Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Elder of Ziyon
This was the scene outside Avner's bakery in Sydney, Australia, on Sunday:
The owner, former TV chef Ed Halmagyi, said, "It’s hard to be intimidated by inner-city middle-class Cosplay Radicals who graduated primary school without their pen license.”
The Jewish-owned bakery was defaced with the Hamas "red triangle" targeting threat.
If that wasn't enough, a letter was shoved under the door threatening the owner: "Be Careful."
He kept serving customers in front of the Nazi-like imagery into the afternoon.
I do not see a single pro-Israel post on Avner's Instagram. The bakery was targeted because it is unapologetically Jewish, not because it is "Zionist." (Avner's is unfortunately not kosher.)
This is becoming an everyday phenomenon, and the fiction that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism gets more and more absurd.
The Nazis used the inverted red triangle, and triangles of other colors, to classify political prisoners.
As Seth Mandel noted a few weeks ago, when Donald Trump used that symbol in social media ads in 2020, he was attacked as using Nazi iconography to smear his political opponents.
His campaign removed the ads as soon as they could.
I highly doubt that either the Trump campaign or Hamas knowingly chose the Nazi symbolism in using the red triangles, but isn't it interesting that Trump was immediately accused of being a Nazi and that he should have known better in 202 - but outside Jewish circles, the media has generally not noted the Nazi origins of the red triangle as used by Hamas?
And isn't it even more interesting that no one expects Hamas to drop the red triangle even after its Nazi origins are pointed out?
When the media routinely treats a presidential candidate as being worse than Hamas, we have a bigger problem than just red triangles.