Friday, August 01, 2014

  • Friday, August 01, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
A few days ago, the humor site PreOccupied Territory (that has a weekly column here at EoZ) wrote this:
UN Slams Israel For Intercepting Rockets During Ceasefire

After Israel announced it will abide by the terms of a US-proposed halt to a three-week-old Israeli offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the United Nations Security Council denounced the Jewish State for nevertheless continuing to shoot down Hamas rockets aimed at Israeli communities.
The reality has caught up with the satire.

From Al Jazeera:

Navi Pillay, the UN human rights commissioner, on Thursday ...criticised the US, Israel's main ally, for failing to use its influence to halt the violence.

"They have not only provided the heavy weaponry which is now being used by Israel in Gaza, but they've also provided almost $1bn in providing the Iron Domes to protect Israelis from the rockets attacks," she said.

"No such protection has been provided to Gazans against the shelling."
Yes - the UN is blaming the US for providing purely defensive weapons to Israel, apparently because of a brand new international law she made up that all weapons must be provided to all sides of a conflict. No country may give military aid to any country without giving the exact same aid to its enemies. It's proportionality!

This is a new level of stupid even for the UN. And that's saying something.

But because Israel is the country being singled out for this idiocy, Pillay won't be pilloried.

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