Tuesday, October 03, 2023

  • Tuesday, October 03, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Anti-Israel media is up in arms. From Quds News:
Zaid Abdulnasser, a #Palestinian refugee from Syria who has been living in Berlin since 2017, has been notified by Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) that his refugee status is to be rescinded.

The decision to remove Abdulnasser’s refugee status was due to what the BAMF called "extremist activities", namely his activism with the Palestinian advocacy group Samidoun, an international network of activists working to build solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli jails.

 Sites like +972 have been writing about Abdulnasser for several months. 

Of course, Samidoun is indeed a subsidiary of the PFLP terror group; founded by PFLP members and with comrades who continue to organize terror cells. 

Which is enough reason to strip his citizenship.

But even beyond that, in an interview with Left Voice about his situation, he discusses exactly what he is trying to accomplish in Germany:

In the EU, Germany is the Zionist occupation’s largest economic partner, routinely takes part in military maneuvers with the terrorist occupying army, signed billions of dollars in arms deals that also included missile systems and nuclear submarines, and is fully involved in the Nakba of the Palestinian people by supporting the occupation at international and national levels in Germany.

This unconditional support for the occupation of Palestine is clearly based on common imperialist interests and the understanding that this European colony in Palestine is the West’s military base in the Middle East. Of course, this is being promoted as Germany’s attempt to atone for the massacre of Jews in World War II. If anything, using the sins of its Nazi history to justify supporting yet another ethnostate project shows that it has never truly learned from its history.

An organized mass Palestinian, Arab and internationalist movement will not allow these lies to continue to dominate public discourse, and the Palestinian refugees have the inner strength to pose a real challenge to the Zionist movement in Germany and shared German and Israeli interests. Since Germany is the stronghold of the Zionist movement in Europe, any success of the Palestinian struggle here will have a major impact on the entire movement. This is the true meaning of organizing the Palestinian masses in Germany, namely that they can shake the foundations of the state’s imperialist interests to their very foundations.

So he is accusing Germany of terrorism and of perpetuating the Holocaust by supporting the Jewish state. And then he says his plan is to "shake the foundations" of Germany itself. 

Does this sound like a loyal citizen of Germany or someone who wants to subvert and ultimately destroy Germany?

Beyond that, Abdulzaid explicitly supports terror, as this other recent interview with his other organization, "Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement,"  makes clear:

We believe that true legitimacy is embodied in the positions of our people and their sacrifices, which are naturally expressed daily, and through embracing the line of resistance everywhere. It’s important to emphasize that the legitimacy of the resistance factions is derived from their acts of liberation and resistance themselves....We believe that true national unity is the unity of our entire people, the resistance factions, and the popular organizations around the project of liberation and return. From its inception, the Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement has called upon all resistance forces to build a broad national front that represents the hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people and derives its legitimacy directly from them, just as the early Fedayeen (Palestinian resistance fighters) derived their legitimacy through their struggles, sacrifices, and defense of their people. 
No Palestinian would read this as "popular resistance." The resistance factions are Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP and others. 

Looks like the German government made the right call. An avowed supporter of terror should not be a citizen of Germany. 

Abdulnasser will not be deported to Syria, but he will lose the benefits of being a citizen. 

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