Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
Today, UNRWA's advisory committee will meet to address yet another deficit in its budget.
UNRWA has warned that by August its deficit will hit $30 million and that its annual deficit is at $150 million.
All of this is despite the US resuming aid to UNRWA to the tune of $150 million a year and an additional $33 million to help rebuild Gaza.
This happens every year - war or no war, COVID or no COVID. UNRWA cries that it is running out of money and that it won't be able to fulfil its outdated and bigoted mandate, and the nations of the world give millions to bail it out and look like humanitarians.
No one steps back and asks - why do Palestinians get schools funded by the world when no real refugee population does? Why do they get a completely separate medical infrastructure when no real refugees do? What gives fake Palestinian "refugees" a higher priority than the tens of millions of real refugees?
Why fund an agency whose entire purpose is to perpetuate the problem it is supposedly meant to fix? The number of people it has to feed and house and educate according to its mandate will continue to grow year after year according to its skewed definition of "refugee" where even full citizens of other countries and their descendants remain "refugees" forever.
The entire purpose of UNRWA nowadays is to keep alive the idea that millions of Palestinians will "return" to and therefore destroy Israel. It will use the language of human rights to cover the fact that its unstated goal is the destruction of the Jewish state. The agency has been hijacked by the people it supposedly serves - as we saw last month with the dismissal of the Gaza UNRWA head, if anyone actually says the truth they will be punished.
The other truth about UNRWA in Gaza is that it is controlled by a terror group. The UNRWA union is essentially Hamas. Hamas says what is allowed in the school curricula. Hamas uses UNRWA schools to shield tunnels and to store rockets. UNRWA cannot so anything without Hamas permission.
UNRWA is not a solution for Palestinians - it is the problem. Because UNRWA exists, Arab states have had an excuse not to absorb and naturalize their Palestinian "guests." It also has contributed to hate of Palestinians by other Arabs - Arabs in Jordan and Syria are jealous that Palestinians get services they cannot get themselves.
The free services that UNRWA provides has also contributed to a Palestinian subculture of lazy, entitled people with no incentive to find work or build businesses.
Instead of attacking the real problem head-on, the West is happy to pay hundreds of millions annually to avoid the issue - and the problem grows.
Everyone knows his but no national leader (with the significant exception of Donald Trump) has had the guts to say it out loud.