Nidal Abu Ghneim has taught at UNRWA schools in Jordan since 2002.
On his Facebook page, he features this graphic:
The map of British mandate Palestine and the AK-47 make up part of the number "67" for the number of years of Israel's existence.

The caption says ""What was taken by force will only be regained by force. The 67th anniversary of the Nakba."
Note that the gun is also a key, the symbol of "return." Which shows that when the Palestinian Arabs say they want to "return" to homes in Israel, they mean they intend to do it by force.
And this is what UNRWA teachers openly advocate, in explicit contradiction to UNRWA's stated policies. But they know that they won't be disciplined, so they have no fear of espousing their hate in public.
I have documented scores of these sorts of postings, and UNRWA refuses to do anything about it in a transparent fashion. But they claim that they take it very seriously.