Monday, July 26, 2021
Monday, July 26, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
antisemitism, Big Lie, glorifying terror, jew hatred, Leila Khaled, Palestinian antisemitism, Palestinian propaganda, PFLP, resistance, supporting terror
Recently, Palestinian artist Taqi al-Din Sabateen painted a picture on the separation barrier, showing an Israeli soldier who removes his helmet to reveal a KKK mask, as he glares at a Palestinian child hilding a goldfish bowl.
Calling Israeli Jews racists has been fashionable since Israel existed, and it is not considered outrageous anymore.
It should be.
The cumulative effect of this slur - along with "genocide" and "apartheid" and all the others - is that people believe it and eventually it becomes something that you cannot even argue against because they are accepted as historic fact.
Which is entirely the point.
To the immediate left of this mural is another, of PFLP terrorist and airplane hijacker Leila Khaled.
At the very same time that the audience is being told that Israeli Jews are like the KKK, we see that killing Israeli Jews is a heroic act - it is the "struggle" and the "resistance." Terror against Jews is not only allowed, but mandatory, because they are evil racists who think they are "chosen" and better than goyim - which is a mainstream Palestinian view.
And Westerners are not allowed to criticize this because the Palestinian experience makes their opinions tantamount to facts - if they are antisemites, they are justified in being antisemites.
Therefore, antisemitism is a legitimate opinion.
And when repeated over and over without pushback (because it is considered vaguely racist to question Palestinian hate,) it becomes more and more accepted.