Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
The PA's foreign minister spoke before the UN Security Council and managed to get the usual suspects to praise the Palestinians and slam Israel.
The reason for the meeting was for the PA to push a 2018 "peace plan" that they put together as a response to the Trump recognition of Jerusalem. They are now treating this plan, where they are not expected to give anything up, as a serious proposal to try to regain some momentum and act as if they are interested in peace.
The "peace plan" includes:
An international peace conference led by the permanent members of the Security Council and the Quartet.
Accepting the State of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations
Mutual recognition between the State of Palestine and the State of Israel based on the "1967 borders."
An international multilateral mechanism to assist the two sides to resolve all permanent status issues within a specified time period with guarantees for implementation.
During the period of negotiations, stopping all settlement activities including East Jerusalem.
Freezing the US decision recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Implement the Arab Peace Initiative and no Arab nation can make peace until that is implemented.
"State of Palestine" capital is in East Jerusalem.
An international peace force to assist.
"A just and agreed solution to the Palestinian refugee issue on the basis of Resolution 194."
Continued international commitment to support UNRWA "until the refugee issue is resolved."
This is warmed over versions of Palestinian demands for years, where instead of Palestinians making actual compromises, they sit back and let the international community pressure Israel into making concession after concession on everything - Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, borders.
They are clearly hoping that the Biden administration will back them up.

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