“East Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine,” Saeb Erekat, a senior Palestine Liberation Organization official, said on Voice of Palestine radio. “If they think that they can reach security with these measures, they are wrong. The Palestinian people will continue to defend themselves.”The bolded sentence is a direct threat - Israeli defensive measures are useless, Erekat is saying, because Palestinians will always be able to break through the defenses and kill Jews.
But his next sentence defines these stabbings as "defend[ing] themselves."
The reason is clear:
Erekat knows that this current unrest is making Palestinian Arabs look bad,
He cannot deny that there have been many stabbings, car rammings, shootings and stonings against innocent Israelis.
So he needs to cast the terror spree as "self defense." Because self defense is justifiable.
Saeb Erekat is saying that Arabs have the fundamental human right to murder random Jews in Israel.
Too bad no reporter ever calls him on statements like these.
Hey, it's been a solid couple of weeks since I last caught him lying. But this time he is accidentally telling the truth - he, and the Palestinian Arab leadership, really support the terror spree as moral even if they don't want to suffer the consequences.