Occasionally, a story does leak out, though. From Palpress:
Citizens and eyewitnesses of the al-Shati refugee camp west of Gaza City said that a guard of Ismail Haniya Prime Minister killed in Gaza this morning Ms. Safiya Al Mahdi and killed her in front of her house Ismail Haniya in the Beach camp.
Eyewitnesses said that "one of the guards Haniya recklessly tampering with the arms resulted in the exit bullet struck Ms. died in the killing immediately on impact."
It is interesting that out of the 28 known violent self-deaths by the PalArabs this year, fully 12 of the victims were women or children.
UPDATE: And one more:
A 30-year-old Israeli was moderately to seriously wounded and a Palestinian killed Wednesday evening in a shooting attack in the West Bank village of Idna, near Hebron.29.Israel Radio reported that the Israeli was sitting in his car with Muhammad Nufal, 40, when terrorists opened fire at them from a passing car. Nufal was killed, but the Israeli, who sustained a wound to his stomach, drove himself to the nearby Tarkumiya checkpoint.
Some two hours after the incident, the Fatah-affiliated Aksa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the shooting. The Palestinian news agency Ma'an said the Aksa Brigades issued a statement in which it said that the "business deal" had been a trap. The report was unconfirmed by security officials.