Nabil Abu Rudaineh, the spokesman for the president, said that without resolving the Palestinian issue there will not be there any solutions to the problems of the region.In other words:
He added that any regional alliances must lead to ending the occupation and the preservation of the national rights of the Palestinian people. What happened in the Gaza aggression is the biggest proof of the need for immediate action to restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.
He said with that all that is seen in the explosion of violence and civil wars and the collapses of states and entities in the region makes it imperative for regional and international powers to work hard to address the issue of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and the establishment of an independent state with its capital in East Jerusalem.
Abu Rudeineh said that the States United States of America and all of us must be aware that this solution which will lead to drying up the sources of terrorism and will give the region to regain the balance necessary to create a climate of peace and stability of the region and the world.
"We aren't on the front pages anymore, and that means less money and less attention to our issues. Forget Libya and Syria and Iraq and ISIS and the Kurds and Yezidis and Yemen - we are the center of the universe and our priorities must be ahead of everyone else!"
ISIS beheading are ruining the long-running Palestinian pity party.
It is scary how many people actually still believe this absurd "linkage" logic. Then again, most of them have an ulterior motive.