Wednesday, October 25, 2023

From Ian:

America Needs a Decisive Israeli Victory
Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah is inevitable. This Iranian proxy has been preparing itself to commit mass murder inside our country since Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, and in a more sophisticated way since the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Its vast missile arsenal has been built for one reason only, and that is to kill thousands or tens of thousands of Israelis. It waits only for the right moment.

What Hamas was able to do last week is mild compared to what Hezbollah has been preparing to do since 2006. The question is not whether this conflict happens. It is simply whether we will allow Hezbollah to initiate the conflict on its terms and on its timeline, or if we will make the decision that this current war will not end without the destruction of the Hezbollah threat, on Israel’s terms and on Israel’s timeline.

But make no mistake, our fight is finally not only with Hamas or Hezbollah. It is with Iran. The Persians play chess, and in the regional power game, Hamas is a pawn, Hezbollah is a rook, and Iran is queen. Iran is the regional actor calling the shots, and Iran is the actor who must finish this war having suffered a clear strategic loss to its regional position and assets. Otherwise, Iran and its patrons and allies win, and the U.S. and Israel lose.

The strategic goal of the Islamic Republic is to establish itself as the dominant power from Tehran to Tel Aviv, and from Mashhad to Mecca; to establish the “Shiite crescent” and ultimately to wrest the holy cities of Islam from Saudi-Sunni control. Israel has been the central force standing in the way of this vision, and Israel’s very existence has been the target of Iran’s genocidal ambitions since the 1979 revolution.

In the broader regional context, an Iranian-dominated Middle East means a Russian-and-Chinese-dominated Middle East. Iran has had complex relations with both Russia and China for many years. However, in the past few years, complexity has given way to clarity. Despite Chinese and Russian hesitations over Iran’s Islamist worldview, both countries have strengthened their strategic ties with the Islamic Republic. A win for Tehran in the Middle East is therefore a win for Moscow and Beijing on the global chess board.

It is therefore a strategic imperative for both Washington and Jerusalem that the Gaza war ends with a blow to Iran’s positions. Hezbollah is the Iranian front line, but the IRGC forces in Syria and Iraq are the most obvious direct targets. An attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, so long planned for, should be on the table as soon as Hezbollah has been neutralized. Devastating Hamas and Hezbollah and exacting a major price from Iran for the behavior of its proxies will come at a tremendous cost to Israel, but an even greater cost to its enemies. It is the only sufficient end to this war that can turn around what is currently a strategic disaster that threatens both America and Israel.
I Watched Hamas Unleash Hell
IDF spokesman Daniel Agari steps up to deliver some preliminary remarks. “We want people to understand what we are fighting for,” he says. “This is something else. Something has happened to Israel. This is not about rage or righteousness but the sense that this is a crime versus humanity. This is good versus bad. Death versus life. These [terrorists] will do anything. And it’s nothing to do with Islam,” he adds. It is a refrain I hear through the event. Clearly the word has come down to make a clear separation between Hamas, the wider Palestinians, and above all, with Islam.

What is also clear is the emotion. Agari is technically a media mouthpiece, but he veers into rhetoric. “Why did they strap GoPros to themselves? Why do they call the family of who they murdered? Because they are proud of what they did.”

He continues. “Rape—where is Islam? Burn—where is Islam? Behead—where is Islam?. . . . They killed babies, old people, sick people. . . we won’t allow the world to forget who we are fighting. Hamas wants dead Gazans. You don’t take human shields; you don’t burrow under hospitals otherwise. This is Hamas, not Palestinians.”

He steps off the stage. The footage starts: we see several Hamas terrorists sitting on the back of a truck as it enters Israel. They whoop and cheer. They fan into the street, shooting at cars. They drag blood-drenched corpses out of vehicles, onto the street. A female body is thrown onto the road. “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” they cry.

Terrorists fan into streets and across a roundabout. They have the run of the place. The security failures here are monumental. Some men enter a kibbutz. An Israeli civilian car pulls up and the driver leans left to speak to the guard he assumes is sitting in the checkpoint. A terrorist emerges from his right and shoots. Blood spatters the inside of the car. It smears the windshield.

The screen cuts to inside the kibbutz. The view is from a GoPro strapped to the body of a terrorist. His automatic rifle juts out just like they do on the screen in Call of Duty. This is deliberate; ISIS did the same thing. It is the gamification of terror.

A dog appears, running eagerly toward him. He lowers the rifle and shoots at the animal. It crumples to the ground. Strangely, of all the killings we see on-screen over the course of that morning—and we see slaughter after slaughter—this gets the loudest gasp of revulsion.

I am, I realize, watching a montage of atrocity. And it gets worse. A terrified Israeli man in his underpants, and his two young children, also in underclothes, run screaming. Thugs clamber down from a truck and throw a grenade into the cubbyhole where they have taken refuge. The father’s body, covered in blood, falls onto the ground. Terrorists take the two children—covered in their father’s blood—into a room. “Daddy’s dead,” one screams to his brother. “It’s not a prank. He’s really dead. I wish I was dead! I wish I was dead!” Even within the litany of horror I’ve witnessed in my career, this is horrifically unsettling.
Dennis Prager: The Hamas Slaughter Confirmed Everything I Have Believed
Since the 1970s, when I was a graduate student at the Middle East Institute of Columbia’s School of International Affairs, I knew what the Middle East conflict was about: Muslim rejection of a Jewish state in the middle of the Muslim world. To the best of my recollection, my professors — most of them fluent in Arabic and all experts on the Middle East — had it wrong. Being secular themselves and usually having a sympathetic view of the Arab world, they believed and taught that the issue was about land.

They were wrong. It was always about Muslim rejection of a Jewish state in their midst and a religious desire to destroy it.

In 2014, I presented a video for PragerU titled “The Middle East Problem.” It explains the Middle East problem in five minutes.

This is how It begins:
“When I did my graduate studies at the Middle East Institute at Columbia University… semester after semester, we studied the Middle East conflict as if it was the most complex conflict in the world when, in fact, it is probably the easiest conflict in the world to explain. It may be the hardest to solve, but it is the easiest to explain.

“In a nutshell, it’s this: One side wants the other side dead.”

Fifty years ago, I knew it. Muslims know it. Israel’s Jews know it. And now, unless you are a leftist, you know it.

I ended the video with another truism:

“Finally, think about these two questions: If, tomorrow, Israel laid down its arms and announced, ‘We will fight no more,’ what would happen? And if the Arab countries around Israel laid down their arms and announced, ‘We will fight no more,’ what would happen?

“In the first case, there would be an immediate destruction of the state of Israel and the mass murder of its Jewish population. In the second case, there would be peace the next day.”

As of Oct. 7, you know that too.
Evidence Emerging on Gazan Women, Children Who Participated in 10/7 Massacre
Ynet reporter Ofir Hauzman started posting on this phenomenon on Monday: “I talk to mothers from the Gaza envelope who survived the inferno and they tell me that among the terrorists who broke into their homes, there were also children and women,” she tweeted. “One says that the terrorist who was in her house managed to unfold a table, and they all sat down to eat while she (the survivor – DI) put her hand over her little daughter’s mouth so she wouldn’t make any sound. Yes, like in the Holocaust. Another says that they stole all her underwear and clothes, and another says that they defecated on her in the living room (“There was also someone who went into the bathroom, and I remember thinking to myself: ‘Wow, what a polite terrorist.'”). They shot someone else’s dogs, tied some of them with a rope to a motorcycle, and dragged them while driving toward the Strip. Not humans. It’s scary, very scary!”

The problem with making the above report and others like it stick is the absence of video evidence so far. This reporter has been told that the notorious 43-minute video presented to select members of the media includes shots of women rioters taken from security cameras. I expect these will eventually come out.

Hauzman commented on this point: “And those who write: put up videos, otherwise we don’t believe you – [expletive] yourselves. I don’t intend to waste energy on you, not now and not ever!”

Understandable, but the problem in the absence of this direct evidence is obvious.

There is one piece of evidence that emerged on Tuesday: a phone conversation between an Arab teenager and his parents back in Gaza on 10/7, in which the lad boasts of killing 10 Jews and mommy and daddy lavish their praise on him. Not for the faint of heart:

User Rod Lior tweeted that women and children from Gaza who participated in the pogrom were documented in Nir Oz, and cited an acquaintance who saw the IDF video: “You know what I saw? At some point, Palestinian women with small children arrive in Nir Oz. And they walk around the kibbutz with red hands [from blood] and point for the terrorists where people are hiding inside homes, so they can kill them. So help me, I saw one of them running up to a terrorist, points, and he starts running. You know, one Palestinian woman entered the home of a kibbutz member and switched her Netflix to Arabic. The kibbutz member was hiding in her fortified space and realized this was a Palestinian woman because she heard her singing in her living room. And then she picked clothes from her wardrobe.”

Another user tweeted that young Arab children were encouraged to shoot Israelis who had been captured at the music concert. The children closed their eyes and fired.

Exclusive – Former U.K. Commander in Afghanistan_ Israel Facing War on 7 Fronts, Arab States ‘Quietly' Root for Jihadist Defeat

Daniel Greenfield: How the Hamas Attack Took Israel by Surprise

Andrew Neil: Those who seek to deny the horror of Hamas's modern-day Holocaust are dragging the world into a new dark age

Israel Is Doing What’s Right in Gaza, But War Will Test Global Support as Never Before

Did Hamas just prove the Abraham Accords right?

The European Union Rewards Terrorism
Israel had not even buried its dead from the horrifying jihadist pogrom that Hamas terrorists unleashed on Israeli civilians in south Israel -- beheading babies, burning them alive, torturing, raping, kidnapping, murdering -- before the European Union decided to reward the terrorists by tripling its assistance to Gaza.

"The Commission will immediately increase the current humanitarian aid envelope foreseen for Gaza by 50 million euros," European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen said. "This will bring the total to over 75 million euros. We will continue our close cooperation with the UN and its agencies to ensure that this aid reaches those in need in the Gaza strip."

Oh really? How? The terrorist group Hamas, a proxy of Iran, the "worst state sponsor of terrorism," is wholly in control of Gaza and will take what shows up and dribble it out slowly to a chosen few, mainly in their military. The idea that any of it will reach the million displaced souls who were urged by the Israelis to flee to southern Gaza to save their lives is charming, but woefully starry-eyed. Food and water -- if that is really what is in the uninspected trucks, rather than weapons -- will go to the Hamas foot soldiers to make sure they stay fit and loyal.

"Hamas are trying to prevent people leaving northern Gaza. And that is the point... Of course we want to minimize Palestinian casualties. We want to minimize Israeli casualties. We want everybody to respect civilians. But the real clear distinction is Israel are trying to get civilians out of danger; Hamas are trying to put civilians into danger, and that is a fundamental difference between the two." — UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, October 15, 2023.

Sadly, massive injustices were done by the international media which, without checking, wrongly blamed Israel for firing at a hospital in Gaza, supposedly killing hundreds. Video evidence and a voice recording revealed that the real cause of the explosion at the hospital was a rocket, launched toward Israel by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, that landed in the hospital parking lot. The media, it seems, could not wait to stick it to the Jews.

Israel agrees to delay Gaza ground invasion at US request

IDF strikes Syrian army positions after rocket fire at Israel

IDF exposes identity of Hamas propaganda chief Abu Obeida

Hamas fires long-range rockets at Haifa, Eilat

IDF drone hits terrorists in Jenin during arrest raid

Daniel Greenfield: Two Dozen US Soldiers Injured in Iran Backed Attacks Last Week

Drone attacks on American bases injured two dozen U.S. military personnel

The Israel Guys: The REAL Reason Why Israel Still Has Not Invaded Gaza [Analysis]
As Israel enters Day 17 of the war with Hamas, a brutal terrorist organization who is equal, if not worse than ISIS, many are beginning to wonder: when will Israel invade Gaza to start taking care of business? As Israel still maintains the goal of eradicating Hamas completely, many are wondering what they are waiting around for.

The answer is more complex, and may not be what you’d expect. Yes, there are rumors that the United States is requesting Israel to postpone their invasion for various reasons, but Israel has even more to think about, even putting aside the fact that there are still 200 hostages in the hands of their enemy. In fact, they may be in this war for the long haul.

All-female Israeli 'lionesses' combat unit of just 13 soldiers 'killed nearly 100 Hamas gunmen as they helped liberate kibbutz'

Rachel Goldberg - UN

UN chief tries to walk back remarks justifying Hamas massacre

Cabinet minister Robert Jenrick slams UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres as 'wrong' and refuses to back him staying in post after he 'justified' Hamas terror attack on Israel by saying it 'didn't happen in a vacuum'

Netanyahu Adviser to PBS: Stop Taking Hamas’ Figures at Face Value
While Israel prepares for an expected ground invasion of Gaza, about 200 people are still being held there by Hamas. Amna Nawaz discussed the hostage situation with Mark Regev, a senior adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a former Israeli ambassador to the U.K.

Call Me Back: The Oldest Hatred… Post-October 7 – with Ritchie Torres, Michal Cotler Wunsh & Ethan Missner
Among the questions we’ve been getting since October 7 are those about antisemitism. Does this time feel different? Why? Or, another question, when is it appropriate to be critical of Israeli Government policy, and when does it cross the line into antisemitism? What is the difference between antisemisitm and anti-zionism? Or is there a distinction at all? Is the latter simply a modern-day version of the former?

These are some of the issues we discuss in this episode with our guests: Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) and Michal Cotler Wunsh, who is the Israeli Government’s Special Envoy for Combating Global Antisemitism (she is also a former Member of Israel’s Knesset).

Before we move to these two interviews, we speak with Ethan Missner about the life of Israeli soldier Omer Balva, who fell last week.

Yuval Noah Harari backs critique of leftist ‘indifference’ to Hamas atrocities

The Commentary Magazine Podcast: You Need to Be in the Fight
Hosted by Abe Greenwald, Christine Rosen, John Podhoretz & Matthew Continetti
Today’s podcast discusses the psy-op the Left and the anti-Zionists and others are working on everyone who wants the world to stay focused on the threat to Israel and the Jewish people—and offers some tips on how to help combat the psy-op and give it back to them. Give a listen.

Douglas Murray: Interview with Ynet news studio in Israel

Ben Shapiro: The 3 Big Lies About Israel And Hamas
The West slips back into the luxurious bath of moral equivalence in the Israel-Hamas war; Barack Obama sounds off to criticize Israel; and we discuss whether World War III is really looming.

Megyn Kelly: Every Leftist Social Justice Talking Point Under One Umbrella, w/ Michael Knowles & Alan Dershowitz
Megyn Kelly begins the show by talking about the anti-Semitic attacks in schools and cities throughout America, Biden administration press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre trying to change the subject and talk about Islamophobia instead, calls for "one solution" and "intifada" against Israel in New York City, and more. Then The Daily Wire's Michael Knowles joins to discuss what the anti-Israel protesters want for America, what each side in the Israel war wants, a newfound commitment to free speech by the White House and the left, whether the campus snowflakes are actually winning, the anti-America and anti-Israel professors who are shaping the next generation, Greta Thunberg transitioning to anti-Israel messaging, connecting reproductive justice to the Israel war, the attempts by the left to wrap every social justice issue under one umbrella, border and terrorism, The Squad continuing its anti-Israel talking points, Trump's latest comments drawing fire, and more. Then Alan Dershowitz, author of the forthcoming book "War Against The Jews," joins to discuss leftists lecturing America about foreign policy, the fallacy of the "occupation" talking point, why those who claim to support Palestinians are only supporting Hamas, Mehdi Hasan equating Israel with Russia, Hamas' "CNN strategy," the state of the plea deals in Trump World, and more.

Playwright David Mamet urges Jews to stop supporting Democrats, antisemitic colleges

PMW Director Itamar Marcus interviewed about the PA’s response to Hamas’ atrocities, on Jerusalem Dateline

Rebel News: Frontline doctor says Hamas is 'at war with humanity'
Avi Yemini hears from a doctor in the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba, Israel, who says that following the horrific Hamas attack on Oct. 7, the terrorist organization has declared war on humanity.

Turkey's Erdogan: 'Hamas Is Not a Terrorist Organization'

Israeli Foreign Ministry hits back at Erdoğan: ’Hamas = ISIS’

Jordan's Queen Rania says 'no evidence' of Hamas atrocities

Florida Orders Closure of Students for Justice in Palestine Over Hamas Support

Poll: 57.5% of Muslim Americans say Hamas ‘justified’

Countdown star Rachel Riley says she has been left 'shaking with fear' due to amount of hatred for British Jews she has seen since Hamas terror attack on Israel

US soccer star Megan Rapinoe promoting fundraiser supporting relief for children in Gaza

George Washington U. Students Project Anti-Semitic Messages on School Library Building

Brooklyn 'magician' who tore down Israeli hostage photos is suspended from day job by his Jewish father

Palestine supporters tear down more posters of Israeli women and children kidnapped by Hamas terrorists in London's Leicester Square - with one smiling to camera as he walks off

Texas High Schoolers Chant ‘From the River to the Sea’ During Anti-Israel Walkout

Radio station and wine bar spark uproar with vile pro-Palestine banner:' Colonising dumb white dogs'

Three teenagers arrested after 'yobs chanted Free Palestine and Allahu Akbar while trying to set fire to Union flag' are released on bail - as locals reveal how have-a-go hero pub local chased gang of four men

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