Thursday, September 23, 2021

  • Thursday, September 23, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Politico:

Rep. ANDY LEVIN (D-Mich.) wants a two-state solution to be official U.S. policy, and new legislation he’ll propose tomorrow sets out a pathway to make that arrangement a reality.

If Congress passes and President JOE BIDEN signs the “Two-State Solution Act,” American policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will formally state…

— “[that] only the outcome of a two-state solution can both ensure the state of Israel’s survival as a democratic state and a national home for the Jewish people and fulfill the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for a state of their own.”
— “that the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza are occupied territories and should be referred to as such consistently in official United States policies, communications, and documents.”
— “that the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories is inconsistent with international law.”
— “that settlement expansion, demolitions of Palestinian homes, revocations of residency permits, and forced evictions of Palestinian civilians by Israel impede the establishment of a Palestinian state and violate the human rights of the Palestinian people.”
So the Western Wall and the Jewish Quarter are "occupied territories" and any Jews who decide on their own live in any part of Jerusalem across the Green Line are violating international law. 

And Gaza, which is not legally occupied by any definition, is considered occupied by Israel. 

This is absurd and counterfactual. It limits the human rights of Jews to their own holy places. It does not concede that Israel has any legal rights across an arbitrary line that was never meant to be a border. 

Levin claims that he is pushing this bill because he cares so much about Israel, but the actual contents show otherwise.

Does Levin make any demands on Palestinians? Nope. He explains what he has in mind.

— Products made in the Palestinian territories should be marked as made in “West Bank/Gaza,” “West Bank/Gaza Strip,” or “West Bank and Gaza” — not “Israel,” “Made in Israel,” or “Occupied Territories-Israel.”
— No funds, defense articles or defense services the United States sends to Israel may be used to annex more Palestinian territory or violate “internationally recognized” human rights.
— The secretary of State and U.S. Agency for International Development administrator may authorize grants to private, nonprofit and other organizations to support human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the Palestinian territories.
— The United States should reopen its consulate in Jerusalem to engage with Palestinians and allow the reopening of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s mission in Washington, D.C.
— The United States should encourage the Palestinians to reform their so-called “pay to slay” practice of providing financial benefits to imprisoned or dead breadwinners, which leaders say is their welfare program.
All demands and legal requirements are for Israel - and none for Palestinians. They are merely to be "encouraged" to stop pay-for-slay, with no consequences when they ignore the US.

How is this even-handed? How can this bring peace?

All it does it encourage more Palestinian intransigence, because it only pressures Israel with no similar demands on Palestinians. 

It assumes that Palestinians deserve to be rewarded for their terror and refusal to negotiate. 

It sends the exact wrong message to the world. 

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