By Mahmoud A-Zahar, Hamas Leader
Zionist leader Binyamin Netanyahu tried to get the West to believe that the murderous, brutal Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is cut from the same cloth as our noble Resistance. I am here to tell you that such an analogy misses the mark egregiously, because the two organizations are completely different kinds of genocidal, power-seeking, barbaric movements.
For one thing, ISIS seeks to establish a new Caliphate based in Iraq and Syria, whereas Hamas sees our emerging Caliphate as centered on Palestine. That means we do not seek the immediate overthrow of Assad or whichever American puppet claims to run Iraq. We can get to that later. What we seek is the destruction of every Jew between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, and maybe a few hundred thousand more for good measure. The difference is staggering.
Another plane on which we differ involves the identity of our enemies. ISIS has been brutalizing Shiites, Kurds, and Yazidis, while we focus on killing and maiming Jews. It's totally different.
To the uneducated, perhaps the sight of one set of Islamic fundamentalists trying to kill as many of those who do not subscribe to the same exact belief system as possible looks the same as the sight of a different set of Islamic fundamentalists trying to kill as many of those who do not subscribe to the same exact belief system as possible. But there the similarity ends, because our beliefs differ from those of ISIS in a profound way: we claim that the Islamic Palestinian Resistance will liberate Jerusalem from the oppressor crusader Zionists, whereas they claim the honor will be theirs.
In this they are mistaken, but that is beside the point: the point is that there is no comparison between a movement that routinely decapitates and crucifies captives and one that parades suspected traitors through broad daylight and executes them before crowds that include children. We also occasionally drag the bodies of those suspected traitors from the backs of motorcycles, clips of which you will be hard pressed to find ISIS doing on YouTube.
So enough with the facile comparisons of our noble killing machine with the misguided brutes of ISIS. We're a completely different kind of monster.