Friday, March 07, 2008

  • Friday, March 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon

  • Yohai Lifshitz, 18, of Jerusalem
  • Yehonatan Yitzhak Alder, 16, of Shilo
  • Yehonadav Haim Hirshfeld, 19, of Kochav Hashahar
  • Neria Cohen, 15, of Jerusalem
  • Roy Rot, 18, of Elkana
  • Segev Peniel Avihail, 15, of Neveh Daniel
  • Avraham David Mozes, 16, of Efrat
  • Doron Mahareta, 26, of Ashdod

  • הי"ד

    These boys really are martyrs, a term that has been twisted into a sick parody in recent years to refer to monsters. They were murdered because they were Jews wanting to live in their own land and the land of their forefathers. Just like the victims of the 1929 pogroms, these kadosh k'doshim were horrifically murdered while learning Torah.

    Arutz-7 quotes part of the hesped, where the principal of the high school made emotional puns on their names:
    Rabbi Yerachmiel Weiss, head of the Merkaz high school, spoke next, in a voice breaking with emotion and tears: "G-d is just, and His ways are just... We have questions; but the questions are so difficult, so difficult... How is it possible to eulogize one Torah scholar on Rosh Chodesh Adar? But two? and three, and four, and five...?? Your ways are so hidden, Master of the Universe! ... In Adar, we increase joy - look how much joy You gathered to Heaven! They were in the midst of studying Torah, such joy, such purity... We have been left with such a hole... I just want to tell You, Master of the Universe, what great people You took: Yehonadav - he gave [nadav, in Hebrew] so much; what purity and simplicity... You took Yochai from us - he lives [chai] in G-d, what Torah study he did; even while they were setting up for the Purim party, he came to learn Torah... You took Segev Pniel of the Avichayil family - what a family, and what valour [chayil] in Torah! ... You took Yehonatan [meaning "G-d gave"] - what prayer, what Torah, what beauty... You took our dear Avraham David - just two days ago I had a long talk with him in his room - what knowledge he had, what integrity, what music he gave us with his Torah reading... and the youngest, Neriah - the candle of G-d, his light will be missing from us..."
    Read Israellycool all day for details.

    Thursday, March 06, 2008

    • Thursday, March 06, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    It appears that the injured boys' Hebrew names (for prayer purposes) are:

    Naftali ben Gila
    Yonatan ben Avital
    Shimon ben Tirza
    Nadav ben Hadas
    Reuven ben Naomi
    Elchanan ben Zehava

    Yonatan ben Avital is undergoing surgery.
    • Thursday, March 06, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    All of the victims of the massacre were 15 or 16 years old. (UPDATE: This was a mistake - but four of them were.)

    Arab reaction is predictable.

    The IMEMC "news" called the victims "settlers" and said that the attack occurred in "East Jerusalem" (it happened to be in the western part of the town.)

    Ramattan News (Arabic) calls the students "soldiers."

    Mahmoud Abbas, of course, refused to condemn the attack. Instead he said "We condemn all attacks against civilians, be they Palestinian or Israeli," which is not a condemnation at all. After all, Arabs famously redefine words for their convenience so for all we know Abbas doesn't consider this an "attack" or he doesn't consider the victims "civilians" and any way you look at it he is saying that he believes that Israeli attacks on terrorists where civilians die is equivalent to attacks directed at civilians - a most immoral equivalence. (Saeb Erekat then claimed that Abbas did condemn the attack, but he seems to lie more than he tells the truth.)

    Hamas "mainstream":
    "This heroic attack in Jerusalem is a normal response to the crimes of the occupier and its murder of civilians," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said.
    Hamas "military wing":
    In a statement sent to Ma'an they said "the operation is a natural reaction to the immensity of the barbaric Zionist Nazi crimes which have targeted women, children, mosques and houses. It's also a reaction to the Zionist enemy's holocaust in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank."

    "The blessed attack will not be the last response to the massacres by the occupation," the statement added.
    Islamic Jihad:
    "It's the responsibility of those who killed 130 Palestinians in Gaza," said Abu Ahmad, an Islamic Jihad spokesman. "We congratulate those responsible for this heroic operation."
    Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades:
    A spokesman for the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Palestine to the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Blessed martyrdom operation in occupied Jerusalem, which was a natural response to the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.

    He said in a press statement sent to Ma'an (Arabic): "The operation came in the context of the natural response of the resistance to this occupation barbaric aggression and the unjust siege, in response to the Arab and international silence toward the suspicious usurper and occupier, in response to the crimes of the Zionist barbaric bombardment against our towns and villages and our response to the isolation and assassination operations against our people .. also comes in response to the Jews' desecration of the holy, stressing that continued resistance until full liberation of the soil of Palestine and defeat the occupiers irreversibly. "
    But I'm sure that they really want to live in peace, and this is only rhetoric, and only a tiny minority of Gazans think this way, as the EU and "human rights" groups like to pretend.
    • Thursday, March 06, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon

    The library/beit medrash at Mercaz HaRav

    Bullet hole in a victim's talit katan (usually worn under the shirt)

    A bloodstained sefer
    • Thursday, March 06, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    In reaction to the massacre in Jerusalem today:Palestine Today (Arabic):
    Following the hearing the news of the martyrdom operation in West Jerusalem, which killed ten Israelis and injuring dozens, left thousands of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to the streets in spontaneous demonstrations to express their happiness process.

    A correspondent for Palestine today, that left thousands of Palestinians from various parts of the Gaza Strip and shouting binoculars, after the martyrdom operation, with heavy gunfire was heard in the skies sector.

    Our correspondent added that Palestinians in the streets of Gaza were seen distributing sweets.
    Are they happy because their lives are better? Because they are more secure? Because they had a great military victory?

    No. They are celebrating because Jews were murdered.

    Amnesty International and other "human rights" organizations, and the EU and UN and State Department can pretend all they want that everyone is the same, that everyone is equally guilty of crimes or that everyone is suffering and it is a "cycle of violence" and that it is a numbers game where motive is worthless when determining who is right and who is wrong.

    But there were never any Israeli or Jewish parties celebrating the deaths of Arabs. Celebrating victories, yes; celebrating death, no. The distinction is easy to make for normal people but too many people are way too "nuanced" to notice the difference.

    There is a right and a wrong, there is a morality and an immorality here. Israel's failure to be 100% perfect in every minute detail does not take away from the fact that it is light-years ahead of its celebrating Gaza neighbors in morality. A culture that strives for peace, for co-existence, for personal and collective achievement is simply not comparable to the animals who celebrate the deaths of innocents.

    Earlier today I posted an article by an Iraqi who does not strike me as the type to celebrate Jewish deaths. The question is why someone like that seems to be such a tiny minority in the Middle East? We know what will happen - we will see some perfunctory condemnations by Abbas and Erekat, always with the big BUT at the end saying that we need to understand the context and the suffering and in the end it is really Israel's fault for existing and for wanting a place for Jews to live in peace and security. There are no shortage of Jews who empathize with Arabs, suffering or not, but the number of Arabs who dare speak out loud about the suffering of Jews is vanishingly small. This massacre is somewhat comparable to Boruch Goldstein's massacre in Hebron, but the visceral Israeli and Jewish disgust that followed Hebron simply will not happen in the Arab world after Kiryat Moshe.

    That is the difference between the two sides. To say that they are both right, or both wrong, or both the same is a perversion of morality. No, they are not. One side - en masse, instinctively - celebrates its many mass murderers while the other side is angered and embarrassed by theirs.

    Any right-thinking person would want to identify with and support the side that values life and abhors death. The people who don't - whether they are on the Left or the Right, Jewish, Muslim or Christian, New, Old or Third World - have another agenda that has nothing to do with "justice" or morality or truth.
    In Gaza City, residents went out into the streets and fired rifles in celebration in the air after hearing news of the attack on the seminary. "This is God's vengeance," blared a loudspeaker in a Gaza City mosque.
    Gaza's streets filled with joyous crowds of thousands on Thursday evening following the terror attack at a Jerusalem rabbinical seminary in which eight people were killed.

    In mosques in Gaza City and northern Gaza, many residents went to perform the prayers of thanksgiving.

    Armed men fired in the air in celebration and others passed out sweets to passersby.

    • Thursday, March 06, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Two terrorists managed to get into a Jewish school in Jerusalem and start shooting at the students there. So far, it appears that 8 were murdered, 40 injured, although Arab media is reporting 10 students murdered.

    The targets weren't soldiers. The school is not in territory that Israel gained in 1967. All of the sickening justifications that we always hear to help us "understand" rockets and suicide bombs and other attacks, that try to distinguish between "settlers" and other Israelis, between Jews and Zionists, between the left and right side of the Green line - all of those arguments forget a single, more important fact: that the terrorists themselves and their supporters do not make such fine distinctions.

    It is all bullshit.

    Today, they attacked Jewish boys studying. Given the opportunity, they would do this every day - in any part of Israel or the world.

    And killing them first is not only moral - it is an obligation.
    • Thursday, March 06, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    From AFP:
    Egypt has started building a concrete wall along its border with Gaza, a security official said Thursday, even as it speaks to Hamas about improving the dire situation in the increasingly isolated enclave.

    "Egypt has started work on a three-metre (ten foot)-high wall along the border with Gaza," the official said, adding that a three-kilometre (two mile) section of the wall had already been built.

    "It is a preventative measure. There is no threat of another border breach at the moment," the official said.

    No word yet on whether it is considered an "apartheid wall" when a nation besides Israel builds it.

    But it does indicate how secure Egypt feels with peaceful Palestinian Arabs right next door.
    • Thursday, March 06, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    It is rare indeed to see an article like this in the Arab media.
    What if we choose to?

    Ali Shakir

    Once upon a summer vacation in Europe , when I was a little boy, I still remember that the counter of the Iraqi Airways was located right next to the Israeli Elal at the airport, and how my mother was intimidated by the thought of an Israeli passenger crouching to hurt or even kidnap one of her children! Years later, when I was twenty or so, at a reception desk, in a Thai resort, as I exchanged a few compliments with another guest, I found out he was an Israeli … the impact of defining his nationality was jaw dropping on me, I said: so we are two enemies only a few feet apart. The man smiled and said: we are not enemies, only our governments are … I thought he would next attempt to recruit me for the Mossad, but he never did!

    London, in the late seventies of the last century; we were told to be extremely cautious, while shopping in Marks & Spencer of Oxford Street . Communication in Arabic was not recommended, except for whispering a few words, especially when a salesgirl wore a David star pendant! Looking back at that time, I still don’t understand, if the risk was as high, why hadn’t my parents shopped elsewhere? I can only think that the prices and fabrics quality were tempting!

    It has become a ritual upon our seasons, to hear visiting guests discussing political issues, and blaming all our misfortunes, from sectarian feud, to natural disasters on hideous Zionist strategies. I am neither qualified, nor willing here to confirm or ridicule any of the globally spread conspiracy theories on Jewish dominance over our world, but I can simply and wholeheartedly tell, that grudge holding, malice, and fear are self-destructive in the first place, and passing this legacy of hatred from one generation to another could very well bring our fears to reality, with our bare hands!

    I could easily proceed listing dozens of similar incidents, we thought of Israelis as obnoxious creatures, hiding subtle plans to invade our country, devoted to demolish our culture, and annihilate our race, though … genetically speaking; Jews and Arabs are both Semites! No conflict should last forever, there must come a time for reconciliation, which might never convert hostility into passion; yet it would pave the way for a certain extent of mutual acceptance.

    Now we can draw back in time to discuss the authenticity of founding the state of Israel, when the British Empire betrayed its Arab allies, allowed Jewish migrants into Palestine, over the declaration of Balfour in 1917, but I question the validity of such a case, in a unipolar world, led by a culture that evolved upon the ashes of an ancient civilization! And after long decades with three gigantic wars and lots of side-battles, there are whole generations of Israelis who had been born there, they do not know an alternative homeland … and on the other side, generations of Palestinians born in exiles, each adapted to survive within new environments.

    My parents still hold memories of the pre 1948 years, when Jews were an active component inside the Iraqi community, they lived in harmony with their Muslim or Christian neighbors, greeted one another on religious holidays, and most importantly … they stood by one another. I sometimes wonder whether such sentiments are still applicable in Israel today, and on a larger scale … throughout the Arab world, just the way they had been almost half a century ago!

    When I was eight; I was impressed by the sight of the late president of Egypt on television, as he stepped out of his plane, which landed in Tel Aviv … the live transmission brought my mother and some of her friends to burst in tears. Today, after almost thirty years from that moment, she admits that the man was exceptionally wise to have taken the brave decision, for which, he had paid his life … Egypt and Jordan nowadays play the most influential role in pushing the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to a solution, with merely the power of wisdom and hands spread for peace!

    What if we choose, as Arabs, to live in peace with Israel ? Would not that consolidate the Palestinian case, putting extra pressures upon the Israeli government to recognize the Palestinians' rights to live decently upon their lands? Would it not deprive Israel of legitimacy for massive armament, including nuclear weapons? Furthermore; it would eventually strip down all the regional dictatorships that have been fortifying over allegations on the necessity to abort democracy whilst preparations for the sacred struggle to liberate Palestine .

    As an Iraqi, I have been living the atrocities in my country for the past three decades, and I came to the convinction that time has come to break the ongoing Israeli-Arab chain reaction. A conviction that is yet fragile, and is easily shaken, whenever I see bleeding Palestinians on television, their farms and houses shoveled, or hear their widows and orphans wailing over their beloved. Nevertheless, there are several aspects of each story … suicide bombers that blow themselves amongst Israeli civilians, rockets and mortar shelling of Israeli cities … obviously; revenge can be easily ignited, it puts no distinction between criminals and victims, and the snow ball of violence keeps rolling down bigger and bigger.

    I have had the opportunity during the past few years, to set correspondence with some Israelis via the internet, and it was amazing to find out that we have much more in common than in difference … I talked to simple people, who lived simple lives, full of stress and frustrations, they have dreams for their children to grow up and live in peace … just like we do! I cannot realize what makes the Arab and Muslim conscience capable of absorbing and tolerating traumas like the invasion of Kuwait , the genocide in Darfur , Chechnya , Kosovo, and the Iranian intervention in Iraq , Lebanon , and Palestine itself; and yet reject the concept of living with Israel , a status quo that has been going on for sixty years!

    I am pleading hereby, for the sake of our nations, for the inhumane suffering of the desperate Palestinians, for the future of democracy, economy, and human rights in our region, to stop the mainstream of violence, a multi billion dollar business that should have been invested instead in providing Palestinians with decent education, modern infrastructures, healthcare, and appropriate dwellings. All the enlightened Arabs are committed to make a statement for peace … we can obviously continue ignoring the conflict for it doesn’t directly affect our lives, as we can go on repeating the passionate anthems of war we grew up chanting over and over again, we can remain being ostriches … but can our consciences do too?

    * Ali Shakir is an Iraqi architect and artist living in Jordan.

    While I of course don't agree with everything Mr. Shakir wrote, it is a breath of fresh air to read something in an Arab website that was written by someone who doesn't appear to want to kill all Zionists given the chance. And his opening paragraphs are instructive in understanding how decades of incitement create the majority of Arabs who look at Israelis and Jews as being pure evil.

    The only problem is that I couldn't find the same article in the Arabic version of the website. And that's where it needs to be read. The commenters, mostly supportive, seemed to be all Western.

    • Thursday, March 06, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Der Spiegel reports:
    A report sponsored by eight British-based aid agencies and human rights groups has described the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip as the worst in 40 years.
    Isn't it interesting that they mention 40 years? Either they are claiming that things were probably worse under Egyptian administration, or they are far more likely to want to blame Israel than any Arabs for the Gaza situation.

    Here are some interesting parts of the report, called "The Gaza Strip: A Humanitarian Implosion" The bias against Israel is clear:
    In the months prior to the tightening of the blockade around 250 trucks a day entered Gaza with supplies 2, now the Sufa crossing is only able to deal with a maximum of 45 trucks a day 3.
    Did you spot the logical fallacy? Yup - there is more than one crossing into Gaza. On Tuesday, while still under rocket attack, Israel worked to send some 160 trucks of aid through three crossings, and the reasons that many supplies of aid were curtailed is because of Palestinian Arab attacks on the crossings themselves! Nowhere do these "human rights" organizations mention those facts, twisting facts to make it appear that Israel is hell-bent on refusing humanitarian aid to Gaza.
    The blockade is destroying public service infrastructure in Gaza. The Israeli government prevents the repair and maintenance of the electricity and
    water service infrastructure in Gaza by prohibiting the import of spare parts.
    And perhaps this has to do with terrorists using water pipes to build rockets? Israel has had to find non-metal pipes to help keep Gaza's sewage infrastructure running, and Israeli workers risk their lives daily to help Gazans. Again, any facts that might balance the report are ignored.
    Israel has the right and duty to defend itself against indiscriminate rocket attacks against its civilian population, but the current policy fails to provide Israel with increased security and has led to increasing polarisation. As the head of UNRWA has pointed out, ‘Hungry, unhealthy, angry communities do not make good partners for peace.’
    And the reason that Gaza overwhelmingly supported Hamas and rejected peace before the Israeli sanctions was because....?
    The contention by Israeli officials that Israel is no longer bound by the laws of occupation since it redeployed its forces to the perimeter of the Gaza
    Strip in 2005 is a fallacy. Israel retains effective control of the Gaza Strip, by virtue of the full control it exercises over the Gaza Strip's land border, its air space and territorial waters, and the movement of people and goods. Hence, the Israeli authorities are bound by their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law to ensure the welfare of the Palestinian population in the OPT.
    Besides the fact that this legal analysis is wrong, this also contains the small lie that Israel controls the Egyptian border with Gaza. By this logic, Egypt is also an "occupier" of Gaza - yet Egypt is barely mentioned in the report.

    The "human rights" organizations go into uncharted bizarre waters when they blame Israel for falling grades in UNRWA-run schools:
    In September 2007, an UNRWA survey in the Gaza Strip revealed that there was a nearly 80% failure rate in schools grades four to nine, with up to 90% failure rates in Mathematics. In January 2008, UNICEF reported that schools in Gaza had been cancelling classes that were high on energy consumption, such as IT, science labs and extra curricular activities.
    This appears to be the "kitchen sink" philosophy in writing reports condemning Israel.
    In January 2008, the British government stated that it did not support Israel’s closure of all crossings into Gaza as it prevented the delivery of vital supplies.
    Israel never closed all the crossings into Gaza. The reference given was to “Gaza: Joint FCO and DFID statement”, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 8 February 2008 - which says no such thing. (It meant to refer to this document.)
    In January 2008, up to half of Gaza’s population poured across the border into Egypt in what some commentators described as a “jail break.” Driven by need and diminishing supplies, it was an expression of the desperation felt by 1.5 million Palestinians who have been effectively imprisoned in Gaza over the past eight months.
    Does this mean that every nation must let anyone who desires to enter their country? Gaza does have another border with Egypt. This report admits that Israel does let most Gazans in need of medical attention to leave. Israel also allowed Gazans to leave for the Hajj, only to be rewarded with more terrorists being let back in by Egypt. All of these facts are missing as the "even-handed" human rights organizations offer no alternatives to Israel, but blame it for everything it does.
    In the absence of a functioning economy in Gaza, international aid is simply a stop-gap measure. Millions of pounds of European money, including that of UK taxpayers, is being spent, not on recovery, development and peace-building initiatives but on sustaining basic survival in Gaza. Meanwhile, Israel has one of the best performing economies in the world with steady 5% growth rates per annum for the last four years.
    Now, why is that last fact relevant? Is it to imply that Israel is so rich that it should be giving supplies to those who want to see it destroyed? Or is it just to make Israel - alone among any successful nations - appear to be an ungrateful neighbor of the pleasant Gazans?
    The Israeli government prevents the repair and maintenance of the electricity and water service infrastructure in Gaza by prohibiting the import of spare parts.
    The report conveniently doesn't mention the fact that Israel has gone out of its way to fix Gaza electricity problems, or that Israel has allowed entire generators to enter Gaza.

    It also doesn't mention anything about Gaza fuel companies refusing deliveries.
    The international policy of isolating Hamas has not reaped any benefits. On the contrary, it has led to increasing polarisation across the Occupied Palestinian Territories and resulted in a political stalemate with Israel....

    We ask that once a representative national authority has been created that it is recognized by the UK government, the international community and the Israeli government as a legitimate party.
    Forget the fact that Hamas is sworn to destroy Israel and treat them as if they are a respected nation with no repercussions for their actions. Because human rights doesn't apply to Israelis in Sderot and Ashkelon.
    • Thursday, March 06, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    An Israeli soldier was killed this morning by an apparent IED:
    An IDF soldier was killed Thursday morning and another was seriously injured as Palestinians detonated an explosive device near an IDF Sufa jeep patrolling the area near the Gaza Strip border, not far from the Kissufim crossing.

    A Hamas source told Ynet that immediately after the incident, the gunmen fired at the force in a bid to disrupt the rescue efforts. They then escaped and took shelter. According to eyewitnesses, the vehicle went up in flames. Several residents gathered nearby and expressed their joy over the incident.
    Palestine Today (Arabic) mentions:
    Al-Quds Brigades distributed sweets in the streets of Gaza rifles process Kissufim
    And the father of the infant girl who was killed in the crossfire when the IDF killed an Islamic Jihad leader - probably by Palestinian Arab fire, but being blamed on Israel - congratulated Islamic Jihad for the operation.

    UPDATE: Picture of the candy here. (I'm now hesitant to post wire service photos that might not fall under "fair use.")

    Wednesday, March 05, 2008

    • Wednesday, March 05, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    It is not surprising that Qatar is bankrolling Hamas. After all, Qatar is in the forefront of Arab anti-semitism.

    And no matter how much Arab countries claim that they are merely anti-Zionist, somehow classic anti-semitism manages to leak through. From Qatar's al-Watan: (h/t MEMRI blog)

    Apparently, this newspaper - whose chairman is a member of the royal family and whose half-owner is Qatar's foreign minister - has a recurring "Jew" as a character in its cartoons.The ADL lists a few from 2003:

    Do these hook-nosed, bearded, sidelocked, black-hatted people look Zionist to you? They are based on Nazi caricatures of Polish Jews in the 1930s:

    • Wednesday, March 05, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    As a followup to my story earlier today...

    From Ha'aretz (h/t Meryl Yourish):
    According to reports from Gaza, dozens of Palestinian civilians were also killed in the fighting. The army says the fighting took place in a densely populated area, and Hamas gunmen sometimes using families hiding in their homes as human shields. The army also said the rules of engagement prohibit intentional firing on civilians, however in cases where a source of fire was clearly identified as coming from a home, permission was given to open fire without determining whether civilians were also present.

    The officers said some of the Palestinian civilians were hit by "heavy and inaccurate" Palestinian fire. In one case the commander of the brigade reconnaissance force saw a boy of about 10 sent to bring a weapon from a dead gunman after another gunman was killed trying to retrieve it. The commander ordered his men not to fire and the boy delivered the weapon to other armed men.
    And this is from the most Arab-leaning newspaper in Israel.

    Apparently, Israel cares more about Palestinian Arab civilians than PalArabs themselves do. For example, today Israeli police stopped an Ashkelon man from firing his own homemade rocket into Gaza:

    Ashkelon resident Moshe Nissimpor decided that the best way to halt rocket fire from Gaza - in light of what he terms the government's failure to do so - is some vigilante justice.

    Nissimpor developed a homemade 200-millimeter ballistic missile which he planned to launch from Ashkelon into the Gaza Strip.

    "From this day onwards, we will push back to the stone age every place which dares shoot missiles into Israel's sovereign territory," he said Wednesday. "It is time the world understood Israelis' lives are not expendable."

    "I'm afraid this is the only language the Palestinians understand, and this is the language in which we'll speak to them. I have many Gazan Palestinian friends who live as Hamas hostages. Once we bring an end to the rocket fire, Gaza's residents will also live in peace," he said.

    Nissimpor arrived at the Ashkelon Municipality building with the missile painted black and lettered "to Hamas, from the residents of Ashkelon" in red, and was planning to launch it.

    Ashkelon residents gathered round to cheer him on and protest the government's conduct, but at the eleventh hour, police stopped him from firing the missile and seized it.

    "I wish there were more 'crazies' like me in Israel," Nissimpor said as the crowd was dispersed by the police.

    Given that many Gaza rockets fall short and injure Palestinian Arabs, we see that Israel is better at protecting Gaza civilians both from rockets and from bullets than the Gazan terror groups themselves.

    • Wednesday, March 05, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Even though my self-death count is comparatively low this year, I don't think that PalArabs have gotten more peaceful. It is just that between the news crackdown that Hamas imposed on reporters and the fact that Hamas will sometimes hide their own murders as being victims of Israel it is much harder to find out the truth.

    Occasionally, a story does leak out, though. From Palpress:
    Citizens and eyewitnesses of the al-Shati refugee camp west of Gaza City said that a guard of Ismail Haniya Prime Minister killed in Gaza this morning Ms. Safiya Al Mahdi and killed her in front of her house Ismail Haniya in the Beach camp.

    Eyewitnesses said that "one of the guards Haniya recklessly tampering with the arms resulted in the exit bullet struck Ms. died in the killing immediately on impact."

    It is interesting that out of the 28 known violent self-deaths by the PalArabs this year, fully 12 of the victims were women or children.

    UPDATE: And one more:
    A 30-year-old Israeli was moderately to seriously wounded and a Palestinian killed Wednesday evening in a shooting attack in the West Bank village of Idna, near Hebron.

    Israel Radio reported that the Israeli was sitting in his car with Muhammad Nufal, 40, when terrorists opened fire at them from a passing car. Nufal was killed, but the Israeli, who sustained a wound to his stomach, drove himself to the nearby Tarkumiya checkpoint.

    Some two hours after the incident, the Fatah-affiliated Aksa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the shooting. The Palestinian news agency Ma'an said the Aksa Brigades issued a statement in which it said that the "business deal" had been a trap. The report was unconfirmed by security officials.


    • Wednesday, March 05, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    The Washington Times reports:
    Palestinian officials yesterday said Hamas is receiving millions of dollars from the Gulf state of Qatar, some of which they suspect is used to purchase weapons.

    Palestinian Authority officials said that oil-rich Qatar has been such a staunch supporter and promoter of Hamas — both financially and politically — that it is in a unique position to influence the Hamas leadership.

    "Qatar gives Hamas millions of dollars a month [on average]," a senior aide to Mr. Abbas told The Washington Times on the sidelines of the Rice-Abbas meetings in the West Bank city of Ramallah. "They say the money is for the people of Gaza, but Hamas steals it, and some of it may be used to buy weapons."

    It is most interesting that the PA is accusing Qatar of sending millions to Gaza that Hamas is probably stealing.

    Because the PA does exactly the same thing.

    Fully 58% of the PA budget goes to Gaza, which means that hundreds of millions of Western dollars meant to prop up the PA is instead going to help Hamas, directly or indirectly. And in recent days Abbas pledged to send more money to Gaza in reaction to Israel's raids.

    Exactly what accountability is here for the millions that the PA sends to Gaza every month?

    For them to complain that Qatar is bankrolling Hamas is a bit rich.

    • Wednesday, March 05, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    From the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center:
    The following are examples of calls in the Palestinian media for Palestinians civilians to serve as human shields:

    1) Hamas's Al-Aqsa TV and PalMedia Website called upon civilians to form a human shield at the home of Abu al-Hatal in the Sajaiya neighborhood (in Al-Sha'af according to other version) because the IDF had threatened to blow it up (March 1).

    Al-Aqsa TV, March 1
    The inscription reads: “Hamas calls upon on [the Palestinian] public to come
    to the house of Abu al-Hatal in al-Sha'af [neighborhood] to act
    as human shields” (Al-Aqsa TV, March 1).

    2) Al-Aqsa TV called upon the Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip to go to the house of shaheed Othman al-Ruziana to protect it because the IDF was threatening to blow it up (February 29).

    3) Al-Aqsa TV called upon the residents of Khan Yunis to gather at the house of Ma'amoun Abu ‘Amer because the IDF was threatening to blow it up (February 28). An hour later dozens of Palestinians from Khan Yunis were reported to have gathered on the roof of Abu ‘Amer's house to serve as human shields to prevent the house from being hit (Pal-today Website, February 28) .

    4) Al-Aqsa TV called upon Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip to go to the house of shaheed Musab al-Ja'abir to protect it because Israel was threatening to blow it up (February 29).

    5) The PIJ's Radio Sawt al-Quds called upon civilian to gather around the house of Fawzi Abu al-Hamed in the Absan al-Kabira region to prevent it from being blown up by the IDF (March 1).

    Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya boasted to Al-Jazeera TV of the “firm stance” of the Palestinians. As an example he said that the “occupation” had threatened to blow up buildings but nevertheless hundreds and thousands of Palestinians had left their homes “in the middle of the night” and gone up on the roofs of the houses the Israelis had threatened to blow up (Al-Jazeera TV, February 29).

    I will restate what I wrote in 2006 for a similar story:

    The use of human shields is the use of Israel's morality as a weapon against Israel.

    It is interesting that while the PalArabs never tire of telling the world that Israel is practicing "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" and "daily massacres" and "indiscriminate attacks," - and now they are adding "holocaust" to that list - they know that it is all a bunch of crap. Because they know that Israel will not purposefully attack civilians.

    And they know it so well, they are willing to risk their own lives, banking on the morality of this supposedly genocidal army.

    If the Palestinian Jews were one-tenth as bad as the Palestinian Arabs claim they are, why would they hesitate to kill the hundreds of human shields? Hell, if Israel is interested in ethnic cleansing as we are being told daily, having this big fat target would make the job so much easier, right?

    Contrast this with the PalArab philosophy, where victories are measured in the number of dead Palestinian Jewish civilians and bombing of pizza shops is a "victory." Qassams that manage to hit Jews are celebrated. Deep down, everyone on the planet knows that there is no comparison between the morality of the IDF and that of the PalArab terror groups. Everyone knows that Jewish women and children are the intended targets of suicide bombs and Qassam rockets. Everyone knows that the vast majority of Israelis grieve over the accidental deaths of Palestinian Arab civilians while the PalArabs hand out candy at the deaths of large numbers of Jews.

    And the proof is easy: how effective would "human shields" be in Sderot or Ashkelon? When the intended targets are civilians, the idea of human shields is ludicrous. They only work when the opponent is moral.

    But despite these blindingly obvious facts, the world is still willing to condemn Israel and give the Palestinian Arabs a free pass.
    • Wednesday, March 05, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    A Malaysian woman has been jailed for two years for belonging to a cult that worships a giant tea pot.

    From the Telegraph (UK):
    Kamariah Ali, a 57 year old former teacher, was arrested in 2005 when the government of the Muslim majority country demolished the two storey high sacred tea pot and other infrastructure of the "heretical" Sky Kingdom cult.

    For the eccentric sect, which emphasised ecumenical dialogue between religions, the tea pot symbolized the purity of water and "love pouring from heaven".

    But in Malaysia, despite constitutional guarantees of freedom of worship, born Muslims such as Mrs Ali are forbidden from converting to other religions.

    Passing sentence, the Sharia judge Mohammed Abdullah said: "The court is not convinced that the accused has repented and is willing to abandon any teachings contrary to Islam. I pray God will open the doors of your heart, Kamariah."

    Mrs Ali has already been jailed once for apostasy, for 20 months in 1992.

    "This has to stop. They can’t be sending her again and again to prison for this," her lawyer, Sa'adiah Din, told reporters.

    "She informed the court that she is not a Muslim. She doesn't come under Sharia court anymore."

    AsiaNews adds more details on the teapot cult:
    Born in the mid ‘80’s, the community grew outside state control until 1998, when its followers set up a Disneyland style games park – with buildings in the form of umbrellas, colourful boats, Greek and roman columns – at the centre of which they placed a gigantic teapot and equally massive blue vase. By this means they began proselytising among villagers and foreigners.

    In August of 2005, Islamic fundamentalists destroyed their deity and the structures where they gathered.

    Can't we all discuss this civilly over a cup of...oh, sorry, didn't mean to offend.

    Tuesday, March 04, 2008

    • Tuesday, March 04, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    The Arab News, in its never-ending quest to put the most falsehoods possible in their anti-Israel op-eds, added another one today:
    [O]nce again Palestinian suffering and death tolls continue to break records in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967.
    It appears that the Arab News is considering the roughly 110 Palestinian Arabs killed since last Wednesday to be some sort of a record of deaths in a week.

    Of course, they don't want to remember that this particular record belongs to Palestinian Arabs themselves, who managed in the seven days between June 10 and June 16, 2007 to kill 148 of each other.

    So if Israel's actions are a "holocaust" - which is now the word being used universally in Arabic media to describe the events of the past week - then Hamas and Fatah must really be guilty of self-genocide.

    Even the Arab News knows enough to limit the idea of PalArab suffering to "in the territories" which allows them to not compare the current Israeli actions with, say, Black September, 1970 when 3400 Palestinian Arabs were killed by Jordanians in an eleven day period. Or even January 18, 1976 when Lebanese Christians killed 1000 Lebanese and Palestinian Muslims in a single day.

    Is the death of some 75 terrorists and 35 civilians over seven days (my estimate based on PCHR listings of the circumstances of death) worse than the expulsion of 400,000 Palestinian Arabs from Kuwait in 1991 - also in a single week? After all, if expulsion is considered "ethnic cleansing" and tantamount to genocide - which is the Arab definition when applied to Israel - then Kuwait might win the prize.

    It's so tough to compare which has been the worst week in Palestinian Arab history, but what seems clear is that however you slice it, this week doesn't come close.

    Not that the Arab media would ever admit it.
    • Tuesday, March 04, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    al-Aretz headlines:
    IDF kills infant, top Islamic Jihad militant in southern Gaza
    And in the details we learn:
    A two-week-old Palestinian infant was killed after nightfall on Tuesday in a brief Israel Defense Forces ground operation in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials said, just a day after Israel ended a bloody offensive in northern Gaza against Palestinian rocket squads.

    A senior Islamic Jihad operative, Yussuf Samiri, was also killed. Israeli defense officials said that Samiri had been the intended target of the operation.

    ...Witnesses said IDF tanks fired shells and fighter helicopters fired missiles. A 1-month-old baby girl, Amira Abu-Assar, was killed by a ricocheting bullet, medical officials said.
    How exactly do the Palestinian Arab "medical officials" always know that Israeli bullets are the ones that invariably kill civilians whenever there is a firefight? One would expect to see some Palestinian Arab casualties from "friendly fire," but for some reason those incidents are never reported.
    Palestine Today (Arabic) reports that "fighters from the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, fought in violent armed clashes with automatic weapons and anti-tank missiles" during this battle. So clearly there were bullets flying from both sides.

    Do Gaza police have forensics labs that can identify bullet fragments, perform some metallurgical and chemical tests, look at the trajectories and ricochet angles, and definitively identify their source within minutes of the fatality?

    Every single incident, Israel is blamed, and so-called "news" organizations - including Israel's major pro-Arab newspaper - report the Palestinian Arab claims without skepticism or question.
    • Tuesday, March 04, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Purim is coming, and Sderot is the most appropriate place to send gift baskets:
    This Purim, Connections Israel plans to deliver a holiday gift basket to every family in Sderot (10,000 families in total) with a letter of support from a Jewish family overseas. This project will connect families and communities in a major expression of Jewish unity.

    Every Diaspora community’s name and contribution will be marked in a major exhibit that will take place in Sderot after before Purim and will show the support, care and solidarity from the Jews around the world.

    Contact your community leader to promote this event.

    Urge other caring families to join this project !!!

    Write a warm greeting card to a family in Sderot - make it personal! add a picture and a blessing for the holiday and mail it to us.

    If you like you can donate a holiday gift basket ($36) and your letter will be included.

    • Tuesday, March 04, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    From YNet:
    The Kerem Shalom terminal in the southern Gaza Strip was expected to reopen Tuesday after being closed for six weeks for security reasons.

    Some 20 trucks carrying humanitarian aid to the Palestinians were expected to pass through the terminal, while 60 additional trucks containing equipment and medications were to cross the border at the Suffa crossing.

    The Kerem Shalom crossing was used as an alternative terminal after the Karni crossing in the northern Strip was shut down. The terminal was shut down, however, after the defense establishment received warnings on terror organization's plans to carry out attacks at the area, and after mortar shells were fired at the terminal while goods were passing through it.

    On Tuesday, the IDF was instructed to reopen the crossing, allowing a limited number of trucks to enter Gaza while following the developments in the area on a daily basis.

    Sixty trucks were expected to pass through the Suffa crossing with medications, as well as equipment and food from the United Nations and donations from Jordan and Turkey. In addition, 80 trucks carrying grains were to enter the Strip through the Karni crossing.
    Meanwhile, three Qassams landed in Israel so far today, to correspond with the three crossings that goods will be shipped through.
    • Tuesday, March 04, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Here is the Channel 10 story from yesterday of two Jerusalem municipal workers being nearly lynched by peaceful Palestinian Arab protesters using stones and metal bars.
    • Tuesday, March 04, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon

    Monday, March 03, 2008

    • Monday, March 03, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Human rights organizations have two main problems with Israel defending itself: the "principle of distinction" and "the principle of proportionality." These are not what the Geneva Conventions calls them but they are the shorthand for the following rules.

    The principle of distinction refers to Article 48 of Protocol 1, which states:
    In order to ensure respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives.
    And the principle of proportionality comes from article 51, paragraph 5(b) (bolded):
    1. The civilian population and individual civilians shall enjoy general protection against dangers arising from military operations. To give effect to this protection, the following rules, which are additional to other applicable rules of international law, shall be observed in all circumstances.
    4. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. Indiscriminate attacks are: (a) those which are not directed at a specific military objective; (b) those which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective; or (c) those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this Protocol;

    and consequently, in each such case, are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction.

    5. Among others, the following types of attacks are to be considered as indiscriminate: (a) an attack by bombardment by any methods or means which treats as a single military objective a number of clearly separated and distinct military objectives located in a city, town, village or other area containing a similar concentration of civilians or civilian objects;


    (b) an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.

    7. The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favour or impede military operations. The Parties to the conflict shall not direct the movement of the civilian population or individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military operations.
    You will notice that Hamas often violates paragraph 7 above by telling citizens to act as human shields, as they did in Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahiya in 2006. And, of course, Qassam and Grad rockets by their very nature violate the Geneva Conventions multiple times by targeting civilians, by not distinguishing between civilians and military targets, by punishing the civilian population for perceived crimes of the military, and many others. Beyond that, Hamas routinely violates other aspects of Geneva, such as by placing military objects in civilian areas, by taking medicines and fuel from hospitals, by placing Fatah prisoners in areas where they are in danger and many, many others.

    But Hamas can do all of this with impunity, because of Paragraph 8:
    8. Any violation of these prohibitions shall not release the Parties to the conflict from their legal obligations with respect to the civilian population and civilians, including the obligation to take the precautionary measures provided for in Article 57.
    So no matter how much Hamas violates the Geneva Conventions, Israel must respect the laws with regard to civilian lives. Only Israel is under international pressure to adhere to Geneva; no Arab nation is similarly pressuring Hamas to follow international law.

    Hamas has the means and the history of violating dozens of provisions of international humanitarian law and can do so with no fear of sanctions or serious condemnation, and not even the fear of Israel doing the same. There is no way that Israel can attack rocket launchers without some civilians being killed as long as Hamas places them in schools and sends teenage boys out to retrieve the launchers.

    In recent days we have seen people representing the EU and UN and human rights organizations who say, in all seriousness, that "Israel has the right to defend itself" - but they cannot say how it is possible without violating Geneva in one way or another. This is because it isn't possible.

    It is literally impossible for a nation, hamstrung by international law, to fight against a terrorist foe that flouts that same law.

    The only alternatives for Israel are:

    * to ignore international law and accept the consequences.

    * to be a sitting duck and let Israeli citizens die

    * to adhere to the law as much as possible - a slippery slope because there will inevitably be violations in defensive actions and double-standard pressure for Israel to adhere 100%.

    What needs to be done is to modify Geneva's Article 51 paragraph 8 to lay the responsibility for civilian injuries and deaths squarely on the parties that ignore the law. If the world blames Hamas for not properly separating civilians from military targets, and therefore blames Hamas for any civilians killed, there would be a short-term loss of lives but over time Hamas will be forced to abandon its policy of hiding military targets in civilian areas - thus saving many, many more lives in the long run.

    We need to change the calculus for the terrorists, to force them to consider the death of their own civilians as a loss rather than a positive. And the way to do that is to place the blame for their civilian deaths squarely on them. Only when they start adhering to Geneva will it make sense to expect their enemies to do the same.
    • Monday, March 03, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    From JPost:
    Hundreds of Arab teens pelted Israeli cars, police and passersby with stones and rocks in east Jerusalem on Monday, as rioting over the violence in Gaza continued in the Arab sections of Jerusalem for the second straight day.

    In the most serious incident, two Jerusalem Municipality city inspectors felt in danger of being lynched on a central east Jerusalem thoroughfare that was blocked by burning garbage bins after their car was pelted with dozens of stones and rocks by half a dozen teens, one of whom jumped on the vehicle and beat the window with a metal bar.

    The two city workers, who were inside their vehicle when they came under attack, eventually managed to bypass a burning garbage bin that was overturned on the road by driving on the sidewalk and escape to safety.

    "I was afraid we were going to be lynched," said city inspector Chaya Elihan.

    The two city workers were in telephone contact the whole time of the attack with their boss, Elihan said.

    "Our instructions were just to get out of the there as quickly as possible without paying any attention to the damage done to the car," city inspector Moshe Ephraim said.
    But thats not all...
    Meanwhile, a group of 150 Arab students at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem held a boisterous protest Monday against the IDF operation in the Gaza Strip.

    The Arab students who took part in the afternoon protest just outside the main entrance to the university's Mount Scopus campus were met by dozens of Jewish students in a counterprotest opposite the street, with police separating between the two sides.

    Carrying Palestinian flags and dressed in keffiyehs, the Arab students chanted the Palestinian liberation slogan: "With our blood and soul we shall liberate Palestine."

    "We are part of the Palestinian people and it is impossible to separate us from them," said protester Ali Behar, 23, a third-year student who heads the Arab Students Committee.

    "We are protesting against the Zionist terror against the Palestinian people," Behar said, "or as [Deputy Defense Minister Matan] Vilna'i called it, 'the Holocaust.'" Vilna'i has said that he used the Hebrew word Shoah in a radio interview which took place Friday only to mean disaster, ruin or destruction and was not referring to its primary definition as Holocaust.

    Israeli student protesters, who supported the army's actions in Gaza, expressed their dismay that the university and police allowed such radical Islamic activity on campus.

    "We are talking about a group of students who live in the dorms, who study at the expense of the state and in exchange call for the murder of Israelis and support terror," said Erez Tadmor, 28, head of the right-wing student group If You Will It, referring to the words of Theodor Herzl.

    "Regretfully and shamefully, the incitement of the Islamic groups on campus are ignored by both the police and the university administration," he said.
    Israeli Arabs have the right to protest, of course, but if they want to see the state get destroyed it is reasonable to ask that they no longer get the benefits of that same state.
    • Monday, March 03, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    From a link on LGF...a Lebanese TV commercial.

    From the comments, it appears that this rule applies even if the person eating is left-handed.

    There is an entire series of these sorts of commercials, showing the evil Shaytan convincing a woman to wear makeup, or asking a man not to get up to pray.
    • Monday, March 03, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Unbelievable bias from Reuters:
    Hamas fighters battle on inspired by God

    By Nidal al-Mughrabi

    GAZA (Reuters) - Abu Mohammed picked up his rifle, said farewell to his wife and six children and went out to face the Israeli tanks, helicopter gunships and missile-firing airborne drones.

    "Being unable to defeat Israel is no reason to surrender," the Hamas fighter said with a smile as he headed to the Gaza Strip's front line last Saturday, ignoring pleas from his family to stay.

    "My children and wife are very dear to me," he said. "But reward in Heaven and the homeland are dearer."

    The 38-year-old furniture salesman says he is not afraid to die for the cause of destroying Israel and forging a Palestinian state on all Israel's territory, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

    To Israel and its allies, Abu Mohammed and his comrades are Jew-hating terrorists. But Abu Mohammed sees himself on a mission from God to rescue his people from 60 years of misery as refugees since the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948.

    Though that conviction may, in some, mingle with bravado and self-interest, it does make Hamas an enemy to be reckoned with, for all that Israel's hi-tech army easily outguns their rifles, home-made rockets and, if they choose, their suicide bomb belts.

    Abu Mohammed survived, though he broke a bone in his hand diving for cover. The rocket fire resumed and Hamas and its fellow Islamist allies vowed to battle on, despite losing close to 60 fighters. Estimates vary but there may be 20,000 or more Abu Mohammeds left to continue the war in Gaza alone.

    Islam forbids suicide, but rewards "martyrdom" with glory in this world and paradise in the next. For the 1.5 million Palestinians in the slums and refugee camps of the Gaza Strip, the question of why one of their compatriots would sacrifice his or her life to kill Israelis needs little soul-searching.

    "An Islamist fighter has two motives: a religious motive -- God's reward; and a social motive -- appreciation from the people he is defending," explained Fadel Abu Heen, a prominent Gaza psychiatrist.

    And religion was the stronger motivation for Islamist fighters. "That is what makes them braver and more aggressive fighters than others," he said.

    Older than most of his fellow combatants, Abu Mohammed said his family had fled to Gaza from a village nearby in 1948.

    "We have the right to all of Palestine," he said in his three-room, one-storey house in Gaza City.

    "If we are dead before we can liberate our land, then we did not give up. We have to set an example to our children that weakness is not an excuse for not putting up a fight."

    Hamas leaders have offered a long-term truce with Israel in return for a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem -- terms Israel is unwilling to accept, preferring to negotiate with Hamas's secular enemies in the Fatah faction, which dominates the larger West Bank.
    Reuters has outdone itself in lionizing Hamas terrorists. Anti-religion when that religion happens to be Judaism or Christianity, Reuters is all of a sudden quite objective when reporting on the Islamic beliefs of destroying the Jewish dhimmis.

    The headline didn't even have scare quotes, as Reuters is reporting an established fact - that Hamas is inspired by God.


    (h/t Callie)
    • Monday, March 03, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    The world media often portray Palestinian Arab terror as a manifestation of their desire for "independence." It is perhaps natural that, in the Western world, such calls are met with sympathy, as independence is often used as a synonym for "freedom."

    The only problem is that the desire for independence is not very strong among Palestinian Arabs.

    In the 2006 PA elections, Hamas won a plurality of the vote and a majority of the seats in the PA parliament. Hamas, like all Islamist movements, does not call for Palestinian Arab independence, rather it calls for a pan-Arab Islamic 'ummah. Israel's existence on what Hamas considers holy Muslim land is the biggest obstacle to such unified Muslim nation; as such its first job is to eliminate Israel. But the point isn't to establish a state there except as perhaps an interim step; its goal, as part of the Muslim Brotherhood, is to overthrow all secularist Arab governments to create a large Islamic nation. This is what it calls "nationalism" in its charter.

    On the other side of the spectrum, the recent death of George Habash gave us all a reminder that the goal of his Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was, for most of its existence, dedicated to socialist pan-Arabism, not to Palestinian Arab nationalism.

    As recently as two weeks ago, the perennial threat of Palestinian Arabs unilaterally declaring independence was brought up by DFLP head Yasser Abd Rabbo, but Abbas' reaction to the idea is instructive:
    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ruled out on Wednesday any unilateral declaration of statehood in the near future, responding to an aide's call to take the step if peace talks with Israel continued to falter.

    "We will pursue negotiations in order to reach a peace agreement during 2008 that includes the settlement of all final status issues including Jerusalem," Abbas said in a statement.

    "But if we cannot achieve that, and we reach a deadlock, we will go back to our Arab nation to take the necessary decision at the highest level," he said, without mentioning any options.

    It will be remembered that the PLO at its inception was not interested in an independent Palestinian Arab state either, and of course during the Jordanian annexation of the West Bank there was essentially no interest in an independent Palestinian Arab state on Arab territory (except for the factions that advocated the overthrow of Jordan.) The 1968 Palestinian National Charter pointedly did not call for an independent state, rather "self-determination." Abbas is continuing on in that tradition by saying that even a unilateral declaration of independence can only be taken with approval of the larger "Arab nation," a mythical construct that most Arab nations pretend allegiance to in their own constitutions, and his words today are echoes of those in that 1968 Charter.

    While the tactics have changed, it is hard to escape the conclusion that even current calls for an independent Palestinian Arab state are not so much for the ideals of freedom and independence as for a stage towards the destruction of Israel. And if you add together the votes tallied for various parties in the 2006 PA elections, it appears that a majority of Palestinian Arabs themselves voted for parties that do not advocate - or only recently pretend to advocate - an independent Palestinian Arab state.

    And even those who would disagree with this analysis must admit that Gazans have overwhelmingly supported the anti-nationalist goals of Hamas, and the current escalation of hostilities from Gaza are purely meant to hurt Israel, not to advance the cause of Palestinian Arab independence nor to build an independent state.

    The Palestine Press Agency reported two interesting items today:
    UNRWA commissioner general "Karen Abu Zayd" demands effective international intervention to put a stop to "bloody violence" in Gaza
    Pope calls for an unconditional cessation of military operations in Gaza
    By saying "in Gaza", the "news" agency is making it sound like the Pope and Abu-Zayd condemned Israel only, thereby justifying Qassam and Grad rocket attacks against Israeli civilians. (Of course, both the pope and Abu-Zayd condemned both sides equally.)

    Similarly, even English-language Arab media tends to overlook condemnations of public figures of Qassam and Grad rockets and only mention condemnations of Israel. From Bahrain's Gulf Daily News:
    European Union president Slovenia condemned Israel's attacks as disproportionate and violating international law.
    (Of course, even Reuters gets in on the act, headlining only condemnations of Israel and burying the same people condemning rocket attacks in the text of the article.)

    Another example of absurd media bias in Arab sources is this article from Ma'an:
    A Palestinian student was killed on Monday morning after Israeli forces opened fire on a peaceful demonstration in the West Bank against the Israeli mass killings in the Gaza Strip.
    Of course, the "peaceful" demonstration included hundreds of peaceful rock throwers and a Jewish citizen felt so threatened that he first fired in the air, then at the legs of his attackers.

    Sunday, March 02, 2008

    • Sunday, March 02, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Both Ma'an (Arabic) and Palestine Press Agency are quoting Israeli sources that Sderot mayor Eli Moyal was slightly injured by a Qassam rocket Sunday night.

    Palestine Press reader comments are praising Allah, and Hamas, for this news. Nothing yet in the Israeli English press yet.
    • Sunday, March 02, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Ma'an Arabic reports that "Teachers Association and staff in the public sector in the Gaza Strip called on all staff and teachers go tomorrow morning Monday, 3/3/2008 to duty in all provinces of Gaza and the West Bank."

    It's almost as if they don't expect any indiscriminate and disproportionate rockets of the evil, genocidal, Nazi Zionists to be fired at their schools and endanger their lives while kids are in class.

    • Sunday, March 02, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    From PalPress (autotranslated):
    The "Al-Jazeera" channel published the news this afternoon that Egyptian authorities decided to allow the opening of the Rafah border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egyptian territories to receive the wounded of escalating Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and to import medicines and medical equipment to hospitals [in Gaza.].
    This news, if true, will not be publicized very much. The claims that Gaza hospitals are overcrowded and that there is a shortage of medicines is much more dramatic.

    Neither will the media remind their consumers that Hamas in recent months has, at least twice, confiscated medicines meant for Gaza hospitals.
    • Sunday, March 02, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    The ghoulish terrorists of Islamic Jihad's "Al-Quds Brigades" claim to have body parts of Israeli soldiers: (autotranslated from Palpress)
    The Al-Quds Brigades military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, it retains limbs Israeli soldiers detonated an explosive device in them yesterday evening Saturday thorn in the south east of the town of Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

    The military statement issued by the Palace Agency has received "Palestine Press," a copy of the news this morning, the troops were able late in the evening yesterday, Saturday, from blowing up an explosive anti-personnel mines weighing 10 kilogrammes special Israeli force infiltrated one of the houses in the area east of the town of Rafah thorn .

    The statement pointed out that the Israeli forces penetrated enhanced in the region and arrived at the scene after the bombing charge, and affirmed that the elements found parts of the remains of members of the Special Force is holding now.

    For his part, the spokesman Abu Ahmad Al-Quds Brigades in a telephone conversation with a local radio, the news and said that the Israeli forces spent most of dawn hours they are searching for the remains of soldiers on the walls and trees, and that the Al-Quds Brigades will offer these parts and body parts in a timely manner after improvement security conditions in the sector.

    Saturday, March 01, 2008

    • Saturday, March 01, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    In yet another example of the obscene "Zionists=Nazis" mantras so often used by anti-semites, the Arab News has printed an op-ed called "Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza: Disturbing Parallels." Using methods that a fifth-grader could use to make "disturbing parallels" between, say, butterflies and rabid dogs (Both have blood! Both have natural defenses! Both seem to move about randomly!) the author, one Steve Hutcheson, brings up pseudo-facts to make his case:
    The Nazis rounded up the Jews of Poland and quartered them in a small area of Warsaw, building a barricade around the perimeter to prevent them leaving. So too have the Israelis through conflict and force pushed many of the Arab inhabitants out of Israel into an enclave that now has a population density of 4,200 people per sq. km which is 14 times that of the surrounding area of Israel which has 360 people per sq. km.
    It is hardly worth showing the idiocy of this parallel, but just to mention one part: the population density in the Tel Aviv/Jaffa coastal corridor is some 6000 people per square kilometer, and if you exclude the Negev desert, Israel is indeed one of the most crowded places in the world. The Arabs have pushed the Jews into a tiny state - I guess Israel should start pushing towards Riyadh, since according to moral midgets like this, being crowded is reason to start shooting rockets indiscriminately at your neighbors.

    Oh, also: the Warsaw Ghetto population density was not a measly 4,200 people/sq. km., but
    110,800 - over 25 times the density of Gaza. Wow, that parallel really is disturbing!
    The Nazis deprived the ghetto inhabitants of food and essential supplies. So too has the Israeli government stopped the flow of goods to the 1.4 million inhabitants of Gaza by limiting the convoys of supplies to a mere trickle.
    Another idiot making the implicit - and libelous - claim that Israel is intending to starve the population of Gaza, even more so in his next paragraph:
    The Nazis reduced the average calorie intake of the Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto to 241 calories per day. So too have the Israelis reduced the calorie intake of the Palestinians in Gaza. According to a UN report, it is presently at 61 percent of the average daily requirements.
    No, that's not what the UN report said - it said that the UN alone was providing (as of November) 61% of the food that Gaza needs, and it wasn't limited by Israeli sanctions on that number - rather by its budget. And, not surprisingly, the UNRWA budget gets next to nothing from Arab nations!

    So it would be far more accurate to say that Arabs are starving Gazans. Not accurate, but more accurate that the Arab News is.

    Of course, we have yet to hear about starving Gazans smuggling in food in their many tunnels from Egypt. Cigarettes and explosives seem to be a higher priority right now. Go figure.
    The Jewish inhabitants through the ZZB and the ZOB resisted the oppression by the Nazis albeit too late and their rebellion was brutally crushed without concern for who was in the way. So too have the Palestinians of Gaza through their own resistance organizations, in particular Hamas, rebelled against their oppressors and so too do the Israelis use all means available to crush the rebellion without concern for who is in the way or who they maim or kill in doing so.
    Ah, so shooting rockets at civilians and sending suicide bombers to kill old ladies is just like the Jewish resistance to Nazis!

    These lies, sickening parallels and justification for terror is just part of the mainstream Arab world's (and their leftist allies') viewpoints. Even pointing out the glaring lies and perverted morality in making such statements is difficult, as the idea of comparing the Holocaust victims with the Gazans - even while demolishing those comparisons - is literally nauseating.

    But the thrill that Israel-bashing turds like Hutcheson gets from the idea of Jew-as-Nazi gets is too irresistible for them to pass up. And the relatively moderate Arab News - hardly a jihadist newspaper - supporting such drivel is an indication of just how far the Arab world is from reality.
    A new website called PTWatch keeps track of all terror attacks from Gaza towards Israel since Israel's withdrawal. Using mostly Arab sources, it is recording every "projectile" attack that the terrorists take credit for themselves, and whether the target was civilian or military - according to the terrorists themselves.

    The author said he was inspired by my Qassam calendar (thanks!) but, unlike my static monthly calendars, PTWatch is a full database where you can query any date or date range. It includes mortars as well. For each attack he includes a link back to the (usually Arab) news source that documents it, far more effectively than my calendars do - I pretty much gave up on linking back to every attack every day and only link to the most "representative" article I can find.

    Check it out!
    • Saturday, March 01, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    From JPost:
    Hamas said the baby, Malak Karfaneh, was killed and three other civilians were wounded in an Israeli strike on Beit Hanun, a northern town where Palestinians often launch rockets at Israel. But local residents said one of those rockets fell short and landed in the area of the baby's house.
    Which makes the known 2008 PalArab self-death count 27.

    Friday, February 29, 2008

    • Friday, February 29, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    Here is the picture by the satirical group "Surrend" that forced a Berlin art gallery to shut down because of Islamic threats.

    It shows the Kaaba in Saudi Arabia with the caption "Dummer Stein", meaning "Stupid Stone."

    But what is more interesting is that it is part of a series of "Dummer" posters. The one next to it shows a Chassidic Jew and is called "Dummer Hat." For some reason, there were no death threats about that poster.
    • Friday, February 29, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    The best place on the web for analyzing and critiquing news photography has been sent a "cease and desist" letter from AP, and the blogger (and blog-friend) Brian Ledbetter has agreed to take his Snapped Shot site down until the issue can be resolved.

    As the Jawa Report mentions:
    Since all of the AP images reprinted by Brian are criticisms of them, they clearly fall into the realm of "fair use".
    This is a chilling development, as many other bloggers (myself included) often link to and reproduce wire service photos for criticism and comment. The Lebanon war "fauxtography" scandals, where many photos were found to have been Photoshopped, staged or otherwise deceptive, would not have come to light had it not been for bloggers like Brian.

    It is a sad day for free speech.
    • Friday, February 29, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    One of the more obvious differences between how Palestinian Arabs act and how Westerners act is in how they treat, and think about, their own dead people.

    When Roni Yechiyeh was murdered on Wednesday, the closest one could find to a picture of his body was this one, made by an Israeli photographer for Reuters:

    Shoes lie beside the body of an Israeli killed after a rocket attack in the southern town of Sderot February 27, 2008.

    The picture is meant to evoke sadness and loss. To show his face would be demeaning and painful to his family. With few exceptions, this is how Israeli victims are shown to the world by Israelis themselves.

    On the other hand, the Arab press- and Arab photographers for the wire services - revel in showing bloody dead bodies. When a baby dies, his picture gets plastered on front pages (like this one in Ma'an today, I'm not going to reproduce it here.) There is no indication that the families of the victims are upset by this - it is as if a child being killed is cause for celebration, because it can be used as ammunition against Israel in the war of public relations.

    The glee at which PalArab deaths are embraced can be seen from this rally, which in a normal culture would be characterized as child abuse:

    A man carries a Palestinian boy during a protest against Israeli air strikes which killed Palestinian youth in Gaza February 29, 2008. An Israeli missile attack on Thursday killed four Palestinian youngsters playing football in the Gaza Strip, local medical workers said. The banner reads 'Help us Egyptian people'.REUTERS/Mohammed Salem (GAZA)

    What the caption pointedly fails to describe is the red paint on the children's faces and clothing. This rally is meant to have Palestinian Arab children literally play dead, and causes them to associate death with a fun outing at another rally meant for Western consumption. Death is thrilling and pictures of death are titillating - the Palestinian Arab equivalent to pornography.

    In short, Palestinian Arabs celebrate both Jewish and Arab civilian deaths, while Israelis mourn them. Death, which is described countless times by Palestinian Arabs themselves as reasons for celebration, is also a major propaganda victory.

    And those PR victories, milked for all they are worth and more, give them all the more reason to celebrate.
    • Friday, February 29, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    I just stumbled onto Tony Karon's blog. He works for Time magazine as a senior editor at While he takes pains to say that his opinions on his blog do not represent those of his employer, his opinions are, shall we say, a bit less than even-handed.

    His blogroll includes Juan Cole and Richard Silverstein. He continuously describes anything but total love for Palestinian Arabs and anyone who is pro-Likud as "racist Zionist alte-kakkers". And he proudly brings out his Jewish bona-fides so prove to his leftist friends that, see, even Jews can be anti Israel with the best of you!

    Having these opinions is his right, of course, as is his grating name-dropping. But it shows again that the American media and its leaders are hardly Zionist.
    • Friday, February 29, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    • Friday, February 29, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    The Guardian today includes this "fact" in its coverage of Gaza:
    The Qassam rockets are notoriously inaccurate - Hamas launched 28 yesterday and only 10 landed in Israel - but there are growing fears that the militants are acquiring an arsenal with a longer range.
    Yesterday, according to YNet, "over 30" rockets landed in Israel, and 10 of them landed in Ashkelon alone. Haaretz counted 12 of them as being Grad rockets.

    Hamas alone claimed to fire 26 Qassam rockets in its many press releases yesterday, but I cannot find anywhere that Hamas lists which ones landed in Israel and which in Gaza.

    There is a very small possibility that The Guardian's reporter Toni O'Loughlin in Jerusalem managed to track how many rockets were from Hamas, how many from Fatah and Islamic Jihad and other groups, tracked them individually to see where each one landed, distinguished between Qassams and Grads, and counted exactly 28 Qassams from Hamas (two more than they claim) of which exactly 10 landed in Israel.

    It is undoubtedly true that many Qassams land in Gaza and that there is always a discrepancy between the number claimed to have been fired by terror groups and the number that are known to have landed in Israel. A 3:1 ratio is absurd, though.

    Far more likely is that O'Loughlin is, subconsciously or not, trying to minimize the Qassam threat to Israel and is reporting "facts" as inaccurate as s/he claims the Qassams are.

    Thursday, February 28, 2008

    • Thursday, February 28, 2008
    • Elder of Ziyon
    From Reuters:
    A Berlin gallery has temporarily closed an exhibition of satirical works by a group of Danish artists after six Muslim youths threatened violence unless one of the posters depicting the Kaaba shrine in Mecca was removed, it said on Thursday.

    The Galerie Nord in central Berlin said it had closed its "Zionist Occupied Government" show of works by Surrend, a group of artists who say they poke fun at powerful people and ideological conflicts.

    On Tuesday, four days after the exhibition opened, a group of angry Muslims stormed into the gallery, shouting demands that one of the 21 posters should be removed, said the gallery.

    "They were very aggressive and shouted at an employee that the poster should be taken down otherwise they would throw stones and use violence," the gallery's artistic director Ralf Hartmann told Reuters.

    The Muslims objected to a depiction of the Kaaba -- the ancient shrine in Mecca's Grand Mosque which Muslims face to say their prayers -- which gave a "bitingly satirical commentary against radicalism," said the gallery in a statement.

    Hartmann said the gallery was working with German authorities to improve security and he hoped to re-open the show as soon as possible.

    "It would be unacceptable if individual social groups were in a position to exercise censorship over art and the freedom of expression," said the gallery in a statement.

    The show also contained pictures which ridiculed neo-Nazis who believe Jews dominate global politics and industry as well as the state of Israel and radical Jews.

    Surrend members are mainly street artists and use stickers, advertisements, posters and Web sites to express irony.

    Surrend might make fun of everyone, but only one group threatens them for it.

    Surrend once bought an ad in the Tehran Times that pretended to be pro-Ahmadinejad but actually called him a "swine" in the first letter of each bullet point:

    Surrend's webpage is here.


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