80 years later the echo of Wannsee persists
Eighty years ago, in the House of the Wannsee, the Nazi elite passed a death sentence on millions of European Jews. There, they set in motion the process that would lead to the most brutal mass murder in the history of humanity. That did not happen in some backwater but in one of the world’s most culturally, technologically, and scientifically advanced societies. Yet our present remembrance of the Wannsee Conference would lose much of its value if it did not also serve to sharpen our attention with regards to the contemporary threats to the Jews.Not Just The Mufti - the real extension of the Palestinian-Nazi collaboration
It is widely known that the protocol of the Wannsee Conference talks about 11 million Jews in Europe who are to be killed. Less well known are the plans for the murder of Jews outside Europe. A few weeks before the Wannsee Conference Hitler, in a face-to-face meeting, had promised Amin el-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, that he also wished to take the earliest opportunity to kill the 700,000 Jews living in North Africa and the Middle East.
A special concern during this meeting was the destruction of Zionism and the annihilation of the Jews in Palestine. In the event, the Allies proved able to defeat the Nazis. However, the idea of thwarting a Jewish state at any cost lived on and found a new home in Egypt, where, after 1945, the Muslim Brotherhood built the world’s largest antisemitic movement. The Brotherhood defended the alliance between el-Husseini and Hitler, declaring in 1946 that, “This hero [el-Husseini] fought Zionism with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone, but Amin el-Husseini will continue the struggle.”
The Mufti did indeed actively continue the Nazi struggle, playing a crucial role in inspiring the effort by the armies of several Arab states to snuff out the nascent Jewish state of Israel in 1948. Amin el-Husseini embodies the link between the Nazis’ big war against the Jews and the subsequent small war of the Arabs against Israel – a link that is described in detail in my latest book.
As we know, the Arabs too failed to defeat Israel. However, the idea of abolishing the Jewish state lived on. The Muslim Brotherhood passed on the baton to an Iranian cleric named Ruhollah Musavi, who would later become famous under the name Ruhollah Khomeini. Since the revolution led by Khomeini in 1979, Tehran has pursued the aim of destroying Zionism by force.
When did the Palestinian Nazi connection really begin?Blaming Israel, not Muslims, for Christian woes
Was it limited only to the famous encounter between the Mufti and Hitler?
And how much did this connection affect Palestinian nationalism in the decades that followed?
First mutual understanding 1933–1936
On March 31, 1933, two months after Hitler came to power, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, called on Heinrich Wolff, head of the German Consulate in Jerusalem. In his report to the Auswartiges Amt (Foreign Ministry), Wolff wrote that Husseini said:
“Muslims inside and outside Palestine welcome the new regime in Germany and hope for the spread of fascist, antidemocratic state leadership to other countries.” In his view, “current Jewish influence on economy and politics” was “damaging everywhere and needed to be fought.”
In the hope of doing economic damage to the Jews, Husseini opined that “Muslims hope for a boycott of the Jews in Germany because it would then be adopted with enthusiasm in the whole of the Muslim world.” Further, he was willing to spread the boycott message among Muslims travelling through Palestine and to “all Muslims.” He also looked forward to trading with “non-Jewish merchants” dealing in German products [1] In Nov 1933, it was reported, a direct contact between the German Nazis and the Palestinian Arabs, Arab Riot Leaders, revealed by Nazis
Between 1932 and 1935, political parties were formed among men of education, such as mayors, teachers, businessmen and lawyers. In March 1935 the Husseinis also formed a party, called the Palestinian Arab Party. It was, as its president Jamal Husseini freely boasted, inspired by German Nazism. It included the ‘Al-Futuwwa’ (‘The youth ’), modelled on the Hitler Youth, for a while actually called the ‘Nazi Scouts’. The Mufti was on friendly terms with the German consul in Jerusalem and told him that the Muslims of the world, for whom he apparently felt he was spokesman, hoped for the spread of fascism to other countries and would assist a worldwide anti-Jewish boycott.[2]
When Hitler proclaimed the Nuremberg Race Laws in September 1935, a number of Palestinian Arabs sent telegrams congratulating him: “Delegations from the Arab world participated in the Nuremberg marches of the Nazis, during the 1930s, and expressed their common disgust toward the Jews and their joint accusations of the Jews… Upon the publication of the racist Nuremberg Laws in 1935, Hitler received greetings from the entire Arab world, from Morocco to Palestine, where Nazi propaganda had taken root.” [3] (h/t L_King)
With all this, a recent declaration by church leaders in Jerusalem puzzlingly lays all blame for Christian woes in the Holy Land at the feet of Jewish and Israeli elements. They warned that Christians have become targets of “frequent and supported attacks by radical fringe groups”—Jewish ones, that is. Nowhere do they mention attacks, both physical and otherwise, initiated against Christians by Muslims. The religious leaders warned of a “systematic [Jewish] attempt to drive the Christian community out of Jerusalem and other parts of the Holy Land.”Emily Schrader: Why is there an anti-Jewish bias in the media?
Several days later, two leading Christian clerics, one in Britain—no less than the head of the Church of England, Justin Welby—and one in Jerusalem, wrote an article supporting the claims and clearly suggesting that Israel is at fault for the decline in the Christian population in the Holy Land. This, even though the Christian population in Hamas-run Gaza has plummeted by 80 percent (!) over the past 15 years, to around 1,000.
The article states: “The growth of settler communities and travel restrictions brought about by the West Bank separation wall have deepened the isolation of Christian villages and curtailed economic and social possibilities.” Again, these vague and undocumented accusations totally obfuscate the true picture of ongoing Palestinian-Arab persecution of Christians. The article does not even mention the P.A. or Muslims.
Regarding the insinuations that Israel is responsible for a drop in its Christian population, the facts tell a different story. Though the percentage of Christians in Israel has dropped drastically over the decades, largely because of the massive Jewish immigration to the Jewish state, in absolute numbers the Christian population in Israel proper has actually grown, and Israel is the only Middle East country in which this is the case.
It is notable that the Christian charity organization “Open Doors” attributes to “Islamic oppression” the steep decline of Christian numbers in the P.A.-controlled areas. The organization claims that “Islamic extremist militants” have been causing Christians to fear violent attacks.
In the aftermath of the hostage situation, the FBI issued an absurd statement, which they later clarified, claiming the hostage taker’s demands were focused on the issue and not connected to the Jewish community. The irony is that the issue was antisemitism.
As if on cue, the media lapped up the statement, quick to minimize any antisemitic motivations of the terrorist. The Associated Press even ran the headline “FBI: Hostage taker was not focused on Jewish community.” Except he very much was, that’s why he researched rabbis ahead of time and stated he wanted to kill Jews. That’s why he referred to Siddiqui as his sister. Siddiqui notably demanded in her trial that the jurors be genetically tested to prove they aren’t Zionists or Jews.
Pretending that taking Jews hostage at gunpoint in a synagogue on Shabbat because you want a known antisemitic terrorist released is actively contributing to antisemitism today and that is what the media did with their outrageous coverage of the Colleyville hostage-taking attack. There is no excuse for the intentional misrepresentation of the facts of the case throughout the 10-hour ordeal and no excuse for the anti-Jewish bias that’s spreading in the media, while it is Jews who are actually being attacked just for going to synagogue.
What began with bias and inaccuracy over Israel has now expanded to bias and gaslighting of the American Jewish community as well, and we cannot remain silent about the role of the media on this issue.
When Are We Going to Talk About Muslim Antisemitism?
In short, America’s most influential Muslim organization openly endorsed antisemitism. It declared war on American Jews. This is symptomatic of systemic antisemitism in the Muslim-American community that has resulted in very real acts of violence. And no one, it seems, wants to talk about it.Jew-hatred is out of control - opinion
This can no longer be tolerated. The conspiracy of silence surrounding the issue of Muslim antisemitism must end.
First, hate groups like CAIR and others like Students for Justice in Palestine, which engage in antisemitic incitement and sometimes violence, must be ostracized and isolated. Antisemitic Muslim-American officials, clerics, and activists like Billoo, Louis Farrakhan, Linda Sarsour, and Ilhan Omar must be held to account for their hate speech. Muslim-Americans who oppose antisemitism — and there are many — must be supported, promoted, and protected so they feel safe to speak out.
More than anything else, Muslim-American antisemitism must be cancelled. It should be expelled from polite society, and stigmatized for what it is: hate.
The gaslighting of American Jews must end as well. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict can no longer be a convenient excuse for antisemitism. If critics of Israel cannot criticize Israel without being antisemitic, they have no business doing so in the first place. If they cannot oppose Israeli policies without violating and destroying the Jewish body, then they must be stopped by any and all legal means necessary.
Thankfully, no one was killed during May’s mini-pogrom or in the Texas synagogue attack. But I do not believe this will be the case forever. Muslim-American antisemitism is like any other antisemitism. It will end in a murder. Unless we stop it.
When three congregants and their rabbi are taken hostage during Sabbath services in their synagogue in the small town of Colleyville, Texas, while it is streaming live, that’s Jew-hatred. Thankfully, after eleven harrowing hours, they were freed and none of the hostage were hurt – at least physically.
Unfortunately, when the FBI said that the hostage taking of four Jews in their synagogue was not an attack against Jews, but rather that the terrorist was singularly focused on one issue and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community, that’s an open invitation to other Jew-haters to take action and attack Jews and Jewish sites, especially synagogues.
The FBI statements revealed one of two things: Either Jew-hatred has become so common that the FBI cannot even see it anymore or the FBI is afraid to label the attack as one directed against Jews. Neither interpretation is, as our grandparents used to say, good for the Jews.
There is no doubt that the hostage taking was directed against Jews. Jews make up 2.4% of the population of the US and 0.6 % of the population of Texas. One must look very hard to find a Jew in Texas and even harder to find four Jews in a small community, in their synagogue. That cannot be left to chance. It cannot be done without a prior plan to attack Jews.
That the FBI, the agency tasked with running point on fighting Jew-hatred and fighting terror, would so misread the situation is appalling. That they later corrected their egregious error is a quintessential case of too little, too late: The damage has been done.
From 2015 (https://t.co/mfEGTKHiRJ): "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has apologized for using the word 'holocaust' to describe the health effects of vaccine programs in the United States." (He apologized "to all whom I offended.") https://t.co/1BVCXbswqe
— Eric Hananoki (@ehananoki) January 25, 2022
‘Antisemitic, anti-Jewish and anti-Israel’: CUNY professors sue faculty union over controversial resolution
Calling their faculty union “anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish, and anti-Israel,” six professors at the City University of New York have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit challenging what they call the union’s “monopoly” power to represent them.Students for IHRA, A StandWithUs Initiative
The suit stems from a June 2021 resolution from the union, known as the Professional Staff Congress, condemning Israel for “the continued subjection of Palestinians,” and a subsequent call by the union for its state chapters to consider supporting the academic boycott of Israel.
The plaintiffs claim that in the wake of the resolution and its followup, they were subjected to a hostile work environment on the basis of religion, and had no choice but to resign the union. The suit asserts that the plaintiffs have a right to fair representation despite no longer being members of the PSC.
Five of the six plaintiffs — Avraham Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Frimette Kass-Shraibman, Mitchell Langbert, Jeffrey Lax and Maria Pagano — are Jewish.
The suit claims that in the case of Lax, a professor at Kingsborough Community College,“CUNY and PSC leaders discriminated against him, retaliated against him, and subjected him to a hostile work environment on the basis of religion.”
Another plaintiff, Michael Goldstein, an administrator and adjunct professor at Kingsborough Community College, has experienced “anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist attacks from members of PSC, including what he sees as bullying, harassment, destruction of property, calls for him to be fired, organization of student attacks against him, and threats against him and his family,” according to the suit.
Although spurred by the union’s moves on Israel, the substance of the suit is a challenge to the union’s power to organize and negotiate on the part of public employees. Two organizations that frequently challenge the legal authority given to unions — The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and The Fairness Center — are providing free legal assistance to the plaintiffs. The lawsuit challenges a New York State law that allows unions to minimize representation of public employees who are not union members.
Goldstein called the faculty union “effectively a state-sanctioned monopoly.”
PhD student who defended the phrase “Stop the Palestinian Holocaust” has reportedly been suspended from teaching by Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield Hallam University has reportedly suspended a PhD student who defended the phrase “Stop the Palestinian Holocaust”.
Shahd Abusalama, who is studying for a PhD in cinema at the University, reportedly shared tweets defending a first-year student who had made a poster that said “Stop the Palestinian Holocaust” and who was accused by a Jewish student of antisemitism.
According to the International Definition of Antisemitism, which Sheffield Hallam has adopted, “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is an example of antisemitism.
On social media, Ms Abusalama defended the student by citing Jewish individuals who have made the same analogy, and also wrote: “I understand why a first-year university student used #Holocaust when thinking of Israel’s repeated bombardment of Gaza”, adding: “Maybe she thought she’d garner European sympathy for Palestine by evoking ‘Never Again’ slogan.”
She noted of the term “Holocaust” that she herself would not “use such a politicised word often used to justify the racist state of Israel” because it “distracts attention from the Zionist practices of settler-colonialism and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians.” However, she proceeded to use other inflammatory terms and claimed that the suggestion that the University’s Palestine Society should undertake antisemitism training in light of the incident was indicative of a “hierarchy of racisms” asking: “Are Islamophobia & Xenophobia insignificant? Prioritising one form of racism over others is itself racist and divisive.”
This was not the first time that Ms Abusalama has courted controversy. She is active in the BDS movement to boycott Israel, the tactics of which an overwhelming majority of British Jews find intimidating, and in the past she reportedly urged people to watch a video on YouTube called “Truth About Zionist Jews Talmud”, which presented numerous antisemitic myths about the Talmud. The video’s description asked “Why the Zionist don’t want us to know what’s in Talmud? [sic],” adding: “Why they want the teaching of the Talmud to be known only to Jews.”
Apparently, Shahd is rather fond of Holocaust inversion and fake news.
— GnasherJew®????? (@GnasherJew) January 25, 2022
We believe that those who hold disgusting views such as these have no place in a classroom, not even as janitors.
2/ pic.twitter.com/7m80UsdG1O
A housing ad in Facebook’s ‘Queer Housing Berlin WG’ group calls for cat lovers, non smokers and no Israel supporters/Zionists.
— StopAntisemitism.org (@StopAntisemites) January 25, 2022
ie - 95% of Jews need not apply @IsraelinGermany pic.twitter.com/SOwNLsSXXK
England footballers pictured partying with disgraced rapper Wiley
England Footballer Marcus Rashford has conand Jesse Lingard have been pictured posing alongside disgraced rapper Wiley in Dubai.
A picture shared by Wiley shows Manchester United players Rashford and Lingard alongside him following a performance at a nightclub in Dubai. It is not confirmed when the picture was taken.
Wiley, who has struggled to get bookings in the UK since he embarked on multiple antisemitic tirades online, performed at Club Blu Dubia on Sunday.
Video footage shows the rapper performing to busy crowds at the +44 event held on the 32nd floor of the V Hotel which is part of the Hilton hotel group.
The issue here is a lack of awareness Marcus. How antisemitism is viewed differently.
— David Collier (@mishtal) January 25, 2022
If this was any other form of racism, you and everyone else would be fully aware of Wiley and would have gone nowhere near him.
Jews just don't count and those who hate us get a free pass.
The Washington Post Gives CAIR a Boost
In 2013, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos acquired The Washington Post for $250 million — and despite slagging numbers in 2021, the newspaper’s value has reportedly only increased since then. The Post employs hundreds of journalists, editors, and “fact checkers,” and is one of the few American newspapers to continue to have foreign bureaus. In sum: the paper’s resources are considerable, particularly when compared to many of its competitors. But the Post’s reporting still comes up short.How Antisemitic 9/11 and COVID Conspiracy Theories Are Weaponized on Social Media
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) bills itself as a civil rights organization representing Muslims. In fact, however, the organization rarely promotes civil rights for others, and it has a long history of antisemitism. Several of its employees and lay leaders have been linked to terrorism. And yet, The Washington Post has seen fit to provide PR for the group.
A January 12, 2022, article by Post religion correspondent Michelle Boorstein and reporter Hannah Allam was more stenography than genuine journalism. The dispatch was ostensibly about “moles” inside of CAIR, but it treated claims by the organization uncritically.
The newspaper called CAIR “the nation’s biggest Muslim civil rights group,” but failed to note CAIR’s troubling history — which is a matter of public record.
As the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) noted in a June 2019 Jerusalem Post op-ed, CAIR has had no fewer than five former lay leaders or staffers who have been arrested, convicted, and/or deported for terrorism related charges.
Indeed, CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing case in US history. This latter charge comes not from CAMERA or the myriad of nonprofits, many Jewish, that CAIR has slandered as “Islamophobic.” Rather, it comes from the FBI itself.
What makes the COVID-19 conspiracy so pernicious is that it is taking root. In this respect, a report focusing on antisemitic incidents in the United Kingdom suggested that the abnormal conditions caused by the global pandemic have created an “entirely new type of [situation], informed by a sudden widespread reliance on [social media] platforms, demonstrating the ability, opportunism and speed of antisemitic offenders to adapt to a new social reality.”
The unique circumstances have also provided antisemites with new mediums through which to spread their warped views. For example, the hacking of virtual meetings and their subsequent disruption with antisemitic graphics and messages — a trend known as Zoombombing — has become a significant concern during the pandemic.
Eliminating antisemitic and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories from social media platforms is a tall order, one that requires tech giants develop and introduce tools that can immediately identify hate speech.
But before being defeated, antisemitism in all its forms must be clearly defined.
Recently, an open letter sent by a coalition of over 100 organizations, including HonestReporting, urged Facebook’s board of directors to adopt a policy based on the widely accepted working definition of antisemitism formulated by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
In response, Facebook announced that the company was updating its hate speech guidelines that will now, for example, ban posts containing stereotypes about Jews controlling the world. It was an important first step, but much more remains to be done.
As George Orwell famously conveyed, “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
Template BBC reporting on Sheikh Jarrah eviction
The BBC’s report of course makes no effort to explain to audiences precisely which clauses of “international law” or “international humanitarian law” supposedly preclude the eviction of people who have been shown in court not to be the owners of the relevant property.Indy writer whitewashes Bedouin violence, and 'liked' antisemitic tweet
As we see, the BBC’s presentation of the Jerusalem Municipality’s stance amounts to one hundred words, while the opposing view gets over two and a half times more coverage: two hundred and fifty-one words.
By way of broader background to the story, readers are told that:
“Both Israel and the Palestinians hold competing claims to the ancient city.
Israel – which occupied the formerly Jordanian-held eastern part in 1967, and effectively annexed it in 1980 in a move not recognised internationally – regards the whole of Jerusalem as its capital.
Palestinian leaders want East Jerusalem – which is home to about 350,000 Palestinians and 200,000 Jewish settlers – to be the capital of a future Palestinian state.”
As is so often the case in BBC reporting of stories linked to Jerusalem, readers are not told that Jerusalem was included in the territory assigned by the League of Nations for the creation of a Jewish homeland. The 19-year Jordanian occupation – and ethnic cleansing – of parts of Jerusalem is airbrushed by the BBC as usual.
The report ends with amplification of Hamas’ narrative concerning ‘Operation Guardian of the Walls’ in May 2021:
Al-Sanah fails to inform readers the Israeli forces were responding to violent rioting, not mere ‘protests’.
These acts of violence, which are being probed by the Shin Bet as possible terror incidents, include a Molotov cocktail hurled at a police station, a physical assault on a security guard, cars torched, rock throwing at passing vehicles, the burning of a journalist’s car and placing of rocks on train tracks leading to Beersheba which forced a passenger train to make an emergency stop.
Further, the afforestation work, which was limited to a small area of farmland, did not, as Al-Sanah claims, represent an effort to disposes Bedouin communities, many of whom have long lived in unrecognized townships scattered across Israel’s southern desert. Though the government has long sought to relocate them into planned, recognized cities, most Bedouins have refused.
Al-Sanah then attempts to elide the facts concerning rightful ownership of the land in question by use of pseudo-intellectual (Critical Social Justice inspired) jargon:
In a continuation of the settler-colonial discourse that has always been a feature of Zionist settlement in Palestine, JNF and Israeli officials claim that the Bedouins have no claim to private property and that the land is state land.
The question of who owns the land isn’t about “discourse”. It’s a legal case that goes back to 1973, and is still pending in Israeli courts.
Yes @jonathanliew @guardian, indeed let’s call if for what it is - your bigotry and antisemitism. https://t.co/4lWlOkLBmo
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) January 25, 2022
PreOccupiedTerritory: BBC Reports ‘Anti-Muslim Slur’ May Have Preceded 1941 Farhud Baghdad Pogrom (satire)
The UK’s leading public journalism institution suggested today that the Nazi-inspired and Nazi-fomented riot in Iraq’s capital during World War II that killed hundreds of Jews and injured hundreds more occurred after the mob heard several Jewish youths speak disparagingly of their non-Jewish neighbors, thus challenging decades of research showing both planning and preparation on the part of the mob to identify, abuse, torch, pillage, loot, beat, and murder.The Tuskegee Airmen and the bombing of Auschwitz
The British Broadcasting Corporation continued this evening its efforts from last month to prevent the public from perceiving Jews as victims of Muslim violence, building on an incident in which Muslim youths stoned a bus full of Jewish students in London, and BBC reporters insisted the Hebrew cries of distress and calls for assistance recorded in footage of the event in fact contained anti-Muslim slurs, an assertion that no acknowledged experts have backed up. A BBC item today mentioning the 1941 “Farhud” pogrom by Nazi-sympathizing and Nazi-supported rebels against British interests in Iraq at the time similarly raised the possibility that Baghdad’s Jewish community, and that of Iraq in general, brought the murderous, destructive riot on themselves by insulting Muslims.
Referring to unspecified “provocations,” BBC reporter Anne Tisemitt informed viewers that the Farhud differed from the historically peaceful relations that had prevailed in Iraq between Muslims and Jews for centuries, and that the aberration of the Farhud must have had an impetus that constant Nazi propaganda on the airwaves in the country, a coup by Nazi-backed insurgents, resentment of perceived Jewish closeness to hated British authorities, and longstanding underlying Islamic antisemitism cannot explain.
On the ground below, Jewish slave laborers, including 15-year-old Elie Wiesel, cheered the bombing. In his best-selling memoir, “Night,” Wiesel described their reaction: “We were not afraid. And yet, if a bomb had fallen on the blocks [the prisoners’ barracks], it alone would have claimed hundreds of victims on the spot. But we were no longer afraid of death; at any rate, not of that death. Every bomb that exploded filled us with joy and gave us new confidence in life. The raid lasted over an hour. If it could only have lasted ten times ten hours!”Dutch Tourist Detained and Fined for Making Nazi Salute at Auschwitz Site
But it did not. The gas chambers and crematoria were never targeted, even though there were additional U.S. bombing raids on Nazi industrial sites in the Auschwitz region in the weeks and months to follow—including attacks on Aug. 27 and Sept. 13 in which the Tuskegee Airmen participated.
Similarly, McGee and his fellow pilots were repeatedly sent to take part in attacks on railways and bridges in Hungary—but never the ones named in the Jewish organizations’ requests. For example, on Aug. 28, the 332rd Fighter Group of the Tuskegee Airmen escorted bombers hitting the Miskolc Min train marshalling yards north of Budapest. On Sept. 17, the 332rd participated in an attack on the Rakos train marshalling yards, located in Budapest.
The next day, the Tuskegee Airmen took part in the 304th Bombardment Wing’s attack on railroad bridges in Budapest. And on Sept. 21, they escorted B-17 bombers striking the Debreczen marshalling yards, east of the Hungarian capital.
The Roosevelt administration knew about the mass murder going on in Auschwitz, and even possessed diagrams of the camp that had been supplied by two escapees. But it never gave the order to strike the mass-murder machinery or the transportation routes leading to it.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s policy was to refrain from using even minimal military resources in connection with humanitarian goals, such as interrupting the mass murder of the Jews. U.S. officials did not want to deal with what they called the “curse” and “burden” of caring for large numbers of refugees. The president and his administration failed to confront one of history’s most compelling moral challenges.
The refusal to bomb Auschwitz remains the most powerful symbol of the U.S. government’s failure to do what should have been done. And the Tuskegee Airmen were eyewitnesses to the fact that it could have been done.
A Dutch tourist was detained and fined for making the Nazi salute at the former Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland on Sunday, police said.Bookstore changes synopsis for Protocols, after outcry for ‘neither supporting nor denying’ it
The 29-year-old woman, whose name has not been released to the public, made the gesture while posing for a photo taken by her husband in front of the death camp’s main gate that says “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work Sets You Free”), according to Agence France Presse. She was charged with engaging in Nazi propaganda, to which she confessed, and then issued a fine that she agreed to pay.
“She explained it away as a bad joke,” regional police spokesman Bartosz Izdebski told the Polish news agency PAP.
The woman’s husband was also detained and questioned by police.
A leading bookstore with 20 chains nationwide has changed the description for The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which it is selling, after initially saying it “neither supports nor denies the message” of the sick racist forgery.Concern Over Ontario, Canada Candidate Who Defended Naming Street After Nazi Naval Officer
Blackwell’s has been urged to issue a full apology after it listed the item on its website, translated from Russian, for £15.95.
Following complains that the synopsis for the book on its website justified its antisemitic contents, the description was amended to the following: “Not all documents that change the world are good — some are despicable, and leave hatred and bigotry in their wake. Such is the case with the 1900-era anti-Semitic manifesto “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Kelly, P. (2013) University of Washington.
This comes after the initial synopsis called it a book which “supposedly outlines a plan of action by elders of the Jewish Nation to rule the world — to take control over key organizations, including assets, in order to manipulate world affairs in their favour”.
The description for The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, says that “some say the issue has already been settled conclusively — that it is clearly a forgery. Although there may be final evidence to this effect, we have not seen a clear and convincing version of it produced by those making the claim.
“Others maintain that it was and is absolutely genuine — proven by the fact that all copies were destroyed in Russia in the early 1900s”.
A top Canadian Jewish organization has expressed concern over the provincial candidacy of a former mayor who named a town street after the captain of a Nazi warship.Yeshiva Student Punched in Face in Latest Antisemitic Attack on Brooklyn Streets
The Toronto Star reported in Nov. 2020 that Steve Parish, then-mayor of Ajax in the province of Ontario, Canada, supported naming a street after Hans Langsdorff, who commanded the Nazi warship Graf Spree.
“There’s no evidence Langsdorff was associated with the Nazi regime and its crimes,” Parish said at the time. “If there was evidence, I and council would not have done that.”
He claimed Langsdorff scuttled his ship in defiance of Hitler and the Nazi high command.
The town council voted 4-3 to rename the street.
Resident Adam Wiseman said at the time he understood that people want to “find something good in something so evil. It’s not there in Hans Langsdorff. I’m not one who wants to hide history. River Plate Drive, that’s a great name.”
Parish is now a candidate for a seat in the provincial election for the New Democratic Party.
The NYPD is searching for a suspect seen on camera punching a young Jewish man in the face early Saturday morning, the latest unprovoked attack against Hasidic Jews on the streets of Brooklyn.
Surveillance tape published by the Jewish news outlet COLlive shows the culprit crossing the street to harass two bystanders in the Crown Heights neighborhood, randomly hitting one of them in the face.
The victim was a 21-year-old yeshiva student, according to the outlet, standing outside his dormitory with a friend.
The perpetrator fled the scene, said the NYPD, which circulated footage of the suspect.
The Anti-Defamation League announced Monday it is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator.
“These attacks on Jewish individuals appear to have become normalized, but we must not let this be the case — an attack on anyone based on their Jewish identity or any identity is abhorrent and should not be tolerated,” said Scott Richman, ADL New York/New Jersey Regional Director. “We hope that this reward offering will help us send that message to the community.”
Saturday’s incident came hours after a 21-year-old woman was arrested for a disturbing attack on a group of young Jewish children in Brooklyn’s Marine Park neighborhood.
Photo of the attacker - call/tag/DM @NYPDHateCrimes with info. pic.twitter.com/jUhlKhEk25
— StopAntisemitism.org (@StopAntisemites) January 24, 2022
OUTRAGEOUS - Christina Darling was released from prison without bail within hours of being arrested for spitting on Jewish children & telling them "Hitler should have killed you all. I'll kill you. I know where you live." https://t.co/0tOjIV1YBD pic.twitter.com/J2wVlin4UH
— StopAntisemitism.org (@StopAntisemites) January 24, 2022
A stranger shouted ‘dirty Jew’ at my friend. I was entirely unsurprised
Last week, I was talking to a friend whose sons happen to love falafel. She was telling me how her boys recently went to their favourite restaurant in Golders Green to eat a load of them. As they sat outside munching, they spotted a car slow down in the road. Suddenly, the driver unfurled a Palestinian flag, screamed “dirty Jews!” and drove off.
In fact, neither my friend nor her sons are Jewish — it just so happens they like this particular falafel joint. But as she told me this awful story, I realised — with a profound sadness — that I was completely unsurprised. Because it’s happening to Jews all the time.
It’s completely shattering to think how the grimy tendrils of anti-Jewish hatred have spread over so many aspects of life in the UK, whether it’s being spat at or accosted in the street or any of the countless other acts of abuse.
For example, many in the Jewish community send their children to Jewish schools, and I think it’d break your hearts to see the precautions they have to take.
Of course, loads of other schools have security these days (that’s depressing enough) but none I know of need barbed wire and immediate armed response teams and regular terrorism drills — that’s what it’s like in nearly every Jewish school in London. It’s equally true when Jews go to pray. London synagogues teem with security inside and out — a necessity to protect the lives of the worshippers inside.
This one isn't going to peak and plummet in the coming weeks. https://t.co/Rhri1wCECQ
— Eugene Kontorovich (@EVKontorovich) January 25, 2022
Israeli Medical Discovery Could Help Stop Spread of Pancreatic Cancer
A team of researchers from Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center have discovered how pancreatic cancer cells spread in the liver, which could be key to developing treatments to slow it down and prolong patients’ lives.
The study, led by Dr. Tami Rubinek, head of the hospital’s oncology research lab, together with Ph.D. student Shani Journo, under the auspices of professor Ido Wolf, found that a mutation causing the disappearance of the “p15” and “p16” proteins appears more in liver metastasis and less in pancreatic cancer tumors in the pancreas or other areas of the body, such as the lungs or abdomen.
The researchers were able to show that when these proteins disappear, the cancer cell changes its properties and metabolic activity in a way that makes it easier for it to grow in the unique environment of the liver.
The liver is often the “killing organ,” Wolf told JNS, meaning patients often die when pancreatic cancer spreads to their liver.
In general, pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. Wolf said that once the cancer starts to spread, patients generally only live between six months and a year.
There are between 800 and 900 cases of pancreatic cancer diagnosed in Israel a year, according to the Health Ministry website. In the United States, around 60,000 new cases are diagnosed. The numbers are steadily rising, Wolf said.
Tel Aviv, Israel. The city that never sleeps
— Yonatan Gonen (@GonenYonatan) January 24, 2022
?? Ruslan Belikov/IsraelShots pic.twitter.com/JEekiiedjp
KKL-JNF Opens Its Archive to Honor the Lives of Holocaust Victims
On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, KKL-JNF selected some special visual moments from its archives to share with the public. The chosen photos show the continuity of Holocaust memorials in Israel, presenting how people honored the victims since the country’s establishment.
The photos include scenes of memorial services, work projects, families, artifacts, and more from the early years of the State of Israel. One unique photo even shows the burial ceremony held in Jerusalem in 1949 for the ashes of about 200,000 Holocaust victims from Austria.
Other pictures illustrate ceremonies that have taken place since 1951 in the national commemoration site – the Forest of the Martyrs. Six million trees were planted in this special forest in the Jerusalem mountains, in memory of the Jews who perished. Throughout the site, monuments and plots memorialize the communities and individuals that have been lost forever.
An annual ceremony is held in the forest on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, commemorating Jews who helped fellow Jews during the Holocaust.
This Thursday marks International #HolocaustRemembranceDay 2022, and the 77th anniversary of the liberation of #Auschwitz-Birkenau.
— Yad Vashem (@yadvashem) January 25, 2022
This short film outlines Yad Vashem's extensive online resources relating to Auschwitz- Birkenau
Holocaust survivors are speaking out against the abusive use of the unique horrors they suffered as a reference point in divisive debates on contemporary issues.
— Combat Antisemitism Movement (@CombatASemitism) January 25, 2022
What Holocaust victims went through #CantBeCompared!
Join the campaign- https://t.co/W8pk3fXRc4 pic.twitter.com/eS0Cjoq2ll