Last week the Jerusalem municipality demolished two homes built illegally on land that didn't belong to the residents.
Ma'an News has an
op-ed by the Palestinian "ambassador" to Portugal describing this as a crime against humanity.
Among things that this Palestinian official says are:
It is an embodiment of the Zionist nature in the ethnic cleansing of the owners of the land..... Whoever committed this heinous crime against the Al-Salihiya family of Jerusalem is not a human being.
It is a crime against humanity par excellence, is a stain on humanity’s forehead and a thorn in what remains of the human conscience.
The Palestinians are the incubator of its three monotheistic religions....What is happening in Sheikh Jarrah is demolition and Judaization with the aim of ethnic cleansing of the grandchildren of the builders of this holy city, the Palestinians.
If Israel demolishing two houses is a crime against humanity, then what is the demolition of eighty homes in a tiny town in Oklahoma?
House demolitions are part of local government around the world. Only when Israel does it, and when the people who broke the law are Arabs, does it become a huge international incident with over-the-top accusations.
Even if you don't consider Israel to have legally annexed Jerusalem, as the occupier it would still have the responsibility of maintaining local zoning laws!
This obsession is just more antisemitism. It doesn't happen anywhere there aren't Jews who could be blamed.