In 2022, over
20,500 Americans died from malnutrition, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
That's about one in every 16,000 Americans, and more than double the previous years.
During the 12 months of the war in Gaza, 37 Gazans have died of malnutrition,
according to Hamas.
That's one in every 56,000 Gazans.
The death rate from starvation in the US is more than triple that of Gaza.
France's death rate from starvation (as of 2020) is even worse than the US.
How many articles have you read about the risk of people starving to death in America or France?
How many about Somalia, Mali or Eritea, which really do have widespread starvation with thousands of deaths?
And how many have you read about "imminent famine" and "starvation" in Gaza?
No one says life in Gaza is easy, but don't pretend that the news media and UN spokespeople really care about starvation when they talk about Gaza. As usual, it is just a convenient club with which to bash Israel.
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