Monday, October 23, 2023
Monday, October 23, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
07Oct23, 2023 terror, CAIR, double standards, fifth column, gaza, hamas, Hamas war crimes, Islamic Jihad war crimes, Israel under attack, NGO silence, supporting terror
I just received a press release from the Council on American-Islamic Relations declaring that they consider Israel's attacks on Hamas to be "genocide."
It is disgusting. CAIR fully accepts Hamas' lies about how many were killed.
Looking back, their press releases since the massacre on October 7 have been truly disgusting. The very first one, drafted when the first news of a huge attack on Israeli civilians were being published, was a blatant attempt to change the subject and imply that no matter what happened to the Jews, it is their own fault.
It was an obvious attempt to exonerate Hamas and blame Jews for being massacred.
The following Monday, their first statement was more of the same, "CAIR Urges Congress to Address Root Cause of Mideast Violence - Israel's Occupation of Palestinian Lands." They reluctantly said that anyone calling up their representatives should first "acknowledge the loss of lives and recognize the humanity on both sides, including Israelis and Palestinians" before urging Congress to do exactly what Hamas wants it to do: handcuff Israel.
CAIR never condemned Hamas. Not once - not even when Hamas was blowing up buses and pizza shops in the second intifada.
This is even though the only genocide in the Middle East was Hamas' attempt to murder every Jewish man, woman, senior citizen an child it could find.
This is even though CAIR claims that it always condemns terrorism, no matter who the guilty party is.
It never condemned the rapes or murders or kidnappings. It never called on Hamas to release the hostages.
This last part is interesting because CAIR has called for the release of other hostages, even those held by Muslims in Iraq and by the Taliban.
Apparently, CAIR condones the attacks on Israelis. There is no other explanation.
Moreover, CAIR condemned Israel for the Islamic Jihad rocket that fell in the parking lot of a hospital. There has been no correction even as every major government and independent researchers all agree that Israel had nothing to do with it.
Remember, CAIR was consulted on the US strategy to fight antisemitism.
But its website makes it quite clear: CAIR implicitly supports Hamas and everything it does.