He wasn't able to loosen the wheel bolts by himself so
an IDF soldier from "The Jordan Lions" (a new unit which has both female and male soldiers) came to help him.
A female soldier covered them while the tire was being changed.
A truck driver named Noah who passed by took photos.
"The media in Israel and around the world constantly show our soldiers in unpleasant and difficult situations and it was important for me to stop and photograph this event for all to see how troops are amazing...The truth is I was very excited. I approached the soldier and I said, 'good for you!.'"
The anti-ISrael crowd knows better, however. They know that every good thing ever done by an Israeli Jew for an Arab is a highly staged photo-op to distract the world from IDF crimes and the occupation and the genocide and the ethnic cleansing and the torture and all of the other things that everyone knows Israelis do every day.
(h/t Yenta)