Tuesday, October 10, 2023

  • Tuesday, October 10, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Sunday, the Democratic Socialists of America held a pro-Hamas rally in Times Square. 

As they often do, they held signs and chanted slogans like "By any means necessary" and "Resistance is justified when people are occupied." 

These are old slogans to be sure, but the media and the Jewish Left never really noticed before what they literally mean - that Palestinians are allowed to do the most depraved war crimes against civilians in the name of "resistance."

Pro-Hamas rallies oversea  were more explicit in their hate. In Germany, sweets were handed out celebrating the outrages.

And coming a day after Palestinians did exactly that, murdering and kidnapping babies and raping women, even the hard-core Jewish Left became squeamish at seeing their purported allies supporting the most vile antisemitic terrorist attack in the region's history. 

Joshua Leifer, contributing editor for the socialist Jewish Currents, saw enough:
Turned on my phone after the holiday and was overwhelmed by the images of death and horror. My partner and I frantically text friends and loved ones to make sure they're okay. Everyone seems to have lost someone or knows someone who has. The loss, the tragedy—incomprehensible.

There's also a deep sense that the left abroad has lost the values it was supposed to stand for. I thought we were leftists because we wanted a world without war, torture, the killing of families & children in their beds 

I thought we were leftists because we abhor cruelty, detest violence, and believe in the inherent, even divine, worth of all human life. I thought we were leftists because our struggle was for all people to be able to live  with freedom and dignity.

Are these not the values that led us to oppose the cruel siege on Gaza? To resist the brutalities of the occupation? To oppose apartheid? Where are these values when Israeli children are held hostage, families wiped out, corpses violated before cheering crowds? 

People who were supposed to have been interlocutors, partners in some type of common conversation, self-professed human rights defenders, even would-be colleagues are celebrating and glorifying unspeakable acts that violate the most basic elements of human life. I feel sick. 
What part of "by any means necessary" did Leifer not understand? Did he never hear of the second intifada where his same Leftist friends justified blowing up babies in pizza shops, also using the euphemism of "resistance" for depraved terror attacks? 

But for Palestinians, many Arabs and other Muslims, the rapes and baby-murdering is something to be openly proud of. 

In one pro-terror rally in New York, the crowd cheered when the speaker described how Hamas murdered "hipsters" at the rave. 

In Australia, in front of the iconic Sydney Opera House on Monday night, a crowd of thousands of Muslims openly chanted "Gas the Jews!" and "Fuck the Jews!" 

Really hard to argue that this is just enthusiastic "anti-Zionism."

But it gets worse. A writer at Al Jazeera waxed poetic about Hamas's murdering Jews - and claimed that every true Muslim shared his enthusiasm:

Throughout the Islamic world in the four corners of the globe, you will not find anyone among the two billion Muslims who was not happy with what the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades accomplished on Saturday, unless they are a hypocrite or a dissenter

....This  invasion has inspired hope in the hearts of the Palestinians at home and abroad, and in the hearts of the Arab and Islamic peoples, in an unprecedented way....

No matter the extent of the upcoming destruction in the Palestinian structure, and no matter the number of martyrs and wounded due to the retaliatory aggression, the Palestinian people will not pay attention to it in the face of the sun of this victory and the magnitude of the results and gains resulting from it.

For the first time in the history of the usurping Zionist entity in Palestine, the Jewish people have tasted the meaning of war, the meaning of destruction, killing and suffering....

The coming years in the history of the Jewish people will not be like the past years, and destruction will not only befall the Palestinian people, but will befall the Jewish people first and foremost...
The mask is fully off: the Israel haters hate Jews, not "Zionists." And they don't just love killing Jews but they thirst to humiliate them. Murdering babies are what they consider honor, and raping girls and parading them naked with bloody vaginas is what they consider dignity.

This is a sick society. It is a deeply antisemitic society. And for a brief while, even some people on the anti-Israel Left seem somewhat uncomfortable with this.

It won't last long. 

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