This is very flattering, but they didn't use my name (which I fully understand) but they also didn't ask permission. I would have been happy to give it to them, of course. It is cool to see my research being used beyond the blogosphere.
Today, Danny Ayalon wrote a Facebook post describing the similarities between ISIS and Hamas.
His list was a bit different from the one I created on the same theme last week. But he used my graphic, which had been shared hundreds of times on Twitter, to illustrate his post - and my name was removed from it. Here's the original.
Again, it is nice to see that my work gets spread around to prominent people. But, come on - it is common courtesy to ask permission to use another person's work or to give credit. Even if he re-created the graphic using his own list instead of mine, I wouldn't mind.
UPDATE: The person from Ayalon's NGO who had posted the graphic emailed me saying that he grabbed a version that was floating around that already had my name removed, so they didn't know that it came from me. He was very nice about it and added links to my FB page in the comments.