I salute the efforts made to hold this conference that refutes the Zionist narrative that falsifies truth and history, and which all documents and research confirm that it is a colonial industry.They planned, executed and financed the implantation of Israel as a foreign body in this region in order to break it up and keep it weak. The colonial powers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries organized the immigration of Jews to Palestine after issuing the Balfour Declaration, which was drafted by America and Britain, and imposing the Mandate of Nations all the way to their issuance of Partition Resolution No. 181 in 1947, their recognition of the State of Israel, and the continuation of work to protect it, which caused the displacement of more than half of the original Palestinian landowners, who became more than 6.5 million refugees.
... The world has begun to see Israel for what it really is, a state of occupation and apartheid, and I am confident that the contribution of researchers and participants in this conference will have an important impact on clarifying and explaining the truth of the myths and false narratives of this Zionist project, which was created by the countries of the West for purely colonial purposes.
Shtayyeh pointed out that the occupation is waging a war on our people with money to impoverish them so that people are not empowered in the face of the Zionist project, and the fourth war is the war of the narrative, and to be precise, and we strive only based on the facts of history, and in this war it is important from where to start the war of the narrative. The Hebrews, Jews and Israelis are not the same thing and there is no relationship between the Israelis and the Jews.He explained that Judaism in the Torah that we know today was written in the year 70 BC, and in order not to lose the compass, the forged Zionist narrative is the one that mixed the Hebrews, the Israelis and the Jews, and accordingly, this matter is the key to researching the myth and the roots of the myth, and the other key is the Jews of today are the Khazar Jews who were Judaized in the sixth century AD.
Yes, Shtayyeh is pushing the antisemitic Khazar myth and saying that today's Jews aren't Jews - and therefore Israeli Jews have no ties to the Middle East, and are foreign interlopers and colonialists.
This is the "scientific research" being spread at this "academic conference" sponsored by the dictator of the Palestinians.