Sunday, January 24, 2021
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
Karen Rodman is a BDS activist based out of Toronto.
She is also the director of Palestine Just Trade, a Canadian company that imports and resells Palestinian products.
Palestine Just Trade sells Ashkar Wines.
Ashkar Winery is in...Israel.
The winery is owned by Nemi Ashkar, an Israeli Arab Christian.
How can BDS sell Israeli wines?
If you look at the bible of companies to be boycotted by BDS, "Who Profits,"Ashkar isn't listed - and neither is Jascala, a similar Galilee winery which is owned by Arab Israelis.
We've noted this before. BDS claims it is anti-Zionist, but it only advocates boycotting Jews, not Israeli Arabs.
That same Who Profits? database can search for the names of the owners of the Israeli companies it boycotts - it has 500 companies in its database. If you look for typically Jewish first names like "Moshe" or "Yosef" you'll find plenty of companies with owners with those names, but if you look for "Mohammed" - nothing.
How much more proof do you need to know that BDS is antisemitic, and not just "anti-Zionist"?
(h/t Andrew and Bnai Brith Canada)