Now a second person has been killed by celebratory gunfire - in Lebanon:
A Palestinian man was killed by stray bullet after celebrations broke out in refugee camps across Lebanon over a long-term truce that ended 50 days of fighting in Gaza, security sources told The Daily Star.It's a cycle of
The accidental death of Omar Mohammad, 32, Tuesday night stirred tensions in the sprawling Ain al-Hilweh, the largest of the 12 Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, as the family of the victim started shooting guns in the air in reprisals.
Meanwhile, the AP article I linked to yesterday about the first victim has been scrubbed to not mention it anymore. You can still find it in older versions.
Hamas pressure, anyone?
Arabic media says the first victim was 19 and that 50 were injured in Gaza from the gunfire.
(h/t Binyamin)