Secretary-General of the PLO’s Executive Committee Saeb Erekat Monday expressed his disappointment in US President Barack Obama for ignoring the Palestinian question during his speech before the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.Only a couple of years ago the concept of "linkage" was trendy among so-called academics and pundits, claiming that if only Israel did what everyone demanded, there would be peace throughout the Middle East.
The PLO official wondered if President Obama believes that he can beat ISIS and terrorism, and bring about peace and security in the Middle East by ignoring the continued Israeli occupation, settlement construction, and attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque ]compound[?
Obama has dedicated large portion of his speech to the conflict in Syria, the campaign against the ‘Islamic State’ militants, the nuclear agreement with Iran and the refugee crisis in Europe.
The world has finally woken up to the fact that Palestinians are not the center of the universe.
Nothing upsets Palestinians than finding that they are irrelevant. They are so used to being coddled by the UN with their own agencies and permanent topics on the calendar and an entire Human Rights Council that spends more than half its time on them that when they fall from the top stories they are frightened by the idea that they might actually have to compromise for peace.
For example, last year Mahmoud Abbas' spokesman claimed that ISIS wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the "occupation."
That line of logic didn't get them far, so instead, they up the ante to push themselves back on the front pages.
Abbas promises a "bombshell" in his UN speech today.
And one of his officials yesterday threatened World War III over the Israeli restrictions of rioters on the Temple Mount.
Former Religious Affairs minister for the PA, Mahmoud Habash said that what is happening in Jerusalem at the Temple Mount will ignite World War III while speaking to official Voice of Palestine radio.
"Israel is sparking a war in its aggression against Al-Aqsa and this war will not be a political or a military war, but will be religious, and people all over the world will pay the price," Haash said, adding "if Israel does not stop its aggression against Al-Aqsa and if the world does not intervene right now, especially with the United Nations meetings currently taking place, there will be dire consequences. "
If there is any evidence that Palestinian Arab leaders have more emotional maturity than the average tantrum-throwing three year old, I haven't seen any evidence of it yet.