media to be an essential part of the institute.
When we interviewed the Jewish organizations, the atmosphere was almost giddy with hope, possibility and belief in Shimon Peres’s new Middle East. Each organization we interviewed talked excitedly about peace and co-existence, a flourishing economy among both the Jews and the Palestinians, collaborative projects and interchanges.
But when we interviewed the Arab organizations, the word “peace” never passed their lips. They spoke of independence, dignity, self-rule, a state. One person even told me she would never use the word “du-kiyum” (co-existence). “There is no such thing as co-existence,” she stressed. “We are just the tenants living on the property that the Jews now own. That’s not a balanced co-existence.”
I tried to explain to my fellow Jewish liberals that we — the Jews and the Arabs — were having two very separate conversations. We were talking “peace.” They were talking “independence.” But as the weeks of interviews progressed, I found the Arab organizations were talking about a whole lot more.
The Brendan O’Neill Show PodCast: Why Israel must win
Melanie Phillips and Brendan O’Neill discuss the global hate campaign against the Jewish State.Ambassador of Israel to Ireland Dana Erlich (Irish Times): Where Is the Outcry by the Irish for the Israeli Children Held Hostage by Hamas?
Times columnist Melanie Phillips returns for the latest episode of The Brendan O’Neill Show. Melanie and Brendan discuss the barbarism of Hamas and the grim rise of elite anti-Semitism.
Through the inhumane, brutal massacre of innocent civilians on Oct. 7 by Hamas, we truly understand the enemy we are facing. We call on the world, and Ireland, to do the same.Irish Parliament Motion to Expel Israeli Ambassador Defeated
It was troubling to see people marching in the streets calling out against Israel, but not against Hamas. Where is their outcry for the lives of Israeli babies and children being held hostage by Hamas? Where is the outcry against the atrocities and abuse this terror organization has inflicted, and continues to inflict, on its own population?
Hamas is an integral part of the jihadist movement. Its aim is replacing Israel with an Islamist caliphate. These fanatics believe that goal justifies carrying out the most brutal, inhuman attacks on Israeli civilians and treating Gaza's population as pawns to be sacrificed. Hamas preys on the sympathies of people who still do not comprehend that it is not a national liberation movement, but rather a twin of Islamic State.
Israel's war is against Hamas and not the Palestinian people. It is not indiscriminate revenge, but a war using targeted operations adhering to international law to make sure we eliminate the threat on our doorstep.
There is no equivalence between those deliberately attacking innocent civilians and those battling against the source of such attacks.
International law recognizes that there are times when the use of force is a necessity, an obligation, and the only moral course of action. Facing the evil of Hamas, it is the obligation of every state to prevent such atrocities happening again.
Like every other state in the world, Israel has the right and the obligation to take all necessary measures to protect its citizens. There is a growing realization that peace will only come when the majority of Palestinians choose coexistence over conflict, and eject the extremists from their midst.
A motion in the Irish Parliament calling for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador has been defeated by 85 votes to 55, as more than a thousand protesters called for the expulsion of the ambassador. Irish Minister of State James Browne told the Dail parliament that maintaining diplomatic links with Israel was vital. A motion calling for Ireland to refer Israel to the International Criminal Court was also defeated.Eli Lake: The Scandal of Robert Malley
When he was a much younger man, Robert Malley worked in the administration of Bill Clinton in the 1990s as an adviser on the peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. In those hopeful days, Rob was always greeted by the late Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, with a memory and a kind word about his father, Simon Malley.Outgoing Human Rights Watch senior editor blasts group’s ‘infected’ work on Israel
Each time Arafat would meet with Clinton and Malley, he would share a different and inaccurate story about Simon. Arafat claimed that the elder Malley was a founder of the Egyptian Communist Party (not true) and once a prisoner in an Egyptian jail (partially true). As the younger Malley shared in a 2008 lecture for Oxford University, Arafat once told Clinton that Simon had been a “world renowned Torah expert who could vouch for the fact that the Jewish Temple never had been built in Jerusalem.”
That last Arafat memory was a whopper. Simon Malley was Jewish, but he never had much patience for the actual religion. Instead, Simon found his calling in the Arab struggle against Western imperialism. He devoted his life as an editor and journalist to this cause. And in that pursuit, Simon Malley became a comrade and friend of Yasser Arafat.
Malley later claimed he would often quarrel about Arafat with his father, who would not hear a bad word about the Palestinian leader. But when Rob matriculated at Yale University in 1980, he was still very much his father’s son. He wrote a fiery op-ed for the college newspaper that compared resistance to the Nazis in Europe to the Palestinian struggle against the world’s only Jewish state.
Since then, Malley’s politics have evolved. He does not engage in the noxious rhetoric of his undergraduate days. But he is still a moral, political, and foreign-policy relativist. He will condemn the actions of those who seek the slaughter of innocents in the name of liberation, but he has never been able to see his interlocutors for the dark beings they really are.
An outgoing senior editor at Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused the organization of politicizing its work on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, claiming that its anti-Israel slant peaked following the Hamas onslaught on October 7 in which 1,200 people were massacred across southern Israel.Gil Troy: Palestinians can stop the war by overthrowing Hamas
“Following the Hamas massacres in Israel on October 7, years of institutional creep culminated in organizational responses that shattered professionalism, abandoned principles of accuracy and fairness, and surrendered its duty to stand for the human rights of all,” Danielle Haas wrote in an internal email to over 500 HRW employees, which she sent on Tuesday — her final day on the job. The email was leaked to The Times of Israel.
In a Wednesday statement responding to the email, HRW said Haas’s “departure is not related or connected to Human Rights Watch’s work on Israel-Palestine. Her departure was decided weeks prior to October 7.”
Indeed, HRW decided to remove Haas’s position in September, she confirmed.
HRW also defended its reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, insisting that it applies the same standards to its work on the subject as it does with other areas.
Haas was a senior editor at HRW for 13 years after working as a journalist for the Associated Press and Reuters, covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Seth Mandel: Jew Hatred Is Measured in More Than Statistics
One example: campus antisemitism. “Things have gotten crazy on college campuses,” as a widely shared sentiment, has cemented itself in the public consciousness fairly well. But the specific cases themselves matter—for parents and prospective students wondering where they can send their kids, for educators, for policymakers whose menu of options can change based on a particular school’s public funding and federal scholarship obligations, etc. A look this morning at Antisemitism Exposed shows stories on UCLA, Oberlin, Columbia, Harvard, Boston University, the University of Maryland, Brandeis, and the University of Pennsylvania.Coleman Hughes: The Struggle for Black Freedom Has Nothing to Do with Israel The belief that Israel is analogous to apartheid South Africa or Jim Crow America has no basis in history.
Problems this common become statistics. But we of all people know the danger in allowing society to numb itself to the individual cases.
There’s an old joke: How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one—but the light bulb has to really want to change.
The powerful institutions now racked by antisemitism, and the leaders of those institutions, don’t want to change—that’s just human nature. But they need to. So let’s help them.
When ideologues co-opt the African American freedom struggle and compare it to the Palestinian national movement, they do black Americans a grave disservice. Black Americans (aside from a fringe) did not seek to dominate and destroy white society, as Martin Luther King Jr. emphasized frequently in his speeches. African Americans pursued equality before the law and better economic circumstances. In black history, you can find the occasional Nat Turner, the slave who led a rebellion and advocated killing all whites. But compared to the leaders of the struggle—giants like Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King—radicals like Turner amount to a footnote in the black American struggle for equality.Sam Harris: Weekend Listening: The Bright Line Between Good and Evil
Even early Malcolm X, the most prominent mouthpiece for black radicalism, was not interested in a violent takeover whereby blacks would run all of America and render whites second-class citizens. When he expressed black nationalism as more than a metaphor, he made clear that he was interested in a partitioning of black and white states inside America or a black ethnostate somewhere outside of America entirely.
Palestinian leaders, by contrast, seek dominion over all the land existing between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Some, like Hamas, have even more radical ambitions: a global Islamic caliphate. Palestinian leaders have rejected every partition offer they have ever received: the Peel Commission in 1937, the UN partition of 1947, the offers made at Camp David as well as the Clinton Parameters in 2000, and Olmert’s proposal in 2008. In the Palestinian national movement, the common denominator has been the rejection of a Jewish state of any size and scope, as well as the unyielding demand for nothing less than a Palestinian Arab state to subsume Israel: “from the river to the sea,” as the chant goes.
As for tactics, there is nothing in the history of mainstream African American political activism analogous to Hamas’s use of its own people as human shields; their use of a civilian hospital as a torture chamber; their denial of resources to their own people despite billions of dollars in international aid; their system of cash rewards to incentivize suicide bombings against civilian targets; their indiscriminate rocket fire on civilians; their practice of taking children and the elderly as hostages; and the combination of millenarianism and genocidal bloodlust evoked in their founding charter.
If you’d like to defend Hamas, then go ahead. But do not take the easy way out by making farcical comparisons between the black freedom struggle and Palestinian nationalism or between European colonialism and Zionism.
Of course, all of this horror is compounded by the irony that the Jews who were killed on October 7 were, for the most part, committed liberals and peace activists. Hamas killed the sorts of people who volunteer to drive sick Palestinians into Israel for medical treatments. They murdered the most idealistic people in Israel. They raped, tortured, and killed young people at a trance dance music festival devoted to peace, half of whom were probably on MDMA feeling nothing but love for all humanity when the jihadists arrived. In terms of a cultural and moral distance, it’s like the fucking Vikings showed up at Burning Man and butchered everyone in sight.Abigail Shrier: This Is Not a Drill
Just think about what happened at the Supernova music festival: at least 260 people were murdered in the most sadistically gruesome ways possible. Decapitated, burned alive, blown up with grenades. . . and from the jihadist side, this wasn’t an error. It’s not that if they could have known what was in the hearts of those beautiful young people, they would have thought, “Oh my God, we’re killing the wrong people. These people aren’t our enemies. These people are filled with love and compassion and want nothing more than to live in peace with us.” No, the true horror is that, given what jihadists believe, those were precisely the sorts of people any good Muslim should kill and send to hell where they can be tortured in fire for eternity. From the jihadist point of view, there is no mistake here. And there is no basis for remorse. Please absorb this fact: for the jihadist, all of this sadism—the torture and murder of helpless, terrified people—is an act of worship. This is the sacrament. This isn’t some nauseating departure from the path to God. This isn’t stalled spiritual progress, much less sin. This is what you do for the glory of God. This is what Muhammed himself did.
There is no substitute for understanding what our enemies actually want and believe. I’m pretty sure that many of you reading this aren’t even comfortable with my use of the term enemy, because you don’t want to believe that you have any. I understand that. But you have to understand that the people who butchered over 1,400 innocent men, women, and children in Israel on October 7 were practicing their religion, sincerely. They were being every bit as spiritual, from their point of view, as the trance dancers at the Supernova festival were being from theirs. They were equally devoted to their highest values. Equally uplifted. Ecstatic. Amazed at their good fortune. They wouldn’t want to trade places with anyone. Let this image land in your brain: they were shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) all day long, as they murdered women and children. And these people are now being celebrated the world over by those who understand exactly what they did. Yes, many of those college kids at Harvard and Stanford and Cornell are just idiots who have a lot to learn about the world. But in the Muslim community, and that includes the crowds in London and Sydney and Brooklyn, Hamas is being celebrated by people who understand exactly what motivates them.
Again, watch Hotel Mumbai or read a book about the Islamic State so that you can see jihadism in another context—where literally not one of the variables that people imagine to be important here is present. There are no settlers or blockades or daily humiliations at checkpoints or differing interpretations of history—and yet we have same grotesque distortion of the spiritual impulse, the same otherworldliness framed by murder, the same absolute evil that doesn’t require the presence of evil people, just confused ones—just true believers.
Of course, we can do our best to turn the temperature down now. And we can trust that the news cycle will get captured by another story. We can direct our attention again to Russia, or China, or climate change, or AI alignment, and I will do that on this podcast, but the problem of jihadism and the much wider problem of sympathy for it isn’t going away. And civilized people—non-Muslim and Muslim alike—have to deal with it. As I said in a previous podcast on this topic: we all live in Israel now. It’s just that most of us haven’t realized it yet.
According to a popular meme, “Queers for Palestine” is like “Chickens for KFC”: To sign on to that slogan, you’d have to be suicidal or an idiot. That, at any rate, seems to be the prevailing view in the circles I travel in when it comes to the transgender activists who support Hamas. The climate activists, the feminist extremists, Gays 4 Gaza, and sad-sack members of Jewish Voice for Peace—each of them strikes us as dupes of a regime that would happily jail, repress, or massacre them. Can they really be this self-defeating? Can they really be this gullible and dumb? Well, at the poker table of today’s leftism, if you don’t know who the fool is, more than likely, the fool is you.John Podhoretz: The Wonderful Gathering
Consider Black Lives Matter Chicago, which announced its support for Hamas in the days after the massacre with a gleeful post on X (né Twitter), featuring a Palestinian flag and a silhouette of a paraglider, presumably on his way to rape women and butcher children, as Palestinian paragliders had just done. “I stand with Palestine,” the poster read. Does BLM, an organization whose aim is to “bring justice, healing and freedom to Black people across the globe,” not know how Ethiopian Jews would be treated if they dared visit Gaza?
Similarly, an associate professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, called Israel a “white supremacist Zionist project.” Anyone who has ever visited Israel knows this to be absurd on its face. The 100,000-plus Ethiopian Jews are far from “white,” and a majority of Israel’s population—the Mizrahim, or Easterners, who have been living in and around the Middle East since antiquity—could not be and should not be considered any “whiter” than their Palestinian neighbors.
The foolishness extends beyond race. Climate activists like Greta Thunberg took to Twitter to pledge support for Gaza in the days after the massacre—almost as if they didn’t know that the unprovoked war launched by Hamas on October 7 and the thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel will result in both increased carbon emissions and devastation to the local environment.
Meanwhile, gender-studies departments in the United States have sought to “amplify” the call from Palestinian feminists “to join the struggle for Palestinian liberation.” So, in a struggle between an Islamist police state—quite literally, a patriarchy—whose terrorists were encouraged to rape Israeli women on October 7 and a society where women enjoy full rights and serve in the military, Western academic feminists choose the former. And at Columbia University, the queer nonbinary women student group, LionLez, held a movie night: “It’s FREE PALESTINE over here. Zionists aren’t invited.”
Why are the BLM supporters, climate extremists, academic feminists, and trans activists so quick to side with Hamas? Why are those who champion women’s reproductive rights so quick to align themselves with a Hamas-controlled Gaza where women lack the right to drive, let alone get an abortion? Why would they rally to a society where men are encouraged to hit the stray uppity wife? For that matter, why would so many LGBTQ+ groups side against a society that hosts some of the largest Pride festivals worldwide so that they can throw in with another that puts homosexuals to death?
We drove and flew and took trains and got there. The program was fine–I was especially impressed by an Argentinian-born scholar named Mijal Bitton, who gave a corker of a speech about living under anti-Semitism and what Israel meant to her family and what her adopted country of America means to her. And it was stunning to note that in a crowd that probably voted 60-70 percent for Joe Biden, the biggest applause line of the day came from newly minted Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, the Republican from Louisiana, who said flatly, “Calls for a ceasefire are outrageous.”Memorable Quotes from the Memorable March For Israel Rally in D.C.
But mostly we felt, as we have felt since October 7, that draw and pull to be together in the midst of the horror and the tragedy. Everybody who was there speaks of the astonishing feeling that, in a crowd nearing 300,000, we ran into Ben right there, or Dan, or Rabbi Buchdahl, or my son, who had traveled separately with his school. It was more like a Fourth of July parade in a small town than it was the most populous single event in the history of American Jewry. But then, American Jewry is a small town in the midst of a big country, and we tend to forget that as we battle with each other politically and religiously and socially. In the end, we are from the same place, the same ancient place, and that place was attacked, and so we were attacked too.
And we will not stand for it. And we did not. And we stood for what was right. Am Yisrael Chai.
At the March for Israel Rally, a crowd estimated to be more than 290,000 gathered at the National Mall, with many more watching the livestream. It featured politicians, actors and student and community leaders. Here are some of the more memorable things that were said:290,000 lights unto the nations shown in Washington
“We all have third-degree burns on our souls. Our hearts are bruised and seeping with misery but the real souls suffering are those of the hostages … why is the world accepting that 240 human beings from almost 30 countries have been stolen and buried alive?”
– Rachel Goldberg, mother of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who was wounded and kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from the Nova Music Festival on October 7.
“As a descendant of Holocaust survivors on both sides, he understood the importance of a strong Israel … from a place of deep pain, we hold strong for you Omer. We speak in your name, tirelessly …”
-Orna Neutra, mother of Omer Neutra, a lone solider kidnapped by Hamas on October 7.
Ronen and Orna’s Neutra’s son, Omer, was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7. Orna told the crowd their son is a sports fan and a lone soldier. Photo by Perry Bindelglass/ Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations
“The pain I have experienced since they were taken has been so sharp it follows my every beath. I wake up each morning to remember this truth: My family is being held hostage by terrorists. I am here with you because I love my family and I promised I would scream to the end of the Earth for them … for too many in the West, the suffering of hostage families like mine has become a footnote.”
–Alana Zeitchik, whose cousins were kidnapped by Hamas terrorist from Kibbitz Nir Oz on October 7, including Sharon, her husband David, their 3-year-old twin daughters Emma and Yuli, as well as Danielle and 5-year-old daughter Amelia.
“In the long years in prison I was told again and again that I’m alone, that I’m abandoned, that we failed … you were bringing so much love and so much strength to us. This picture of one Jewish fighting family was always in my head and that’s why it was so clear that whatever will be my personal fate, the outcome of our struggle can be only our victory … We in Israel go through difficult days. We go from one funeral of the soldier who fell fighting against Hamas yesterday and another funeral of the family who was tortured and killed five weeks ago but was identified only now. And in between you go to the family whose children were kidnapped, became hostages … how (do) you keep going? You keep going by doing it together.”
-Natan Sharansky, imprisoned in Russia from 1977 to 1986, before eventually becoming a deputy prime minister of Israel. He now works against antisemitism.
Dave Rubin applauds ‘completely peaceful’ pro-Israel rally in Washington
The Rubin Report host Dave Rubin applauded a “completely peaceful” pro-Israel rally in Washington as tens of thousands of supporters protested rising anti-Semitism and the Hamas attacks.
Speakers at the “March for Israel” denounced the Hamas incursion on October 7 and pleaded with people to call out the terrorist group’s atrocities.
Mr Rubin said it was “very heartening” to see a peaceful rally after witnessing horrific slurs and chants at pro-Palestine rallies.
“It was nice to see a rally today that was completely peaceful, where there were American flags, there were talks about shared values, there were talks about returning hostages and actually how one day perhaps there could be peace,” he told Sky News host Paul Murray.
“There were no calls for violence or anything else like that."
Jewish NYC high schoolers verbally attacked by woman on DC train after National Mall rally: ‘F–k all you guys’
The Israel Guys: 300,000 People March In Support Of Israel In Washington DC | a glimmer of hope in America…
Former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman said this was the largest gathering of Jews since Mt Sinai. In a time where it seems like the world is coming against Israel more and more every day, it’s encouraging to see a glimmer of hope in America as nearly 300,000 people showed up to a rally in Washington DC in support of Israel. Something I would like to point out is the difference between this rally and the “Pro Palestinian” protests that have been taking place across the world for the last month.
Also, Greta Thunberg shines once again with a brilliant speech about climate change and Palestine saying “No climate justice on occupied land!”
The University Horrors: Chapter and Verse
Finally, and most important, sunlight can illuminate the chasm between the campus reaction to the mass murders and reactions virtually everywhere else in the United States. That a massacre of almost unspeakable barbarity against Israeli citizens set the stage for widespread anti-Israel protests remains the single most remarkable aspect of higher education’s response to October 7.Harvard’s Shameful DEI Addiction
It clearly distinguishes the academy from the rest of society. Hundreds of University of California professors recalled their shock, on October 8 and 9, “to realize that literally while Hamas terrorists were going house-to-house seeking to murder as many Jews as they could, some pro-Palestinian organizations on our own campus were gathering petition signatures for statements that celebrated these Hamas terrorists as freedom fighters and rejected any critique of their actions.” From the opposite perspective, the New Yorker summarized the hours after the massacre for an author of the Harvard student statement: “As Harvard’s campus awoke to news of the Hamas attack on Israel, a Palestinian-American student… rushed to her friend’s apartment, still in pajamas, to compose ‘an emergency statement’ on behalf of Palestinian allies on campus.”
Who responds to a horrific act of violence, one that recalled memories of the Einsatzgruppen, with an impetus to immediately protest against the country whose citizens had just experienced the mass murder? And what type of environment then sustains this sentiment? Apart from left-wing groups such as the Democratic Socialists of America, no other corner of U.S. society—even those with growing skepticism of Israel, such as congressional Democrats, the New York Times or Washington Post, or liberal churches—responded in this way, or had any difficulty recognizing the Hamas atrocities for what they were.
In a viral clip, a Cornell professor spoke of his personal exhilaration upon learning of the Hamas attacks (he later apologized). Behind him stood two students holding a giant banner: “Anti-Zionism ≠ Anti-Semitism!” This sentiment now seems at best willfully naive and at worst an Orwellian abuse of language. Academics think of themselves as positioned on the right side of history; the protections of tenure and academic freedom provide an ability to retain principled dissent when the broader public abandons basic morality. That vision of the academy now lies in tatters.
Gay’s proposal goes further in creating harm for Harvard because in addition to promoting DEI, she marginalized the group that sits at the very core of Harvard itself: the faculty. Gay effectively neutralized professors and their role on campus thought and culture. Rather than treating professors as those who tackle big questions and educate America’s brightest, the mission of educating “citizen-leaders for our society” is now the responsibility of administrative staff. The faculty should be troubled and furious. It does not have to be this way. Former Stanford Provost John Etchemendy recently described a moment a decade ago when the Westboro Baptist Church targeted Hillel during a time when Stanford did not “have a DEI program to mandate diversity and inclusion.” The school nonetheless managed to navigate hatred, in Etchemendy’s words, because “we saw ourselves as a community of scholars, who approached even the most agonizing events with compassion and understanding—and a determination to find a solution.” Claudine Gay’s approach has grown the bureaucracy and all but stripped the faculty of such a critical role.How Do You Solve a Problem Like Attiah?
Stanford trusted its professors at a time when the community needed their expertise and leadership. Harvard has lacked any fortitude to speak the truth, and Claudine Gay and her administration instead propose enlarging the school’s administration. In a staunch rebuke, Summers stated, “It is shameful that no honest observer looking at the record of the last few years and especially at the last month can suppose that universities’ responses including Harvard to antisemitism have paralleled in vigor or volume the responses to racism or other forms of prejudice.” While Gay explicitly stated that anti-Semitism has no place at Harvard and is now dedicated to tackling this pernicious hatred with the urgency it demands, her approach is completely backward. Harvard needs to rethink its problem with antisemitism immediately and the Jewish community should reject seeing itself as a victim within the DEI framework—nor ever seek to win the approval of intersectional, progressive ideologues who have poisoned campuses nationwide.
Students are scared, intimidated, and not being treated equally, which is seemingly antithetical to a true inclusive agenda and Harvard should be modeling how to embrace the truth, not hiding behind administrators who are trying to reject or distort reality.
For someone with the title of “Global Opinions Editor” at a major newspaper, Karen Attiah of the Washington Post holds many opinions that ought to stupefy serious opinion leaders across the globe, if they were to bother wasting their time reading her. For my sins, I have and did, and now I will tell you about them, so you will be prepared if you ever see her byline. Her column appears regularly in the Washington Post, one of the many reasons it has ceased being a great newspaper and has now become at best a mediocre bird-cage liner.
A week after the Hamas slaughter and wounding of thousands of Israelis, President Biden announced the United States’ strong support for Israel and its right to defend itself. Attiah’s response on X? “I will never forgive Biden for this.” When she was criticized on social media for her cavalier attitude about the atrocities committed by Hamas, she responded with snark: “*twenty years from now* ‘Mom, dad…what did y’all do in 2023 when Palestinians were being ethnically cleansed? ‘Well honey, we served the cause of justice…we volunteered to scold angry ethnic minorities for criticizing Biden.”
No one who has followed Attiah’s career is surprised by any of this. She is, after all, the editor who, in 2018, published an opinion piece by the leader of the terrorist Houthi militia, and justified doing so by claiming that all sides in Middle East debates needed to be heard. The Houthi motto is certainly straightforward about what it wants the world to hear: “Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse the Jews, Victory to Islam.”
Her tough-mindedness extends only so far, however. A few years later, Attiah, like many of her ilk in elite mainstream-media institutions, was so threatened by Senator Tom Cotton’s suggestion in the New York Times that cities should consider calling in the National Guard to quell riots in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, she actually demanded that the Times issue a retraction.
Death to Jews? No problem. Ending riots in America’s cities? That’s a bridge too far for Attiah.
‘Saying my grandparents were colonialists? They were refugees who escaped Yemen for God’s sake’@BDYemini, a senior columnist at Yedioth Ahronoth, says “the world has gone crazy” in supporting Hamas, a terror group that wants to kill Christians and Jews
— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) November 16, 2023
| with @benitalevin pic.twitter.com/XaCd8mU5zd
My Chat with Yemeni-Swedish Activist Luai Ahmed - On Islamic Culture (THE SAAD TRUTH_1632)
To my fellow unvictims of antisemitism
What to do – victims and unvictimsDear Alyssa Milano
Besides Rowley’s aspirant law changes, what is to be done? We non-Jews, however well-intentioned, might start with a basic acceptance both of our own culpability and our own inevitable emotional ignorance. Though it stains the whole body politic, antisemitism is an offense against Jews, with Jews as its victims. The great German Jewish writer Jean Améry, who took his own life 25 years ago last month, his faith in the world evaporated by the twin burdens of Holocaust survival and watching his beloved left turn on the Jews in the late ‘60s, was wary of the tripartite classifications of “victim”, “perpetrator”, “bystander”. With antisemitism, he said, there were only two true groups: the victim and the unvictim. He was right.
We, the non-Jewish unvictims, have no true sense of how it feels to be frightened to send your children to school; to have to cover up the Magen David necklace in public; to dread the use of public transport – a right usually taken for granted for its mundane normalcy. Though I am never made to feel it by Jewish friends and colleagues, I feel it nonetheless, as a great yawning chasm between our respective human experiences.
There is no Jewish problem – only a non-Jewish problem
We must also accept that the problem is ours and so must be the solution. It is a particular cruelty of all oppressions that the recipe for their redress is sought always from the victims.
I spoke at a synagogue recently and was asked by a young Jewish woman, “What can we do? How can we respond to such hate?” The questions were earnest, not rhetorical: a genuine seeking of advice. I was ashamed at having so little of practical use to offer her, save the undeniable and tragic fact that she should not have to do anything. Just as misogyny is a male problem for which women are blamed and for which we look to women for a solution, antisemitism is a non-Jewish problem for which the Jews are blamed, ad nauseum, and whose combatting they are expected to lead. It is, frankly, obscene.
The great Moroccan Jewish writer Albert Memmi referred to antisemitism as “a living thing of multiple heads that speaks with a thousand grimacing faces,” many of which are deformedly on show in the UK right now. Greater legal protection would be welcome, no doubt, as was the government’s commitment to increased funding for the CST. But I fear they will prove only sticking plasters, and that what is really required is what the French Dreyfussard literary journal La Revue Blanche identified was necessary at the height of the affair in the 1890s: “the internal and involuntary regeneration of souls”. Let it start immediately; it is long past time, and we have been given too many warnings.
Alyssa Milano is an actress who most recently rose to prominence as being one of the voices of the #MeToo movement. She tweeted in response to the massive pro-Israel rally in Washington D.C.Actress Susan Sarandon Bashes Israel’s Military Campaign Against Hamas, Shares False Info About Gaza War Bassam Tawil: The Biden Administration's Dangerous Solutions For Gaza
Here is the text of her tweet – and following that, my response.
Alyssa’s tweet:
I have to say something…What have we become if we are chanting against peace when a child is dying every 10 minutes? In the time it took me to write this—2 children were murdered.
It’s going to offend some people. I’m okay with that. Let’s all get uncomfortable. And then let’s grow.
If you’re still reading—good. Please read to the end. I need you.
I know many people who attended the Isreal Solidarity march today. They all spoke of beautiful community, pride and feeling safe and seen. This made me so happy because many friends have been terrified by the rise in antisemitism. (And I see you always. It is terrifying and I am constantly learning.)
And then I saw video from the march—and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. When one of the speakers spoke of peace, people chanted in unison, “No ceasefire. No ceasefire.”
It made me so sad.
“No ceasefire! No ceasefire!”
Also, it’s very easy to chant “no ceasefire” from here when you are not actually in the war zone. Advertisement
Imagine the smell of burning flesh, the dust coating your lungs, the taste of blood in the back of your throat, hearing the screams and feeling the vibration of bombs dropping. Sleep deprivation. Anxiety. Trauma. You can’t even imagine, right? And thank god. We are all so blessed and privileged to not be able to imagine what war actually is.
“No ceasefire. No ceasefire!”
We need a radical peace movement. What part will you play? What will you model for your children? What kind of world do we want? Please be responsible with your words and actions and what you post on social media. I beg of you.
For the children. Be peace. Be light. Be love.
If Abbas cannot and does not want to fight Hamas in the West Bank, there is no reason to believe that he will do otherwise in the Gaza Strip, where terrorist groups enjoy widespread support...Still Delusional After All These Years
The assumption that the Palestinian Authority would fight terrorism in the Gaza Strip is completely incorrect and terribly dangerous. As he has already proven in the West Bank, Abbas has no intention of disarming any Palestinian armed group or arresting any terrorist. His preferred policy has always been to try and win over Hamas and other terrorist groups by offering them jobs and handouts as part of a reconciliation agreement that would result in the formation of a Palestinian unity government -- in addition to being a perfect reason to ask the international community for money.
If Abbas is allowed to return to the Gaza Strip, he will undoubtedly continue with his policy of appeasement toward Hamas. He is not going to order his security forces to crack down on Hamas: he knows that his people would condemn him to death as a traitor who collaborates with Israel, just as they did with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated in 1981.
The Biden administration should think very carefully before floating dangerous ideas. Before talking about the day after the Israel-Hamas war, the administration should first allow Israel to finish the job of eradicating Hamas and other terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip.
The Palestinian Authority, which pays salaries to terrorists who murder Jews and engages in anti-Israel incitement day-in and day-out, cannot be entrusted with any role in the Gaza Strip.
All these attacks were treated by the Clinton administration as crimes rather than battles in Osama bin Laden’s declared war against the infidels’ greatest power and challenger to Islam’s religiously sanctioned dreams of global domination. And as we saw earlier in Bush’s remarks, not even the gruesome finale on 9/11 and the 2996 dead could awake our foreign policy mavens from their dogmatic slumbers.Hundreds of US government officials sign letter protesting Biden's support for Israel
Finally, this willful blindness, as McCarthy titled his important book on the first World Trade Center bombing, serves the therapeutic, self-loathing narrative that makes our jihadist enemies the victims of Western historical depredations abetted by Israel, particularly colonialism. Barack Obama, in his cringing flattery of Islam during his 2009 Cairo speech, recycled this dubious received wisdom about the West’s guilt.
Just like today’s Western supporters of Hamas and their ahistorical chatter about “settler colonialism,” Obama blamed “tensions” between Islam and the West on “colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.” Obama neglected to point out that Islam created one of history’s greatest colonial empires, and those Muslim nations were paid billions of dollars in foreign aid to align with the U.S..
So now, due to our decades of delusions, we are facing a more dangerous Middle East dominated by Iran and its terrorist proxies, an Iran partnering with Russia and China to compromise our national interests and security. Yet still we disregard the facts of history, and more important continue to indulge our own moral idiocy.
For the moral truth is, if a man stands behind his family and shoots at yours, and you return fire in self-defense, killing members of his family, then the moral culpability is his for putting them in danger in the first place. We need to stop pressuring Israel to value the enemy’s civilians more than their own, and speaking the truth about jihad is a good place to start.
US says preventing Palestinian-Americans from entering Israel violates waiver program
Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard calls out Biden and Harris for not attending March for Israel rally in DC
A “two-state solution” featuring a terrorist-led #Palestine is a death sentence for Israel.#Gaza is IN #israel, and should be secured by Israelis.
— Mark Davis (@MarkDavis) November 16, 2023
Stop saying this administration supports Israel. Some Democrats do— the White House does not. https://t.co/WM1Qv3gVky
So the two state thing was always a lie. It was just one step before demanding the rest and that is also why the River to sea stuff percolated up in the west because the lobby for it was quietly pushing it behind the scenes. Now Hamas is more popular in the west after Oct 7.
— Seth Frantzman (@sfrantzman) November 16, 2023
2. Final page of the letter. pic.twitter.com/DCpFh4ZarY
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 15, 2023
George Soros Funds Groups Behind DNC Riot Where Protesters Assaulted Cops
Republicans slam Tlaib over membership in secret Facebook group where Hamas was praised
Rashida Tlaib is an extremist and a very dangerous voice in America. Here’s why:@emilykschrader pic.twitter.com/lh6bEtX2op
— יוסף חדאד - Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) November 16, 2023
Officials in @North_Andover, MA, have decided to fly the Palestinian flag on the town common until Dec. 7. Because why wouldn't you raise a flag in honor of the savage terrorist regime that has just murdered or kidnapped dozens of US citizens? pic.twitter.com/qCRKgABfP0
— Jeff Jacoby (@Jeff_Jacoby) November 16, 2023
AIPAC will not spend more than $100 million, which is roughly eight times what it spent in 2022. And when it doesn't, no one will correct this story and this guy will still have a job https://t.co/3FGWEXGQJx
— Joe Gabriel Simonson (@SaysSimonson) November 16, 2023
You called for a ceasefire on October 7th, when the 1200 Jewish victims’ bodies were still warm.
— Justin Spiro, LCSW 🇮🇱 (@Jusrangers) November 15, 2023
If AIPAC spent a billion dollars to unseat you, it would be worth every penny. https://t.co/ckZKPZXJFM
At least three members of this the squad have responded to these report which appears to only be sourced to "close watchers" pic.twitter.com/1BSyaD2iy3
— Andy Kaczynski (@KFILE) November 15, 2023
Some Democrats in DC are looking at the below tweet from NYC-DSA from last night and remembering the group’s response to Hamas’s massacre of Israeli and other civilians on October 7 https://t.co/5NiM9NW82L pic.twitter.com/GMDqeMnfWO
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) November 16, 2023
So NY DSA chose to highlight the black house minority leader with a watermelon on a flyer.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 16, 2023
This is @AOC's DSA by the way, no big deal. https://t.co/k4ENKz5nSP
Hatred in the Blood: Edward Said's UC-Berkeley Nephew Declares 'Colonial Zionism Has to End'
Black for Palestine: Meet Rashida Tlaib's favorite Israel-hating group with terror ties
Rashida Tlaib: A Palestinian?
Her religion also is not native to what the world calls Palestine but to the Arabian Peninsula where Islam’s holy city is some 770 miles from the Jews’ holy city that the Palestinians claim is their historic, eternal capital?Where's Keir? Starmer sends out allies to beg Labour MPs not to act like a 'protest party' after 10 frontbenchers quit to back ceasefire in Commons - while poll finds half of party's Muslim voters are unhappy with his handling
For sure, Tlaib’s wardrobe also contains not one garment uniquely associated to her Palestinian nation, like the Japanese kimono, Scottish kilt, or Mexican sombrero.
And also for sure, she has not read even one book on the history of her “Palestinians” prior to the 20th century because there is no such book on any shelf in any library or book store on the planet; and there never will be.
No less in matters gustatory, with so many national cuisines found in the best restaurants in world capitals, who has ever eaten in a “Palestinian” restaurant serving down-home “Palestinian” cooking?
But in defense of Tlaib, she is hardly alone in claiming to be a child of a putatively primeval Palestinian nation. Consider the life of the late Edward Said (1935-2003), arguably in his day the foremost propagandist for Palestinian Nationalism in the English language. In 1966, one year before Israel’s miraculous Six-Day War, Said was an unknown, 33-year-old assistant professor at Columbia University, working on a PhD at Harvard, teaching a course on 18th century English Literature who told his curious English major students – a high percentage of them Jews — one of them this writer — that although he was born in Jerusalem, he was a Lebanese Christian who grew up in Cairo.
Only after the ’67 war did Assistant Professor Said morph into an “Ancient Palestinian refugee” claiming to have been robbed of his family manse in Jerusalem by the evil Zionists. Shortly before his death, Said published an autobiography that unwittingly exposed this lie. The man was an imposter, a complete fraud, as the movement he flacked for has been.
Ironically, Said’s dissertation was on Joseph Conrad, a Pole who wanted to be an Englishman, which treatise Said entitled The Fiction of Autobiography, wittingly or otherwise resonant with the fiction of his own biography and that of his father who became an American citizen during WWI. Said pere joined the Church of England, and named his son after no Ancient Palestinian hero in history but Edward, the Prince of Wales.
Little Edward Said was brought up in the upscale Zamalek neighborhood in Cairo where his father had a successful stationary business, supporting a car and driver. Little Edward was educated in an English language school and at home in the family all spoke English. For this, his own Arabic was rudimentary. Only in 1967 did Edward Said transform himself into an Ancient Palestinian Jerusalemite tragically expelled by the racist, fascist, capitalist, imperialist, neocolonial Jews.
You believe that Hamas is dedicated to the good of the Palestinian people, to social and political justice across the middle east.
— David Hirsh (@DavidHirsh) November 15, 2023
Your friends have hosted you a number of times on your fawning trips to Gaza.
You voted for a ceasefire so that Hamas could consolidate its power. https://t.co/GKjVeNAU4P
Piers Morgan clashes with socialist commentator in heated debate on Israel-Hamas war
Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan engaged in a heated debate with socialist commentator Owen Jones over the cause of the Israel-Hamas war and how it could end.
The pair clashed on whether Israel has committed genocide with its incursion into Gaza as it seeks to destroy Hamas.
“The difference between Israel and Hamas is Hamas does not have the capacity to wipe out Israel,”
Mr Morgan took aim at Mr Jones for his argument that Israel could wipe Hamas off the map if they wanted to, pointing out that “they are not doing it”.
“What they are doing, and this is indisputable, they are issuing a number of warnings repeatedly to people to go south and stay out of northern Gaza and then they are pulverising it with air strikes and now they have gone in on the ground and they are waging battle with Hamas fighters, terrorists,” he said.
A scene from the constituency of the Labour MP Jess Phillips.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 16, 2023
"Those who truly believe, they fight in the path of Allah."
The other side are "guardians of Satan".
The Friday sermon on Gaza at the Jami Mosque & Islamic Centre, 20 October. pic.twitter.com/OCK1E7ufoy
Manchester has seen some of the most foul Israel hatred rallies of all.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 15, 2023
Try the "Palestine Solidarity Campaign" protest where protesters were told the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust "inspired the world".
Afzal Khan MP says nothing. Because he's a friend of the PSC. https://t.co/C5dVpFHKV0 pic.twitter.com/sYxlJrx3m6
So Bradford's Labour MPs profess to be concerned about peace. Perhaps they could tell us what they make of this preacher?
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 16, 2023
After offering an angry tirade about "Zionists", he hopes Bradford Muslims can join Palestinians who have fallen in the "struggle of liberation" in paradise. pic.twitter.com/IkrBnptMhi
Friday prayers at the Jami Mosque in Portsmouth on 3 November.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 15, 2023
"Destroy God’s enemies"
"Give victory to our mujahideen brothers in Palestine, make them win against the Jews ... strengthen them"
"Purify the al-Aqsa mosque from the Jews"
The mosque is a registered charity. pic.twitter.com/IxYPKjV2Rj
IDF strikes home of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in GazaSupport our brothers Hamas. Don’t believe the media, it’s run by Zionists. Jews are monkeys and pigs. Kill the Jews.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 16, 2023
You will hear these messages in mosque sermons all over the UK.
The Charity Commission has yet to announce a single formal enquiry.https://t.co/QPRCVqowpB pic.twitter.com/IYV8iL2edP
Kozbar met with Ismail Haniyeh in 2015.
— Harry's Place (@hurryupharry) November 16, 2023
Bearing in mind his position as Deputy Secretary General of @MuslimCouncil, an organisation which seeks engagement with government, it has been strangely difficult to find any condemnation from him of the October 7th atrocity or of Hamas
German Bundestag to discuss draft laws against antisemitic foreigners,When hate-group HRW goes out of its way to ‘praise’ Belgium against Israel, you know the Belgians are on the wrong side of history! Again. https://t.co/VkqE24Jhgq
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 16, 2023
Some 500 police officers raid the Islamic Center of Hamburg and 54 connected locations across Germany.
— Daniel Schwammenthal (@DSchwammenthal) November 16, 2023
The Tehran-led Islamist center is suspected of "acting against the constitutional order" and of supporting Hezbollah terrorists.
I'm glad Germany is now acting with resolve.… pic.twitter.com/wYV01nx8vu
‘My Role Is to Preserve Unity’: Macron Defends Absence From Paris March Against Antisemitism
It will come to Europe.. oops already did - jihad https://t.co/FwBVczJua1
— Eye On Antisemitism (@AntisemitismEye) November 16, 2023
Former Armenian military and gov't official: I will help Hamas kill Jews
Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Mother of the Emir of Qatar: Israel Spreads “Fabricated Narratives,” Any Criticism Is Labeled “Antisemitism”; The Palestinians Represent the Honor of Our Nation, Their Children Were Born Men #Hamas #Qatar #Palestinians #Gaza #Antisemitism pic.twitter.com/JHLx5vC38X
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 16, 2023
Indiana Imam Sheikh Mongy El Quesny: The Jews Have No Mercy, Yet They Keep Bugging Us about Six Million Jewish People Burned in the Holocaust; Oh Allah, Bring Annihilation on the Zionists, Crusaders, Treacherous Arab Leaders pic.twitter.com/4DkcWcOwVn
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 16, 2023
From Gaza mosque to IDF soldier
Islam specialist Yaron Avraham shares his chilling story from growing up as an Arab-Israeli being sent to Gaza for school only to leave convert to Judaism and join the IDF.
PMW: Fatah upset: Israel denies Palestinian children their right to slaughter Jews
PMW: PA Libel: PA presents today’s terror attack by Palestinians as Israel’s attack on “three young men”
Fatah Deputy Chairman: “[We will] get rid of this Zionist occupation… [of] more than 75 years”
Abbas’ advisor: Abbas [has not said] one word against Hamas… Hamas is part of the Palestinian people
Bethlehem cancels Christmas! Palestinian authorities axe traditional display 'in honour of Hamas martyrs' as Israel continues to battle terrorists in Gaza
PreOccupiedTerritory: Teen Declares Room ‘Palestinian Refugee Camp’ So UN, Media, NGOs Will Parrot His Side Of Family Squabbles Uncritically
MEMRI: Cartoons In Egyptian Media Portray Israel, U.S. As Wading In Gazan Blood, Netanyahu As Hitler
Egyptian Policial Activist Wael Ghonim: Khaled Mashal, Ismail Haniyeh, and Khalil Al-Hayyah Should Go to Gaza and Wage Jihad; Would the Prophet Muhammad Hide in the Tunnels like Yahya Sinwar and Let the Common People Be Killed? @Ghonim #Hamas #Gaza pic.twitter.com/N5MHJAUMuz
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 16, 2023
A huge billboard protesting the war with Israel in Beirut: pic.twitter.com/GuwlxgwAyq
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) November 16, 2023
Seth Frantzman: Iran reveals its role behind Hamas holding hostages - analysis
Iran's Support To Hamas Revealed
MEMRI: Iranian Politician And Former IRGC Minister Mohsen Rafighdoost: 'We Are Holding Hostages From The [Western] Superpowers Located In The Region That Might Strike Us – And We Can Eliminate Them Within 30 Or 60 Minutes'; Later He Clarifies: I Was Talking About Israel And U.S. Military Bases In The Region
.@USEnvoyIran: "Today, we joined 79 other UN members in condemning the Iranian regime’s horrific human rights abuses. We stand with the people of Iran as they continue their fight against oppression and violence and for a free and democratic future." https://t.co/dqsChmpMRG pic.twitter.com/qEr85c0jm6
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) November 16, 2023
The Islamic Republic executed another woman last night.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 15, 2023
Zarkhaton Mazarzehi, 46, was executed after a phony trial and sentencing where she was denied legal representation.
Mazarzehi was the sole breadwinner for her family, which includes a young daughter.
Mazarzehi was Baloch,… pic.twitter.com/HHtl76a8VK
Iran's Bloody November 2019: A harrowing massacre once cloaked in silence now etched into memory. Learn how Iran International has prevented the truth of "Bloody November" from being obscured, by giving voice to Iranians and launching "Radio Iran International." pic.twitter.com/7qM4F1X7FY
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) November 16, 2023
Official Islamic Republic government videos are looking more and more like Al-Qaeda or ISIS propaganda videos.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 15, 2023
This was distributed by the office of the Islamic Republic’s President Ebrahim Raisi.
Watch with sound on. pic.twitter.com/Hie9xInERI
Over 1 in 5 college students say they sympathize with Hamas: survey
UCLA faculty urge strong administrative response against antisemitism
Andrew Mitrovica, Sheridan College Professor & Al Jazeera Columnist, Accuses Israel Of Controlling Canadian Government
Arizona students allegedly bombarded with Hamas 'propaganda' in lesson claiming 'terrorist' is offensive term
Anti-Israel Articles in Concordia University’s The Link Newspaper Whitewashes Recent Anti-Israel Mob
Universities in Crisis | Open Letter to the Signatories of ‘Letter by media & communications scholars on British news media coverage of the war in Gaza’
Major law firm to accuse elite universities of civil rights violations for enabling antisemitic mobs
More than 100 faculty sign letter blasting Harvard president for condemning antisemitism
Teachers unions line up to support ceasefire and an 'end to the siege of Gaza'
Film Festival Backtracks on Condemnation of Anti-Israel ‘From the River to the Sea’ Slogan After Directors Withdraw From Event
Today, students at @Columbia University organized a vigil against anti-semitism.
— Shai Davidai (@ShaiDavidai) November 16, 2023
It was the first time in 5 weeks in which I felt at home on my own campus. https://t.co/KV785UaaD3
Northwestern University Students, Faculty Slam School for Forming Committee to Combat Antisemitism
In a deranged letter — the title of which is the genocidal ‘River to the Sea’ slogan — 65 @NorthwesternU student groups repeat outrageous Hamas propaganda. They say anger and concern over raging anti-Semitism is “mass hysteria and collective psychosis.” They also embrace… https://t.co/lDaqbBoWPu
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) November 16, 2023
“We never believed it would happen here. We thought that 🇺🇸 was different.”
— Dovi Safier (@safier) November 15, 2023
-Compelling testimony from @OrthodoxUnion EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer on the state of antisemitism in our universities in front of the @EdWorkforceCmte yesterday.ֶ pic.twitter.com/a4swzsw3Ff
'Imperialist University Repression': Anti-Semitic Student Group at George Washington University Vows To Defy Suspension
📍George Washington University in Washington, DC
— Jessica Costescu (@JessicaCostescu) November 15, 2023
Hundreds of Pro-Palestinian GWU students take part in unauthorized march through the streets of DC. In response to GWU suspending the anti-semitic Students for Justice in Palestine Group. pic.twitter.com/iCoezH6sBO
Apparently this isn’t the first time Lance Lokas has been involved in incidents like this.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 16, 2023
In 2022, he was investigated by GW after he was accused of vandalizing property outside of the school’s Hillel.
Community colleges and trade schools are largely void of Israel-Hamas protests
Exclusive: A Sydney Labor councillor has stepped down from the board of a Jewish pre-school after horrified parents discovered her secret Hamas-apologist X account, which shared views absolving the terror group. https://t.co/kXb9E3Tcx8
— Alexi Demetriadi (@ADemetriadi) November 16, 2023
Over the past 24 hours, thousands of TikToks (at least) have been posted where people share how they just read Bin Laden’s infamous "Letter to America," in which he explained why he attacked the United States.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 16, 2023
The TikToks are from people of all ages, races, ethnicities, and… pic.twitter.com/EwjiGtFEE3
The Starbucks on H St NE is temporarily closed, per note on the door, with chalk writing in front of it that says “Starbucks Funds Genocide” and “Free Palestine.” pic.twitter.com/U2WvhYvSiN
— Jake Wilkins (@JakeWilkns) November 16, 2023
Now they're blaming “Zionists” for losing The Voice to Parliament referendum.
— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 15, 2023
Their proof? Jews had different opinions.
Now you know. Antisemitism.
🤡🤡🤡 pic.twitter.com/B1DvQnk1II
A friendly reminder that the federal government paid this person $120K to teach Canadians how not to be racist pic.twitter.com/9H3H6sCo3E
— 𝘽𝙧𝙮𝙖𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙪𝙢𝙚 (@BryanPassifiume) November 16, 2023
Hamas is hiring naive U.S. college students to serve as human shields for Hamas in Gaza.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 15, 2023
If you know any “From the River to the Sea” students, make sure to send this to them.
Via @YourWebmiester pic.twitter.com/WCOGVMJTRS
Candace Owens tweets 'Christ is king' in tiff with Ben Shapiro
I disagree, @TuckerCarlson that there’s a “disproportionate emotional response” concerned with Oct 7th.
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) November 16, 2023
If anything, many American commentators & politicians care too little about the American civilians, including toddler, currently hostage by Hamas terrorists. https://t.co/xj32BKZWJ3
3 examples where @RealCandaceO showed she HAS NO IDEA WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT - bordering seriously on anti-Semitism.
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) November 15, 2023
1) She should the "Muslim district" meant that Muslims could only live there.
2) She felt like the U.S. should follow the dictates of the UN vote
3) She… pic.twitter.com/5bcp0uL1QL
This person going full antisemite and ranting about the Talmud (which she cannot pronounce) is affiliated with the pro-Trump conservative group Turning Point USA (@TPUSA), which is run by @charliekirk11: https://t.co/tgM5k8oxkH
— Yair Rosenberg (@Yair_Rosenberg) November 15, 2023
found the artist behind this blistering critique of identity politics. thank you kyle, the co-founder of Justice Democrats (responsible in part for the rise of class-first leftists Ilhan Omar and AOC), for sharing his work. It's probably dinner time and Kyle is houngry pic.twitter.com/djMGyJCyLF
— Joe Gabriel Simonson (@SaysSimonson) November 16, 2023
This is the same tactic Tucker always uses. Since he can’t defend the positions he wants to take, he instead insists that anyone who takes any other position doesn’t care about other issues.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 16, 2023
"You cannot serve both God and money" says woman who pretends to serve God for money. https://t.co/Yf92PYon2Q
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) November 16, 2023
John Podhoretz: Unmusked
Elon Musk just went on his website Twitter/X and seemingly endorsed one of the most disgusting present-day libels on the Jewish people. A tweeter named @breakingbaht announced that “Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against white that they claim they want people to stop using against them.”
To which Musk responded: “You have said the actual truth.”
I have long admired Musk and thought the assaults against him often preposterous or just a classic element of hating the super-rich guy whose innovations are far more important than the obnoxious things he does. This is something different, though. As Yair Rosenberg points out, the “Jews hate whites” trope is exactly the idea that drove the monster to shoot up the Tree of Life Synagogue in 2018.
There are two possibilities here, and two possible outcomes.
First, somehow, Musk misunderstood or mistook the tweet and endorsed it because he read it wrong. That is somewhat plausible because, though he is often wildly impulsive, he is not openly self-destructive and has said things like he is “aspirationally Jewish.”
The other is that we take him at his word.
The two possible outcomes are 1) that he makes it clear he didn’t mean it, or 2) that the reliance of the government on Musk for some of its space business and Musk’s reliance on various government subsidies that make his cars relatively affordable must be the subject of severe challenge in Congress with an eye toward cancelling his contracts and revising the tax-break system for electric vehicles.
There is no middle ground here.
If you want to see a lot of white nationalists whose Christmas just came early, see the replies here: https://t.co/ncVcB6KAU5
— Yair Rosenberg (@Yair_Rosenberg) November 15, 2023
Media Give Platform to Gaza Journalists Who Infiltrated Israel or Praised Hamas Massacre
Veteran New York Times’ Reporter Blames Israel for Oct. 7 Attacks
New York Times Magazine’s Poetry Editor Resigns Due To ‘Ongoing War Against the People of Palestine’
Probably shoulda run this one past the Times fact checking department before posting pic.twitter.com/KB5SQwIU5M
— Park M (@hpmcd1) November 16, 2023
According to @latimes Middle East bureau chief @nabihbulos, Israelis living in sovereign and internationally recognized Israeli territory near the border with Lebanon are "settlers" living in "areas that started out as settlements." Please explain.https://t.co/rUyKEmUbah pic.twitter.com/uRn1FXN3WT
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 16, 2023
John Oliver Misses the Mark on Israel & Hamas
It's a sign of just how far gone @nytimes is that it would give op-ed space to a contributing editor of the UK's Novara Media, a far-left outlet whose commissioning editor had to apologize for calling the events of Oct. 7 "a day of celebration."
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 16, 2023
NYT readers deserve better than… https://t.co/hRsJR8LKbm
The Peak Accepts Hamas Propaganda And Claims Israel Carrying Out “Ethnic Cleansing”
Head of BBC Global Service ‘Told Journalists That Hamas Is No Less Credible Than Israel & October 7 Attack Should Not Be Called a Massacre’
This is the @bbcnews front page & headline.
— David Collier (@mishtal) November 16, 2023
This is not an honest media outlet. It is literally promoting outrageous blood libels as truth. It is acting as a Hamas mouthpiece.
There is no way that the IDF are 'shooting in all directions' inside a hospital. It is a blatant lie. pic.twitter.com/qYS7infKsF
BBC might also wish to consider how it came to broadcast footage involving Hamas actor #MrFAFO, and how this is all negatively affecting public and political opinion on Israel pic.twitter.com/KbYnPtmxW6
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) November 15, 2023
This video - using the term "Pallywood" - falsely claims to show Palestinian crisis actors faking injury after blowing up a car.
— Shayan Sardarizadeh (@Shayan86) November 16, 2023
The video is from 2016, and has appeared in press reports about an undercover operation by Iraqi spies to infiltrate the Islamic State. pic.twitter.com/eRMsR4EUta
British media call Yahya Sinwar a "fictional Hamas leader" lol https://t.co/cRJ6LVrkYr
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) November 16, 2023
Especially the ones that have two right arms! #Pallywood #Gaza #AI https://t.co/hxVTVzEouq pic.twitter.com/MbAbOAY5Js
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 16, 2023
It's not just the total lack of knowledge. It's the complete confidence despite the total lack of knowledge, delivered in a sneering tone meant to remind like-minded partisans what side they're supposed to be on. https://t.co/CALJCAPQsO
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) November 16, 2023
Pay with the 'blood of Christians': TikTok users share agreement with Bin Laden's letter
If you're going to read the Bin Laden letter and think its somehow profound you should probably read to the end as to why he says there are no such things as innocent American civilians and why 3000 innocents deserved to die on 9/11 pic.twitter.com/SuRaR0VoTz
— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) November 16, 2023
“Kampf” just means a spiritual journey. https://t.co/s4zVqRZcdk
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) November 16, 2023
new horseshoe just dropped pic.twitter.com/wCMoyv9SWk
— read.pourteaux.xyz (@pourteaux) November 16, 2023
Philosopher Judith Butler speaks of a "feeling of threat" in Germany
So a philosopher that believes Hamas and Hezbollah are “progressive social movements” that are “part of a global left“ feels “unsafe in Germany”? Poor woman https://t.co/VCqVrKAlwL
— Boaz Arad 博雅 (@aradboaz) November 16, 2023
London Gallery Postpones Exhibition by Ai Weiwei Over Antisemitic Comments
London’s Lisson Gallery has indefinitely postponed an upcoming exhibition by Ai Weiwei over apparently antisemitic social media comments about Israel’s war in Gaza, in which the Chinese dissident artist emphasized Jewish “media influence” in the United States.
“The sense of guilt around the persecution of the Jewish people has been, at times, transferred to offset the Arab world,” the since-deleted post on X (formerly Twitter) stated.
“Financially, culturally, and in terms of media influence, the Jewish community has had a significant presence in the United States. The annual $3bn aid package to Israel has, for decades, been touted as one of the most valuable investments the United States has ever made. This partnership is often described as one of shared destiny.”
Since the October 7th massacre committed by Hamas terrorists, the number of antisemitic cases in Brazil increased by 1,200%.
— Act-IL (@Act_On_) November 16, 2023
In response, the mayor of São Paulo announced yesterday that the city will adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism.
Obrigado Brasil! 🇧🇷 pic.twitter.com/miuFtIrdZz
'Litany of horrors': Author opens up about memoir on mother's Holocaust survivor story
Journalist Rachelle Unreich has opened up about writing a memoir on her late mother's Holocaust survival story.
Ms Unreich released a memoir on her late mother’s Holocaust survival story called ‘A Brilliant Life’.
Ms Unreich said the catalyst for writing the book on her late mother’s Holocaust survival story was how someone who had witnessed so much horror could live her life with such eternal optimism.
“I think the catalyst for this book was during the Holocaust my mother had seen incredible horror. She had been through four concentration camps including Auschwitz and on a death march,” Ms Unreich told Sky News host Caleb Bond.
“But what was extraordinary was that when she was interviewed by the Melbourne Holocaust museum, who did the first testimony, she described this litany of horrors one after the other, and at the end of it, the interviewer said to her, is there anything you want to add, anything you learned and she responded 'in the Holocaust I learned about the goodness of people'.
“I just couldn’t believe it, it was so incredulous - how could she have seen the worst of man’s cruelty and instead focused on the incredible goodness of humanity.
“I think that her message was so strong that you really have to believe that there is goodness and that there is a possibility of tomorrow being better than today.”
It is horrible to see that the Jewish Community Centre and theater in Ljubljana, Slovenia has been defaced with antisemitic graffiti.
— European Jewish Congress (@eurojewcong) November 16, 2023
The building also hosts the local synagogue and the Museum of the History of the Holocaust in Slovenia.
We stand with the 🇸🇮 Jewish community. pic.twitter.com/tNEnqbLUld
Over 10 years ago, we introduced a policy of zero-tolerance towards anti-Semitism.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 16, 2023
Today, Hungary is the safest country in Europe for the Jewish community,”
claims PM Viktor Orbán as Hungary hosts the Switzerland vs Israel EURO2024 qualifier match. pic.twitter.com/Qy8Dynr6Vj
Tens of thousands of Brazilians took to the streets today to protest against Lula government and in repudiation of its non-support for Israel.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 16, 2023
🇧🇷🇮🇱 pic.twitter.com/FQsKYfU95O
HE'S BACK: Legendary Jewish reggae rapper @matisyahu has revealed that he was so struck by the October 7th massacre of Jews and the reverberation around Israel and the Jewish world, that he is inspired to return to his roots, grow back his peyos and put his kippah back on. pic.twitter.com/K4I752eqm5
— Malkah Fleisher 🕎 (@MalkahFleisher) November 16, 2023
Our love is stronger than their hate. Always pic.twitter.com/GysoDAjCIY
— Michal (@itsmichalll) November 16, 2023
Made it to the new site of the National Library today. They set out a chair for every hostage held in Gaza with a book the librarians selected for that person, in consultation with the hostages' loved ones. Beauty and culture amidst the darkness and barbarity.@NLIsrael pic.twitter.com/2yT0t8Qn2m
— Shany Mor שני מור شني مور (@ShMMor) November 16, 2023
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