This is an update my Yom Kippur message of previous years.
I unconditionally forgive anyone who may have wronged me during this year, and I ask forgiveness for anyone I may have wronged as well.
Specifically (as enumerated in previous years, courtesy of The Muqata from a few years back):
- If you sent me email and I didn't reply, or didn't get back to you in a timely fashion -- I apologize. It is sometimes hard for me to answer everyone as I get busier, but I am sorry.
- If you sent me a story and I decided not to publish it or worse, didn't give you a hat tip for the story -- I'm sorry. (I sometimes get multiple tips for the same story and I usually credit the first one I saw, which is not always the earliest. And I cannot publish all the stories I am sent, although I try to place appropriate ones in the linkdumps, or tweet them. Whether I like it or not, I am an editor, as well as a writer, graphic designer, video producer, layout I really can't post everything.)
- If you requested help from me and I wasn't able to provide it -- I'm sorry.
- I apologize if I posted without the proper attribution, with the wrong attribution, or without attribution at all.
- I'm sorry that I don't give hat tips on things I tweet.
- If I didn't thank you for a donation, I'm very, very sorry.
- I'm sorry if I didn't give the proper respect to my co-bloggers Ian, Mike, Daphne, PoT and Vic. They are all great.
- I'm sorry if any of my posts offended you personally.
May this be a year of life, peace, prosperity, happiness and security.
I wish all of my readers who observe Yom Kippur an easy and meaningful fast.
And to my Muslim followers, Eid Mubarak!
I will not be posting until at least Wednesday night.
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