Monday, June 21, 2021
Monday, June 21, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
These are different methods to harass IDF soldiers and residents near Gaza. They include incendiary kites and balloons, cutting the Gaza border fence, fireworks and firecrackers, amplified music, setting tires on fire, Molotov cocktails, and shining laser lights towards the soldiers and residents.
Now, Arabs in the West Bank are importing these methods to harass Jews in the Evyatar settlement outpost.
They are setting scores of fires to tires as well as to plastic to pollute the air and upset the residents.
Other "units" are the catapult unit, the reconnaissance unit, the Molotov cocktail unit, the horn unit that uses air horns, and the firework unit.
Some commercially available lasers are powerful enough to blind people at a distance or even to set fires.

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