Thursday, July 01, 2021
Thursday, July 01, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian "academic" conference that we've discussed, "The myth: Zionism between denunciation and dismantling" has ended, and it proves what a sham Palestinian "scholarship" is.
Like everything else Palestinian, the truth is strictly optional. The reason to do anything is to find ways to demonize and destroy Israel.
The final statement was given by Khalil Qarajah Al-Rifai, the official spokesman of the conference.
One of the myths Al-Rifai said the conference demolished was the "the myth of the destruction of the First and Second Temples."
Later on, al-Rifai said, "The conference showed the extent of falsehood in our daily life in the mind and thought at all levels by virtue of its influence and its international alliances, and despite this tyranny and tyranny, the Jebusite Arab Canaanite person and those with him from the nation and nations were able to confront the false occupier’s narrative with the Palestinian narrative story."
He claims that Palestinians are Jebusites.
Now, the only mention of Jebusites in the area of ancient Israel is in the Tanach. The only reason we know that such a people existed was from the Hebrew Scripture.
Palestinians are claiming to be the descendants of the Jebusites based on no evidence whatsoever - except their mention in Jewish texts as the inhabitants of Jerusalem. The Palestinians are using that to create a tie between themselves and Jerusalem, which is ridiculous for at least three reasons: There is no record of the Jebusites surviving, the Jebusites were not Arabs, and most of the Palestinians trace their families to Arabia or elsewhere.
Yet even though their entire self-description of being Jebusites comes from the Hebrew Scripture, they suddenly decide that the hundreds of mentions of the Temple in that same Jerusalem that the Jebusites used to live in are - a myth!
This one statement proves that Palestinians pick and choose whatever facts are convenient for them and pretend to refute all others, even though by doing so they end up contradicting themselves.
If you need proof that Palestinian officials are inveterate liars, here is only one example.

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