The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), which is effectively the supreme legal authority accepted by the Muslim Brotherhood, just issued a fatwa that it is obligatory for all Muslims to boycott all Israeli products.
The 90,000 Muslim scholars who make up the organization issued the statement in response to Israel's agreements with the UAE, Sudan, Bahrain and Morocco.
The fatwa goes way beyond the BDS position. BDS limits its calls to boycott Israeli products in ways that would allow them to continue to use Israeli chips, Israeli technology and other Israeli products that are sold by non-Israeli companies.
The conclusive legal evidence indicates the necessity of an economic boycott of all goods, services and technologies produced by the usurper occupier, so it is not permissible to sell them, buy them, import them, use them, or market and promote them. Because all these products are included in the usurped money or what is produced from it, as long as they are generated from the usurpation of lands, farms, homes and water, and are the result of the occupying power and the gangs of occupying settlers. And whoever participates in that by buying and selling and the like, then he is a participant in the crimes of the occupation and consuming usurped and forbidden money, and he is a participant in sin and aggression, according to what the Sharia evidence have stated.
This says that Muslims who follow the IUMS cannot use Israeli technologies. And Israeli technology is behind the microprocessors in most computers, in the software of much of the Internet, in email protocols, in SMS messaging, in Google searches, in Microsoft operating systems, in 4G technology - it is nearly impossible to live in the 21st century without using Israeli tech.
I don't think they thought this through.
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