The Kuwaiti parliament is
considering adding amendments to the existing 1964 law boycotting Israel to make it illegal to even hint that one wants peace or saying anything nice about Israel.
Here is what the proposed law would entail:
The proposed law prohibits all forms of dealing, normalization of ties, and conclusion of any agreements, protocols, and meetings of any nature with the Zionist entity or any its organizations around the world either directly or indirectly. It prohibits citizens and residents from sympathizing, participating, or calling for dealing or normalization through any means or insinuation that calls for cooperation, communication, contact, participation, or dealing with the Zionist entity and its organizations. It criminalizes travel to Israel either with a passport or without a passport, as well as all kinds of support, glorification, promotion or propaganda for any cultural, media, religious, social and other business transactions under any other name in covert or explicit dealings with the Zionist entity by any means. The proposed law punishes those who violate its provisions with imprisonment for a period between one year and three years and/or a fine of maximum KD 5,000.
It sounds like any Israeli can really mess with Kuwaitis by tweeting at them or commenting on their Facebook pages - starting anonymously, getting them to respond, and then identifying themselves as Israeli. That communication could put them in jail!
Or posting up a photo of an Israeli model without identifying her, asking if he agrees she is cute, and then revealing that she is Israeli and he just glorified her!
Trolling Kuwaitis can put them in prison.