Yesterday, during the Jerusalem Flag march, a group of Jewish children chanted "Death to Arabs."
This was the scene that reporters came there to see, and it spread like wildfire.
The chant is reprehensible. It is a call to genocide and ethnic cleansing.
However, such calls are seen in Palestinian - and pro-Palestinian - protests all the time. They do not get nearly as much coverage.
"Long live the intifada"
"There is only one solution - intifada revolution"
This is a direct call to violence. While apologists claim that "intifada" merely means "shaking off" in Arabic, in
colloquial terms today it always refers to the terror spree that killed hundreds of Jews with bus bombings, suicide bombings and other attacks.
"Hey hey, ho ho, Zionists have got to go"
Where? Jewish Zionists have lived in Israel for a hundred years. It is a call for ethnic cleansing.
"No justice, no peace"
This one means that unless Palestinians reach what they call "justice" - which is the elimination of the Jewish state - the will continue their support of terror and war against Jews (not against Israeli Arabs!). So it is another call for ethnic cleansing of Jews.
That's in Manhattan.
In Jerusalem, during the flag march, Palestinians
chanted back,
“With fire and blood, we’ll liberate Palestine.”
This is again a direct call for war and violence against Israeli Jews.
At other protests, you can hear
"Itbach al-Yahud." - "Slaughter the Jews."
"Khaybar, Khaybar Al Yahud"
This is a message for Jews that the army of Mohammed, who slaughtered the Jews of Khaybar, will return for them. This is
especially popular, even though it is yet another call for genocide.
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"
"Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas"
More popular with
soccer fans, but still more widespread than "death to the Arabs." (h/t Emmanuel)
Where are the people protesting these frequent calls to ethnically cleanse - or even to slaughter - Jews?
Jews and Israelis across the board condemned the call to kill Arabs. Where are the condemnations from Palestinians or Palestinian activists about these calls to eliminate Jews from the region?