According to the paper, French Jews have been burning the Algerian flag in response to French Muslims burning the Israeli flag. According to the article, French Jews and Muslims have lived together in peace, but (Zionist) French TV coverage of Muslims burning Israeli flags, along with them carrying Algerian flags, has caused all the problems of Jews returning the favor.
"For the first time by the Jews of France protests are not against the Palestinians and against Hamas, but against Algeria and its symbols," the article says.
The article helpfully adds that Algerian Jews - who lived in Algeria for centuries - were colonialists who helped the French during the revolution and who were therefore expelled.
We are told that Algerians are afraid of the Jews in their midst, and that - get this - Jews in France are trying to gain the trust of French Tunisians, Moroccans and Turks in an attempt to isolate the Algerians.
Looking through photos and video, I could not find a single instance of a Jew burning an Algerian flag. Lots of videos of French burning the Algerian flag during the World Cup. And Egyptians burning the Algerian flag, also over football. And Wahhabis in Syria. And Moroccans (who helpfully changed the five pointed star in the flag to a six-pointed one.)
Yes, those aggressive French Jews, out for blood against a Muslim population that outnumbers them 10-1.