Sometimes...Wrong leads us to the right path...And wrong people make you know the value of right people...And wrong choices make you more conscious next time...And the blow that hurts you wakes you up...And weakness makes you more solid...And distraction makes you hold on to yourself more...Darkness shows you the light you didn't see...And loneliness teaches you self worth...Sometimes...The things that can hurt us the most, are the ones that save us...The most things we think is the endIt's actually a beginning...
😭😭😭😭 Allah suffices me, and He is the best disposer of affairs
October 5:
Repeat with me:
O Allah, take me out of the most distress to
Widen the relief.." And enter ask forgiveness and say, O Lord ′′
September 30:
Repeat with me:
′′ O Allah, satisfy my needs, relieve my anguish, forget my loneliness, and relieve my concern..
′′ And enter ask forgiveness ′′ ❤️.
If this is what she was sharing on Facebook, where people try to appear their best, Israa was a very depressed person. And being a depressed person with a family of violent terrorists apparently made want to kill oneself in a way that would make her a heroine.