- The terrorist in the "righteous gentile" family house
- My list of Hamas violations of int'l law makes it to the UN
- Every IDF officer has more training in international law than practically every columnist and reporter
- Hamas was planning mega-attacks from both Gaza and the West Bank
- Zionist Muslim doctor, and others, spank Lancet for publishing anti-Israel article
- Corrupt, pro-Hamas UN offers to "monitor" cement imports into Gaza
- Terrorist listed as a 13-year old civilian by "human rights" orgs - 3700 Facebook likes!
- HRW's Ken Roth explicitly supports Hamas war crimes
- B'Tselem's methodology even worse than previously reported
- Hamas issues fake outrage over "civilian" deaths - as it admits to targeting civilians
- Yaacov Lozowick's short defense of Israel at Mondoweiss
- BBC's Jon Donnison loses what little credibility he still had
- MUST READ: Forbes withering criticism of US media coverage of Gaza
- "Palestine" nominates poster collection for UNESCO - but there are none from before 1967
If I would re-do it, my Gaza war e-book would be at least three times as large today....