Khaled Abu Toameh: Why Jordan Doesn't Want More Palestinians
When Arab countries such as Jordan, Syria and Lebanon move against Palestinians, however, foreign journalists choose to bury their heads in the sand. Such has been the case with Jordan and its mistreatment of the kingdom's Palestinian majority.Brendan O'Neill: The kosher controversy at Sainsbury's speaks to a profound problem: acquiescence to anti-Semitism
Jordan's dilemma is that if it allows more Palestinians into the country, the kingdom, which already has a Palestinian majority, would be transformed into a Palestinian state. But by mistreating the Palestinians and depriving them of basic rights, Jordan and other Arab countries are driving them into the open arms of extremists, especially Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.
The Jordanians have clearly chosen to follow the second option, which means keeping as many Palestinians as possible out of the kingdom. As far as King Abdullah is concerned, it is better to have radicalized Palestinians outside the kingdom than to let them into the kingdom, where they would cause him more trouble. (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Were you outraged by a Sainsbury's store's decision over the weekend to hide away its kosher foods in an attempt to placate anti-Israel protesters? You should have been. For this incident, though seemingly a one-off, speaks to a profound problem in Europe today – the respectable classes' acquiescence to anti-Semitism; their willingness to accept anti-Semitic sentiment as a fact of life and to shrug it off or, worse, kowtow to it.UK Consul General Wears Arab Keffiyeh Branding Israel as 'Free Palestine', MP Calls for Heads to Roll
The kosher incident took place at the Sainsbury's in Holborn in London. When a mob of anti-Israel protesters gathered outside the store, the manager took the extraordinary decision to take all kosher products off the shelves lest the protesters target them and smash them up. Kosher foods, of course, are Jewish not Israeli; they are part of the Jewish dietary requirement, not part of any kind of Israeli food corporatism. To shamefacedly hide away such foodstuffs in order to appease a gang of hot-headed Israel-haters is an attack on a religious people and their rights, not on the Israeli state. That in Britain in 2014 we have store managers taking kosher foods off public display should be of concern to anyone who hates prejudice and racism.
A picture has emerged of the British Consul General to Jerusalem wearing an Arab Keffiyeh (scarf) with the Palestinian flag draped over the entirety of the State of Israel and the Palestinian territories. The image depicted on the scarf is the one used by protesters and belligerents in the region who wish to see the State of Israel wiped off the map.
The picture of Dr Alastair McPhail is from the Islamic Relief Palestine website, and depicts the inauguration of the Health Professions Lab at Al-Azhar University, a facility which was co-funded by Islamic Relief and the British Consulate.
Member of Parliament Bob Blackman implied that McPhail's position was untenable. He told Breitbart London: "Someone who is expressing such views has no place in supporting the government or civil service of the day. The whole purpose behind the peaceful solution is to promote two states side by side. Wiping one state off the face of the map hardly fits with this aspiration".
Newry mayor Dáire Hughes faces no confidence vote over request to boycott Israeli goods
The Mayor of Newry is facing a vote of 'no confidence' after his request for businesses to boycott Israeli goods.Damaging boycott is cost of city flag stunt
Unionists will propose a vote of no confidence in Sinn Fein mayor Dáire Hughes at tonight's meeting of Newry and Mourne Council, and called on him to apologise or quit his position.
Last month unionists called on Mr Hughes to say sorry for sending a letter out urging shops not to sell Israeli goods over the country's military actions in Gaza.
The trip, which would have injected hundreds of thousands of pounds into Glasgow, and the Scottish economy, was a reward to 600 salesmen and women, and their spouses.J Street U Rewards Discredited Ex-Student Leader With Full-Time Position
The Vice-President of one of the leading special event companies in the US has told the council that the planned six-day trip is off.
But, after reading about Glasgow’s decision to fly the Palestinian flag over the City Chambers to show solidarity with Gaza, the New York-based vice-president of the company wrote to Glasgow’s Lord Provost, Sadie Docherty, saying: “I was, until I read the article in the Scottish Express, and substantiated by the press all over the world, spearheading an event in Glasgow for 600 business visitors to be guests of your wonderful city.
“Having read your statement endorsing Hamas and its leadership due to the number of Muslims in your city, I have decided to cancel all plans for our trip. We are a Fortune 500 Company, so costs were really not a serious consideration, location was.
“Hopefully, the Muslim population that you so sincerely endorse will have the spending power of the very people you have chased away so well.”
A former student leader who garnered national attention for his factually inaccurate essays and relentless attacks on pro-Israel leaders has been hired as the Mid-Atlantic Campus Organizer for J Street U.Time for the EU to Outlaw All of Hezbollah
Jacob Plitman, who served as the J Street U National President during the 2013-2014 academic year, has assumed the role as organizer after a checkered tenure at the helm of the J Street U National Student Board. "Jacob joins J Street U after a year spent as the President of J Street U’s National Student Board and as a full-time Organizing Fellow for Define American," wrote J Street. "With Define American, Jacob helped to coordinate a media and political strategy centered around the organization’s film, Documented. On the day of its CNN release, the plan paid off; the film’s hashtag trended nationally on Twitter."
Plitman's willingness to post factually inaccurate information was highlighted in a June report from the Washington Free Beacon, which deemed Plitman and the organization "Anti-Israel, Pro-Lying":
For France, Hezbollah’s role in Syria prompted President François Hollande to mete out punishment to Hezbollah’s so-called military arm. The discipline did not influence a change in Hezbollah’s behavior. In light of the identification of Hezbollah member Mohamad Hassan El-Husseini last week, it thus seems an apt time to ask, why Europe has a blind spot toward an organization whose raison d’etre is anti-Western terrorism.Broken Britain
It is admirable and long overdue that France plans to ban jihadists from departing for Syria. The United Kingdom’s arrest of jihadists aiding radical Islamic terrorist groups is also encouraging. Sadly, it took the shootings of four people in May at the Jewish Museum in Brussels by a French national who spent time fighting in Syria to jolt the counterterrorism establishment in France in particular and in Europe in general.
Yet, amidst this newly found steely resolve to confront radical Islamist fighters, Europe is still hesitant to go after Hezbollah. This is a mistake—Hezbollah’s hands are drenched in the blood of Syrians, Lebanese, Israelis, Americans, French, Argentines and others. Cutting down their European network of operatives, intelligence gatherers and money collectors will go a long way to serve European interests in the Middle East.
In recent weeks the Jewish community in Britain has seen its fair share of alarming hatred from this obscene Islamist-communist alliance. In the UK there has been a 36 per cent rise in the number of anti-Semitic incidents since the start of Operation Protective Edge.Who watches the watchers?
Businesses in Manchester, Whitechapel, Brixton, Brighton and Birmingham have been attacked and/or forced to close because of pro-Palestinian protestors. Jews have been attacked in the street and the windows of a Belfast synagogue have been smashed.
But it is in Greater Manchester and London – home to Britain’s two largest Jewish communities – where Jews are experiencing the worst and most sustained anti-Semitic hatred. Protestors have barricaded businesses, thrown eggs and drink cans at Jewish pedestrians, and hurled torrents of racist abuse. Jews (and non-Jewish supporters of Israel) are regularly subjected to accusations of bloodletting and baby-killing, thus recalling the detested medieval blood libel.
Events in Manchester have come to symbolise the plight of British Jewry. The city centre has witnessed an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism since the start of the Israeli-Hamas war. Pro-Palestinian protestors make Nazi salutes and make obscene comments about Jewish suffering under the Nazis.
Indeed. the performance of the media in covering the Israel-Gaza conflict remains the one area of investigation that is sorely needed. And if truth be told, why should the media be afraid of an assessment of its performance? After all, it is a profession that claims the moral high ground, asserts that it is only pursuing “the truth,” claims that it is the only institution in a free society that can provide accountability to the actions of the government, hence the moniker “Fourth Estate” for the media, and portrays any criticism of its performance as somehow an attack on “free speech.”Guardian readers’ editor claims that Hamas ‘denies’ using human shields
But who watches over the watchers?
Well, no one actually does. Yet the media likes to proclaim they are self-policing and that any external oversight would be a violation of the fundamental right to free speech. So from time to time, ever so rarely, we actually witness the media admitting to mistakes and inaccuracies in its coverage. Generally speaking however, those admissions of wrongdoing are initiated not by the high priests in the mainstream media but by “lesser” media on the periphery of the priesthood, outside observers and critics who have caught the media with their hands in the cookie jars and by truly honest journalists, few as they are, snubbed and derided by the mainstream media. Just look at how established journalists Bernard Goldberg and Sharyl Attkisson were viciously denigrated and attacked by the mainstream media after they had the chutzpa - actually integrity - to criticize the performance of their own co-religionists.
Evidently, Elliott didn’t see this widely circulated MEMRI clip of Hamas Spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri (from Al-Aqsa TV on July 8th) commenting on one of the many well-documented ‘human shield’ incidents.Giles Fraser finds one righteous Jew – and his name is Gideon Levy
Contrary to Elliott’s claim, the official Hamas spokesman couldn’t possibly have been clearer about the use of human shields: “We in Hamas call upon our people to adopt this policy“.
Indeed, many within the Guardian Left often insist upon the virtue of ‘left-wing’, ‘peace activist’, ‘human rights-advocating’ Israelis, in contrast to the living, breathing obstacles-to-peace represented by the ‘right-wing’, ‘settler’, ‘ultra-Zionist‘, ‘war-hungry’, ‘anti-Arab’ variety Israeli – a paradigm that’s been compromised of late by the near universal Israeli support for their country’s war against an extremist movement which calls for the mass murder of Jews known as Hamas.March against rise of anti-Semitism in Europe
Israeli writer Amos Oz, a founder of “Peace Now,” explained recently why he supports the war, by stating quite simply: “The only way to repel aggression is unfortunately by force”.
This clearly presented a dilemma for the Guardian’s Giles Fraser, in his Aug. 7 op-ed, “Against the war: the movement that dare not speak its name in Israel“.
So, what to do?
Find a ‘brave’ Israeli peace activist.
Fraser’s protagonist is Ha’aretz’s prolific anti-Zionist, Gideon Levy, whose infamous record of baseless claims includes falsifying a poll to suggest Israeli support for apartheid (for which he was forced to apologize) and parroting the ‘Zionism = Racism’ canard in declaring that “a Jewish state means a racist, nationalistic state, meant for Jews only.”
A Swedish Jew, Anna Sjögren, says she was attacked for wearing a Star of David pendant.In Other News...Egyptian Refuses 'Peace Game' With Israeli Soccer Star
Anna says she was walking in the Gottsunda district of Uppsala, which has many Muslim immigrants. A Muslim girl who saw her pendant cursed and spit in her face. Anna shoved her back. Then somebody threw a sharp object at her face. All the witnesses claim Anna slipped and fell. Anna says that one of the attackers told her that she should shut up or they’ll kill her. A local security man, also Muslim, took her to the hospital. She did not yet file a complaint, as she does not know who attacked her.
Even as Egypt plays the role of intermediary in the ongoing truce talks between Israel and Hamas, an Egyptian soccer star has refused to play in a game of all-stars arranged by Pope Francis for "peace between Israel and Palestine."Sydney police seek to block protest at Israeli film festival
The celebrity soccer match is to be held in Rome on September 1, and will include Argentinians Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona, the latter of whom has been vocally anti-Israeli, along with numerous other star players.
Representing Israel will be the Jewish state's star player Yossi Benayoun, an attacking midfielder who currently plays at Maccabi Haifa after a long successful career in the English Premier League.
However, one player not joining the prestigious game is Mohammed Aboutrika of Egypt. According to reports, Aboutrika bowed out of the game out of a refusal to play with Benayoun.
Police in Sydney launched a legal bid to stop a pro-Palestinian protest at the opening of the Israeli Film Festival."We Don’t ... Have The Time To Fight All The Other Vital Battles Too ... We're Busy Boycotting Israel"
Members of the Palestine Action Group are listed for a hearing Monday in the Supreme Court of New South Wales ahead of their planned protest outside the cinema on August 21, officials claim.
The Guardian Australia reported it had seen the summons served to Damian Ridgwell, a founder of the group. New South Wales police have made an application under the Summary Offenses Act 1988 to “prohibit the holding of a public assembly,” according to the report.
The above statement starkly illustrates the rampant double standards, the sheer hypocrisy, and, many would say, the antisemitism, that drives the BDS movement.What Roger Waters Won’t Tell You About His Latest Fundraising Effort
The statement's contained in an article in the leftist Aussie magazine New Matilda by pro-BDS Sydney academic Dr Nick Riemer regarding what he sees as the imperative of boycotting and demonstrating against the Israeli Film Festival in Sydney, which takes place this week.
Pink Floyd has seemingly endorsed a “pro palestinian” call from their former member, rock’n’roll BDSHole Roger Waters. Or at least whoever administers their Facebook page.Pro-Palestinian Activists Blockade ZIM Ship at Port of Oakland
Well done Waters and Pink Floyd for mobilizing in the wake of what you call “catastrophic devastation” wrought in Gaza. I am sure the almost 200,000 so far killed in Syria appreciate your efforts.
What Waters isn’t telling you is how Makassed hospital ended up needing the money. Probably because Israel is not to blame.
The glimmer of the Al Qaeda-linked Islamic State, or ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) may have already reached America’s shores, although U.S. citizens might not yet realize it. Dock workers at the port of Oakland have been afraid to brave the ire of Islamist protesters in California, and instead opted to stay off the job.UK's Pro-Israel Protests: Jews Turn Against Jews as 1000 Rally in Brighton
It appears that weeks-long planning by Palestinian Arab immigrants, their descendants and supporters who hate Israel and the Jews has paid off; the consolidated group of some 70 organizations has essentially seized control over the port in Oakland, California.
For the second day in a row, pro-Gaza protesters led by Palestinian Arab groups successfully blockaded the Piraeus, a ZIM Integrated Shipping Services vessel, at the Oakland port.
Jews turned against Jews yesterday in central Brighton, even as Col Richard Kemp, former Commander of the British Forces in Afghanistan, warned that that was the precise aim of those determined to see Israel destroyed.The Anti-Jewish Riots Have Exposed Hamas
Speaking to a crowd of around 1,000 at the National Rally for Israel and Peace held at the southern English seaside resort, Col Kemp explained how Israel had been invaded by armies from four surrounding nations the very day after her creation in 1948, and has been attacked continuously ever since. However, as her enemies have discovered they can’t win militarily, they have instead “turned Jew against Jew, turned Jews against Israel” in an effort to undermine and eventually collapse the Jewish state.
Even as he was speaking, a Jewish man sporting a keffiyeh (an Arab neck scarf) shouted sarcastic rebuttals through a megaphone, prompting pro-Israelis nearby to engage in a war of words. Police held the two groups apart and the rally organisers stepped in to ensure the event remained peaceful.
The editors at British newspaper The Guardian are beside themselves.Ilan Pappe’s Sinister Supremacist Sperm Bank
Somebody forgot to pass on the ‘Anti-Israel Rioting Etiquette Handbook’ to the largely vicious and thoroughly bigoted hordes who gathered to call for Israel’s demise in the streets of the world’s major cities over this past month.
Media reports said that the marches were prompted by Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza and sympathy for Palestinian children.
So why is it that protesters in Paris were chanting “death to the Jews” and “Hitler was right,” and activists in London proclaimed “Heil Hitler” and “Oh Jew, you will die”?
Can anyone explain why Muslims in the Netherlands were referring to “dirty Jews from the sewers,” or why in New York they shouted “Intifada, intifada!”? And why was “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas” heard on the streets of Germany?
One group even sought to boycott McDonalds because “the owner is Jewish” and many of the rallies featured Swastika banners held high.
With later references to “visions of ethnic purity and supremacy,” Pappe is drawing a clear analogy between Israeli society and Nazi Germany that placed an ideological value in the purity of the German “race” and the use of eugenics to achieve this.Liberman: Balad party supports Hamas, has no place in Knesset after Qatar trip
And what does Pappe base his sweeping portrayal of Israeli society on? According to The Times of Israel story, “Every month, 60 women apply for sperm donations, and in recent days, about half of them have asked for donors with a combat background.”
So 30 out of a sample of 60 infertile women over a time period of days rather than weeks, months or even years is considered a credible sociological, scientific and academic sample of Israel’s 8 million population. Hardly worthy of a high school student let alone a professor.
Balad should no longer be allowed in the Knesset and its MKs should be investigated for visiting Hamas sponsor country Qatar, right-wing MKs said Monday.Israel to end export to EU of settler dairy, poultry products
"Balad, the party founded by [former MK] Azmi Bishara, who was charged with espionage and fled Israel, clearly proves again to those who doubted it that they do not have a place in the Knesset," Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said. "While Israel is still in a serious campaign against Hamas terrorists, Balad MKs went to Qatar and showed support for [Hamas leader] Khaled Mashaal and his friends."
On Sunday, a Balad spokesman said the party's three MKs, Jamal Zahalka, Haneen Zoabi and Bassel Ghattas, went to Qatar for media appearances last week, though they appeared on the Qatari news channel Al Jazeera several times while in Israel in recent weeks.
The restrictions stem from directives issued by the European Commission in February and affect chicken and milk products from East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and the West Bank.IDF destroys homes of the murderers of the three kidnapped Jewish teens
“In keeping with previous decisions, the EU no longer recognized the authority of the veterinary inspections services of Israel to approve the export of poultry and (dairy products), the origin of which are in settlements,” a European official told AFP.
The official said that during discussions over implementation of the directives, the “Israelis were asked to put in place a system of distinguishing between the origins of dairy products and poultry.”
The IDF said Monday that Combat Engineers supported by Border Patrol officers set explosive charges to two houses belonging to Hussam Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha in the southern West Bank and sealed off a home belonging to suspect Marwan Kawasme.Experts Say Islamic State is No Threat to Israel – For Now
Hussam Kawasme, 40, from Hebron, was arrested on July 11 but both Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha have still not been found. Hussum’s arrest was made public earlier in August through a document from a court case dealing with whether or not his house or those belonging to the other suspects should be demolished.
The three men, all affiliated with Hamas, are suspected of engineering the abduction and murder of teenage yeshiva students Gil-Ad Shaer, Eyal Yifrah, and Naftali Fraenkel, who were killed shortly after they hitched a ride on June 12th near a junction in Gush Etzion in the West Bank.
Yoram Schweitzer of the National Institute for Security Studies said that “IS conquests are only succeeding against crumbling states with ineffective armies – like in Iraq and Syria. IS hasn’t gone up against a real army yet, thus its recent achievements.”Lebanon asks US for combat planes to battle jihadists
While he said that “IS has no proper infrastructure, not in Judea and Samaria, and not within Israel,” he allowed that “the organization might have some cells that may try to act under the Islamic State’s banner.”
Dr. Jonathan Fine at the Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center echoed Schweitzer’s comments, adding that, “they wouldn’t have an easy time of it if they had to go up against the Israeli or Jordanian armies” – and that such a move is not currently seen to be on the table.
However, Prof. Ofra Bengio of the Dayan Center at Tel Aviv University estimates that the Islamic State’s next targets are Jordan and Lebanon, and that, if they continue to accumulate victories, their motivation and passion might influence Islamist groups within Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.
Lebanon is seeking to obtain fixed-wing combat aircraft from the US to use in its struggle against jihadists after a recent heavy battle for control of the town Arsal.Nasrallah’s dangerous game
A potential deal for planes comes alongside a request to replenish spent ammunition stores that were depleted during the fierce five-day clash earlier this month, the Lebanon Daily Star reported on Monday.
The United States plans to supply Lebanon’s army with additional munitions and ordnance in a bid to bolster the force after clashes with jihadists, the US ambassador to Beirut said last week.
The new assistance comes after Lebanon’s military requested emergency aid following the unprecedented clashes with jihadists in the eastern Arsal region of the country, on the Syrian border.
Nasrallah’s dangerous game is positioning himself against Qatar and Turkey in the regional struggle for power. He is trying to pry Saudi Arabia, a traditional guarantor of the special status of Lebanon (it brokered the Taif agreement in 1989 to end the Civil War), into his camp as well. It is not a surprise that former prime minister Saad Hariri returned to Lebanon on August 8th, nor that he has pledged $15 million to rebuild Arsal; nor that he announced a $1 billion grant from Saudi Arabic upon his return. Nasrallah is correct, there is a conspiracy.Islamist Terror Group Threatened Oslo: ‘Shari’a or Else’
But the conspiracy is his own making, to burnish his credentials. Lebanon still does not have a president. Nasrallah cannot become president (the position is reserved for a Christian), but this bearded extremist wants to show he can lead Lebanon, as a “shield” for its minorities. ISIS is certainly worse than Nasrallah, but make no mistake, he is not playing peacemaker, but rather power aggrandizer. A clash with Qatar and Turkey may be coming down the line and his “dangerous game” may play out differently than he thinks.
Flag of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS -- now known simply as the 'Islamic State.' The Norwegian Muslim terror organization 'Ansar al-Sunna' also uses a similar logo.IS jihadis could wind up on UK streets, Cameron warns
Norwegian officials are holding their breath, waiting to see whether Islamist terrorists are going to strike — and if so, when and how.
The Police Security Service received a concrete alert in July (2014) about an imminent threat from a Muslim terrorist organization, one affiliated with a group in Syria.
Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Cameron warned that the West faces a “generational struggle.”Iraqi TV Host Breaks Down in Tears at Plight of Christians
“If we do not act to stem the onslaught of this exceptionally dangerous terrorist movement, it will only grow stronger until it can target us on the streets of Britain,” he said.
“I agree that we should avoid sending armies to fight or occupy, but we need to recognize that the brighter future we long for requires a long-term plan.”
ISIS opens first effigy superstore (satire)
The widely reported perception of ISIS as ‘more sophisticated than your average Jihadi movement’ received a further boost today with the so-called ‘Islamic Caliphate’ opening its first effigy superstore in Mosul under the ‘Effigy Warehouse’ brand.Rouhani’s One-Year Anniversary
The store’s business model recognises that middle class jihadis flowing in from across the globe have shifted the middle east effigy market away from the days of hastily sewn-together potato sacks with a crude face drawn on with marker pen. ‘The discerning jihadist now demands sophisticated models which stand out from the crowd, and even utter a few lines of heresy as they are consumed in the flames,’ said the store manager.
How has Rouhani served his regime? Under the first year of his presidency, Rouhani and his nuclear technocrat team were unprecedentedly and unexpectedly successful at reaching the regime’s objectives. He was capable of achieving the ideological, economic, and geopolitical goals of the Islamist agenda of the ruling clerics.Rouhani: We'll Reject Any Restraints on Our Nuclear Program
It is crucial to point out that, in the first year, Rouhani’s goal was to merge the Islamic Republic’s ideological and Islamist principles with its economic, strategic and geopolitical interests. Rouhani wanted to ensure the survival of the Islamist regime.
The game that Rouhani and his team played with the West and particularly the United States was anchored in utilizing softer tones while exploiting the fragile and weak position of the Obama administration.
Iran’s President, Hassan Rouhani, made clear on Sunday that Tehran will reject any restraints on its nuclear operations outside the international rules set by the industry watchdog.New light switch responds to verbal commands
"We will only accept the legal controls of the IAEA within the framework of the Non-Proliferation Treaty," he said during a visit by International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano, according to AFP.
"Any monitoring beyond those rules would be a precedent, against the interests of all developing countries," Rouhani said.
The Vocca Light Switch, a technology created by Ori Indursky and his team in Israel, is a physical add on for your regular light bulb, but with state-of-the-art Bluetooth connectivity, advanced Sensory voice recognition and, of course, an app. After screwing a light bulb into the Vocca device, and the device into the light socket, all you need to do to is say “Go Vocca Light,” to turn lights on and off—no installation for WiFi required.An Israeli technology just made the world’s roads safer
The Vocca team is currently running a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign where each contributor can purchase a basic version Vocca Light Switch for $39 or a ‘Pro’ version for $49 that will allow you to remotely control the device from an application and choose which phrase you want to turn on the light (maybe “Let there be light”). Despite the tough competition in the smart lighting sector with Phillips recently releasing the world’s smallest LED light bulb and the crowdfunding campaign for colorful WiFi controlled lights LIFX, Vocca has already raised its $40,000 funding goal and more with over a month left until the campaign closes.
Mobileye’s ingenious camera-based systems to assist drivers in all their tasks are keeping drivers, passengers and pedestrians everywhere safer, thanks to adoption by the world’s automobile manufacturers.Lone Zionist Hacker Defacing Anti-Israeli Sites, Driving France Editors Crazy
Now the Jerusalem-based company is working on cutting-edge auto-driving technology after raising more than $1 billion in its IPO on Wall Street earlier this summer.
French media are reporting that, apparently, a single Zionist computer hacker is defacing news, and pro-Palestinian websites with pro-Israel messages, and driving the editors of a major publication nuts.
Gregory Chelli, reportedly 32-years-old, and born in Paris’ 16th Arrondisement, goes by the online nickname “Ulcan,” and is a former member of the local Jewish Defense League chapter. As a new immigrant, he now lives in Israel’s coastal city of Ashdod, according to France’s Liberation.
His apparent main target, Rue89, a section of the Le Nouvel Observateur website, and co-founder Pierre Haski, are furious with Chelli:
“Recall the facts and their severity that justified no fewer than five [police] complaints from the site and its employees. Since July 29, the date of publication of the article that displeased him, this pseudo-hacker known as ‘Ulcan’ retaliates with weapons he loves every day: hacking, phone pranks and hacking,” according to the site.