Hitler was not an enemy of the Jews, as they portray him, with evidence that he allowed 40,000 German Jews to immigrate to Palestine annually over a period of three years (1933-1935.)
[These numbers are exaggerated - EoZ.]
Assuming that he killed Jews, were the Jews only his victims?.. His victims were from many peoples, led by the German people themselves, he executed more than 63,000 of their sons. And there were Gypsies or Roma who were turned into guinea pigs by the Nazis. We in Egypt did not escape the scourge of the Nazis because of the minefields that claimed the lives of many Egyptians or left them with disabilities. Why should he compensate the Jews alone and not compensate others, even the Germans?!.
Even if the Jews were subjected to massacres, what was the fault of the Arabs and the people of Palestine to bear the consequences of a crime they did not commit? ..
Some time ago, an American researcher proved that the gas chambers were in fact clothes sterilization rooms. This is proven by scientific evidence that does not accept doubt. He visited the gas chambers in Auschwitz, Poland, and took samples from their walls without anyone noticing him, and returned to analyze them in America. The analysis did not show any trace of the gas that the Germans were using in the execution, so he came to the conclusion that they were not execution chambers. And he was persecuted after he announced the result of the discovery.
It is noticeable that Israel resorts to indirect methods to promote its lies as being more effective. It is assisted in this by the international media under Jewish influence. Western newspapers, for example, focused in recent days on a book published by a German-Dutch Jewish girl named "Anne Frank", a genius writer whose literary talent appeared at an early age after her birth in 1929 and extinguished with her death in 1945 at the age of 16. The book sets off a "surprise" that Frank was killed...
What is important here is the story indirectly implies that there were gas chambers.
Sometimes these lies are made by some Arabs and Muslims, such as statements made by "Fina Malik", the Pakistani actress residing in the United States. The Israeli press highlighted her in her report on her attack on the Jews when she said that Hitler killed half the Jews and left the other half to tell what happened!!!. Her statement implies that the gas chambers story actually happened.