Sunday, September 20, 2015

  • Sunday, September 20, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Links from EoZ as we anxiously await the return of the master Ian:

From Twitter:

Sorry, couldn't find an English-language news story about this as of this writing.

PA and Fatah officials behind Jerusalem terror
The Palestinian Authority and Fatah have been the driving force behind the ongoing riots in Jerusalem that peaked during the Jewish New Year with the murder of Alexander Levlovitch, whose car was hit by rocks thrown by Palestinians. Senior Palestinian Authority and Fatah leaders close to Mahmoud Abbas have called for violence to prevent Jews from visiting the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest religious site.
The following are some of these statements:
"Official Fatah Spokesman in Jerusalem Raafat Alayan called on 'all Palestinian bodies and national and Islamic factions in all regions of the homeland to enlist and go to the areas of conflict in order to 'explode' in front of the occupier and its assistants because of its repeated actions and attacks against the Al-Aqsa [Mosque].'

Why has the brutal beating of two Palestinian teens been ignored by the UK media?
A short video, filmed during clashes on Friday in Bethlehem, which shows PA security forces brutally beating Mahmoud Hamamra, 16, and his brother Ahmad Hamamra, 18, has gone viral within the Palestinian social media.
According to reports, after the beating seen in the clip, the two teens were then taken to a another location where they were again assaulted. Finally, they were taken to a police station where they were allegedly further brutalized. The brothers were reportedly hit with batons and cords, and punched and kicked by officers. PA police also reportedly used tasers all over their bodies. The older teen’s arm was broken as a result of the beating.
Thus far, the UK media has ignored the story. 
Just imagine how much coverage the story would have received if, for example, the two Palestinian youths were beaten by Israeli forces.
Not only UK media - all Western media and "human rights" NGOs ignored this story.

‘Brazilian president rejects settler leader as Israeli envoy’
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has told Israel that she is unhappy with the appointment of former settler leader Dani Dayan as ambassador to her country, the Ynet news site reported Sunday.
Rousseff is worried that accepting Dayan as ambassador would be understood as support of Israeli settlements, the report said.
The communique reportedly came as part of back-channel messages between Rio de Janeiro and Jerusalem in an attempt to warn Prime Minister Netanyahu not to go ahead with the appointment. While the rejection of an ambassador by a host country is rare, governments sometimes encourage the withdrawal of certain appointments to avoid diplomatic confrontations.
Rouhani: Don't Take 'Death to America' Chants Personally
When Iranian crowds chant “Death to America” during rallies in Tehran, Americans shouldn’t take it personally, according to Iran's president Hassan Rouhani.
Speaking in an interview with 60 Minutes due to be broadcast on Sunday, Rouhani explained that the famous Friday ritual is a reaction to previous Washington policy decisions that hurt Iran.
Despite the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, many in the United States are still convinced that Iran, which is ultimately led by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, remains bent on their country's destruction.
Opponents have often cited the regular appearance of chanting anti-American crowds as evidence of Tehran's true intentions, but Rouhani attempted to reassure his CBS interviewer Steve Kroft and the wider audience.
"This slogan that is chanted is not a slogan against the American people. Our people respect the American people," he insisted, according to AFP.
Does the same apply to "Death to Israel?"

"Jordanians rally in support of Al Aqsa" (Ammon News)
Thousands of Jordanians took to the streets of Amman and other cities across the Kingdom to protest Israeli provocations against Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Participating in a march in downtown Amman that was organised by the Islamic Action Front (IAF) following Friday prayers, hundreds of angry demonstrators chanted slogans expressing their support for Al Aqsa Mosque and calling for action by Arab countries to protect Al Haram Al Sharif, the third holiest shrine in Islam.
Murad Adailah, IAF spokesperson, described Friday as a day of anger against the Israeli aggression on Al Aqsa Mosque.
“Jordanians from across the Kingdom took to the streets in support of Al Aqsa today,” he said.
Adailah noted that demonstrators want the Jordanian government to put an end to diplomatic relations with Israel and stop what he termed political and economic normalisation with Israelis.
Swedish politician Nima Gholam Ali Pour astutely observed: “If someone had asked you a year ago what would be the most efficient way to cause a major war in the Middle East, you might well have said: Giving the mullahs in Iran the opportunity to get advanced conventional weapons, ICBMs, nuclear weapons and tens of billion[s] of dollars to fund terrorist organizations and destabilize other countries in the region.” Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a formula more likely to exacerbate current conflicts and stir up new ones.

Israel Boycotts Tip of the Anti-Semitic Iceberg
Even a cursory look at the recent history of the Middle East reveals this assumption to be utterly false. It’s not just that the struggle between Jews and Arabs predates the 1967 Six Day War when the territories came into Israel’s possession. In the last 15 years, Israel has repeatedly offered the Palestinians independence and statehood in almost all of the West Bank, a share of Jerusalem, and Gaza. Even the current government led by Benjamin Netanyahu went to peace talks with the Palestinian Authority in 2013 pledged to territorial compromise and a two-state solution. But each time the Palestinians turned down these offers (as Yasir Arafat did in 2000 and 2001), fled the room rather than have to give an answer (as current PA leader Mahmoud Abbas did in 2008), or simply blew up the talks without ever seriously negotiating (as Abbas did in 2014).
The reason why those offers were rejected goes directly to the expectations that a West Bank withdrawal would bring peace and along with it free trade for Israel in Iceland. The reason why Palestinians aren’t interested in a two-state solution is that even the supposed moderate Abbas (who just this week incited more violence by saying that Israelis were polluting Jerusalem holy places with their “filthy Jewish feet”) would not succumb even to American pressure to recognize Israel as a Jewish state no matter where its borders were drawn.

"Wake Up!": Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2015

  • He was told that his daughter refused to change her religion, so she was buried from the neck down, and then stoned to death. — Nigeria.
  • Nearly 300 Christian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram last year were being beaten, forced to convert to Islam, and indoctrinated into believing that their mission is to "slit the throats of Christians and to carry out suicide attacks." — Nigeria.
  • Christians kidnapped and held for ransom continue to be slaughtered even after their ransom is paid. — Pakistan.
  • "In most instances the victims are minors, young adolescent girls. They suffer sexual violence, forced prostitution, domestic abuse and even sold to human traffickers." — Sardar Mushtaq Gill, human rights lawyer, Pakistan.
  • "If the West wants to do something about the present crisis, the most effective thing would be to support local governments, which need sufficient armies and forces to maintain security and defend respective populations against attacks." — Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch.

Palestinians try to expel Israel's MDA from the Red Cross
A number of pro-Palestinian organizations have petitioned the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent to expel Israel’s national emergency medical service for using the emblem of the international federation on its ambulances operating in West Bank.
The Palestinian groups charge that Magen David Adom — the country’s medical, disaster, ambulance and blood bank service — is in violation of a Geneva Convention protocol stipulating Israeli paramedic teams use a neutral emblem while working outside the country, the Yedioth Aharonoth daily newspaper reported Sunday.
In 2006, the MDA emerged from decades of isolation and was admitted to the ICRC after agreeing to abide by a protocol adopted by Geneva Convention signatories the year before.
The protocol introduced a neutral “red crystal” emblem to be used by any relief teams in areas where there is sensitivity about Christian or Muslim symbols.

Chief Rabbis of Israel call on religious leaders to halt violence
Chief Rabbis David Lau and Yitzhak Yosef, today (Friday, 18 September 2015), called on Islamic religious leaders and the leaders of other religious communities in Israel to work together in bringing about an immediate halt to the violence in Jerusalem and its surrounding area and to prevent riots and violations of public order in the holy places, which are for prayer. The chief rabbis note that it is the responsibility of religious leaders to create an atmosphere that will forestall conflict and friction over the holy places.
"We expect our friends, our partners in the council of religious leaders in Israel, to condemn all those who desecrate the holy places and bring into them weapons of various kinds, and to prevent such phenomena. Israel allows freedom of worship for all faiths and respects their leaders. The holy places are for prayer alone. In these days, of the start of the Jewish year, we pray for a year of peace and coexistence for everyone in the world. May it be a year of tolerance and moderation and may the words of the prophet Isaiah, 'Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war anymore' be realized," the chief rabbis said.

You Deserve to be Offended
If the sight of a Jew praying offends you, you deserve to be offended.
If the sound of a Jew making a blessing on water, or saying the Shema, or just saying ‘The Lord is my shepard I shall not want’ offends you, you deserve to be offended.
If the sight of Jewish children drives you to scream in their faces and spit on them, you deserve to be offended.
If Jews desecrate your holy site just by their feet being in close proximity to it, then you deserve to have your holy site ‘desecrated.’
We are living in a crazy time. People who only wish to visit and pray at the holiest site in their religion are branded as ‘right-wing religious extremists’ while those who use violence and intimidation to prevent them from doing so are innocents whose rights are being threatened every time a Jew dares to quote a passage from the Book of Psalms.

From SpotlighingSA on Facebook:
Anti #Apartheid stalwart #Lekota after visiting #Israel and #PA slammed the false analogy being peddled to the uninformed by #BDS and co. The full interview is found here.

The meteor from Borough Park: Meet the Hasidic woman who manages risk for the NSA
This is the impossible story of a girl from a Hasidic community in Brooklyn, who was raised speaking Yiddish and studied Torah in Hebrew, of how she succeeded in breaking boundaries, shattering stereotypes and leaving the ascetic Borough Park neighborhood to study in prestigious Columbia University, while strictly observing her ultra-Orthodox tradition.
At the age of 31, she landed like a human meteor in Secretary of Defense Robert Gates' bureau in the Pentagon, and today, at the age of 39, Anne Neuberger holds a very senior position in the National Security Agency (NSA).
Anne learned from her father and grandfather the meaning of violating individual rights and comprehensive eavesdropping on citizens in communist Hungary, which they escaped from in favor of the United States. She also learned from her parents about terror.
She was five months old when her parents traveled to Israel for their first visit and left her at home with her grandmother. On their way back, they took an Air France flight to Paris with a stopover in Athens. They were not meant to be on the plane which was hijacked to Entebbe, but they changed their flight, she says.

In bid to defuse head-to-head holidays, group airs cheery video
There’s plenty of tension in the air following a series of stone-throwing and fire-bombing incidents on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and in the West Bank.
Now the Abraham Fund, a nonprofit organization promoting coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians, wants to make sure that the concurrence of Yom Kippur and Eid al-Adha — two of Judaism and Islam’s holiest days that are observed on the same day this year, though in diametrically opposite manners — doesn’t offer more opportunity for provocation.
So the group made a video.

These things always come from Israel, never from the PA.

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