Sunday, June 20, 2021

  • Sunday, June 20, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jamal Rayyan has been an anchor at Al Jazeera for a long time, and in the 90s he was a BBC Arabic anchor as well.

A couple of weeks ago he posted a thread on Twitter about the UAE that is a crazy patchwork of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

The secret of the Emirates that no one knows .. No one knows how a country like the small UAE in its area does not exceed (75,000) km2 and its original population, which has not yet exceeded 800 thousand people, witnessed such a rapid renaissance ?!!

The UAE does not have a political history, liberation movements, or cultural or intellectual institutions. Did Sheikh Zayed become, overnight, prosperous with construction and reconstruction, and one of the most growing economies in West Asia..?!! 

The truth is that the Jews are behind the establishment of the "Emirates Project", where the "rich Jews" in the West thought of establishing a Jewish settlement in the Middle East that would sponsor financial interests and the movement of trade without having to deal with the "mother" state for political and other reasons. 

What is astonishing in the UAE is that when you enter as if you are in a European country or one of the developed Asian countries, where the meticulous system, professional dealings, high discipline in order, street elegance and cleanliness, but it is difficult to find a “original” citizen, as all transactions that start from the airport to housing, are in the hands of " foreigners" 

There are Arabs from different countries, while you can hardly count the number of flights through airports competing with the largest airports in the world, in terms of capacity and services, nor the number of ships and ships in the ports, so that you are almost stunned. 

Is it reasonable that this simple (Emirati) in his thinking and the extent of his aspirations to run this complex machine ..?!!

The Emirates in general, and Abu Dhabi in particular, have the highest percentage of wealthy people in the world, with an estimated number of 75,000 millionaires, while wealthy Jews constitute the highest percentage of them. This means providing a safe environment for this large financial buffer.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the one who led Mohammed bin Zayed from his hand towards Israel was the Jewish millionaire Haim Saban.

The Emirates are not just high-rise buildings, elegant streets, commerce and (now factories and workshops), but rather a settlement of conspiracy against the [Arab] nation. 

The important question:

Why does the UAE need to be the fifth country in spending on weapons? Where is its army, and what borders is it defending? 
All of these weapons, whether their deals are announced or not, go to conspiracy against the countries of the region, as there are no Arab or Islamic countries in the region that do not find that the UAE is involved in its economic, political or security project and creates chaos in it. 

The question is:
Does the Al Zayed family have the intelligence to manage all these complex issues?

The question:
Why do the owners of capital do not rule the UAE directly?

This question is answered by the book "The International Jew" written by Henry Ford, the owner of the Ford company in 1921, where he says that "the Jews prefer to lead the world from behind." 

Another question:
Why did they not choose Israel instead of the Emirates and move capital, especially since the land of Palestine is abundant in its land and in the beauty of its nature and has an important geographical location and a view of the sea?

Israel is not suitable for investment because it is a military state and is threatened at every moment and it is undesirable to deal with it commercially in the region, that is,  it is too unstable to be the front of work for the Jews!!.

Conclusion: The UAE has been an Israeli settlement since 1971.
Rayyan has over 2 million followers on Twitter.

(h/t Exposing Antisemitism, which has other examples from Rayyan)

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