Why is the West confused about backing Israel?
There is a bitter irony to all of this. The progressive left claims to be fighting colonialism. And yet it is so uninterested in the reality of non-western countries that it winds up blindly imposing conceptual categories that were forged in the context of American history and society on the rest of the world. The identity synthesis may be dressed up in postcolonial clothes; but it is itself a neo-colonial enterprise.PodCast: The IDF Approach to Protecting Civilians in Urban Warfare - Modern War Institute
There is one final factor in how these moral errors could come to be so influential: the concept of intersectionality. Ori`ginally coined by the academic and campaigner Kimberlé Crenshaw, the idea of “intersectionality” says that various forms of disadvantage can reinforce each other: that, for instance, the discrimination suffered by black women can, in some contexts, be more than the arithmetic sum of the discrimination suffered by white women on the one hand, and black men on the other.
That is true so far as it goes. But Crenshaw’s theory quickly took on a life of its own. If people can face disadvantage based on belonging to more than one identity group, activists claimed, then the only way to liberate them would be to fight against all those forms of disadvantage at the same time. These activists came to see every type of oppression as linked — and to demand that anyone who cares about one kind of injustice must simultaneously fight against all other kinds.
Many people have, in the past weeks, been surprised by how many protests held banners like “Queers for Palestine.” After all, Israel has an excellent record at respecting gay rights, while the authorities in Gaza heavily penalize homosexuality. But the logic of intersectionality helps to explain why, at a sufficiently high level of abstraction, these causes can appear to be at one with each other. Since they see both sexual minorities and Palestinians as oppressed, intersectional activists posit that the fates of both groups must be inextricably linked.
As a broader and bloodier conflict looms on the horizon in the Middle East, it is time for a simple willingness to recognize the messiness of the real world. The idea that all supposed victims of oppression do, or should, see each other as allies is fanciful. Neither Israelis or Palestinians have a monopoly on moral virtue. It is not possible to press them into a simple schema of white or black, colonizer or colonized, good or evil. The murder of 1,400 innocents in Israel has already provoked a broader conflict in which a lot more innocents are likely to perish.
It is not possible, either, to expect any state to tolerate the cold-blooded murder of so many citizens without doing what it takes to re-establish its security. Nor would any other state accept talk of a ceasefire while hundreds of its people remain in the clutches of a brutal terrorist group. But that does not mean that it would be wise for Israel to stumble into a wider regional war — nor does it absolve the country from its moral responsibility to do what it can to protect the lives of civilians on the “other” side. How to balance these imperatives without abandoning any of them is a fiendishly difficult task. While the future of the conflict remains unclear, its first weeks do already offer one clear lesson. Nobody, neither Israeli or Palestinian, forfeits their humanity by virtue of the group into which they are born. And an ideology that is incapable of recognizing that basic fact loses any claim to moral superiority.
Almost immediately after Hamas launched its brutal set of terrorist attacks in Israel on October 7, it became clear that the Israel Defense Forces would respond militarily. Initially that response came in the form of airstrikes, but it appears likely that a ground campaign will follow. In either case, however, the heavily urban terrain poses major challenges for the Israel Defense Forces. In such areas, compliance with the law of armed conflict and international humanitarian law is paramount.Niall Ferguson: What irony! The deranged defence of Hamas on campuses across the West is fuelling a counter-revolution that could finally loosen the stranglehold of wokeism
To understand both those challenges and the specific measures Israeli forces have adopted to ensure their operations maximize protection of civilian populations, John Spencer is joined on this episode of the Urban Warfare Project Podcast by Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus. A spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces, he describes these measures—including steps unique to the Israeli military—and the broader effort to minimize incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, and damage to civilian property in urban warfare.
If that strikes you as outrageous, you have clearly missed the fact that such thinking is rife throughout the Anglosphere academy.Simon Sebag Montefiore: The Decolonization Narrative Is Dangerous and False
'Wokeism' covers a multitude of sins. The academic Left is a much more complex coalition nowadays than it was back in the 1930s, when Cambridge had its covert cadre of card-carrying Communists, or the 1980s, when Oxford snubbed Margaret Thatcher by refusing her an honorary degree.
Although Marxist socialism is still part of the package, class warfare and anti-imperialism co-exist (at times uneasily) with a variety of other ideologies based on alternative forms of identity, such as race ('critical race theory' or 'anti-racism') and gender (the ever-growing abbreviation LGBTQIA+ now stands for 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and others').
'Woke' originated as African-American slang, but is now defined in the dictionaries as 'aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)'.
Like all cults and sects, the woke have their own idiosyncratic language and rituals. These include stating one's 'preferred pronouns' at every opportunity and acknowledging whenever possible that one is meeting on land expropriated from indigenous peoples.
In marked contrast to conventional scientific understanding, race is an essential, unalterable attribute (you're either BIPOC — black, indigenous, and other people of colour — or you're incurably white), but gender is almost infinitely fluid. In each case, there is a hierarchy, determined mainly by the extent to which your assigned minority were 'victimised' and 'marginalised' by the white, cisgender colonisers.
This 'intersectionality' produces some very strange bedfellows. 'Free Palestine is a Feminist Issue', according to a meme I saw last week; 'it's a Reprodutive [sic] Rights Issue, it's an Indigenous Rights Issue, it's a Climate Justice Issue, it's a Queer Rights Issue, it's an Abolitionist issue'. Quite how queer rights activists would fare if they travelled to Gaza to join in the fight for freedom is unclear, given Hamas's implacable commitment to sharia law.
But the woke have never worried much about the difficulty of aligning themselves with Islamists. After all, words and silence can both be violence in their world, but terrorism is just 'what oppressed fighting the oppressor looks like' — and the constraints of logic must be just another manifestation of white supremacy.
There are four reasons this confused ideology has established itself in so many universities.
First, an older generation of soggy liberal professors could not resist appointing and promoting younger radicals, naively equating their illiberal outlook with their own youthful idealism.
Second, various policies of affirmative action — designed to increase the proportion of female and non-white students and teachers in universities — had the unintended consequence of reducing intellectual diversity.
Third, as universities institutionalised policies such as the promotion of equity, diversity and inclusion and the decolonisation of this or that curriculum, bureaucracies sprang up that were swiftly staffed by woke believers.
Finally, a coalition formed between woke students, professors and administrators, who discovered there were almost no limits on the methods they could use to attack the surviving conservatives in their institutions.
Anonymous letters of denunciation, cancellation campaigns on social media, the bearing of false witness, public mobbings, and extra-legal investigations — I have seen all of these used against professors who dared to resist the woke cultural revolution.
Hamas is a diabolical killing sect that hides among civilians, whom it sacrifices on the altar of resistance—as moderate Arab voices have openly stated in recent days, and much more harshly than Hamas’s apologists in the West. “I categorically condemn Hamas’s targeting of civilians,” the Saudi veteran statesman Prince Turki bin Faisal movingly declared last week. “I also condemn Hamas for giving the higher moral ground to an Israeli government that is universally shunned even by half of the Israeli public … I condemn Hamas for sabotaging the attempt of Saudi Arabia to reach a peaceful resolution to the plight of the Palestinian people.” In an interview with Khaled Meshaal, a member of the Hamas politburo, the Arab journalist Rasha Nabil highlighted Hamas’s sacrifice of its own people for its political interests. Meshaal argued that this was just the cost of resistance: “Thirty million Russians died to defeat Germany,” he said.The dangers of ‘decolonisation’
Nabil stands as an example to Western journalists who scarcely dare challenge Hamas and its massacres. Nothing is more patronizing and even Orientalist than the romanticization of Hamas’s butchers, whom many Arabs despise. The denial of their atrocities by so many in the West is an attempt to fashion acceptable heroes out of an organization that dismembers babies and defiles the bodies of murdered girls. This is an attempt to save Hamas from itself. Perhaps the West’s Hamas apologists should listen to moderate Arab voices instead of a fundamentalist terror sect.
Hamas’s atrocities place it, like the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, as an abomination beyond tolerance. Israel, like any state, has the right to defend itself, but it must do so with great care and minimal civilian loss, and it will be hard even with a full military incursion to destroy Hamas. Meanwhile, Israel must curb its injustices in the West Bank—or risk destroying itself—because ultimately it must negotiate with moderate Palestinians.
So the war unfolds tragically. As I write this, the pounding of Gaza is killing Palestinian children every day, and that is unbearable. As Israel still grieves its losses and buries its children, we deplore the killing of Israeli civilians just as we deplore the killing of Palestinian civilians. We reject Hamas, evil and unfit to govern, but we do not mistake Hamas for the Palestinian people, whose losses we mourn as we mourn the death of all innocents.
In the wider span of history, sometimes terrible events can shake fortified positions: Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin made peace after the Yom Kippur War; Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat made peace after the Intifada. The diabolical crimes of October 7 will never be forgotten, but perhaps, in the years to come, after the scattering of Hamas, after Netanyahuism is just a catastrophic memory, Israelis and Palestinians will draw the borders of their states, tempered by 75 years of killing and stunned by one weekend’s Hamas butchery, into mutual recognition. There is no other way.
The roots of decolonisation as a theory lie in the tumultuous world of French philosophy during the 1960s and 1970s. The work of philosopher Michel Foucault was particularly influential on what would become decolonisation theory, complete with its perverse romanticisation of an anti-modern, reactionary politics. Although openly homosexual, Foucault eulogised the less than gay-friendly Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. He saw it as a radical challenge to Western forms of rationality and modernity. Even the Ayatollah Khomeini’s systematic liquidation of the revolution’s former left-wing allies did not stop Foucault from penning articles in support of Iran’s theocratic regime. He saw the Islamic Republic of Iran as an attempt to liberate humanity from the grip of materialism and capitalism.I See the Hostages in My Children’s Faces
Frantz Fanon also played a central role in the development of decolonisation theory. The Wretched of the Earth, first published in 1961, was one of the first significant works to draw out the intersection between an anti-colonial politics antithetical to the West and an emergent identity politics. For Fanon, the Third World anti-colonial movements of the postwar era were challenging both imperialism and racism. He presented violence against Europeans as the self-realisation of the nations of the global South. To ‘shoot down a European is to kill two birds with one stone’, wrote Jean Paul-Sartre in his foreword to The Wretched of the Earth. It makes it possible to ‘destroy an oppressor and the man he oppresses simultaneously: there remain a dead man and a free man’.
In their very different ways, both Foucault and Fanon romanticised the anti-colonial movements of the mid-to-late 20th century, projecting their anti-Western, anti-modern visions on to the likes of Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution. In the decades since, purportedly liberal institutions across the Anglophone world have become increasingly sympathetic to Fanon and Foucault’s anti-Western, anti-capitalist worldview. Indeed, many have given this worldview, expressed in the caricatured form of decolonisation theory, their seal of approval. Nowhere has this been more apparent than within British universities, especially since the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020. As part of a post-BLM ‘liberatory agenda’, decolonisation has become a new orthodoxy.
On campus, decolonisation has largely been pursued culturally. Its advocates have sought to ‘free’ their higher-education institutions from the putative effects of ‘colonisation’, usually by purging reading lists of too many dead white Europeans. In doing so, decolonisation activists, like good Foucault scholars, have tended to reject notions of reason, civilisation and modernity as Western impositions.
In the morning, my children appear in the kitchen, one by one by one, wiping sleep from their eyes. I embrace them, my beloved children, my Jewish children, my children of Israel, and wonder if they feel the prickling fear emanating from the pores in my skin, the seething, hot rage coursing through my blood, the sorrow radiating from my very being. What would you like, I ask them, and I pour cereal from a box, stir water into flavored oatmeal, slice fruit.
I make my children breakfast.
On the school playground where my daughters gather by grade before their classes begin, I am desperate. All around me, parents chat. The weather. Parent-teacher conferences. The debacle in the House. I cannot join them. If I open my mouth, I will weep. If they ask me about my plans for the upcoming long weekend I will reach for them, cling to them, plead to them through my wild, sleep-deprived, red-rimmed eyes, for help. Did you know that they tied parents to their children? I will ask. That they tortured them like that, bound together by wire? Did you know? But their minds are elsewhere, focused on everyday distractions. I long for that ease, for that safety.
At some dark hour my youngest, awakened from a nightmare, rushes to me and finds my face alight in a screen, which used to be banned in my bedroom at night but isn’t, now. There were sharks, she tells me, at a party on a beach and there was no one to protect us. I pull her body to mine, curl around her delicate limbs and imagine Kfir, the roundness of his beautiful infant flesh. Where does he sleep at night? You are safe, I whisper in my daughter’s ear over and over and over because I just want to believe it, have to believe it, don’t believe it.
I boil water and the electric ring under the pot glares red and I imagine the flames, the heat, the smoke. I pray they were not conscious, those who were huddled, trapped in their safe rooms together as death wended its way into them, through their nostrils and into their lungs, and then finally consumed them. I stir in the rice I will serve my family for dinner.
I shower and imagine Maayan’s father, who is still Maayan’s father even though Maayan was executed in front of him. Has her blood been cleaned from his clothing by his captives in Gaza? Did he or someone else wipe it away? Did he want to keep it there, on his skin, because it was all he had left of his girl?
A moving monologue by Israeli News anchor Danny Cushmaro, focused on the stories of the babies and children abducted to Gaza.
— Brooke Goldstein (@GoldsteinBrooke) October 28, 2023
BRING THEM HOME! pic.twitter.com/gNyFEJ77XD
VIRAL SPEECH: The Day the Delusions Died by Konstantin Kisin
A lot of people woke up on October 7 as progressives and went to bed that night feeling like conservatives. What changed? From his article
The Day the Delusions Died by Konstantin Kisin
The Day the Delusions Died by Konstantin Kisin
Jon Gabriel: Here we go again, shrugging off the warning signs of antisemitism and what comes next
Few conflicts bear the moral clarity of World War II. Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and the Japanese Empire were the obvious bad guys. America, the UK and their allies were the good guys.Boris Johnson: The October 7 massacre is among the most depraved events in the history of human cruelty. So it's incredible that so many in Britain seem to have lost all moral clarity
This doesn’t mean every citizen of the enemy nations were evil or deserved punishment. But their countries were run by evil monsters who had to be dealt with.
It also doesn’t mean the Allies were flawless. America was still enforcing Jim Crow laws while the British Parliament harbored plenty of racists. But we remained the moral superiors in that war.
Israel’s current conflict is much the same. Terrorists murdered and kidnapped everyday citizens in the most gruesome fashion. And now, Israel will eliminate those responsible for the massacre.
None of this blames the conscientious Palestinians or wishes ill on innocent Gazans. Much like the Nazis, Hamas leaders are evil monsters who must be dealt with.
Hamas has rejected peaceful solutions for decades. Their founding charter states, “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”
Why college kids support Hamas
It’s no surprise college kids are the most prominent group of Hamas supporters.
Bereft of life experience and accumulated wisdom, the Hitler-jugend often proved the most passionate supporters of the Third Reich. Their doting parents, many of whom never supported Dear Leader, often kept their silence, hoping it was just a phase that would pass.
But now we know how this story ends. Parents need their Hamas-jugend to wise up, and fast. Never again.
That phrase was a promise to future generations of Jews, but it was also a promise to their enemies. When they said those two words, they meant it.
The Jewish people will not allow another Holocaust, whether at the hands of Aryans or jihadis. They also won’t commit genocide on those who hate them. If they had wanted to eliminate Palestinians, they would have done it decades ago.
Instead, they will enforce those two words, eliminating Gaza’s terror-loving leaders just as the allies destroyed Hitler’s terror-loving crew. It’s time for all people of good conscience to support them in this righteous effort.
We must say, “never again,” again.
Steve Israel: The roots of Hamas’ terror attack can be found in Gaza’s schools
'Never again is now' says Netanyahu as war on Hamas escalates Israel-Hamas war: 'We will fight and we will win', says Benjamin Netanyah
A statement from LTG Herzi Halevi.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 28, 2023
“The objectives of this war require a ground operation - the best soldiers are now operating in Gaza.” pic.twitter.com/KUGj6cG4Ke
IDF ground forces stay in north Gaza as incursion expands
"The past 24 hours have been the most active since the massacre on October 7th." @TreyYingst details the scene in southern Israel as IDF increases ground and air strikes in Gaza. Live updates at the link in bio. https://t.co/AkMD9GCZ8x pic.twitter.com/kRcUR1wIIe
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 28, 2023
How the IDF is turning guerilla warfare against Hamas in Gaza
Watched a VDH interview where he basically said this would be the Israeli tactic. Very slow going, engineers doing a lot of the work. Secure one area, maybe knock some holes in the walls of buildings and wait for the bad guys to come out. Then go secure the next area. https://t.co/xxDzunU0Vo
— David Shane (@david_shane) October 28, 2023
The Israel Defense Force has announced that last night in a Joint-Operation with Shin Bet they were able to Successfully Target and Eliminate the Head of Hamas’s Aerial Array, Asem Abu Rakaba at his Home in the Gaza Strip; Rakaba was claimed to be Instrumental in Planning the… pic.twitter.com/RNXmK2y6gd
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) October 28, 2023
Multiple Israeli Strikes seen moments ago near the Border Fence in the Southern Gaza Strip. pic.twitter.com/yuA6RGCEEt
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) October 28, 2023
“Israel knows how to fight this battle. Israel knows how to go in there and win.” — @johnburk39
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) October 28, 2023
Listen to John’s first-hand experience fighting terrorists and learn how they operate.
Where is Hamas headquarters located?
— (((noa tishby))) (@noatishby) October 28, 2023
Hamas is launching its war of terror from a command center under Gaza’s largest hospital. Thousands of wounded patients and more than 40,000 displaced people in the Shifa hospital are being used as human shields by… pic.twitter.com/9wVObv1uVt
Hamas terrorist interrogation reveled that the terror group's headquarter is indeed based under Al Shifa hospital because they know Israel "won't strike" a hospital. pic.twitter.com/4YXkLqzfzQ
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) October 28, 2023
The IDF dispersed in Northern Gaza pamphlets that stress the area is a war zone and isn't safe and calling Palestinian civilians to move south pic.twitter.com/1IMt5uFUU0
— Barak Ravid (@BarakRavid) October 28, 2023
This brings me comfort.
— Hillel Fuld (@HilzFuld) October 28, 2023
With heroes like this in our corner, we got this. pic.twitter.com/rVoTHc6TSp
Israeli troops before entering Gaza earlier today: O Lord, deliver us. O Lord, let us prosper. Credit Amit Segal. pic.twitter.com/zavjrciN3c
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) October 28, 2023
God bless the IDF🇮🇱❤️
— Chaya חיה 🇮🇱🌻 (@chayarivka) October 28, 2023
📸https://t.co/Y5N3fLhtPD pic.twitter.com/FiNJQ7FnYf
“Hello Hamas
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 27, 2023
My name is Noam Tsuriely
You killed my people
Prepare to die”pic.twitter.com/Yyg6lZfW7a
Former Israeli UN rep says Israel needs to 'finish the job' and eliminate Hamas
Avi Yemini hears from Israel's former Permanent Representative to the UN, Danny Danon, who says that follow Hamas' attack on Oct. 7, it's time to "finish the job" and eliminate the terror organization.
‘People were slaughtered’: The horrific aftermath of the Be'eri Israel music festival massacre Avi Yemini visited Be'eri in southern Israel, where the terrible massacre occurred at a music festival attended by thousands of people during a holiday weekend. The devastation from the horrific attack is still visible even two weeks later.
The WhatsApp group chat of the Nir Oz Community Group has been published.
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) October 28, 2023
Put yourself in that moment on October 7. Bloodlusted subanimals have raided your town and they're going from house to house. https://t.co/j2Bzo5AT97
#DontLookAway #BringThemHomeNow pic.twitter.com/wLjw2n8Di3
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) October 28, 2023
"People were burned alive to ashes due to the addition of incendiary materials. A level of cruelty that is unparalleled": The shock resonates among the staff at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, who treated the victims of Hamas's murderous assault@Nov_reuveny | #KanIsraelstory pic.twitter.com/WSsk2i33oj
— כאן חדשות (@kann_news) October 28, 2023
2 young Israeli children tried to hide in this closet in their home.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 28, 2023
They were found by Hamas and shot on the spot.
For those people questioning why Israel is launching a ground invasion of Gaza. pic.twitter.com/oY0afYjHML
Witness the devastating impact of a SINGLE rocket. Now, envision the horror of THOUSANDS launched into Israel.
— India Naftali (@indianaftali) October 28, 2023
We went to Netivot, a southern Israeli city under relentless rocket attacks from Gaza. Sadly, one rocket struck a family’s home, claiming the lives of a young boy, his… pic.twitter.com/2jvDLDo3rU
Many people have expressed shock at the depraved behaviour of Hamas on 7 October.
— (((Emanuel Miller))) 🌻 (@emanumiller) October 24, 2023
It is indeed shocking, but not in the least surprising.
Did you pay attention in 2016 when Hallel Ariel, just 13 years-old, was knived to death in her bed?
Did you pay attention in 2011 when the… pic.twitter.com/0fdPOQAINY
Rebel News visits distribution centre for victims and families in Netivot, Israel
Avi Yemini visits a pop-up distribution centre initially established to aid the victims of the terror attack.
Sen. Lindsey Graham tears into 'tone deaf' United Nations after it called for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas when 'the bodies are not even buried' yet
Thank you to these principled nations & friends of Israel, who voted against the shameful UN resolution, that failed to condemn Hamas or call for the release of our hostages!
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) October 28, 2023
🇦🇹 Austria
🇭🇷 Croatia
🇨🇿 Czechia
🇫🇯 Fiji
🇬🇹 Guatemala
🇭🇺 Hungary
🇲🇭 Marshall Islands
🇫🇲… pic.twitter.com/fgPXiJvGhC
Here are the 78 countries that voted against condemning the terrorist attack by Hamas.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 27, 2023
Keep in mind American tax dollars pay nearly 30% of the UN's budget. pic.twitter.com/4gcDFr8sLM
The United Nations hasn’t condemned the October 7 massacre of 1,400 people in Israel. It hasn’t condemned Hamas for taking 230 people – including children – hostage.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) October 28, 2023
But UN Secretary General @antonioguterres has found time to share a giggle with the Iranian foreign minister.… pic.twitter.com/splmh114AO
He’s given up pretence of being impartial.
— GnasherJew®גנאשר #IStandWithIsrael (@GnasherJew) October 28, 2023
He can’t even be bothered to call for the release of the kidnapped Israeli, women, children & elderly.
The @un whole existence is to admonish Israel it’s such a shame instead of being a force for good it’s become a force for… https://t.co/xWVTw2vaQX
The Board of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has resolved to revoke the Honorary Membership of Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN, following his recent statement about the terrorist attacks perpetrated by HAMAS against defenseless civilians. pic.twitter.com/iZt6CbDNOs
— The IRWF (@TheIRWF) October 27, 2023
She also claimed that Israel has no right to self defence against Hamas under international law because "self defence is only recognised as legitimate when the threat or the attack emanates from another state"
— Harry's Place (@hurryupharry) October 28, 2023
Not sure what looks worse Albanese or International Court of Justice pic.twitter.com/6u08rknccY
Proportionate does not mean an eye for an eye.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) October 28, 2023
It is entirely proportionate for Israel to declare war on the genocidal terrorist organization committed to the murder of Jews and destruction of the Jewish state after Hamas' brutal attack on October 7. pic.twitter.com/uY0juYZqlD
This! Proud of my amazing friend and @The_ILF colleague @Ned_Law, speaking on @TimesNow and so eloquently explaining how the fight between Israel and Hamas, is a battle between good and evil!
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) October 28, 2023
So, which side will you be on? pic.twitter.com/74RmpfDbAk
Israel values life.
— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) October 28, 2023
Hamas terrorists worship death.
Don’t tell me there is a moral equivalence here. pic.twitter.com/4GObeNCX2W
This excellent new @SenTedCruz statement on the Gaza war contains, among other things, a very insightful (and correct) explanation of How We Got Here: https://t.co/yQb94Y6TWc pic.twitter.com/uZeKpOcLdE
— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) October 27, 2023
So many innocent people are already dying in Gaza, so many more would die in a ground invasion, and so much more could escalate and go wrong for everyone involved. Meanwhile, there's no sense at all of what the objective would be. https://t.co/O7gHTJvpCE
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) October 27, 2023
"At every step of this deranged foreign policy nightmare, Jake Sullivan has been feted unironically as a wunderkind—the best and the brightest."
— Lee Smith (@LeeSmithDC) October 27, 2023
Great @JeremySternLA piece on the most overrated man in Washington, via @tabletmag https://t.co/oQ3IBoRrdh
https://t.co/XjW3gBO5NZ pic.twitter.com/94fe66WwSb
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) October 27, 2023
— leekern (@leekern13) October 27, 2023
Isn't it amazing that @UNRWA's commissioner-general seems to be under the impression that Hamas isn't stockpiling fuel?
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) October 28, 2023
What are they firing rockets with? Willpower? pic.twitter.com/rL91T5rSvC
Hamas ‘is hoarding fuel supplies sent to help the Palestinians’... with terror group thought to be using it to power its underground tunnel network
לא מכניסים דלק לרצועה pic.twitter.com/KT6UzxXrB7
— Moshe Edri (@Moshedri) October 27, 2023
There are artifacts in hieroglyphics from before humans had really figured out language that say the purpose of an army is to defend women, children, and the elderly.
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) October 28, 2023
Hamas says the point is to get them killed, because it'll provide a pretext to side with their terrorism. https://t.co/FmfDcMcqnI
Israel slams Elon Musk’s Starlink plan for Gaza connectivity
#UPDATE: After negotiating with Hamas (the terrorist organization governing Gaza), @ElonMusk confirms that Starlink will support “internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza,” which are controlled entirely by Hamas terrorists who massacred 1,400+ people in Israel. https://t.co/qMwPMZbXBD pic.twitter.com/SSxDnKx8SA
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) October 28, 2023
If Hamas lay their hands on Starlink terminals (as they do on every aid sent into Gaza), @SpaceX will be responsible for assisting an official US designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 28, 2023
_ pic.twitter.com/J0tceLMaTi
This month Iran-controlled terrorists killed over 30 Americans and took roughly a dozen hostage. If this map was accurate - and it's not, it's gibberish, that's not where U.S. bases are - it would still be remarkably gross. https://t.co/zwA19rqknx
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) October 28, 2023
The Ricochet Podcast: Under The Influence
Hosted by James Lileks, Peter Robinson & Rob Long With guest Yuval LevinCall Me Back: The Ground Operation Begins/End of hostage negotiations? — with Avi Issacharoff
Even a pessimist would have reason experience surprise and consternation by the extent of our institutional crises. It’s revealed that American students know nothing of the history of the Holocaust and the story of the Jewish people in its aftermath. We’ve seen our government progressively possessed by the whims of influencer representatives. Even today’s guest Yuval Levin, who’s painstakingly documented this descent, is a bit bewildered. He joins Rob, James and Peter as they cover everything from Jewish students being forced to hide in a library, to priorities for Israel and of course on to the People’s House and the hopes we may yet hold out for it.
Avi Issacharoff returns for an urgent update on overnight developments and their implications. Avi has been an analyst and journalist for The Times of Israel, Walla, and Haaretz. In these roles, he reported extensively on the inner workings and leaders of Hamas and other Palestinian factions in Gaza and the West Bank — Avi has extensive networks in the Israeli security services and the Palestinian Territories. He is also the co-creator and writer of the Netflix original series “Fauda”, and other television series for Netflix and Showtime. A fluent Arabic speaker, Avi was also the Middle East Affairs correspondent for Israeli Public Radio, covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the war in Iraq, and the Arab world between the years 2003-2006. In 2004, together with Haaretz’s Amos Harel, he authored the book “The Seventh War – How we won and why we lost the war with the Palestinians.” In 2008, they co-wrote “34 Days – The Story of the Second Lebanon War”. Born in Jerusalem, he graduated cum laude from Ben Gurion University with a B.A. in Middle Eastern studies. He then earned his M.A. from Tel Aviv University on the same subject, also cum laude.Ben Shapiro: No, I Won’t Give Up My AR-15
In the aftermath of another horrifying mass shooting in Maine, the usual partisan battle lines are drawn over so-called “assault weapons”; The Biden administration responds to Iranian strikes against American targets; and Rashida Tlaib gets hit with a potential censure resolution.
NY Times hires Hitler-loving journalist to cover Israel-Hamas War.
— Andrew Klavan (@andrewklavan) October 28, 2023
Watch my full episode here: https://t.co/XeN39vK519 pic.twitter.com/AhgXppOHMV
Megyn Kelly: Bratty College Students Displaying Ignorant Anti-Jewish Sentiment Grows, with Jesse Kelly Megyn Kelly is joined by Jesse Kelly, host of TheFirst TV's "I'm Right,” to discuss college students increasingly prevalent anti-Jewish displays across the country, whether the college students even understand what they're saying, BLM and pro-Hamas sentiment aligned now, and more.
The Israel Guys: Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Might Have Actual Ties to Hamas Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib might have actual ties to Hamas, we’re going to break that down, and also Israel takes the first steps in the ground invasion of Gaza.
My full @LBC interview with @SangitaMyska today as Israel expands ground operations to destroy Hamas in response to the war it launched with the October 7 Massacre. pic.twitter.com/0FIAB3C1GK
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) October 28, 2023
Coleman Hughes said it best: #Hamas is a death cult. #HamasMassacre#HamasIsISIS@coldxman pic.twitter.com/kBYX4Rwvky
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) October 27, 2023
Hamas & the Palestinian lobby & supporters want another Holocaust against Jews. It’s as simple as that . The slaughter of Jewish babies, children, rape of women beheading of kids adults 200 hostages .
— Eye On Antisemitism (@AntisemitismEye) October 28, 2023
Remember what Brigitte Gabriel said about “peaceful ones”? They’re irrelevant! pic.twitter.com/Mw0ZybWlFs
It’s a tough concept, I know, but when you kill terrorists who are hellbent on genocide, they can’t slaughter babies and rape women anymore. https://t.co/N3zZaUPxXX
— James Hasson (@JamesHasson20) October 28, 2023
Because there is no genocide in Gaza. Hamas are the Nazis, dummy. https://t.co/yi4JAcIwnZ
— Eli Lake (@EliLake) October 27, 2023
I’ve heard a lot of people complain recently that they can’t criticize Israel without being accused of being an antisemite. In fact, it’s very easy to criticize Israel without being called an antisemite, I do it all the time.
— Yael Bar tur (@yaelbt) October 27, 2023
Here's a helpful guide:
🔷 If you advocate for an…
A very powerful and simple explanation of how to think about the current situation. Worth a watch. https://t.co/2EmrW5tW3S
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) October 27, 2023
Police seek four protesters over possible support for Hamas
It's just about Israel, you see. https://t.co/pKHk8WU4Xv pic.twitter.com/jgmiH8ozTH
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) October 28, 2023
Officers investigating a hate crime incident in Trafalgar Square would like to speak to these two women.
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) October 28, 2023
Anyone who can help us identify them should call 101, giving the reference 6576920/23.
Information can also be provided to Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. pic.twitter.com/kU5OvdhIM3
Jews are used to rallies supporting those who want them dead. https://t.co/0W1FPhC85t pic.twitter.com/4f46JeMunJ
— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) October 28, 2023
Make it make sense. pic.twitter.com/IlzCczfudP
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) October 28, 2023
Iran 'hijacking Pro-Palestinian protests in the UK': Police warn agents are stoking unrest with more than 100,000 set to descend on London today - after police said they will 'intervene' if protesters shout 'jihad'
Watch in full on GB News Youtube: https://t.co/KHMl3BS8eC pic.twitter.com/ptVB9nI8va
— GB News (@GBNEWS) October 27, 2023
Not sure this will go far in convincing British Jews that they don't need a secure Jewish state as a refuge. https://t.co/JS0T4zf1T4
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) October 28, 2023
Posting again
— Eye On Antisemitism (@AntisemitismEye) October 28, 2023
Antisemitism @MayorofLondon @metpoliceuk
Negative of photo available
Whitehall next to downing street#Hamas pro protest #London Saturday 28/10/2023
Sponsored by the PSC @lbc @RishiSunak @Keir_Starmer @MayorofLondon pic.twitter.com/e1aOwIpRKG
"From London to Gaza globalise the Intifada!" https://t.co/DSIWyd4aK9 pic.twitter.com/bC50LQQhE7
— Harry's Place (@hurryupharry) October 28, 2023
Years ago I said that London had become a foreign city based purely on the census data. Now people get to see the results in real time. What a tragedy for a great nation. https://t.co/currUbXQbu
— Douglas Murray (@DouglasKMurray) October 28, 2023
Some rioting broke out today at the pro-Palestine rally in Whitehall, London. pic.twitter.com/kFfyA50Jlq
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) October 28, 2023
London: Anti-Israel protesters march with dead baby props toward Big Ben. Whitehall was shut down for the large demonstration. pic.twitter.com/oaShH0K0XB
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) October 28, 2023
Haven't seen a single peace sign so far. But there are som fake dead babies being bounced up and down on a giant flag so 🤷♂️ pic.twitter.com/WvdnWfQRK8
— Harry's Place (@hurryupharry) October 28, 2023
Speaking in front of Bradford City Hall last night, this preacher railed about Israeli "terrorism" and the Western media.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) October 28, 2023
Warm words for anyone else?
Yes, Iran and Ayatollah Khomeini.
Well, he is also a keen fan of Qasem Soleimani, the regime's IRGC mass murderer. https://t.co/dkjYtaXsed pic.twitter.com/0FC1B9dWA4
Police make an arrest on the demonstration today. It's certainly not easy, even when the crowd isn't being violent.@metpoliceuk pic.twitter.com/be23N5PFi6
— Harry's Place (@hurryupharry) October 28, 2023
Senior Hamas operative branded 'serious national security risk' by MPs is behind pro-Palestine charity and is now 'living in London' - while a second has bought a council flat in city
London's day of protest: Dramatic moment police arrest man 'for attack that left officer in hospital' at Pro-Palestinian march in London - as hundreds of demonstrators stage sit-in at Waterloo
Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros https://t.co/2BZF9CINQI pic.twitter.com/yJN2QAt3I9
— New York Post (@nypost) October 28, 2023
Pro-Palestinian protests rage from Turkey to Indonesia calling for an end to bombardment of Gaza - as vigils are also held for victims
Shot and chaser. pic.twitter.com/HW2LAnSZtk
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 27, 2023
Hundreds of Pro-Palestine and Jewish protestors are ARRESTED in NYC after storming Grand Central to demand a ceasefire - as Israel pummels Gaza with 'unprecedented' airstrikes
Blood Libel on display at the “Flood Brooklyn” protest today, named after the Hamas pogrom that killed 1400 Israelis.
— John-Paul Pagano (@johnpaulpagano) October 28, 2023
Protestor displays “Simon of Trent” crucifix, alluding to the charge that medieval Jews drain the blood of children for matzo—his metaphor for Gaza. https://t.co/SaP6FqfrpU pic.twitter.com/OS6FOFHxBm
Karol Markowicz: Campus antisemites are vile but administrators who protect them are just as complicit
Man behind Ivy League ‘doxxing trucks’ has home searched by gun-toting SWAT team
Prominent NYC synagogue vandalized with anti-Israel graffiti, stickers: cops
Furious NYC construction workers confront shameful Queens man caught tearing down posters of Israeli hostages being held captive by Hamas
⚠️ language - antisemite in NYC confronted by non Jews after he’s caught tearing down posters of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas. pic.twitter.com/Bcni0Tlwth
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 27, 2023
Student destroys posters of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas while saying:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 28, 2023
“They are settlers. There are no innocent civilians”
What are they teaching at the University of Michigan?
🇺🇸🇮🇱 pic.twitter.com/uwbB29yVvi
Young woman destroying posters of Israeli civilians kidnapped by Hamas.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 28, 2023
The video was recorded in Miami
Broadway producer James L. Simon tears down Israeli hostage flier in NYC https://t.co/Ll8nPrfMlh pic.twitter.com/Nnb2fDYstR
— New York Post (@nypost) October 28, 2023
UPDATE: Dr. Zaki Masoud has been “removed from service” and will be terminated.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 28, 2023
Thank you @nyulangone for saying NO! to hate. https://t.co/hIny3JjG99 pic.twitter.com/tOdru9b5tH
It appears she has removed her Facebook profile; attached is a screen record including another post Lallia Allali shared stating the actual horror is Israel. pic.twitter.com/eEUNS0w2PD
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 28, 2023
On October 7th, 1300+ Israelis were massacred, young women raped, and children beheaded.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 28, 2023
Shockingly, artist Jumana Manna celebrated the massacre, posting to social media “long love the creativity of the resistance.”
Manna’s work is currently on display at the Wexner Art… pic.twitter.com/jzLjKaAt7i
New head of NYC racial equity commission shared antisemitic posts https://t.co/BJEG0cQ63Q pic.twitter.com/oIraG9nOzz
— New York Post (@nypost) October 28, 2023
Dr. Yusuf Karrar's antisemitic conspiracy theory of Jews controlling the media appear contradictory to his employer's core values. pic.twitter.com/r4lZoBld8Q
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 28, 2023
Anti-Israel NYC teacher keeps up ‘genocide’ rants despite probe
Beverly Hills police are investigating a hate crime after anti-Semitic messages were spray-painted around the city - including on a Holocaust survivor's apartment building - in wake of terror attack on Israel
The only age cohort in Canada where even a plurality support Israel are those collecting pensions. pic.twitter.com/qEqtSI9X0L
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) October 28, 2023
A large crowd of protesters has gathered in front of the Israeli Consulate in Toronto.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 28, 2023
🇨🇦🇮🇱 pic.twitter.com/MT7Om8te2i
The pro-murder, pro-rape crowd is in Toronto holding “Intifada until victory” signs. pic.twitter.com/g6GK1xHR4n
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) October 28, 2023
BILLBOARD TRUCK: We're taking our message to Deport Hamas to the streets of major cities!
David Menzies from Rebel News reports on non-citizens, including foreigners on student visas, who are abusing the privilege of being our guests by supporting Hamas hate rallies!
Anti-Israel protesters in Australia for a man with a camera to leave their protest.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 28, 2023
The police takes the side of the aggressors. pic.twitter.com/TdzzG2SttP
How weird that the nutjob former fringe leftist who said she was happy Republicans would die off, and who previously had to apologize and “clarify” her comments about Hitler, is also an antisemitic nutjob.
— Sunny McSunnyface (Taylor's Version) (@sunnyright) October 28, 2023
Anyway be sure to give her more money for her to tell you what you want… https://t.co/KQPkdtJN11
This is literally still your pinned tweet. https://t.co/0eNW7FROJy pic.twitter.com/P1XS8MGybH
— FJ (@Natsecjeff) October 27, 2023
The post seen in this photo contains blatant lies about the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7. It has absolutely no basis in Haaretz’s reporting, then or since https://t.co/X5YD61G7X1 pic.twitter.com/1S2aboAO8U
— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) October 28, 2023
Solidarity with the terrorists who would behead every member of your trade union.
— Joel M. Petlin (@Joelmpetlin) October 27, 2023
This is how stupid everything has become. https://t.co/59yMvyEv6L
If you’re so proud of supporting the rape of little girls and the beheading of babies, why do you cover your face? pic.twitter.com/62UtQbRFtt
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) October 28, 2023
I’m sure the Taliban appreciates their support. https://t.co/ixRnpctW0q via @YouTube
— Eye On Antisemitism (@AntisemitismEye) October 28, 2023
A Palestinian scholar from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem sends a message to the “Queers for Palestine-crowd” in the West:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 28, 2023
“The people of Palestine will not allow a single homosexual in our land," such perversion brings the wrath of Allah”
🇵🇸🏳️🌈 pic.twitter.com/XFo8UGLUPp
“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re—”[chanting abruptly ends] https://t.co/cdZTVfZ4Pz
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) October 28, 2023
“From the river to the sea” explained pic.twitter.com/pin7nfUCLU
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) October 28, 2023
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 27, 2023
Palestinian Islamic Jihad would like to hire this guy from the Turkish pro-terror protest as head rocket launch commander. He appears to have the right skills. pic.twitter.com/wGx3SRlpv8
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) October 28, 2023
While universities refuse to fire anti-Semites, the private sector holds them accountable
DESANTIS on the rampant antisemitism on college campuses:
— DeSantis War Room 🐊 (@DeSantisWarRoom) October 28, 2023
“There is a sickness on these college campuses. I don't know why American taxpayers are funding these universities, if that's the type of garbage they're going to produce.” pic.twitter.com/5S2sLeSzZC
DESANTIS on ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ student groups saying they are a “part” of Hamas’ atrocities:
— DeSantis War Room 🐊 (@DeSantisWarRoom) October 28, 2023
“That’s material support to terrorism…so we deactivated” those groups. pic.twitter.com/74aeF1VGIS
Hamas Leader Appointed Senior Fellow At Harvard University https://t.co/epQcinw78E pic.twitter.com/hDnVUtxDYI
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) October 27, 2023
UPenn Leadership Fights To Keep Jobs After Donor Backlash Over Weak Hamas Statement
🚨 Wow. A forceful, morally clear statement, signed by dozens of @NorthwesternU faculty — including the two immediate predecessors of the current, equivocal university president.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) October 28, 2023
“Although we grieve for the loss of all innocent lives, the loss of life is on the bloodied hands…
🧵BREAKING: In a new message sent Friday to the @Columbia community, (see below), new President Minouche Shafik only briefly mentions antisemitism, but fails to mention Jewish students, the atrocities against Israeli civilians or even use the words “Jews” or “Jewish” at all: pic.twitter.com/MHWCYdlO6e
— Jake Novak (@jakejakeny) October 28, 2023
Extremists on campus couldn't be more clear about their racist, anti-peace agenda. pic.twitter.com/NnBqFakNWF
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) October 28, 2023
This propaganda account with close to 700K followers keeps posting videos of Palestinians in Syria and suggesting they are in Gaza.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) October 28, 2023
Yet regardless how many times they get community noted, X still promotes them on the ForYou page. Thereby helping spread the misinformation. pic.twitter.com/lmohUqVf69
Wtf is going on!? This is TikTok.
— Adam Albilya - אדם אלביליה (@AdamAlbilya) October 27, 2023
I just verified it and took the screenshots myself. Look at the likes counter. This Nazi world is beyond fucked.
And this is nothing. It's s a Nazi pro-Palestinian account that mocks raped Jewish girls to mass likes. Seriously, what the fuck. pic.twitter.com/RXyC0ojJlL
Thread: Israel-Hamas war misinformation - Day 22
— Shayan Sardarizadeh (@Shayan86) October 28, 2023
Plenty of genuine images documenting the destruction in Gaza have been published since the conflict began.
This, however, isn't one of them. This is an AI-generated image that's been viewed millions of times today. pic.twitter.com/bFn98xueX5
My god. I did this interview. She was not laughing: I sat across from these two young people in pieces at what had happened to them. This boy’s mother and father died in front of him. How does X allow this vile rubbish? @X can you do something? https://t.co/CUZ6TMD7Lk
— James Longman (@JamesAALongman) October 28, 2023
Let me explain why X’s entire branding on speech is falling apart right now. I’ll go into more detail in next week’s newsletter.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) October 28, 2023
A few days ago someone pointed out to me that X was blocking anyone from the searching the term “P-llywood” (try it!). Now P-llywood is a real thing,… pic.twitter.com/Hx3p05Weqz
Lately celebrities like Bella Hadid are using examples to show Palestinian history, so I decided to educate and help them.
— יוסף חדאד - Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) October 28, 2023
Watch and learn about Palestinian history: pic.twitter.com/0Sz9ZKKq3v
Did the Entire Media Industry Misquote a Hamas Spokesperson?
BBC official told staff to accuse Israel of 'ethnic cleansing' - leaked email
Ryan deleted this tweet without acknowledging his error nor apologizing for spreading the lie that Israel intentionally tricked civilians into going to a hospital to slaughter them. Instead he posted this. pic.twitter.com/fwhiJozvl5
— Alex Leo (@AlexMLeo) October 28, 2023
Open Source News Is the Future of Journalism
Amazing stuff https://t.co/Z5TXdvSRYl pic.twitter.com/xKsReRPf9V
— Michael Elgort 🇺🇦✡️ (@just_whatever) October 28, 2023
You could read this. On the other hand, you could also do something useful. Like do literally anything else on earth but read this. https://t.co/RxKq9ha4wJ
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 28, 2023
You know that the IDF dropped pamphlets in Arabic for weeks, warning the civilians and urging them to leave, while Hamas has blocked their movement south.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) October 28, 2023
They had to do it in English, too, because so many American journalist are either lazy or sinister. https://t.co/LAoJEebvFk
The journalisming gets even worse! Washington Post whines that @elonmusk is "throttling traffic to the New York Times" in order to "degrade the public's ability to find authoritative information"... because the New York Times is the authoritative source on "who blew up a hospital… pic.twitter.com/XKVpT1nCFK
— Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸 (@ChristinaPushaw) October 27, 2023
Remember, David here wants you all to know how horrible this place is for spreading misinformation, while also writing for the NYT pic.twitter.com/PKcxIWcqdL
— 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙪𝙨 𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙨 ✝️ (@KritHouse2021) October 27, 2023
Turkey's Erdogan: Israel is an occupier, Hamas not a terrorist organization
Israel reassessing Turkey ties over Erdoğan’s pro-Hamas stance
Republican lawmakers slam pro-Palestine ‘squad’ members over ‘insane’ comments blaming Israel for violence with Gaza - as Jewish voters gather in Vegas just weeks after Hamas’ attack
Tim Scott Calls For Expelling Anti-Israel Lawmakers In Fiery Speech
Ramaswamy Defends Opposition to Israel Aid in Speech to Jewish Republicans
Some impressively unhinged responses to Bernie’s tweet but this one takes the cake for me https://t.co/gphUB5tywY pic.twitter.com/svq9SKy48q
— christoph (@Halalcoholism) October 28, 2023
There are 74 comments so far and believe me it gets worse from there. pic.twitter.com/GzciGkLWIU
— Jeff Blehar is *BOX OFFICE POISON* (@EsotericCD) October 27, 2023
Every one of these skinsuits that tries to appeal to your empathy was doing Jell-O shots while Hamas raped and butchered hundreds of civilians. Ignore these fucking pod people. The lights are on but there's no one home.
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) October 28, 2023
This is what this viper in human skin sounds like when she thinks white people aren't looking. https://t.co/62ZftUbDPS pic.twitter.com/wmxSH91g3i
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) October 28, 2023
Hamas cut off heads
— Annika H Rothstein (@truthandfiction) October 28, 2023
Israel cut off the internet
Your choice to focus on the latter does not reflect well on you https://t.co/iMuhA5j4dh
Biden Admin Paid Hamas-Linked Mosque $340K to Promote COVID Vaccines
If you oppose terrorism, the chant should be:#DemandHamasSurrender
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) October 28, 2023
A ceasefire allows Hamas to retain its war machine, hold captive 230 hostages, and continue to abuse the Palestinian population in Gaza.
Bringing an end to Hamas would bring an end to the suffering of… https://t.co/H7r7xu39Zi
Everywhere you look, people affiliated with or who have past affiliation to DSA are Jew haters. pic.twitter.com/iAY4fHyZvK
— Jon Banquer (@JonBanquer99500) October 28, 2023
11,000 civilians were killed by the RAF and allies when we destroyed Islamic State in Mosul. Did you call for a ceasefire then? https://t.co/wmh3fIUKI9
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) October 27, 2023
It’s no more full of ‘creativity, learning and joy’ than you are, you miserable racist. https://t.co/6qbEMnvQrG
— Douglas Murray (@DouglasKMurray) October 27, 2023
Terrorism-loving Jeremy Corbyn is calling for ceasefire. Not a single word condemning Hamas' massacre. Not even calling for release of hostages, the youngest of which is only 9 months old!
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 27, 2023
Jeremy, if you care so much about Gaza then go there. Fight alongside your Hamas brothers. pic.twitter.com/KmQmNTghsy
It must take a special effort to be the biggest nutjob in the Corbyn family. https://t.co/WVAKB8enUD
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) October 28, 2023
Soviet humor. https://t.co/JgNAXAtWck
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) October 28, 2023
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 27, 2023
Scotland's 🏴 First Minister, Humza Yousaf, blocked me after I pointed out his heartwarming concern for his terrorist friends 🤡 pic.twitter.com/Ki33NC2wFs
What is Pallywood?
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) October 28, 2023
When the paramedic response time is faster than a Formula 1 pit crew. pic.twitter.com/reAQp3zSXM
Hamas leaders net worth:
— Israel ישראל 🇮🇱 (@Israel) October 28, 2023
Abu Marzuk $3 billion
Khaled Mashal $4 billion
Ismail Haniyeh $4 billion
Hamas’ annual turnover: $1 billion
While Gazans are deprived of basic needs, Hamas uses aid & funds to line their own pockets. pic.twitter.com/blTbyhg4vc
Hamas education. pic.twitter.com/NUr7rcb27X
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) October 28, 2023
Here's his ugly face. pic.twitter.com/877QfnQg2F
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) October 28, 2023
Footage of his elimination. pic.twitter.com/0FSFlxXNHJ
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) October 28, 2023
Let them show it. https://t.co/fRGF2rCxWa pic.twitter.com/UzOHCcqBmv
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) October 28, 2023
The President of United States, Joe Biden has Delivered a War Powers Notification to Congress notifying them of the recent Airstrikes against Iranian-Backed Militias in Eastern Syria on October 26th, following over 15 Drone and Rocket Attacks by these Militias on U.S. Forces in… pic.twitter.com/jrarj5JP1y
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) October 28, 2023
https://t.co/XjW3gBO5NZ pic.twitter.com/94fe66WwSb
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) October 27, 2023
16-year-old Armita Garavand died in Iran today after being taken off life-support.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 28, 2023
She had earlier been declared brain dead.
The young girl was beaten into a coma in the subway by the morality police in for not wearing the mandatory headscarf in public.
🇮🇷 pic.twitter.com/zS8nYtH6At
Iranian security forces have confiscated the body of 16-year-old Armita Geravand, who was beaten to death by the morality police for showing her hair in public.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 28, 2023
The family was banned from burying her in her hometown.
The regime will bury her in an unmarked grave in Tehran. pic.twitter.com/rVH0VpYrfs
Tomorrow on GPS on CNN, @biannagolodryga interviews the Islamic Republic’s Foreign Minister who is in New York.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) October 28, 2023
The same Foreign Minister who just had a jovial meeting with a Hamas leader in Qatar days after the terrorist attack on Israel. pic.twitter.com/WGUxwRHbiO
Our enemies are such cartoon villains. https://t.co/SsJ5E7O8LU
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) October 28, 2023
💙 @amyschumer stands with #Israel. 🇮🇱 We love you, Amy! pic.twitter.com/0DGalC1DMs
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) October 28, 2023
Thank you, @Pink pic.twitter.com/L9Mtdv4tvs
— Michael Dickson (@michaeldickson) October 28, 2023
Good work, man. https://t.co/NZ1sfcO5zP
— Sunny McSunnyface (Taylor's Version) (@sunnyright) October 27, 2023
A firefighter from Hollywood, Florida came to Israel, to help aid and assist during the War.
— Frum TikTok (@FrumTikTok) October 27, 2023
So special! 🇺🇲🇮🇱 pic.twitter.com/p1w3QgtA9E
Spotted in Santiago, Chile.#BringThemHomeNOW. pic.twitter.com/TYxORwehtG
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) October 28, 2023
Spotted in downtown Los Angeles: StandWithUs has projected onto a building the faces of some of the 220+ innocent #Israeli civilians, including babies and children, who were savagely kidnapped by #Hamas terrorists and dragged into #Gaza. #BringThemHomeNOW pic.twitter.com/aSOUAxwbR1
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) October 27, 2023
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