Iceland Capital’s Israel Boycott is Flagrant Violation of WTO Treaty
Reykjavik, Iceland passed a law boycotting all Israeli products. Both Israel and Iceland are parties to an international trade treaty which bans such boycotts.Boy tells Hamas children's TV he wants to 'blow up the Jews'
Translation of children's program broadcast on Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV shows interviewer asking young boys dressed in military fatigues what they want to be when they grow up. One boy replies: "An engineer ... so I can blow up the Jews."
Ann Coulter accuses Republican candidates of pandering to 'f---ing Jews'
Controversial conservative pundit Ann Coulter posted a series of arguably anti-Semitic tweets at the tail end of Wednesday night's Republican debate, accusing the candidates of pandering to Jewish voters, including one posing the hypothetical question of: "How many f---ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?"
Coulter, who has 660,000 Twitter followers, was reacting to the frequent mentions of Israel made by participants in the second televised Republican debate held Wednesday at the Ronald Reagan Library in California.
She first tweeted criticism of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's support for Israel when answering the question "What will AMERICA [emphasis her's] look like after you are president?", asking "How many f---ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?” She also wrote: "Good Grief, Huckabee is running for prime minister of Israel."
"Disgusting," charged Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish Human Rights NGO. "And if a simple, "I am sorry" is beyond the reach of the vocabulary of this noted wordsmith, then perhaps she has unearned her spot among top tier political pundits," Cooper concluded.
Is the West Encouraging Palestinian Terror?
The goal of rock throwing, which has indeed become something of a national sport for Palestinians, is to injure and kill individual Jews. Like more spectacular forms of terrorism they have tried, like suicide bombings or rocket attacks on Israeli cities from Hamas-run Gaza, the point is not to bring to Palestinian suffering to the attention of the world but to shed Jewish blood. It is the tangible proof of the fact that Palestinian nationalism is still inextricably linked to a belief that the presence of Jewish sovereignty over any part of the country, whether across the 1967 line or inside them, is unacceptable. All Jews, such Alexander Levlovich, who was killed as the Jewish New Year began, or Adele Biton, the four-year-old Israeli girl who died in February as a result of injuries suffered in a similar incident, are considered fair game for Palestinians because their goal is to eradicate the Jewish state, not to pressure it to make territorial compromises that Israeli governments have already offered to no avail.
Mahathir: "Jews celebrate when Muslims kill each other"
At an event held by known hardline Islamic group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma), former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today urged Muslims in the country to embrace differences of opinions.
Today Dr Mahathir claimed that divisions in the Muslim world often resulted in bloodbaths, much to the joy of the community’s enemies – the Jews and the US.
“So what happens is we end up killing each other and when that happens the ones clapping are the Jews and the US,” he said.
US Intelligence WRONG-ISIS Is Winning The War In Syria
The intelligence analysts who investigated the reports say that their superiors in CENTCOM altered conclusions on a number of topics, among them the effects of the air campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. This was done in order to present a more positive picture of the war effort against the Islamic State to the Obama administration, Congress and other intelligence agencies.
This was the second time in one week that a media outlet reported that U.S. intelligence reports on ISIS have been inappropriately altered by high-ranking officials in the U.S. Central Command in the Middle East.
Last week, The Daily Beast reported for the first time that a group of 50 intelligence analysts had complained that intelligence on Islamic State was incorrect.
Why Aren’t Palestinians Joining The Rush To Europe?
If these particular Arabs are so unhappy about living among Jews that it drives them crazy enough to commit such frequent acts of random bloodshed, why stay? Logic assumes that they’d be happier among their brothers – in Syria, for example. No wait. The Syrians are leaving in droves. They’re not happy among their fellow Syrians.New York Times Employs Veteran Of Anti-Semitic Hate Site
Same for Iraq, Yemen, Libya and a dozen other such places where Arabs can’t live in harmony with Arabs, never mind Jews.
Arabs are miserable living with Jews. Arabs are miserable living with Arabs. Do we have this straight? Seems so, even if we are only talking about a minority. But a minority is still a big crowd, enough to fill entire stadiums, like the ones in Hungary, a nation that is trying to keep them penned in to thwart a full-scale invasion of the continent.
Despite a couple of articles about The Palestinian Authority’s failure to pay its electric bill and the Palestinian Arab women who harass Jews on the Temple Mount, for the most part, Hadid has simply joined the Hamas propaganda team that is the Times’s Jerusalem Bureau. This should come as no surprise, considering her background at Electronic Intifada and at the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment.
Electronic Intifada is a hate site that supports Hamas. The anti-Semitism of its founder, Ali Abunimah, has been well-documented. Abunimah is personally on record supporting Hamas. Another one of EI’s reporters proudly declares on Twitter that “Objectivity is bullshit.” Hadid wrote at least seven articles for EI between 2002 and 2003.
In January of 2003, Hadid wrote a story in EI about her own evasion of Israeli police in Jerusalem. And in April of 2002 she wrote of her own role in a protest at the Qalandia checkpoint.
Returning to the Copy Desk, Briefly
MEMO FROM: Copy desk TO: New York Times Foreign desk RE: Diaa Hadid for AM international; mark-up attached HEAD: Jewish Man Dies as Rocks Pelt His Car in East Jerusalem [ED: “As rocks pelt his car”? How exactly did the rocks go about doing this? Are these special angry Palestinian rocks that get up off the ground and hurl themselves at Jews? Unless we’re talking about The Rock, in which case he’s going by “Dwayne Johnson” these days, I don’t think a rock is capable of committing an act of violence on its own.] BYLINE: Diaa Hadid DATELINE: Ramallah, West Bank, 14 September 2015 COPY: A Jewish man died [ED: “was killed.”] early Monday morning after attackers pelted the road [ED: “pelted the road”? They were aiming at the pavement? Please clarify.] he was driving on with rocks as he was returning home from a dinner celebrating Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, the Israeli authorities said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called an emergency meeting to discuss rock-throwing, mostly [ED: “mostly”? Which other rock-throwers were discussed at the emergency meeting?] by Palestinian youths.
UNRWA to legitimize Hamas front group today at UNHRC panel
UN Watch urged UNRWA, the relief agency for Palestinians, not to legitimize a Hamas front group known as the “Palestinian Return Center” (PRC) and to stop its Brussels-based representative Elena Mancusi-Materi from addressing a panel event organized today at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.Iran says it can target all US bases in Middle East
“By legitimizing a known Hamas front group, this incident only underscores the serious questions raised recently about UNRWA’s neutrality in light of its failure to discipline at least a dozen UNRWA officials who, as documented in our report, are spreading racial hatred and inciting to terrorism on the Internet,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of the non-governmental Geneva-based monitoring group UN Watch.
There are "no limits" to the number of missiles Iran could launch at U.S. military bases in the Middle East, the deputy head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami, warned in an interview with an Iranian television station that aired on Wednesday.
"If [the Americans] attack us, we have precision ballistic missiles with which we can target U.S. military bases," Salami said.
According to Salami, Iran possesses "a unique ballistic missile that, perhaps, only Russia and the U.S. have, and it is almost impossible to counter this missile."
Nobel director regretted Obama peace prize
Geir Lundestad, who served as Director of the Nobel Institute for 25 years, wrote in a newly released memoir that although the five-strong Norwegian Nobel Committee had all agreed to give Obama the award, his record in office since receiving the prize had shown it to be a mistake.
According to Lundestad, the argument which swayed the committee was that the prize would help him achieve his goals.
"In hindsight, we could say that the argument of giving Obama a helping hand was only partially correct," he wrote, according to VG newspaper.
The cynical use of Al-Aqsa
Given this regional disaster, the crazy notion held by idiots and anti-Semites that the "Palestinian problem" is the root of all conflicts in the Middle East and that solving it will lead to peace have fallen apart. The world is witnessing the massacres, the rapes and selling of women into sex slavery, and the destruction of churches, mosques and archaeological sites carried out by Muslim Arabs, and it understands that this notion is baseless.Official PA daily promotes rock throwing and sacrificing oneself for the Al-Aqsa Mosque
Overshadowed by the regional disaster, the Palestinian hope of getting the international community to pressure Israel on the "right of return" for refugees has become a pipe dream. No one is truly interested in the fabricated plight of Palestinian refugees, which has been force fed to the world by UNRWA and its ilk.
Several Israelis have been injured and many Palestinians arrested over the Jewish New Year holiday as a result of Palestinian violence on the Temple Mount and in Jerusalem. The official Palestinian Authority daily has encouraged Palestinians to continue throwing rocks at Israelis and to sacrifice themselves to defend and save the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem.
A cartoon shows a Palestinian man who has ripped out his heart and is throwing it as a rock. The PA printed this cartoon the day after the death of Israeli civilian Alexander Levlovitch, whose death is suspected to have been caused by rock throwing.
Eminent Palestinian sheikh asserts right to ‘self-defense’ on Temple Mount
Incensed by increasingly self-confident Jewish activism on the Temple Mount and the perceived Israeli government backing they receive, a senior Islamic cleric on Wednesday justified Muslim violence on the holy site as legitimate self-defense in the face of imminent danger.Tel Aviv named "one of the best party cities in the world"
Nicknamed the "Big Orange" for its "Big Apple" (New York)-like 24-hour lifestyle, Tel Aviv offers a diverse nightlife scene, says Telegraph Travel's Soo Kim. Hangouts range from underground clubs around the trendy Rothschild Boulevard, to the high-end bars of the chic Neve Tzedek district, to the alternative spots in the bohemian quarter of Florentin and beachfront bars along the coast. The Imperial Craft Cocktail Bar, tucked away in the unassuming Imperial Hotel on Tel Aviv’s promenade, is a good place to start. Voted "Best bar in Africa and the Middle East" at the World’s 50 Best Bar Awards last year, the intimate spot offers original concoctions and unique twists on classic drinks and is open until “the last customer”.