Anne Bayefsky: UN ditches its rules for an anti-Israel ‘Inquiry’
The United Nations has created a Star Chamber targeting the State of Israel. The inquisition was devised by the U.N. Human Rights Council last May and funded by the U.N. General Assembly at the end of December. The three members appointed to the new “Commission of Inquiry” make a mockery of the most elementary preconditions of fairness and legitimacy.
The identities of the inquisitors are Navi Pillay of South Africa, Miloon Kothari of India and Chris Sidoti of Australia. Pillay was named chair, hence the fitting epithet of the U.N. offensive: “Pillay’s Pogrom.” The three were appointed in July by then-council president Nazhat Shameem, a Muslim lawyer from Fiji. With funding now assured, the “Inquiry” is underway.
The “Inquiry’s” founding resolution was crafted at the behest of Islamic states and what the United Nations calls the “State of Palestine.” It spells out a number of fantastically broad tasks connected by one overarching goal: to turn the Jewish state into a global pariah.
Internationally recognized credentials for any such inquiry demand “independence,” “impartiality” and “objectivity.” Even the United Nations calls these prerequisites “of paramount importance.” Hence, a close look at the records of the “Inquiry” members, as compared to the “Inquiry’s” assigned tasks, is compulsory.
The first task assigned was to investigate “all underlying root causes of recurrent tensions, instability and protraction of conflict, including systematic discrimination and repression based on national, ethnic, racial or religious identity.”
Pillay, who was U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights from 2008 to 2014, has an answer to task No. 1—already. The flagship enterprise of Pillay’s tenure was resurrecting the U.N.’s anti-Semitic hate-fest held in Durban in 2001 and reaffirming the slander of the racist Jewish state. Since then, she’s been preaching, “help end decades of Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people … recognized as apartheid.”
As for the task of identifying root causes, Pillay’s got that covered. In her own words: “The occupation continued to be the main cause of widespread violations of Palestinians’ civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.” “At the heart of so many of the problems plaguing the Israel-Palestine situation,” she once contrived, was “that the Israeli Government treats international law with perpetual disdain”—not the perpetual disdain of law and life by Palestinian rejectionists, racists, terrorists and enablers.
In her application to be U.N. Special Rapporteur on Palestine—to be decided by the Human Rights Council in March—Francesca Albanese denied holding "any opinions that could prejudice the manner in which the candidate discharges the mandate."
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) January 19, 2022
She lied.
Under Council rules, as defined in resolutions 5/1 and 16/21, the criteria of “impartiality” and “objectivity” are to be of “paramount importance” when selecting and appointing mandate-holders.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) January 19, 2022
Sadly, each of the candidates is more biased than the next:
StandWithUs: Stop The UN’s Newest Effort To Harm Israel And The Jewish People
The UN has launched a "Commission of Inquiry" that disproportionately targets Israel and is led by officials who have historically ignored, minimized, and excused violence and terrorism targeted at Israelis. Will the UN ignore Israeli terror victims in its new effort to harm Israel and the Jewish people? UN: Your bias is showing. This is #UNjust and UNacceptable.
Why So Many People Still Don’t Understand Anti-Semitism
For an example, just look at what happened in Texas. An anti-Semitic gunman took a synagogue hostage in the false hope that its parishioners could somehow free a federal prisoner. That prisoner herself was sentenced to 86 years in jail after she tried to fire her Jewish lawyers at trial, demanded that Jews be excluded from the jury, and declared that her guilty verdict came “from Israel and not from America.” One hateful person after another was destroyed by their own delusions. And such debilitating delusions can reverberate outward.I watched the FBI become so woke it can’t call out terrorism
“Anti-Semitism has real impact beyond just hate crimes,” the civil-rights activist Eric Ward once told me. “It distorts our understanding of how the actual world works. It isolates us. It alienates us from our communities, from our neighbors, and from participating in governance. It kills, but it also kills our society.”
Neither Mead nor Ward is Jewish. The former is a noted white historian and the son of a southern priest; the latter is a Black activist who fights white nationalism. Yet despite coming from different places, both have devoted much of their work to combatting anti-Jewish prejudice, and for the same reason: It threatens democracy itself.
“Anti-Semitism isn’t just bigotry toward the Jewish community,” Ward explains. “It is actually utilizing bigotry toward the Jewish community in order to deconstruct democratic practices, and it does so by framing democracy as a conspiracy rather than a tool of empowerment or a functional tool of governance.” In other words, the more people buy into anti-Semitism and its understanding of the world, the more they lose faith in democracy.
Numerous historical case studies attest to anti-Semitism undermining its adherents at a large scale, from the defeat of the Nazis, who spurned scientific advances simply because they were discovered by Jews, to European countries that hobbled themselves for centuries by expelling their Jewish populations.
“The rise of anti-Semitism is a sign of widespread social and cultural failure,” Mead writes. “It is a leading indicator of a loss of faith in liberal values and of a diminished capacity to understand the modern world and to thrive in it.”
Seen in this light, one attack on one synagogue is not just a hate-crime statistic. It is also a warning. The mindset of a madman in Texas might seem alien to us today. But if we do not find a way to confront the conspiratorial currents that threaten to overtake our society, we may find ourselves hostage to the very ideas that animated him.
I was there for the genesis of the FBI’s transformation, when we ceased calling things what they are and began to use nebulous and ambiguous terms so as not to offend.Phyllis Chesler: Aafia Siddiqui and the Misguided Support for Women of Jihad
And my FBI experiences go beyond the tactical realm. I served in mid-level management and was appointed to an acting Senior Executive Service position. That’s the upper echelon of bureau leadership. My final position before I retired in 2016 was the special assistant to the assistant director in charge of the FBI’s New York office. Understand this to be “the last man in the room” when the leader of the FBI’s largest field division made critical decisions.
Here I was a party to FBI headquarters’ directives from Holder’s Department of Justice, where “radical Islamist terror” was hereafter to be referred to as indefinite cases of “combating violent extremism.” This generic term did not align with what we knew of investigations into the San Bernardino terror attack and the Pulse nightclub massacre.
And while we were dealing with a multitude of lone-wolf radical Islamist inspired or directed terror cases, we were directed to place more of our finite resources into the domestic-terror realm. The media helped distort the narrative.
And so it goes today. The FBI’s laughable early determination, threading the needle, that a hostage-taker in a synagogue on the Sabbath demanding release of a Pakistani terrorist was “singularly focused on one issue” defies credulity.
How could the FBI be uncertain that this targeting was “specially related to the Jewish community” — after identifying the suspect and hearing his demands? It is less an embarrassment than a dangerous refusal to call things exactly what they are. That’s what justice demands — acting bereft of fear or favor. That used to be the FBI I served.
The Biden administration’s DOJ declares that parents complaining about curriculum and masking policies are “domestic terrorists.” Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe — who served under me in the FBI’s New York office — recently warned of those same parents and suggested on a David Axelrod podcast that the DOJ needs to target “mainstream conservatives.”
The FBI is at a crossroads. While the agency is seeing drops in its favorability ratings, the vast majority of its agents and professional support employees continue to toil in obscurity and work damn hard to keep Americans safe. We need them.
What occurred in Colleyville illustrates the problem. Kudos to the FBI-HRT and all who worked to free the synagogue hostages. As for the FBI senior executives who made a mockery of the obvious: Call things what they are. Stand up to those who disingenuously employ definitional distortions. I am tired of apologizing. Make us proud again, FBI.
When a jihadist terrorist stabs, shoots, and attempts to behead infidels, the Western media often assure us that he is either mentally ill or a lone actor.Texas synagogue terrorist ranted about “f***ing Jews” in last call to family made during siege
The Colleyville hostage-taker, Malik Faisal Akram, may have worked alone, but surely was acting on behalf of an ideology. He was one of many violent jihadists and Islamist organizations who have been demanding the release of "sister" Aafia Siddiqui for a long time.
Jihadist/Islamist groups, including al-Qaida, the Taliban, and ISIS, have "named their vehicles, and driven in convoys to Syria, in honor of Siddiqui. American Islamist groups, such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), have been campaigning for her release for a long time.
Paradoxically, left-liberal Western feminists have also been mesmerized by the women of jihad. Even after – perhaps especially after – 9/11, such thinkers viewed America as having deserved 9/11 because it had a heavy hand in creating the mujahideen who became the Taliban.
Enter, Aafia Siddiqui, the hero of our current drama.
But who is she? Like Osama bin Laden, Siddiqui came from an educated and well-to-do family. She obtained advanced degrees in neuroscience from MIT and from Brandeis. At the same time, Siddiqui was heavily veiling, teaching other women, especially converts to Islam, to do likewise. She also told them to stop shaking hands with men. She joined the infamous Muslim Student Association—and then visited a center in Brooklyn, Al Kifa, which was "widely known as the main recruiting office for jihad in the United States." Al-Kifa had a Boston chapter and Siddiqui volunteered there.
Siddiqui also kept marrying the wrong men – a first, allegedly abusive husband, (who claimed that Aafia had become a "fanatic"), and a second husband, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali aka Amar Al-Baluchi, a nephew of Khalid Sheik Mohammed. Al-Baluchi was also imprisoned at Guantanamo for "facilitating the 9/11 attackers, acting as a courier for Osama bin Laden.
The British terrorist who took four people hostage inside a Texas synagogue ranted about the “f***ing Jews” in the final phone call he made to his family during the siege, a recording obtained exclusively by the JC reveals."I want to be a martyr" Texas synagogue gunman's final call to family
In a chilling conversation with his brother in Blackburn from inside the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Malik Faisal Akram, 44, said: "I'm opening the doors for every youngster in England to enter America and f*** with them”.
Addressing fellow jihadists, he shouted: “Live your f***ing life bro, you f***ing coward. We’re coming to f***ing America. F*** them if they want to f*** with us. We’ll give them f***ing war.”
The terrorist boasted about his desire for martyrdom. "I've asked Allah for this death, Allah is with me, I'm not worried in the slightest,” he raged.
The disturbing 11-and-a-half minute audio recording, obtained from a security source, reveals a conversation between Akram and his brother, Gulbar, 43, who was speaking from a police station in Blackburn in an attempt to persuade him to surrender.
Texas Synagogue Gunman Was Kicked Out of Nearby Mosque Before Hostage-Taking
US authorities continued to piece together the movements of the gunman who held four hostages at the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue this past Saturday, as staff at a nearby mosque said he was kicked out of the center for “agitated” behavior just days before the attack.Immigration Experts, Republicans Raise Alarm Over Synagogue Terrorist’s Visa
Malik Faisal Akram had arrived at the Islamic Center of Irving, Texas to pray, and got angry when he was refused shelter for the night.
“He got a little agitated, saying, ‘you’re not helping out a fellow brother in the faith’ and all that stuff,” Khalid Hamideh, spokesman for the Islamic Center of Irving told a Dallas CBS affiliate on Tuesday. “When he did get agitated he was shown the door and left.”
The next day, the 44-year-old British citizen came back to the mosque, apologized for his behavior and asked for permission to pray, Hamideh elaborated to CNN on Wednesday.
“He had like a man purse with him and God knows if he had the gun with him already and thank God that he didn’t shoot anybody or do anything bad at our place,” Hamideh said. “I am shocked that he did not do something like this at our mosque because they said he was really agitated the first day.”
Republican lawmakers and immigration experts are demanding answers from the Biden administration on how the terrorist who last weekend took four people hostage at a Texas synagogue entered the United States.Texas hostage standoff raising concerns about "copycat attacks"
U.S. officials confirmed Tuesday that Malik Faisal Akram, who died after law enforcement stormed the Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, on Saturday, was on an MI5 watch list in 2020. That fact, as well as Akram's previous arrests, should have blocked his entry into the United States, according to immigration experts and lawmakers.
Immigration experts, including former Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief of staff Jon Feere, called for an investigation into the Biden administration's changes to the vetting process of visa applicants. In his second month in office, President Joe Biden revoked an executive order from his predecessor that implemented a more rigorous vetting process for visa applicants. That executive order conducted for the first time ever a review of all countries' data and info-sharing systems. The order, advocates say, resulted in visa cooperation between the United States and other nations that was overdue.
"Biden and his staff don't understand the need for better vetting, but I'm hopeful this case opens their eyes," Feere told the Washington Free Beacon before he called for the White House to release all the details on Akram's immigration history. "Only with a commitment to transparency can policies and practices be appropriately adjusted so that a similar incident is less likely to occur in the future."
Details on what kind of visa Akram used to enter the United States remain unclear. A conviction of a crime in the United Kingdom would bar an applicant's entry into the United States, raising the question of whether Akram lied on his application. Travelers from the United Kingdom usually benefit from the Visa Waiver Program, which allows tourists to travel to the United States with less of a security background check.
The State Department announced in December that it would temporarily waive the interview requirement for roughly 49,000 immigrant visa applications due to the surge of migrants and asylum seekers trying to enter the United States. Shortly after, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it would waive the interview requirement for spouses and children of certain migrants who receive work visas.
The advisory also points to recent al Qaeda-affiliated attempts to praise Akram and his violent actions. Editors of an al Qaeda-affiliated magazine released a statement Monday, commending and celebrating his actions, the bulletin states.Synagogue Terrorist Was the "Neighbor from Hell" in UK
Since the attack, prominent al Qaeda backers have gone on private and public online sites to call Akram a "brother" and "martyr" for drawing attention to Aafia Siddiqui's cause.
And while mainstream media outlets including Facebook and Twitter have been quicker to remove calls for violence in recent months, extremist actors have migrated to smaller, encrypted platforms such as Telegram, Element and "Rocketchat" to post such messages.
The arrests in England came just hours after a recording — reportedly of a phone call between Akram and his brother during the incident — was published by the London-based newspaper The Jewish Chronicle, showing that his family tried hard to get him to surrender to police.
During the call, which CBS News has not independently verified, the gunman says he wants to die as a martyr and rails against Jewish people and U.S. military action in the Middle East. He also says he's "opening the doors" to further attacks. His brother repeatedly pleads with him to end the attack.
The gunman also said he had "prayed to Allah for two years for this," raising questions about an investigation conducted by British authorities 18 months ago that concluded he didn't pose a risk to national security.
Details on Akram's travel to U.S.
The U.S. bulletin states that Akram came alone to the United States on December 29, 2021, through the U.S. Visa Waiver Program.
His entrance into U.S. was approved by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Electronic System for Travel Authorization, or ESTA, according to the bulletin, at New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport. Tourism visas are not required for British travelers planning to stay in the United States for less than three months.
Akram, who paid for his own flight from the United Kingdom to New York, did not appear on any U.S. terror watch lists, federal law enforcement sources previously confirmed to CBS News. He stayed in New York City for two days before traveling to Texas where, he told family members, he was hoping to find a bride.
In 2016, Malik Faisal Akram was arrested after refusing to pay rent and preventing workmen from installing new gas and electricity meters. Residents of Blackburn have described career criminal Akram as the "neighbor from hell" who made their lives a misery with his anti-social and threatening behavior before he moved out. Police visited Akram's former home twice in the last two months looking for him.
A neighbor said: "On one occasion he'd parked his car across one of his neighbor's driveways, blocking them in. The lady went over and knocked on his door and asked him politely if he could move his car but he started to yell and swear at her. He refused to move the car and told her that she could not tell him what to do because she was a woman."
"An attack on Judaism is an attack on every religion. Every faith has an unwavering and natural right to peaceful coexistence."
— Muslim World League (@MWLOrg_en) January 18, 2022
Statement from the #MuslimWorldLeague on the recent attack that occurred in Colleyville, Texas:
Now we see how great two-state solution would be for peace. Biden would only tolerate "minor incursions" into Israel.
— Eugene Kontorovich (@EVKontorovich) January 20, 2022
IDF issues demolition order for residence of suspect in fatal West Bank shooting
The Israeli military has informed the family of an alleged Palestinian terrorist that his residence in the West Bank village of Silat al-Harithiya, near Jenin, is slated for demolition.EU Tries to Twist International Law to Fight Eviction of Squatters in Jerusalem
Earlier this month, the families of two other suspects in the attack were also given demolition orders.
According to the Shin Bet security agency, a cell belonging to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group carried out a deadly shooting attack last month in the northern West Bank, in which one man, Yehuda Dimentman, was killed and two others were lightly wounded.
The family of Ghaith Ahmed Yassin Jaradat was notified of the military’s intention to demolish only the floor in which he resided. Jaradat’s family has been given the chance to appeal the decision to raze part of their home, the IDF said.
As a punitive policy, Israel demolishes the homes of Palestinians accused of carrying out deadly terror attacks.
In the case of the other two suspects, Muhammad Youssef Jaradat’s was given a demolition order for the entire building in which he lived and Mahmoud Ghaleb Jaradat’s family was given a demolition order only for the floor in which he resided.
According to Avi Bell, a professor at Bar-Ilan University's Faculty of Law, "the European Union's accusation that Israel is committing war crimes in Sheikh Jarrah by moving forward with plans to build an Arabic-language special-needs school for...residents of the neighborhood shows that European officials harbor equal contempt for common sense, international law and the Jewish state. There is no international law that forbids Israel taking control of public lands to build a special-needs school" or that "gives Palestinian trespassers the right to block construction of a special-needs school."Reprise Sheikh Jarrah Legal Losses & Media Malfeasance
The Minister of Internal Security, Omer Bar-Lev, a member of the Labor Party, also acknowledged on Monday that the law is on Israel's side. "The court ruled that this was an illegal invasion [by Arab squatters]. The area is intended for the establishment of classrooms and kindergartens for special education that are for the benefit of the neighborhood's Arab children. It is impossible...both to demand that the municipality act for the welfare of the Arab residents and also to oppose the construction of educational institutions for their welfare."
Moreover, the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood had been confiscated by Jordan in its war with Israel in 1948 and it ethnically cleansed its Jewish residents from the very homes the Arab illegal squatters now claim as their own.
AP’s persistence in reporting the disputed and unsubstantiated claim as fact was particularly glaring given the wire agency’s initial skepticism when it came to published information from the Jerusalem municipality. Thus, initially, AP referred to “the city removing the family to make way for what it says will be a large special-needs school for Palestinian children in the area.” (Emphasis added.)CBC Spreads Misinformation About Eviction of Palestinian Family In Sheikh Jarrah
Following communication from CAMERA questioning why the municipality’s information about plans to build the school warranted an “it says” qualification while claims from activists and residents about discriminatory policies are accepted as fact, AP amended that passage.
For its part, Reuters neglected to report that the Salhiya family, which was evicted yesterday, failed to prove its claim of ownership in court (“Israeli police evict Palestinians, tear down east Jerusalem home“).
On the evening of January 19, CBC Radio reported on the eviction of the Salihiyas, a Palestinian family from Sheikh Jarrah (Shimon Hatzadik in Hebrew) in east Jerusalem, but instead of providing adequate context about this controversial issue, CBC gave a platform to unfounded claims that Israel was trying to expropriate the land to give to Jewish residents.
CBC claimed that Palestinians had been evicted “from their home in occupied east Jerusalem“. Firstly, Israel extended sovereignty to the eastern portion of Jerusalem in 1967 following the Six Day War that reunified Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal and undivided capital. Israel does not “occupy” east Jerusalem and the Palestinians have never had sovereignty over the area. Secondly, while CBC said that they had been evicted “from their home,” the Salihiyas have been unable to provide proof of title to the land in question.
While CBC acknowledged Israeli claims that the home was illegally built and that Israel planned to use the area to build schools, CBC quoted Dana Mills, an anti-Israel protestor, who claimed that “this was an attempt to make east Jerusalem more and more populated by Jewish people and we will not stand for this. We stand for preservation of east Jerusalem as a capital of a future Palestinian state.” This claim in and of its own right has no validity. In fact, the Jerusalem Municipality said: “The claims that the area will be expropriated for the purpose of transferring it to Jewish residents are false and unfounded.”
Mills’ claim exemplifies how in the mind of many anti-Israel detractors, a future Palestinian state must be Judenrein, free of Jews.
Untold by CBC, the Jerusalem Municipality is promoting an important and historic plan to establish an educational complex tailored to Arab children with special needs in east Jerusalem. As part of the plan, 18 classrooms will be built, along with 6 kindergartens, sports fields and leisure facilities.
What you heard about #SheikhJarrah vs. The reality
— Emily Schrader - ????? ?????? (@emilykschrader) January 19, 2022
Israeli courts have been dealing with illegal construction from Palestinians for decades and it’s ongoing. These are not part of a campaign to “ethnic cleanse” in fact the Arab population of Jerusalem has grown in percentage
If Israel even sneezes, @OmarSShakir of @hrw will accuse us of ‘war crimes’. Is so preposterous. The Salhiyeh family were illegally occupying the #SheikhJarrah property … which was intended to be used as schooling for ARAB children with SPECIAL NEEDS!
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) January 20, 2022
Im Tirtzu: Tel Aviv University Students Call for Intifada
This isn't in Gaza. Or Ramallah. It's Tel Aviv University.
These are the faces of pathetic hypocrites; students who receive a top-tier education and enjoy all that Israel has to offer, yet at the same time call for Intifada and violence against it.
Lebanese Political Analyst Naji Safa: The Houthis Should Attack Eilat, Haifa, or Tel Aviv in Israel in Order to Draw International Attention to Yemen #Houthis #Yemen #Israel #Iran #UAE
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) January 20, 2022
Houthi Military Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Yahya Sare'e Claims Houthi Responsibility for Monday Abu Dhabi Drone Strike: The UAE Is Unsafe So Long as Escalation Against Yemen Continues #yemen #Houthis #UAE
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) January 20, 2022
Khaled Abu Toameh: Why Palestinian Leaders Ignore Arab Atrocities
For now, it seems that the Palestinian leadership is ignoring not only the "tragedies" of its people in Syria, but even the complaints about the failure of the Palestinian officials to raise the issue with the Syrian government.Hamas, Fatah Delegations in Algeria to Discuss ‘Palestinian National Unity’
The Palestinian leadership apparently does not want to assume any responsibility for its people in the Arab world because that would mean spending money on them and providing them with various services. Palestinian leaders would, it seems, rather keep the money for themselves than assist their own people.
The Palestinian leaders appear more concerned about the return of the Assad regime to the Arab League than the return of tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians to their homes in Syria. These leaders know that it is far easier -- and far safer -- to condemn Israel than to demand that Assad cease committing atrocities against the Palestinians. Spewing hatred against Israel has no price tag attached. Criticizing an Arab dictator, by contrast, can prove costly in the extreme.
A senior Hamas delegation arrived in Algeria as part of the country’s attempts to foster Palestinian unity, Turkish broadcaster TRT World reported on Tuesday.PA Committed 2,578 Violations Against Palestinians in West Bank in 2021
The delegation was received by Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.
Consisting of senior Hamas members of the political bureau, the delegation was joined by Hamas political bureau head Ismail Haniyeh, who arrived earlier in the North African state from Qatar.
“We appreciate the Algerian role in supporting the Palestinian cause and hosting Palestinian factions with [the] insistence on achieving reconciliation and ending division status,” said a Hamas spokesperson, according to the report.
The Palestinian Authority committed 2,578 violations against Palestinians in the West Bank during 2021, the Committee of Families of Political Detainees announced on Friday.PMW: “Prepare the rifles… We’ll declare war… This is a threat” - Fatah threatens terror if terrorist prisoner dies of cancer
The violations included oppression of people, raids of mosques, dispersing protests in public squares, cancelling elections, and using clubs to beat anti-corruption protesters.
592 Palestinian detainees experienced "the worst, psychological, verbal and physical torture inside the PA prisons."
This pushed 43 to go on hunger strikes in protest against their detention conditions.
Nasser Abu Hmeid is Palestinian terrorist prisoner serving 7 life sentences for his part in the murder of 7 Israelis during the PA’s 5-year terror campaign, the second Intifada. He was a commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades (Fatah's military wing).
Nasser Abu Hmeid is now sick with lung cancer and although he is being treated in an Israeli hospital, the PA and Fatah are demanding that Israel grant him an early release from prison.
If Israel doesn’t give in, Fatah is threatening Israel with “war” and terror. Fatah uploaded the following “warning” and “threat” given in the name of Fatah’s military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – which is an internationally designated terror organization. Fatah promises to “burn the world” and “redeem” Nasser Abu Hmeid “with their blood” if he dies. It “declares war” and calls on Palestinians to “prepare the rifles”:
Father of terrorist claims imprisoned terrorists are “soldiers” according to Geneva Convention
"PA Building 16 Schools at Strategic Points in Area C"
The Palestinian Authority (PA) is working to establish 16 schools at strategic locations near Israeli communities in the Jerusalem area with European Union funding.
Over the weekend, the Committee for Combating Settlements, under the auspices of the PLO and the PA and with the direction of its new director Moaid Shaban, set up a permanent structure to serve as a school in Ein Samia near the Israeli community of Kochav Hashahar. Up until recently, tents and shacks owned by Bedouin squatters inhabited the place.
The construction operation that began over the weekend ended on Tuesday, and already yesterday the PA received an extension of 10 days from an Israeli court to present documents of ownership to prevent the demolition of the illegal construction. The PA says it intends to submit documents that will allow the building to be licensed.
Dozens of activists and members of the Committee for Combating Settlements participated in the construction operation, and throughout the night they poured concrete and erected the permanent structure. The Al-Quds Center for Legal Aid provided the legal defense. The European Union also co-financed the construction of the school.
On Tuesday, Civil Administration inspectors arrived and photographed the site, but the Al-Quds Center for Legal Aid obtained a court order to prevent the demolishing of the building.
The date for the establishment of the school in Ein Samia was chosen to mark nine years since the establishment of the PA’s illegal Ein al-Shams outpost. Ein al-Shams was established to prevent the establishment of an Israeli community in the Ma’ale Adumim area.
The Israel Guys: We Counted Palestinian Luxury Cars | (UNEXPECTED ENDING)
A former New York Times editor made a claim that Israelis drive fast cars down super highways whilst Palestinians make their way to their homes and villages via dirt roads on donkey carts. We decided that we should hit the streets and find out what kind of cars Palestinian-Arabs in Judea and Samaria really drive.
We probably had too much fun filming today’s adventure show. In the process, we’re grateful to have shed more truth on the real situation in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.
Qatari envoy Mohammed El Amadi met with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar amid reports that Qatar is planning to reduce financial aid to Hamas employees in the Gaza Strip.
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) January 20, 2022
How an Iranian vice president’s arrest warrant could change the world
Imagine that a fugitive facing serious criminal charges flies on a private jet into a country where he could be arrested: He lands, moves around freely, publicly attends a presidential inauguration and then safely escapes back to a friendly nation.Biden Admin Obstructing Dozens of Congressional Investigations Into Iran Nuclear Talks, Sanctions Relief
It’s a plot worthy of a Jason Bourne movie, except that in this case, the individual’s planned method of escape isn’t a daring act of spycraft, but something arguably more dangerous: political dealings.
As of the writing of this article, Mohsen Rezaee, former commander-in-chief of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Islamic Republic’s current vice president for economic affairs, is in Nicaragua for the fourth inauguration of Daniel Ortega, who many accuse of being an overtly authoritarian ruler.
For his part, Rezaee is wanted on charges of “aggravated murder and damages,” due to his alleged role in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which killed 85 people and wounded hundreds more.
In 2006, Argentinean authorities issued an international warrant for Razaee’s arrest. The following year, the warrant was entered as a “Red Notice” through Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization, which has 194 members, including Nicaragua.
In addition, Razaee’s flight path took him through the airspace of numerous other countries that are U.S. allies and Interpol members.
The Biden administration is obstructing more than a dozen congressional investigations into its diplomacy with Iran and its efforts to unwind sanctions on the hardline regime, according to a year-long foreign policy evaluation conducted by Republican leaders in the House.
The Republican Study Committee, the largest conservative caucus in Congress, disclosed on Thursday that it has sent over a dozen letters to the Biden administration asking for information on the lack of sanctions enforcement in the last year with no satisfactory response. The administration is stonewalling these investigations as it works to keep Republican lawmakers in the dark about the status of negotiations and economic sanctions on Tehran, according to the lawmakers.
One year into President Joe Biden's administration, "Iran is richer, stronger, and closer to a nuclear weapon" than ever before, the RSC concludes in its latest foreign policy assessment, which awards Biden a failing grade for allowing Iran to greatly expand its atomic weapons program. An advance copy of the RSC's investigation, led by Chairman Jim Banks (R., Ind.), was provided exclusively to the Washington Free Beacon. The report exposes how the Biden administration has repeatedly broken its promise to enforce U.S. sanctions as it pursues diplomacy with Iran's anti-American regime.
"It is clear that the Biden administration, while not technically lifting many of President Trump's sanctions on Iran, is tacitly providing sanctions relief through lack of enforcement, to coax the Iranians to re-enter the failed Iran nuclear deal," according to the Republican report card. "Unfortunately, such a tactic only hardened Iran's will to stall in negotiations and step-up provocation." This includes sponsoring terror attacks during the past year on U.S. outposts and allies in the Middle East.
In compiling the report, Republican leaders held meetings with former high-level national security officials and think tank analysts. The officials helped the RSC detail how the administration has relaxed pressure on Iran and helped the regime claw back from the brink of financial collapse.
“I say this for the first time that several resistance groups are now capable of manufacturing their own weapons especially drones…So if one day Soleimani’s successor decides to cut the support, if there is any,that won’t affect the resistance’s capabilities” says Mr. Khazali
— Nafiseh Kohnavard (@nafisehkBBC) January 19, 2022
#BREAKING Addressing UK House of Lords on Wednesday, Lord Polak, the honorary president of Conservative Friends of Israel, urged the British government to proscribe Iran’s IRGC as a terrorist organization as it has already done to Hezbollah and Hamas, which are sponsored by IRGC.
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) January 19, 2022
Texas Islamic Scholar Abdulrazzak Junaid: Feminism Aims to Enslave Women in Capitalist Society; Islam Has Given Women Their Rights at a Level No Western Society Can Match #texas #women #Islam
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) January 20, 2022