Monday, October 28, 2024

  • Monday, October 28, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Abdullah Kanaan

Jordan's Royal Committee of Jerusalem Affairs, created in 1971 by the late King Hussein, issued a press release during Sukkot:
The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, which is being celebrated these days, embodies a practical model of colonial holidays that are far removed in their meaning and values ​​from the lofty concept of the holiday among all nations. Instead of peace, love and reassurance, this holiday comes in the shadow of a war of genocide practiced by Israel against our people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and in Lebanon as well..

Secretary-General of the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs, Abdullah Kanaan, said in a statement to Al Rai that these Jewish holidays are in reality nothing but an environment of hatred, violence, killing and genocide. How can a sane person understand that this is a holiday celebrated on the remains of thousands of martyrs, wounded, detainees, missing persons and millions of displaced persons in Gaza and Lebanon?.
But it isn't only Sukkot that bothers Kanaan. He said something similar on Yom Kippur:
Secretary-General of the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs, Abdullah Kanaan, said that Yom Kippur, the holy day for Jews, which falls on Sunday [sic], is a religious occasion, but it is dominated by provocative, racist and settlement practices against the Palestinian people, which include continuous attacks on them and intensified incursions into Islamic and Christian holy sites, foremost among which is the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque/Al-Haram Al-Sharif.

Kanaan added that this holiday is accompanied by religious rituals and strict measures that include preventing the movement of transportation, closing roads, and comprehensive restrictions on the Palestinians, pointing out that mercy, tolerance, respect for beliefs, and freedom of worship are deliberately absent from Jewish holidays, including Yom Kippur, which is accompanied by the occupation authorities and settlers following all forms and methods of racism and the policy of killing, capturing, arresting, and protecting Israeli incursions and attacks carried out by settlers.

He said that the Royal Committee confirms to world public opinion, including legitimate legal and international institutions and the global media, that Jewish holidays have become a haven for the policy of "apartheid", which the media and international legitimacy 
places before the responsibility of exposing the Israeli policy and protecting the Palestinian people from those crimes that have left the Palestinian wound bleeding to this day.
In case you are wondering how tolerant Jordan is towards non-Muslims, it is illegal to eat, drink or smoke publicly in Jordan during the day for the entire month of Ramadan, and even tourists can get arrested for eating in public. 

Israel has no similar laws for Yom Kippur or other Jewish fast days. 

This is not a random commenter on Reddit or X.. This is a Jordanian official, publicly spreading antisemitism, as part of his official duties.

Naturally, none of this is covered in the media. 

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