Wednesday, October 18, 2023

From Ian:

Richard Epstein: Peace and Terror Cannot Coexist
I cannot locate a single Palestinian figure who has given an outright condemnation of the wanton slaughter as an impermissible means to achieve the destruction of Israel. And this signals a lasting change in geopolitical considerations. There was once a time when Israel sought to achieve, as David Brooks recounts in the New York Times, a two-state solution that gave the Palestinians complete control over Gaza and extensive control over the West Bank. “Dec. 23, 2000,” he writes. “That was the day the Palestinians were offered a path to having their own nation on roughly 95 percent of the land in the West Bank and 100 percent of the land in the Gaza Strip”—only for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to refuse his final consent. Today that two-state solution is a nonstarter because it would allow any new Palestinian state to mass Iranian troops on two of Israel’s borders, which could easily lead to the strangulation of Israel.

So, the new normal is to abandon all hope of a two-state solution. The only protection for Palestinians will come from Israel, which is able to tamp down on the frequent brutality of Hamas towards its own people and help Palestinians avoid the corruption that has been the hallmark of Fatah (the Palestinian entity now in its nineteenth year of Mahmoud Abbas’s four-year presidency). There is no partner with whom Israel could negotiate in the long term. Regrettably, the only long-term solution for Israel’s safety is to destroy Hamas root and branch. Earlier cease-fires with Hamas were always matters of strategic convenience, which left Hamas with the option to rearm, regroup, and attack again. The stunning success of Hamas’s surprise attack makes clear that it is sheer folly to think that a cease-fire is feasible without unconditional surrender.

It should always be recalled that the Allies’ success pacifying both Germany and Japan after World War II required such a total housecleaning. It will be more difficult to obtain in the current conflict. The covenant of Hamas, conceived in 1988 and revised in 2017, enshrines the goal of “obliterating” Israel so that Palestine becomes an “exclusive” Muslim area. They mean every word of it.

None of the options is pretty for Israel. But either Israel makes Hamas pay the ultimate price, or Israel will remain in existential peril.
Bassem Eid: I'm a Palestinian in the West Bank. Hamas Alone Is Responsible for Any Bloodshed in Gaza
For nearly two decades, Hamas has allowed its people to live in squalor, using the humanitarian aid it is given from the international community to stockpile ammunition and deliberately turn severe poverty and deprivation in Gaza into hatred of Israel.

Now, Hamas uses my brothers and sisters in Gaza as human shields, hiding their weapons in hospitals, schools and mosques, and embedding their terror fighters among women, children, the elderly and families. This is all by design. They don't want peace; they want Gazans to die in a propaganda victory over Israel.

Hamas showed us that it truly knows no bounds when it murdered over 1,400 Israelis—rape and torture have been detected in 80 percent of the bodies, including children. It injured another 4,000, and took 200 captives to Gaza last week. These unprovoked attacks all took place in peaceful communities that are part of Israel proper, not areas in question for my people like settlements.

Hamas's attack set my people and those of us pushing for peace back decades. And now Hamas is putting its own people at grave risk.

Hamas can best be understood as the Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIS combined. It is like the Taliban in that it runs a piece of territory as a brutal Islamic dictatorship, where LGBTQ+ people and those who do not live a strict Islamic lifestyle are executed. It is like al Qaeda in that it frequently engages in suicide bombings and just perpetrated Israel's 9/11. And it's like ISIS, which butchered the non-Muslim Yezidi ethnic group and took their women as sex slaves or "concubines."

The Palestinian people of Gaza deserve liberation from Hamas. If Israel ends the unjust rule of the terror gang, it will be doing my brothers and sisters in Gaza a life-changing favor.

The facts are simple: Hamas is responsible for all the blood that has been shed and will continue to be shed during this war, full stop. Palestinians like me and my neighbors want peace; Hamas does not.
From Jerusalem to Kyiv, It's All One War
President Biden's visit to Israel is an opportunity to rectify the past. To gain back lost ground, he must resist the temptation to treat the wars against Russia and Hamas as discrete. He must recognize that Ukrainians and Israelis alike man distant ramparts in a war for the civilized world. And he must act accordingly.

For starters, he must allow Israel to destroy Hamas as a political and military force. That means he cannot stand athwart a sustained ground campaign that denies the terrorist organization its most precious resource—territory and control of a population.

Nor can Biden pretend that Hamas's patrons in Qatar and in Iran are exempt from penalties. He must bring pressure on the emir of Qatar, where U.S. forces are stationed, to disavow Hamas and to extradite or expel its political leadership. He must abandon his government's efforts to "engage" with Iran. And he must swiftly impose crushing sanctions on the regime. If Biden is true to his word that Hamas must be disposed of like ISIS, then he will treat any friend of Hamas as an enemy of the United States.

Nothing less is acceptable. And much more is required. The administration is preparing to send to Congress a supplemental spending bill that will include funds for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and elsewhere. Congress must pass it. Then Biden must tell Congress that this money is a down payment. The next step is a much larger appropriation. America must commit to a conventional and strategic arms buildup that will instill fear in Moscow, Tehran, Pyongyang, and Beijing.

Domestic critics will say that we can't afford it. They will have missed the point. Global security has deteriorated to such an extent that America has left the realm of "can" and "should." We have entered the zone of "need" and "must." Weapons must be produced in such quantity that Ukraine can reclaim territory, Israel can defeat Hamas, Taiwan can deter China, and America can lead the world to peace.

Deterrence is not only a matter of capability. It is also a function of will. Biden's greatest test will arrive when the Arab street, European capitals, and the American Left turn against him. The calls to abandon Israel will mount, and the world will wait to see if Biden can demonstrate strength in defense of right.

To survive the perilous hour, he will have to abandon his desire to revive Franklin D. Roosevelt's domestic policy. He will have to embrace Franklin D. Roosevelt's foreign policy of global leadership and the arsenal of democracy instead. And he must do it for real. In this war—this one war for freedom, self-government, and the rule of law—there is no room for error.

IDF confirms Islamic Jihad rocket caused Gaza hospital blast
A failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket launch at Israel caused the explosion at a hospital in Gaza on Tuesday night, the IDF confirms.

“The IDF has concluded an After Action Review and can confirm that the Islamic Jihad was responsible for the strike on the hospital in Gaza City,” Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said at a press briefing on Wednesday morning.

Terrorists fired a barrage of rockets at 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday, and at 6:59 p.m., Islamic Jihad fired another barrage of around 10 rockets from a nearby cemetery. This was the exact time that the hospital blast was reported, Hagari explained.

“According to our intelligence, Hamas checked the reports, understood it was an Islamic Jihad rocket that had misfired—and decided to launch a global media campaign to hide what really happened,” Hagari continued.

“They went as far as inflating the number of casualties. They understood, with absolute certainty, that it was a rocket misfired by Islamic Jihad that damaged the hospital.”

The IDF provided a recording of a conversation between Hamas operatives regarding the hospital bombing, which confirms that it was a failed Islamic Jihad rocket launch that caused it, including that it looked “like local shrapnel and not like Israeli shrapnel.”
Netanyahu: ‘Those who brutally murdered our children also murder their own children’
Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group based in the Gaza Strip, fired a rocket that killed hundreds of Palestinians at Gaza’s al-Ahli Arab Hospital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed on Tuesday.

“An analysis of IDF operational systems indicates that a barrage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza, passing in close proximity to the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza at the time it was hit,” he wrote on social media. “Intelligence from multiple sources we have in our hands indicates that Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed rocket launch which hit the hospital in Gaza.”

“The entire world should know: It was barbaric terrorists in Gaza that attacked the hospital in Gaza and not the IDF,” he added. “Those who brutally murdered our children also murder their own children.”

A large explosion rocked the hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday night, as Palestinian terrorists fired heavy barrages of rockets at southern and central Israel. Alarms sounded in major cities, including Rishon Letzion, Petach Tikvah, Bnei Brak, Ramat Gan and Bat Yam.

“An Islamic Jihad missile has killed many Palestinians at a Gazan hospital—a place where lives should be saved,” said Israeli President Isaac Herzog. “Shame on the media, who swallow the lies of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, broadcasting a 21st-century blood libel around the globe.”

“Shame on the vile terrorists in Gaza, who willfully spill the blood of the innocent,” Herzog added. “Never before has the choice been clearer. Israel is standing against an enemy made of pure evil. If you stand for humanity—for the value of all human life—you stand with Israel.”

Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization charged that “the massacre at the Baptist Hospital is a crime of genocide,” calling on Arab and Islamic countries to “intervene immediately.” It also urged Arabs in Judea and Samaria to attack Israeli forces to “avenge the massacre.”

Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas canceled his participation in a planned summit with U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday after he accused Israel of targeting the hospital, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday, citing senior P.A. officials.

In addition to Biden and Abbas, the summit in Jordan was to be attended by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and King Abdullah of Jordan, Amman said earlier on Tuesday.

Abbas ordered three days of mourning be observed in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, and that PLO flags be flown at half-mast, according to the authority’s Wafa news agency.
Brendan O'Neill: The West’s Israel-haters are playing with fire
The rush to judgement against Israel could have dire consequences. Across the Arab world, thousands hit the streets in the wake of the hospital tragedy to condemn Israel. A mass gathering of Iranians called on their theocratic government to do something. The Israeli embassy in Turkey was attacked. Hezbollah called for a ‘day of rage’. Jordan cancelled a ‘peace summit’ with President Biden and Arab leaders on the grounds of ‘the ugly massacre perpetrated by Israel’, in the words of Jordan’s king. The evidence-lite criminalisation of Israel is actively hampering the diplomatic search for a solution.

It is impacting on the Western world, too. This morning a synagogue in Berlin was firebombed. The bigoted treatment of Israel as a uniquely evil state that even slays hospital patients is having consequences for Jews in Europe. As Germany’s Central Council of Jews said today, ‘Hamas’s ideology of extermination against everything Jewish is also having an effect in Germany’. Liberals and leftists caution constantly against ‘escalating’ the conflict in the Middle East. Their gentile privilege, as one might call it, blinds them to the fact that their own myopic fury with Israel is contributing to an escalation of both military hostilities over there and racist hostilities at home.

The hypocrisy of our right-on rulers stands exposed like never before. ‘Words have consequences!’, they wail if you ‘misgender’ a bloke in a dress, and yet here they are pursuing a furious war of words against Israel at a moment of exceptional volatility. ‘Racism is bad!’, they say, yet here they are repeating the propaganda of a racist movement that carried out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. ‘We love Palestinians!’, they say, yet they raise barely a word of criticism of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, whose anti-Semitic warmongering exposes the Palestinian people to serious conflict and harm. This is how unhinged virtue-signalling has become: signalling one’s morally correct loathing of Israel now takes precedence over truth-seeking, peacemaking and standing up for the right of both Israelis and Palestinians to live free of the scourge of violent radical Islam.

Enough is enough. Let the Palestinians bury their dead. Let investigators determine what happened at al-Ahli. And let the rest of us start speaking out against the infantile moralism of our elites, which treats Israel as the ultimate evil, Palestine as the ultimate victim, and in the process demeans both.
Jonathan Tobin: Hamas weaponizes sympathy for civilians they help kill
It’s just as important to point out that the Palestinian narrative about the victimization of the people of Gaza by Israel is also false.

Gaza is poor and densely populated. But its problems are entirely the fault of the Palestinians, not Israel. Had the Palestinians ever opted for peace or compromise at any point in the last 75 years—let alone not allowing themselves to be ruled by Islamist terrorists—Gaza wouldn’t be mired in poverty or isolated, and they would have achieved internationally recognized statehood long ago. If the Palestinians used the billions in Western aid they receive on bettering the lives of people there rather than on building up a military infrastructure, Gaza also wouldn’t be an economic basket case or have to worry about the IDF.

The narrative about Palestinian victimization is a way to deflect attention away from the refusal of either Fatah or Hamas to make peace, as well as to create a false moral equivalence between Israel and the terrorists; between those who commit atrocities and those who seek to stop them. That rejectionism is so integral to their national identity that few Palestinians seem able to imagine life without it.

We should mourn the deaths of any Gaza civilians, though not those of the many terrorists who will pay the ultimate price for their crimes. But using concerns about those who will be killed because of Hamas’s actions to undermine support for Israel shouldn’t be confused with a concern for human rights or the welfare of the Palestinian people in general.

The only way to solve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is to get rid of Hamas and convince the Palestinians to give up their sick fantasies about Israel’s extinction. It was those demented dreams that—rather than any justified resentment against Zionism—motivated the thugs who committed so many atrocities in the name of “Palestine.”

The complaints about Palestinian casualties, which are regrettable, should be directed at the authors of all the horrors that were unleashed on both Jews and Arabs on Oct. 7, including the hostages of multiple nationalities that languish somewhere in the Gaza Strip. Point to Hamas and its numerous Palestinian adherents, not Israel.
Hamas Accused of "Genocide And Crimes Against Humanity"
Law professor Eugene Kontorovich says Hamas's actions have constituted "genocide and crimes against humanity."

Speaking to Kevin O'Sullivan on TalkTV, the George Mason University professor said it was "entirely legal under the laws of war" for Israel to declare a state of siege over Palestine.

He also highlighted the accusations that Hamas had stolen fuel from the United Nations, which had been intended to be used to help the people of Palestine.

Nikki Haley: Wake up, America: Our enemies are an evil alliance taking advantage of our weakness around the world
The brutal Hamas attack on Israel once again shows that the world is a very dangerous place.

We need strong American leadership to protect our freedom.

And we need smart American leadership to recognize who our enemies really are — and how they’re working together.

Everyone knows who’s behind Hamas.

Iran owns Hamas. It calls the shots, cuts the checks and supplies the material to make the missiles Hamas launched against civilians.

Those terrorists never would have invaded Israel if Iran hadn’t given the green light.

The blood of innocent Americans and Israelis is on the ayatollah’s hands.

But Iran isn’t acting alone either.

In the same way that Hamas does Iran’s bidding, Iran is the junior partner to Communist China and Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Iran supplies weapons for Russia to use in Ukraine, and China is Iran’s biggest oil customer.

While Communist China is the ringleader, all three regimes are on the same team.

And they all share the same goal.

They threaten America’s friends and allies because they ultimately want to destroy us.

This is no wild conspiracy theory. The leaders of all three countries loudly proclaim their hatred of America and hope to see us collapse.

Iran’s proxy attacks against Israel are part of this agenda. So is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

China, Russia and Iran are testing America’s resolve however they can.

Iran wants to kill all the Jews. Russia wants to conquer Eastern Europe and reinstate the Soviet empire. China has infiltrated America and wants to control the Pacific.

This evil alliance is more advanced and coordinated than many people realize.
US pressure on Israel in times of war
It is reasonable to question whether the Israeli government is seriously willing to put its soldiers’ and civilians’ lives in danger to avoid angering the United States.

However, Yehuda Ben-Meir, a senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies, a defense-focused think tank in Tel Aviv, disagrees that American pressure hurts Israel, saying, “The support Biden has given in this war is good and should be praised.”

Ben-Meir said that with a few exceptions, such as the U.S. pressure on Israel after the 1956 Suez Crisis, America’s support for Israel has been steadfast. A former Knesset member, Ben-Meir said that as a friend and ally, America’s voice should be listened to, even if sometimes there are disagreements.

Such disagreements occurred for example in 1967, when Israel was pressured by the United States not to attack first, just as it was prior to the Yom Kippur War. In Lebanon, American pressure pushed the IDF back, leading to the current reality in which Israel remains under threat from Iran’s terror proxy Hezbollah.

As for Hezbollah, Ben- Meir believes it is not in Israel’s best interest to strike first, saying Israel “has nothing to gain from a war with Hezbollah.” This said, he believes that if the IDF came to the conclusion that a preemptive strike on Hezbollah, or any other military action, was an “essential national security action,” then it would follow through irrespective of American or international pushback.

If such an action was deemed not to be essential, he said, Israel should consult with the United States.

Yonatan Freeman, an expert in international relations at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, views the pressure as requests, not demands. In general, he sees U.S. global influence, particularly its veto power at the United Nations, as a key factor in why Jerusalem takes Washington’s requests as seriously as it does.

Freeman pointed out that Blinken met with Israel’s war cabinet for nearly eight hours on Monday, noting that it was completely unprecedented for a representative of a foreign government to sit in on serious policy and military deliberations. Freeman believes this is to help with legitimacy for any moves both within the U.S. government and public.

He pushed back on the idea that the two countries agree on everything, stating that disagreements happen constantly behind the scenes, and adding that Jerusalem will ultimately act on its own if it feels that it needs to, pointing to Israel’s destruction of Syria’s nuclear reactor as proof of this.

Nevertheless, it remains true that for better or for worse, Washington’s voice reverberates loudly in Israel, particularly in times of war.
The Real (and Awful) Reason Biden is Coming to Israel | The Caroline Glick Show IN FOCUS
Antony Blinken returns while Israeli troops sit on the Gaza border, President Biden handicaps Israel's security and the world continues to turn a blind eye to Hamas' atrocities and corruption.

Journalist and author Caroline Glick breaks down the news and explains the real reason Biden is in Israel.

Tony Badran: Eyeless in Gaza
U.S. policy in Lebanon, and its sponsorship of the Lebanese security sector, badly undermined Israel’s collection capabilities in the country. But what about America’s own intelligence gathering capabilities in Lebanon? Over the past decade, one of the justifications you’d hear from U.S. officials and bureaucrats for supporting the Lebanese military and security organs was that this deepening relationship gave America better visibility and human intelligence into what was going inside a terror hotbed. America’s Lebanese assets would also supplement our extensive capabilities monitoring terror groups throughout the region, including the IRGC, Hezbollah, and Hamas. And that’s in addition to what we collect in neighboring Syria, where the Iranian network has been active for years. By way of example, in 2017, following a chemical attack in northwestern Syria by the Assad regime, the U.S. government disclosed that signals intelligence had intercepted communications of the Syrian command leaving no doubt as to Assad’s responsibility for the attack.

And yet, despite countless meetings and high-level visits between Iranian officials, Hezbollah, and Hamas, coupled with intensified kinetic activity in the region, U.S. officials are saying that they “weren’t tracking” this operation. That answer is, to put it mildly, difficult to believe. But let’s ask another question: how come none of the U.S.-subsidized clients in the Lebanese military and security services—the ones who were busy busting Israeli cells all the way up to September—provided the U.S. any meaningful intelligence, even despite the fact that Hamas paragliders had been training in Lebanon? Hundreds of military-aged Palestinian hang gliders repeatedly soaring over any country seems like a difficult target for a major intelligence service to miss.

What seems clear is that, in exchange for the U.S. providing training and equipment, and paying everyone’s salaries, U.S. clients inside Lebanon managed exclusively to provide U.S.-subsidized counterintelligence support to Hezbollah and Hamas that contributed to blinding Israel, while failing entirely to provide the U.S. itself with any relevant information whatsoever. The U.S. government’s awesome signals intelligence capabilities in the eastern Mediterranean and the Levant, Iraq, and the Gulf were also unable to pick up anything of interest, while the planning and the training was happening in the country where the Biden administration is completing a 43-acre embassy compound.

It would be bad enough that U.S. policy in Lebanon appears to have contributed to keeping Israel in the dark in the months before the Oct. 7 massacre. It did. But it also did more than that. As Hezbollah increased the tempo of cross border attacks and provocations from Lebanon, leading to the establishment of a military outpost in the Israeli Golan, the administration backed Hezbollah’s play and moved to distract Israel by tying it down in a land border demarcation process with the Lebanese, helping to keep Israel’s political echelon from noticing the actual threat brewing inside Lebanon.

Did the U.S. intend for any of this to happen? Not exactly. On the other hand, everything that did happen was the direct product of U.S. policy, which means that America must shoulder some part of the blame. And if the U.S. chooses to continue its deadly policies in Lebanon, it will hardly be able to plead ignorance the next time that the Iranian “axis of resistance” murderers Israelis—and Americans.
Israel’s Work Permits for Gaza Enabled the Hamas Attack

What Israel will face in Gaza

Israel heeds US request to let aid into Gaza via Sinai

IDF reports missiles and gunfire at Lebanese border

Rep. Mike Waltz demands Bill Gates ban Hamas from Qatar Four Seasons

Crush the antisemitic, pro-terrorist ‘social justice’ movement

Reporter on the Ground in Israel Shares Firsthand Account of War-Torn Country

‘One combined enemy’: Former Israeli PM analyses grave Iranian threat
Former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett discusses the country's multiple threats as Israel prepares to launch a ground invasion into Gaza.

Mr Bennett served as the 13th prime minister of Israel from June 2021 to June 2022.

“What I saw as prime minister, I noticed that we have a bunch of supposedly different enemies, but they are actually one combined enemy integrated,” he told Sky News Australia.

“That’s the Iranian radical Islamic enemy where it is sort of like an octopus – its head is in Iran and Tehran and it sends its arms into Syria, into Lebanon, into Gaza in order to kill Jews and inflict terror.”

The former defence minister stressed Israel must focus on eliminating the “head of the octopus” and not fight each individual arms.

IDF: At least 450 terror rockets fell short in Gaza

‘Destroying families’: Hamas ‘fully aware’ missile attack on hospital was Islamic Jihad
IDF spokesperson Major Doron Spielman says Hamas knew the missile which struck a hospital was from the paramilitary group Islamic Jihad and that Hamas then lied to the world about the rocket’s true origins.

“We have as the audio shows Hamas terrorists which are fully aware, immediately aware that this is an Islamic Jihad misfire rocket,” he told Sky News Australia host Andrew Bolt.

“It was fired from a cemetery directly behind the hospital – landed on the parking lot of the hospital.

“This is not surprising Hamas immediately after this reported to the world a lie.

“This is just one more example where Hamas does not care about murdering, does not think twice about murdering small children and destroying families.”

IDF confirms visual and audio ‘proof’ will be released following Gaza hospital attack
Israel Defense Forces International Spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus says the IDF will share visual and audio proof of a misfire by a terrorist organisation on a hospital in Gaza.

This comes after Israel rejected claims it was responsible for a deadly airstrike on a hospital in Gaza.

Gaza’s health ministry says at least 500 people have been killed in the strike on the al-Ahli Arab Baptist Hospital but are warning the death toll could rise.

Israel’s military says the explosion at the hospital was caused by a failed launch from Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which was carried out towards Israel.

“We’re also going to release aerial footage of the area before and I think during the explosion,” Lieutenant Colonel Conricus told Sky News Australia.

“If there is foul play here … then we would want to expose it.”

Warning: this video contains distressing content.

80 Beds Yet Hundreds Dead: Questions Emerge Over Gaza Hospital Attack

Israel Advocacy Movement: Who struck the Gaza hospital?

Media was ‘very quick to blame Israel’ for hospital airstrikes
Israel’s Ambassador to Australia Amir Maimon says a number of the media outlets that had reported on the hospital airstrike were “very quick to blame Israel”.

“I noticed that in the recent few hours some of them deleted some of the posts they posted,” Mr Maimon told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“President Biden was very clear about it, and he was referring in his opening remarks, about the other side.

“So it’s important to emphasise that the other side is a terror organisation, a terror organisation that’s not refraining.

“It's exploiting and using its own citizens to defend the weapon systems.”

Israel war: Antony Blinken's doormat diplomacy is embarrassing

The Israel Guys: ISRAELI General Says They Will NOT Delay Gaza Invasion For Biden’s Visit
President Joe Biden is set to visit Israel tomorrow, the first head of state to land in the Holy Land since the outbreak of the war, and amidst the fact that the IDF is preparing for a ground invasion. According to IDF generals, President Biden’s visit will not delay a ground invasion of Gaza.

Did you know that the PA will pay out nearly $3 million dollars to the families of the brutal monsters who murdered 1400 Israeli civilians last week? That’s in addition to the $30 million dollars they already pay to terrorists who have murdered Jews every month.

Rockets continue to rain down on Israel, the IDF is still preparing for a ground invasion of Gaza, and 4 terrorists were caught trying to infiltrate from Lebanon.

Keep Your Eye On Metula and The Fake Hezbollah Village

Israeli security expert warns of escalating threat from Hezbollah as part of a multi-front attack
In the midst of a turbulent landscape in northern Israel, where the threat of battle looms large, Lt Col. Sarin Zehavi, an expert on the nation's security challenges, has issued a chilling warning.

Christian and Jewish leaders publish letter to Biden in Israeli newspaper: ‘Take stronger action’

Most voters support the ‘eradication of Hamas’

Ben Shapiro: America Can Prevent World War III
Joe Biden announces a visit to Israel in the midst of the ongoing war against Hamas; Secretary of State Antony Blinken calls for humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, even if it goes to Hamas; and Russia and China lick their lips.

Megyn Kelly: True Scope of Atrocities in Israel, and Erasure of Women, w/ Ron DeSantis, Josh Hammer & Britt Mayer
Megyn Kelly is joined by Gov. Ron DeSantis, GOP presidential candidate, to talk about the issue of whether America should allow Gaza refugees into America, Nikki Haley's comments about it and why he believes she's wrong, the outrageous anti-Semitism we're seeing on college campuses now, Vivek Ramaswamy's comments about "cancel culture," how he's personally helping get Americans out of Israel, what America should do to help Israel, and more. Then Newsweek's Josh Hammer joins to talk about the true scope of the atrocities committed by Hamas on innocent Israelis, why we must not turn away even though some want to pretend it didn't happen, The Squad and AOC pushing a ceasefire, "collective punishment" criticism as a cover for Jew hatred, the Cornell professor who says the Hamas terror attack was "exhilarating," why we must "defund" these colleges, the Islamic terror attack in Belgium, what Biden should do as he begins his foreign trip to the Middle East, and more. Then Britt Mayer, founder of Rooted Wings, joins to discuss Britney Spears revealing in a new book the grief she felt after she had an abortion with Justin Timberlake, Dylan Mulvaney winning a "woman of the year" award, the outrageous anti-woman position in our culture today, the Washington Post writing a puff profile of "Artemis" the trans sorority sister, how it's never enough to just allow people to live their lives, the use of "autism" as an explanation for "Artemis" actions, the decline of journalism, the latest trans cyclists beating women, a new illegal immigration center in San Diego, and more.

The Rubin Report: Hosts Gets Confused by AOC's Slanderous Israel Lie
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of AOC accusing Israel of perpetrating ethnic cleansing on the Palestinian people.

We Went to a Pro-Palestine Protest. This Is What We Heard

Niall Ferguson, Vinay Prasad, and Global Jihad Day at UCLA

DC Human Rights Group Official Says Israel Is ‘Sole Reason Hamas Exists’

Ami Horowitz breaks down ‘genocidal chant’ heard across pro-Palestine rallies
Filmmaker Ami Horowitz talks about the meaning behind a “genocidal chant” heard at different pro-Palestine rallies across the world.

“The chant they kept saying over and over ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ … let’s break that down,” Mr Horowitz told Sky News Australia host Andrew Bolt.

“’From the river’, the river Jordan, ‘to the sea’, the Mediterranean – guess what’s in between those two things? The state of Israel.

“They have no interest in having just the West Bank and Gaza as their homeland as they purport to.

“This is a genocidal chant that you have heard for years.”

‘Just insane’: Nazi salute banned but pro-Palestinian marches promoting harm of Jews allowed
Sky News contributor Joe Hildebrand says it’s “just insane” how the Nazi salute is going to be banned despite pro-Palestinian marches promoting the harm of Jewish people still being allowed.

On October 7 Israel declared a state of war against Hamas after the Palestinian militant group fired thousands of rockets as far north as Tel Aviv.

The war has sparked many racial tensions across the globe between pro-Israeli people and pro-Palestinian protesters.

“If you’re going to say you’re not going to tolerate hate speech and you’re not going to tolerate symbols that promote genocide then I don’t see how you can ban the Sieg Heil and yet have people actually literally explicitly calling for the death of all Israelis or the death of Jews,” Mr Hildebrand told Sky News host Liz Storer.

“So that’s just insane and again I’m struggling to get my head around what our politicians are even thinking when it comes to dealing with this.”

Pro-Palestine activists scream 'Allahu Akbar' and set fire to Israeli flags in NYC's Washington Square Park - as the NYPD forms ring of steel around Jewish protesters

Vogue editor-at-large Gabriella Karefa-Johnson wipes her job title from Instagram bio after anti-Israel rant where she likened its defense force to a 'terrorist organization'

NYU student who destroyed posters of Israeli hostages used to work for the Jewish Anti-Defamation League - as she blames 'misplaced anger' and claims it has been 'difficult' as a 'biracial brown woman'

Police launch probe after man caught on London street writing 'coloniser' over posters of innocent children kidnapped by Hamas - as angry woman tells him: 'I know people who have died'

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