O God, your oppressed servants in Gaza, whom you force upon the cursed Jews and the hateful hypocrites, O God, grant them victory over their enemies, relieve their distress, and have mercy on them, O God, who will protect them but You and who will have mercy on them? In You, O God, we trust and in Your strength we believe. O God, expel the Jews and the hypocrites and strengthen Your power over them. O God, scatter them and make their plans destroy them. O God... O God, O Possessor of power and the kingdom, we have no god but You, O refuge of the oppressed, destroy the Zionists and their machines, and do not leave any of them and those who help them, O Powerful, O Mighty, Glory be to You. Accept our prayers from us, protect our honor, make our feet firm, and give us victory over the Palestinian Mujahideen against the unbelieving people... and the accursed Jews... O God, destroy the Jews completely.
Moroccan site Rassd has an article, "The Jews And Their View Of Human Rights," with the photo shown here, where they extensively create fake Talmudic quotes:
Anyone who thinks that the Jews believe in human rights or even animal rights is a fool. We say to the normalized and the non-naturalized and to those of us who cry over the Zionists, know that the Jews do not consider you to be anything more than their donkeys, and you have an explanation of that in the Talmud - which is a book written by the Jewish rabbis -: “The gentiles are donkeys and God created them to be ridden by God’s chosen people."
It says: “There is no kinship between the nations outside the Jews because they are more like donkeys. The Jews consider the homes of other nations to be animal pens.”Also in the Talmud: “...Whoever slaps a Jew is like someone who slaps God. It is permissible for Israel to usurp anyone's property. The property of a non-Jew is like abandoned money, and a Jew has the right to own it."As for women, they are just animals to them, and it says: “A Jew does not sin if he rapes a foreign woman; Because every marriage contract with foreigners is invalid; Because a non-Jewish woman is considered an animal, and the contract does not exist between animals.”The Talmud also says, “Whoever sheds the blood of an infidel (a Gentile), will offer an offering to God.” It says: "Whoever kills a Christian, a foreigner, or a pagan will be rewarded with eternity in Paradise and sitting there in the Fourth Palace. "
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